*MERGED* Mistico (Sin Cara) Discussion

Does Sin Cara will succeed in the WWE?

  • Yes ! I really want to see him

  • No ! Rey Mysterio is bad enough

  • I have to see him first!

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The Wrestling Observer is reporting that current plans call for Mexican Lucha Libre star Mistico to make his debut on the WWE main roster as opposed to a start in developmental. It's being said, however, that WWE wants Mistico to learn to speak English.

If WWE does indeed go ahead with current plans, Mistico will debut under a new ring name with a newly designed mask, but will still be recognizable as Mistico to Mexican-American fans who know the Lucha star.

Do you feel as if Mistico (Sin Cara) will be able to succeed in the WWE Or will the Mexican-America fans be disappointed because the WWE is changing EVERYTHING about him?​
Considering I have Mexican-American friends who started watching JUST because they're anticipating Mistico's debut (On a side note, a couple thought he was Rey Mysterio, and raged when they realized Rey was so terrible...), I'd have to say... yes. Bring in him, Unico (From FCW), and keep Del Rio in the spotlight and the appeal for latinos will be through the roof.

I think his mask is so badass, though. Sad to see they're changing it. Del Rio's, Rey's, and Unico's masks are (Was in Del Rio's case) all ugly imo.
If he learns to speak english so he can cut a promo. But WWE now having 2 of the biggest draws in wrestling under one roof? They'll probably going to do a ton of Mexican tours.

Won't mind seeing a match with him and Rey though.
the only one that can make him succeed is himself. it seems that they're going to give him the ball, perhaps they're hoping he will be the next mysterio since he's near the end. but personally i hope he does
this has fail written all over it. i just watched Mystico wrestle for the first time on youtube in a few matches and the guy is amazing...when he is paired with other wrestlers of his style. wwe hates cruiserweight style wrestling and all the mexican fans of his are going to be very disappointed when all they get to see him do is a few punches and kicks, 3-4 signature moves in a 4 minute match.

he wont last three years and im being generous. he will get sick of wwe style, vince is going to hate having someone who just learned to speak english (assuming he does learn it) on the mic with such a heavy accent (like super crazy and psicosis). the only reason rey lasted as long as he did was because of his ties to chavo and eddie and his willingness to job out to anyone and the ease of selling masks and making him the underdog super hero. his only title run was handed to him in memory of eddie and the run was an embarrassment, he got owned week in (losing to henry, khali, rvd, draw with kane, etc) and week out and if he did win, it was always some tna-like finish (like the ONS ppv where the match vs sabu was stopped).

so yeah. if mystico is expecting greatness in wwe he is wrong. sure the inital wave (first year) will be big and feel good and look promising but after they use him for a fued with rey and/or del rios, creative wont have anything for him but to job for others until he is eventually future endeavored.
with whatt ive seen on youtube of him maybe if WWE uisis him right if they don,t he might end up like kaval but hopefully he,ll start in mid card cus hes really athletic
To be honest, I really don't care about him. But I just have to say one thing, why would the WWE go through the trouble of signing him and making him learn english to do nothing with him?
I think the reason WWE is bringing in Sin Cara is because they realize that Rey Mysterio's career is coming to an end soon, and WWE needs another big Mexican star who will replace Rey when Rey hangs them up.

Sin Cara could succeed if he learns the English language and is good in the ring and could become the next Rey Mysterio.
this has fail written all over it. i just watched Mystico wrestle for the first time on youtube in a few matches and the guy is amazing...when he is paired with other wrestlers of his style. wwe hates cruiserweight style wrestling and all the mexican fans of his are going to be very disappointed when all they get to see him...

He's a great wrestler and he's going to fail? Mmmmkay you'll need to again explain that to me.

I remember this exact thing just around this time last year...

Bryan Danielson is too small to do anything in WWE. Nobody will even recognize him, he's too good and will be gone in like a month, you watch!

Yeah, here's what I said to the people who said that about Bryan, and the same stands for Mistico.

Wrestlers a trained to wrestle at all kinds of levels. I've seen about a dozen matches of Mistico's, one of which was when he teamed in Japan with Irish wrestler Prince Devitt. He isn't all flips and shit, he can adapt easily. That's what makes him such a great wrestler.

WWE will always make the hispanic wrestlers, unless you drive to the ring on freakin' lawnmowners like Crazy, Psychosis and Juvetude did when they were in WWE, and will make them big. WWE right now are probably becoming the number one wrestling organization in Mexico. They have Rey Mysterio, who is basically a legend in the country, Alberto Del Rio whose father Dos Caras is a legend in the country as well as his uncle.

And now they've added the best wrestler in Mexico to their roster, AND for the first time in a long time they paid to get him. Vinnie Mac opened up the cheque book to get him away from CMLL.

He'll learn English, he'll walk into WWE and much like Bryan Danielson did he'll get over on talent alone.

Rey's career is in its final years anyway, and this guy is a perfect replacement.
a humongus wm draw for the latino-mexican fans, would be to have mistico vs rey, wm always has 1 or 2 matches that could be considered dispensable like last years triple h vs sheamus, i mean sure its hhh, but it wasnt a good match not really, they could use a manager like chavo or something like that to speak for mistico while he learns to speak english & have him feuding with rey about being mexican-american, while mistico is a pure breed mexican luchador & have the feud ending at wm's opening match, it could even go all the way to sumerslam, having rey geting injured & then coming for a rematch at SS, dont know if mistico would make it, dont think so, but this possibility with rey has so much potential.
Mistico should have no problem succeeding in WWE. The most logical reason why WWE paid outrageous money for him is because he's the replacement for Rey Mysterio. Mysterio is on his way out the door and Mistico will do a wonderful job being WWE's next masked luchador. I agree with some, let Mysterio and Mistico feud for about 4 months. They could put on great matches, assuming Rey doesn't injure himself again. Mysterio could put Mistico over for the general WWE fan base and Mistico will be on the fast track to the Intercontinental Championship. I would enjoy seeing that. And that's something I guarantee he'll earn quickly. One thing I would like better is that they kept his name Mistico. Since WWE is anal about owning the rights to names, tweak it to Mystico. Then WWE has the name, Mistico is still Mystico (I know how I spelled each.), and WWE has the best luchador in the business now.
I'm personally exteremely excited to see Sin Cara (Mistico) headed to the WWE. Granted there aren't any real cruiserweights (putting it midly, reality is there are no more cruiserweights) but I figure if Rey could make it despite his size then Sin Cara should be able to make it. Yeah it will probably be a different wrestling format then what Mistico is used to in CMLL or NJPW but unless WWE makes a new cruiserweight division then theres little that can be done about that. What I'm curious to see is how the obvious Sin Cara/Del Rio feud will go... or better yet how they will be teaming up. Time will tell but I hope Sin Cara has good success in WWE. Plus I just looked at wwe.com and they do indeed have an offical mention of Sin Cara signing, a few photos and give mention to him being Mistico of Mexican wrestling fame. It's been awhile but usually WWE doesn't mention wrestlers coming from other promotions. Hopefully with this pre introduction before Sin Cara actually debuts will mean something special for his WWE tenure.
He's a great wrestler and he's going to fail? Mmmmkay you'll need to again explain that to me.

what i meant was wwe will not let him be what you see in cmll or anywhere else. they will water him down, give him 3-4 signature moves and the rest will be what everyone in wwe does....punch kick and lay around an awful lot. i thought i kinda got that across in my other post...
I think he's going to do amazing. This is really exciting. It's hard nowadays to have a legitamite mega star come from another promotion and be put on WWE TV. He's gotta be over...The Mexican fans will love him, the smart marks will love him because they know of his past and after one match the youth of is going to love him too because he such an exciting talent to watch. And if the WWE had any doubt just have Del Rio talk down to him and be all condescending and they'll cheer for him because Del Rio is such a great heel. I'm actually looking forward to his arrival. Mistico joining the WWE is a really interesting turn of events with huge profitable consequences.
what i meant was wwe will not let him be what you see in cmll or anywhere else. they will water him down, give him 3-4 signature moves and the rest will be what everyone in wwe does....punch kick and lay around an awful lot. i thought i kinda got that across in my other post...

Yet that doesn't mean he will fail. And, I wouldn't be surprised if WWE don't do that, because he isn't going to FCW. They're putting him straight onto the main roster. They could market him differently, we don't know.

But they're showing a lot of confidence in him, so I can't see that being a viable reason for him to "fail."
what i meant was wwe will not let him be what you see in cmll or anywhere else. they will water him down, give him 3-4 signature moves and the rest will be what everyone in wwe does....punch kick and lay around an awful lot. i thought i kinda got that across in my other post...

But what you don't realize it that is why Rey grew to the superstar he was, and any others. Rey was smart enough to know that he only needed 3 or 4 real big moves no one else could do at the time to impress the fans and to be a WWE Superstar, not 10,001 like every other crusierweight had in WCW.

If Mistico follows that same path, the idiot American -13 fans will fall in love with him too
Here's a picture of Mistico's new look from WWE.com:


Good lord what the fuck have they done to Mistico? What is with that blue mask? Hideous, where's the trademark all-white mask and attire? That look WORKED for the guy. Sin Cara...eh, could be worse, I understand the WWE had to create a new name for the guy so they could trademark it and make money on it, that's how they do. Stinks he won't be known as Mistico though, you didn't see them changing Rey Mysterio's name when they finally inked him to a deal.

Can't wait to see how the WWE uses him. From what it sounds like they want to work on making Mistico the next Rey Mysterio to take Rey's place when he retires as the big hispanic high-flying babyface who will get them a bunch of exposure in Mexico. This should be a win-win situation for both parties, Mistico get a nice payday and more exposure in a bigger company while the WWE grooms their next hispanic star. For those unfamiliar with Mistico he's a HUGE star in Mexico and a few years back he was drawing bigger crowds and money than even guys like John Cena in the WWE at the time. He could really be the final nail in the CMLL/AAA coffin in Mexico, cementing the WWE finally as the number one undisputed wrestling company in the country.

It's gonna be fun to see how they introduce him.
I have to admit, I'm excited to see this. I remember when ECW brought in Rey and Juventud, and borrowing the tape from my friend with them on it...they blew me away. I was so excited to see the diversity in wrestling, the change of pace, and I can only hope Mistico will bring that same excitement to WWE. I mean, I know Rey is still wrestling, but he's not the same physically as he was back in the 90's...or even not that long ago, for that matter. Looking at videos on Youtube of Mistico, he's even physically better than Rey used to be.

The only two things that I hope don't happen is that he changes his style so that he can work with non-athletes like Cena and Orton, and I'm actually kind of bummed to see that he's being forced to learn English. My favorite wrestler is probably El Generico, and that guy gets by not speaking anything. :3

Seriously, though, they could just give him a mouthpiece or pair him up with a guy like ADR. I feel like they could totally shoot segments around ADR and Mistico where ADR does all the talking.

Idk, that's just me.
Yet that doesn't mean he will fail. And, I wouldn't be surprised if WWE don't do that, because he isn't going to FCW. They're putting him straight onto the main roster. They could market him differently, we don't know.

But they're showing a lot of confidence in him, so I can't see that being a viable reason for him to "fail."

there isnt one wrestler in the company who doesnt have the punch-kick-lay around for a long ass time- 4 signature move style. every single wrestler in wwe has that. wwe purposely limits what its wrestlers do so some guys dont outshine the guys wwe wants to push.

jeez...every wrestler who leaves the company repeats this exact same thing, im not sure how you missed it. just watching the shows should tell you that, every match follows the same formula.

the moves, the matches, etc are all cookie cutter products. welcome to wwe mystico. he will be DYING to get out of wwe after about a year and with the language limitations vince will grow tired of him too.

i think i may not be getting what im trying to say across. im not saying HE will fail. im saying the whole deal will fail. not because he sucks or cant do it but because of the limitations they will put on him.

and yes, of course wwe is making this sound like its a HUGE signing. thats what they do. promote. sell. hype. and when your pandering to an entire country you have to make them feel comfortable and excited too.

PS i do NOT hope it fails. i like the guy and love his style but ive become aware of what wwe does to people who have alot of talent. they water it down completely.
He doesn't look that bad. I've said it once and I'll say it again with Rey retiring soon I would love to see Sin Cara(wow thats akward to type lol) shold useHunico&Epico from FCW and form a Luchadore tag team to go against Rey. and It could end with a mask vs mask mach, etc. etc. all in all I hope Sin(Sin by itself is a pretty badass name) I hope sin does good in WWE a future champ mark my words
there isnt one wrestler in the company who doesnt have the punch-kick-lay around for a long ass time- 4 signature move style. every single wrestler in wwe has that. wwe purposely limits what its wrestlers do so some guys dont outshine the guys wwe wants to push.

Chris Jericho - Codebreaker, Walls of Jericho, Flying Forearm Smash, the One Handed Bulldog, Springboard Dropkick, Enziguri, Missle Dropkick, hell I saw him doing the Lionsault a lot more before he left, so you know, that isn't just four.

CM Punk - GTS, High Knee, Backbreaker, Arm Wrench, Anaconda Vice variations, Repeated Kicks and that's off the top of my head.

Christian - Killswitch, Dropkick from the Middle Rope, Pedulum Kick, Crossbody, Springboard Sunset Flip, he has that inverted backbreaker and the European Uppercut, the Livewire or Flashpoint whatever they call it.

That's off the top of my head, you seem to be looking at certain people here buddy. WWE do limit their move-sets, if they didn't the matches would be nothing but move-after-move which is something WWE don't want, you see to them there is no point in sending guys out there to kill themselves unless its PPV, or to be honest Smackdown have good calibure matches. But you're focusing on guys like John Cena, Triple H and Randy Orton.

WWE don't allow anybody to have that many moves but the actual wrestlers are allowed to vary. I've seen Dolph Ziggler jump over the top rope, Orton did an inverted backbreaker only a few weeks ago. Don't act like everyone has four moves.

jeez...every wrestler who leaves the company repeats this exact same thing, im not sure how you missed it. just watching the shows should tell you that, every match follows the same formula.

Every wrestler who leaves does the same? I don't even watch TNA, I take a glimpse and I can tell you now that I've seen Elijah Burke do more than just the moves he did in WWE. Same with Tommy Dreamer going into, and at, and after Hardcore Justice. You're really over-exaggertaing here.

the moves, the matches, etc are all cookie cutter products. welcome to wwe mystico. he will be DYING to get out of wwe after about a year and with the language limitations vince will grow tired of him too.

He, who has been wanting to go to the WWE since I think it was, mid-2006, will want out because ONLY when he joins he'll realize how they work. Yeah, riiiiight. You obviously aren't paying much attention. This guy will obviously know how the WWE works. If you're offered a job, you research. You don't just walk in and when you're told what to do walk out. And Vince paid for this guy! He paid to get Mistico out of his CMLL contract. If Vince has to shove him down peoples throats to get him over, he'll do it. And I'd say Mistico will get over by himself anyway.

i think i may not be getting what im trying to say across. im not saying HE will fail. im saying the whole deal will fail. not because he sucks or cant do it but because of the limitations they will put on him.

How will the deal fail, when he signed a few hours ago. Who are you? Mystic Meg? You can't tell I'm afraid. And when I came on a few hours ago, I looked at about six sites and in every wrestling zone this topic is what everyone is talking about. He'll get over in a flash. He wears a colorful mask so the kids will love him, the parents of the kids will love him because their kids love him, die-hard wrestling fans will love him because, like myself, I know what he can do and I know who he is!

and yes, of course wwe is making this sound like its a HUGE signing. thats what they do. promote. sell. hype. and when your pandering to an entire country you have to make them feel comfortable and excited too.

No, WWE are promoting, selling and hyping because it IS a huge signing! Its one of the biggest they've made in awhile to be frank. You probably have no fucking clue who this guy is. As xfearbefore noted, this guy sold out arenas bigger then that John Cena has ever competed in! This guy, is kind of like the John Cena of Mexico. They won't have to do much, as long as he learns English he'll be over faster then you can small caps.

PS i do NOT hope it fails. i like the guy and love his style but ive become aware of what wwe does to people who have alot of talent. they water it down completely.

Because, that's their style! Worked for Danielson, and he's considered by a lot of people the best wrestler in the world. It'll work for Mistico.
For those complaining about the name Sin Caras.

"On January 30, 2011 SuperLuchas Magazine confirmed that Místico had signed a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE).[44] On February 24, 2011, WWE held a press conference in Mexico City to introduce Místico under his new name, Sin Cara, which translates literally to "No Face".[2]." Almanza stated he choose the name as he wanted to pay tribute to all masked wrestlers that came before him, and "Sin Cara" allows him to do so."
Superb wrestler. Huge draw. I think he'll be fine. Well, possibly.

The fact the the name "Mistico" is gone kind of sucks. But it was out of WWE's hands. CMLL own the name and the mask design. It's a shame but Sin Cara is an awesome sounding name made more awesome by the fact the it means "faceless". As for his attire, you never know, he may change the colour every so often. The all-white worked for him but I'm sure we'll get used to it.

I could definitely see him in the Rey Mysterio mould. But - and I can't stress this enough so I'm going to write in capitals - HE NEEDS TO SPEAK ENGLISH! It's going to be incredibly difficult for him to get over if he doesn't. Couple a mask with no holes with communicating through a translator and you have someone who may not get over. The connection that the WWE Universe feels towards him may not be there.

It would appear that he is going straight to WWE and not stopping off at FCW, which can only be a good thing. I'm excited for debuts all the time, but this one is going to be special.
This signing is huge draw for the latino-mexican fans with rey leaving very soon (thank god) mistico could be a big member of the ME I can't wait for his debut just his mask looks like batman guest appeard in vava pinyata I think they could have some good matches on PPV with Mysterio
Having not seen any Mistico highlights/matches, I'm just hoping that he doesn't get the Funaki treatment (having someone in the back overdub his voice for promos/interviews, a'la Ole Anderson/The Shockmaster).

Besides, what could be wrong with him speaking Spanish? It would be interesting fodder for the commentators to speculate/guess what he's saying...

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