**MERGED** Evan Bourne Suspension Discussion- Keep it All in Here!!!

I agree with steph on this one evan bourne is incredible in the ring check out his matches on the indepeendent circuts and you know what i mean. And for a little guy he can lift certain people but i guess wwe doesnt let him because of safety reasons.
But i think that this will all come to pass because evan bourne is still pretty young.
And as for Kofi getting pulled down i doubt it if they wanna burrie Evan their gonna make airboom break up and lose the titles (which i hope dnt happen)

Evan Bourne is NOTHING special at all. The indy's are filled with guys that can do what he does, some better than him. You also have a picture of Matt Hardy in your signature so it's hard for me to take you seriously.
Its funny that a few days after the suspension wrestlingnewsworld.com was writing about Bourne's suspension and saying that there were pictures of him and R-truth smoking together but WWE was holding of on Truth's suspension because of him already being booked for Survivor Series. So unless Bourne payed someone to take pictures for him and post them on the site and have inside knowledge in why Truth wasn't being suspended yet, then I don't know what the hell they are talking about. But back to the issue Truth should have been suspended the same time as Bourne because that undermines the wellness policy when one guy is allowed to be let off because he is scheduled for a big match.
Evan Bourne is NOTHING special at all. The indy's are filled with guys that can do what he does, some better than him. You also have a picture of Matt Hardy in your signature so it's hard for me to take you seriously.

but were not talking about other indy wrestlers were talking about evan bourne in general not all indy wrestlers make it to the wwe no matter how talented they are look at chris hero he almost did but that didnt work.......and for the matt hardy thing really? you come across as a tool
but were not talking about other indy wrestlers were talking about evan bourne in general not all indy wrestlers make it to the wwe no matter how talented they are look at chris hero he almost did but that didnt work.......and for the matt hardy thing really? you come across as a tool

Well, you did say that said Bourne is "incredible" in the ring and you related his work in the indies, so I think my response made quite a bit of sense based on your comment. There are very few wrestlers I would ever label as having "incredible" in-ring work, but I do understand that hyperboles are often used for the purposes of adding emphasis to a statement that does not hold any real weight or provide any substantial reason. It's not surprising coming from a person that refers to another as a "tool" on a wrestling forum for disagreeing on a personal opinion of an individual wrestler. Instead of responding in an intelligent manner I assume you will resort to child-like name calling on your next post as well, which I am greatly looking forward to reading.
Kofi is jeopardized because of what happened to Evan.

I believe this has already happened, wouldn't you say?

When Bourne was suspended for 30 days, what became of Kofi? He was Resident Face Jobber #1 for heels such as Alberto Del Rio. It wasn't as if the matches he was apart of were highly contested, back and forth matches given ample time, were they? On average, I'd say these matches averaged out to be 3-4 minutes long. Quite the step down from opening PPV's with 10-12 minute matches, ending on the winning side, no?

I suppose it's better then not being on TV at all, but it's an indictment on the status of the tag team in general when Kofi is tapping to Daniel Bryan within two minutes, with Bourne nowhere to be seen. On the bright side, Kofi still seems to be in a better position then Bourne.
STAMFORD, Conn., January 17, 2012 – In accordance with its Talent Wellness Program, WWE (NYSE:WWE) has suspended Matthew Korklan (Evan Bourne®) for 60 days effective Tuesday, January 17 for his second violation of the company’s policy.

Simply put, is it nearing the end for Evan Bourne? Can't imagine he'll be just thrown back into a tag team with little consequences. We all know he's not incredibly high-favored backstage (though he may be incredibly high), so is he on borrowed time?

Also, is it now time for Kofi to get involved in the mid-card picture? Will the Usos benefit from this?

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Yes I do think the Uso's will benefit from this, and yes I think Kofi will be put straight into the US Title picture.

And it's going to be tough for Bourne now, he screwed up once not that long ago, to do it again... well, what an idiot.
Man, what's wrong with this guy?

This is basically a one-way ticket to jobber heaven. Two wellness violations in three months is no good for ANYONE in the WWE.

He was let off easy the first time as WWE allowed him to keep the tag titles with Kofi Kingston. Air Boom has become a popular tag team and now it looks to be the end of them, since this usually means the guilty member is sent to the bottom of the heap.

All we can hope for is that Kofi Kingston rises above all of this. What a shame, considering that Kofi's singles career went next to nowhere and his tag team stint was his only avenue into relevance.
Never really rated Evan Bourne in the ring anyway, so i'm all for him leaving, TNA shall be getting a new superstar added to their roster now at least.
It amazes me that some people do not understand the opportunity that they are given and make mistakes like this. If this is what they prefer to do for a living, then they can give up their spot on the roster for someone else who will earn the success.

I am curious to see who steps up next in the tag division, and as I suggested before, hopefully it's the Usos. Maybe we'll see Kofi find a new tag partner, but they would need a way to officially write off Bourne, which obviously will not happen.

I do hope to see Kofi involved in either the ICC chase or U.S. Title chase eventually, though neither really has an opening at the moment. It's very possible we don't see him do anything relevant until the MITB match at Mania, if it does come back as it has been rumored to.

Being a casualty of another person's bad decision.
I like Evan. Most of the IWC doesn't but I do. Its sad to see this. Hopefully he gets his shit together.

I feel for Kofi as well. I hope he doesn't get buried as well because of this

I hope the Usos stp up as well. Neither of those guys works well as a solo worker but as a team they are damn fine.
Throwing Kofi back into US title scene terrible. He has been there done that, same goes for Intercontinental title. He has not went beyond mid card. As for Evan Bourne its unfortunate because we never saw how great the team really could be, they actually gave hope to a terrible tag division. I still see Bourne getting his exposure when he returns because he is a pretty good highflyer. This is good for The Usos because now we see a legitimate good tag team competing for the titles potentially.

Future endeavor him. Two Wellness violations so close together like that are just asking for it; it certainly won’t look good on your resume. What the hell is wrong with this guy? As long as he doesn't drag another WWE superstar down with him this time, I couldn't care less. I'm looking at this positively; Kofi Kingston could eventually get a new, more exciting partner and make a run for the tag titles again. Or The Uso's might squeeze into the Tag Team Title scene and give us some phenomenal matches with Epico and Primo.

I wonder what Kofi has to say about all of this. Wrestling TMZ, get on it. I’d imagine he’s pretty pissed off and the WWE could eventually use that for a storyline whenever Evan returns. Basically, stick a fork in Evan. This is more than likely the final nail in the coffin. With Triple H already pissed as he is, the only way I see him sticking around is if Stephanie is too stubborn to let him go. I don't expect to see him back on any relevant programming for the rest of his time in WWE unless it’s a one time thing. Even if he does stick around after the 60 days are up, he's jobbing for the remainder of his time in the WWE. Get right Evan.
What a fool, I can't understand anyone being this stupid, it defies belief. I think he's a talented young athlete and Air Boom were a fun team, but it's impossible to have any sympathy for him.

Kofi on the other hand I feel bad for, Air Boom was probably the best thing he's had since the Orton feud. Hopefully they give him another partner, I think the Funkasaurus would be a good fit with him.
He's done.

What a fucking dumbass. If most of us were making a decent amount of money and traveling the world and the rules were don't break the rules or else. Don't break the rules. I'm done wit Bourne just like I was done with Jeff Hardy. Sad thing is Kofi had to suffer because of him.

Wasted talent is the worse thing in life- A Bronx Tale
Really feel sorry for Kofi. Hopefully, the WWE team him up with someone else and continue the feud with Epico & Primo rather than just having Kofi go back to a midcard jobber to the stars.

I'm not a fan of Kofi but he doesn't deserve to get punished for Bourne's mistake.

Maybe team him up with Justin Gabriel and have them win the belts back in a couple of months?
I agree. He's finished. I can't see him coming back from this.

I can't believe he would be stupid enough to get suspended a second time and so soon after the first suspension. Poor Kofi!

kelly kelly's girlfriend, having Kofi team with Justin Gabriel is a good idea. They would work well together.

He's like the second coming of mr. kennedy without the talent, messing up his pushes with substance abuse violations. He brings kofi down to because now what are they going to do with him?

Its a damn shame
Sometimes people are punished for something they did wrong, then after a time, despite their best efforts to reform, they slip back into the behavior that got them in trouble in the first place. I'm not saying those people automatically deserve our sympathies, but at least they can make the argument that they tried to do better. In Bourne's case, you've got a guy who immediately went back to what got him banned, leading one to believe he didn't take his punishment seriously at all.

So, what's Evan's problem? Is he hopelessly addicted to whatever substance he's on? Did he laugh in his employer's face, figuring what didn't work for him once would work this time around? Does he give a damn one way or the other?

Only Evan Bourne can answer these questions, but consider this: Evan's misdeeds don't affect only him.....they also cause a lot of trouble and force adjustments to WWE's staff of writers, the company's fans and, of course, to Kofi Kingston, all of whom have to suffer changes in plans simply because of Evan's inability to control himself.

I like Evan.....I enjoy watching him perform......but I'd give him a sandwich and a road map. Someone like Randy Orton is important enough to the company to put up with the grief he causes. Even Bourne is not.

Someone suggested that Kofi team with Brodus:

I don't disagree with this one bit. I think it would be a totally unique tag team for sure, and while certainly not falling under the Air Boom name, could be something really cool to see (brings back shades of Rikishi and Scotty, but a more athletic Scotty).

Gabriel could definitely work too, but he may need a bit more charisma. Even so, I do agree there's a way to keep Kofi in the tag division.

While I think myself and many other marks here would love to see the serious Kofi in the main event scene that we saw in the Orton feud, I doubt it happens. Though I could see a really good Kofi/Miz feud...
I thought they should have put Kofi with Justin Gabriel before Air Boom came about. I think now would be a great time to do it. I think they should play up to Kofi and Justin both being African. I also hope the Usos do something!!
Crazy how all of you guys are talking shit about him failing the Wellness Program, yet I guarantee most of you like guys like Orton, Edge, Mysterio, or the biggest offender in the modern era, HARDY. Oh, and if drugs make a superstar a "fucking idiot," then consider all of the legends "fucking idiots." Greats like Michaels (coke), Hogan (coke and steroids) and the greatest of all-time, "Macho Man" Randy Savage (too many to type).
I cannot believe Bourne did this again after just coming back from his previous suspension. If WWE doesn't Release him soon Id be surprised. How stupid do you have to be to do it again. I too hope Kofi doesn't suffer from this and gets something out of it. Bourne is good in the Ring but his decesion making sucks.
Crazy how all of you guys are talking shit about him failing the Wellness Program, yet I guarantee most of you like guys like Orton, Edge, Mysterio, or the biggest offender in the modern era, HARDY. Oh, and if drugs make a superstar a "fucking idiot," then consider all of the legends "fucking idiots." Greats like Michaels (coke), Hogan (coke and steroids) and the greatest of all-time, "Macho Man" Randy Savage (too many to type).

There's a fine line between what's happening now though and what happened then. I use this same argument when debating worthy members of the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Back then, testing was part of the game, but they could pretty much get away with doing anything punishment-free. It was almost like a taboo for a company to take that stuff to the public, so they could get away with at most a slap on the wrist and be fine.

Now, the performers are well aware of any punishment that is in front of them. Because of that, they are expected to adhere to the policies. People give Evan crap because, especially just having been suspended, he went and defied the company anyway. He knew what the punishment would be, yet did it anyway.
Yah this sucks that Kofi had to suffer because of this dumbass!! If i was bourne making decent money and get to travel the world i would freaking love it!! I hope this puts Kofi into the upper mid card i like Kofi way more than i do Evan!! Geez what a waste of talent Bounre is! Looks like TNA will soon be getting another uhhh i dont wanna spam someone like a Jeff hardy type of character!!

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