**MERGED** All Ryback Discussion (Keep all of it in here!!)

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The “new” Goldberg? I'm struggling to come to terms with you mean by that exactly?

Having watched his début, I did see some striking similarities with Ryback and Goldberg but I have no idea with what you mean by branding him as the new Goldberg. Yes, he has the same sort of physique and the same bald head but then so did Perry Saturn and no one was saying that when he pulled out Moppy, were they? The appearance is the most striking thing for sure but it doesn't make a superstar.

In terms of being a very intense person, then I guess you have it right. He showed against the throwaway superstar that he was a good monster. But Goldberg was the epitome of what a good monster should be. He put a massive streak together and it carried him for a long time. Ryback looks to have all of the physical attributes to make that sort of thing happen but WWE needs to have faith in him and hope that his injuries are a thing of the past. If they are, then the WWE should really get behind him because it can work. Look at Kane since he came back with his masked gimmick. He has been a completely different superstar, even going over Randy Orton at WrestleMania.

If Ryback can stay healthy, then he can go a long way in the company. My only worry is that he is not very good on the mic. He showed that when he was with the Nexus and I'm hoping that he has improved somewhat. That said, calling him the “new” Goldberg is a little premature. I guess we will just need to wait and see what the future holds for Ryback but it does look promising for sure.
Those of you who feel Ryback isn't good in the ring and won't get anywhere. I would love to know your thoughts on a hack like Goldberg. And dont tell me because he became popular that he was a great in ring worker the guy was careless and sloppy. Ryback really isn't even sloppy for the kind of gimmick he is portraying. He is a huge Muscle bound monster who destroys people and he does it quite well. I want these Ryback detractors to sit on here and tell me Batista was better in the ring and I will laugh at you. Fact is Ryback for what he is, is as good in the ring as any guy befor him. He impressed the hell out of me when he was in the Nexus. I thought he was great in OVW and FCW as well. I have followed the guy I have watched his matches. He has improved leaps and bounds over the years. Is he gonna go move for move with Daniel Bryan NO he isnt but there aren't many who can. He has charisma he can speak pretty well. Lesnar is one of my favorites and he has been known to get a little sloppy in the ring. He almost killed A - Train with a bothced F-5 . But Lesnar is considered for that archtype one of the better workers and I think Ryback given the opportunity will prove he can hang with them.
I think the thing about monsters in any fed that I have witnessed is they don't condition them to work matches where they don't kill anybody so they never learn the craft. No there are instances when the monster is a superb worker, but they are usually given a chance to hone those skills on the houseshow circuit. Thats what the E needs to bring back, they need to season these guys so that they can develop their characters. Its a novel idea, maybe? but it seemed to work for 20 years before.
I will say the WWE had Ryback doing lots of House shows where he actually had to work full matches. You can find a couple on youtube one of them he faces Alex Reiley in about an 8 to 10 minute match. Its not a 30 minute psycological mat wrestling tech fest or Lariat fest. But it shows he can work longer than 2 minutes.
So, has Ryback potential "on" him? First of all I'd like to know where he received this potential to carry it "on" him. Do you purchase this potential at a local convienence store? Do you subscribe to a website of sort to gain this potential in-which you may carry it "on" you. This is a new thing for me, I have seen anybody having potential "on" them, potential is usually described as something within a person, not "on" them to the catastrophically idiotic opening poster.

As for the rest of you, Ryback is in no way "green." I love some people on these forums that see what they preceive as a new wrestling and immediately accuse him of being "green", cause you know, you guys want to show people how much ability you have in judging a professional wrestlers ability even though none of you have a clue on Odlin's Raven about the first level in-which potential is spotted.

Skip Sheffield as formerly known is one of the most promising guys to come out of developmental. I know some of you are very young, but there used to be this beast of a man in WCW called Goldberg and for an entire year Goldberg was the most over person in the industry based off the fact he would enter the ring, step up and destroy anybody who stood in his path of dominance. I'm not comparing Ryback to Goldberg, I am comparing his situation to Goldberg. Ryback is a fucking animal looking for prey and guess what? It's working, because the smart fans (e.g. from this thread, myself and Norcal) actually have a clue about what makes a wrestler good.

So in-closing. Potential in him, not "on" him for fuck sake. He isn't green, asides from hearing of it half of you haven't a clue about Florida Championship Wrestling. Half of you don't know what composes somebody having microphone skills or actual in-ring talent. So in future, instead of posting for the sake of posting, don't post unless you have something intelligent to add. From yours truly and Norcal, we wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and remember...

There's always 1 who thinks he knows it all and really is just a nerd. No i don't follow Florida Championship Wrestling. As a Casual Fan of Wrestling i'm happy to just follow Raw and Smackdown. I suppose this is bad on my part, being a "catastrophically idiotic opening poster" and all that,, because in your world none of us on this thread is allowed to have an opinion about a guy who appeared on Smackdown with a Goldberg type look and style. Intelligent people must be those who follow Wrestling as intensly as you do.

Anyway moving on i'm pretty happy with the thread some think Ryback can't black Goldberg's boots while others say otherwise. And as a Casual fan i have learned a little more about this guys past, which was another reason for creating the thread.
He actually is totally different than Goldberg even in his style. Goldberg had a quasi MMA type gimmick mixed with power moves. Ryback is all power all the time. If most of you actually went back and watched Goldberg you would see that Goldberg and Ryback are not much alike at all. Lesnar and Goldberg were more similar than Ryback and Goldberg and even Lesnar was much different than Goldberg style wise. All three are monsters but all three have different styles!!! Which is why this comparison to Goldberg is stupid. He is a monster like Goldberg was yes and his head is bald plus he squashed 2 jobbers.
I think a key aspect to Ryback will be changing his finish to the lariat, I know that seems simplistic but he really throws a devastating one and it's much more explosive looking than that modified fall-away slam which is important for a monster. It feels redundant him picking the guy up and delivering an average looking move after he's killed him.
His finisher is a modified Musclebuster..Nothing wrong with that, that I can see. Since everyone is comparing him to Goldberg if we remember back Goldberg's opponents were usually finished with the Spear but he always Jackhammered then befor the pin its the same here with Ryback.
His finisher is a modified Musclebuster..Nothing wrong with that, that I can see. Since everyone is comparing him to Goldberg if we remember back Goldberg's opponents were usually finished with the Spear but he always Jackhammered then befor the pin its the same here with Ryback.

A musclebuster needs to go straight down to give off the compression effect, plus I think it would be better for Ryback to avoid too many Goldberg comparisons.
I think the Goldberg comparisons peronally are stupid!!!! I keep hearing people say he will never be as big as Goldberg...Well ok so he won't be as popular and that is because Pro Wrestling these days is not as popular as it was back in the late 90's. Does anyone honeslty believe that Goldberg was better than Ryback??? Goldberg was a hack in the ring..Ryback is just a machine that is the entire point of his gimmick. Goldberg was well Goldberg he did his superkicks,Back handsprings,Press slams,Spears,Jackhammers and pump handle slams. Ryback Lariats people out of their boots!!!!!!!! I hate the comparison to Goldberg. Goldberg was a product of a perfect storm and being in the right place at the right time. He wasn't the best never was or close to it.
He is NOT Goldberg!!!!!! I dont care what kind of popularity Goldberg garnered during his time in WCW. He was a horrible in ring worker. He caused injuries to so many people; he was careless. Ryback first and foremost is actually good in the ring. He knows how to work a match. He doesn't injure his opponents. I like his intensity i like his feed me more phrase he has been saying. I just hate how everytime a guy like this with this type look comes around they are considered Goldberg clones yet you had guys like Ludvig Borga,Ultimate Warrior and others befor Goldberg ever came about who were monsters as well.
With Tensai getting involved with Cena and Brodus Clay becoming Hornswoggle's older brother, the only other undefeated competitor in WWE right now is Ryback. With him mowing through the competition like nothing, there's going to eventually be someone to want his streak. There's going to be that one person who makes the first courageous step to "Feed him more", but who?

In my opinion, you can't get any better than Mark Henry. Sure, Kane would be an okay opponent, but he's tired out and has no more weight to his character. Henry, on the other hand, is still fresh out of the main event scene and he's still being put off as a believable monster. With AW looking to add him to his stable, Henry could use Ryback as a potential to prove he's still the most dominant force in WWE.

If done right, I think Henry w/ AW vs. Ryback would be a nice way to get people to look at him. After which, I would say move him on to someone like Wade Barrett.
Big Show after he's done with Rhodes would be perfect for this. He is pretty much the standard bearer for being used to put over dominant new talent as any sort of physical mastery over Show is deemed as impressive.

I still think Henry has unfinished business in the main event scene hence why I wouldn't recommend him.
I know ryback is a tough guy, but is he really strong enough to take either Henry or Show?? He relys entirely on power moves and even when he's tossing those nobodies around, he doesnt look like he could lift the two heaviest compettitors in the business!! He's a peculiar face/tweener to say the least, i'm not sure who could match his speed or power... A returning Mysterio could work? Someone he could struggle to get a hold of, but decimate when the time comes?? But then mysterio would need to be a heel and that wont work!! I wouldnt go with Kane either!!

Honestly, i would continue this method, but with progressively harder matches!! If were going to chant goldberg everytime he come out, we might aswell give him the huge streak!! And i like that he took on two guys at the ppv!! I'd make him tag champion on his own!!
The reason you keep seeing Ziggler paired up against people is Ziggler is awesome at selling. He takes the Go To Sleep like he just received 15 simultaneous Stone Cold Stunners. He bounces off Brodus Clay's head like a shotgun blast. And toward that end, he'd put on some entertaining matches with Ryback too.

But no, I think Ryback needs to go down like this. After weeks of talent in the back watching on the monitor, and local jobbers getting killed, someone needs to step up and demand he pick on someone "his own size". Ezekiel Jackson comes to mind. He's got the build, but he's not doing anything else. Win, lose, or draw it would be a good program for Big Zeke to maybe establish some personality.
I'd like to see his first feud be with William Regal. Have Regal confront him saying he hasn't grown at all since he was Regal's rookie on NXT. Regal is one of WWE's most underrated guys. He can build heat for himself, and get the crowd behind Ryback. They can either have Ryback go over clean or let Regal retract his statement and continue to mentor Ryback. They can go on to with the tag belts.
Why does everyone automatically want/think he needs to be another monster heel? I think he would work much better as an anti-hero like tweener Goldberg like character that will get him over with the fans that are harder to please because he will seem badass just like everyone thought Orton was at one point.
I'd have him wait until Tensai is done with Cena.. They'd put on a decent match for their size, and Ryback would be face. Which is exactly what they want to do with him, kids will be marching around in the aisles yelling out feed me more.

Have him get the better of people like Jinder Mahal in the mean time. For Ryback's character to thrive there has to be a lot more squash matches, this means no 'champioship' level heels like Henry for a long time.
I would say have a heel like Heath Slater come out and continually call out Ryback week after week after and egg him on much like Jericho did to Goldberg in WCW. Have him continually keep mentioning that Ryback isn't "good enough to face real talent like the One Man Rock Baaaaand, Heath Slater." Never actually put them in the same spot for a few weeks, maybe a month or two. Just have Ryback keep mowing down local jobbers and then have Heath show up on the Tron/what ever they call it and talk crap. Eventually, it gets a decent build after Heath somehow weasels his way out of matches with fake doctors notes, Jury duty, etc etc. Then when they eventually have the match, just have Ryback absolutely MURDER Heath and drag it out for a good five minutes with Slater getting nothing going.
I would say have a heel like Heath Slater come out and continually call out Ryback week after week after and egg him on much like Jericho did to Goldberg in WCW. Have him continually keep mentioning that Ryback isn't "good enough to face real talent like the One Man Rock Baaaaand, Heath Slater." Never actually put them in the same spot for a few weeks, maybe a month or two. Just have Ryback keep mowing down local jobbers and then have Heath show up on the Tron/what ever they call it and talk crap. Eventually, it gets a decent build after Heath somehow weasels his way out of matches with fake doctors notes, Jury duty, etc etc. Then when they eventually have the match, just have Ryback absolutely MURDER Heath and drag it out for a good five minutes with Slater getting nothing going.

The issue with this is that it's such a long build for a match that would do nothing to get him over. He could mow down Heath Slater in five seconds and noone would bat an eyelid. Slater is not over enough himself to give him any sort of momentum.
A good feud for Ryback would be against Randy Orton. Have him come out and beat the hell out of Randy Orton in a match and cause him to lose. Then have them wrestle in a couple of ppvs and have Ryback win cleanly in both matches. This way Ryback looks dominent against smaller guys and beats a top wrestler. Its about time Randy Orton actually put someone over besides Mark Henry in a clean way.
I say let him keep mowing through competition until the right opponent is teased to get him over. Him facing facing Big Show or Randy Orton means he will turn heel and I'm sorry but we have a list of monster heels already and he would eventually get lost in the shuffle. Have him keep building himself as unstoppable which will eventually get the crowd behind him and when he is over enough have him go after the US or INT title. A fued wont get him over but a good build will
The issue with this is that it's such a long build for a match that would do nothing to get him over. He could mow down Heath Slater in five seconds and noone would bat an eyelid. Slater is not over enough himself to give him any sort of momentum.

Actually, a heel like Heath Slater would be a good first feud. Ryback is going to continually crush his opponents. That's a certainty. What we'll want to see eventually is what happens when Ryback isn't pummeling his opponents. A cowardly heel that talks trash but won't step into the ring with Ryback is exactly what his first feud should be. Every week there are people in the back watching his matches. We have yet to see someone on the roster say anything about wanting to face him. A heel like Heath Slater, a guy who wants to make a name for himself, much like the jobbers Ryback destroys each week, is the perfect first feud. Guys like Goldberg, Lashley, Brock Lesnar, etc etc weren't fed big name opponents to start out with. They were given lower mid-card feuds and opponents to go through first. Ryback is starting at the bottom and working his way up. Feeding top talent to Ryback this early doesn't make any sense. He hasn't even faced anyone ON the roster yet. In all actuality, he hasn't really had a WWE opponent as Ryback. I chose Heath Slater because he's the type of character that wants to prove himself, yet he's also the type of guy who's not going to be stupid enough to actually want to throw himself at Ryback. Also, Slater's annoyance would piss off the crowd and infuriate Ryback. This feud could get Heath Slater some television time as well as build towards Ryback's first real match with an actual roster opponent. The crowd would pop hard after seeing Ryback shut that little turd up too.

Also, don't try to compare Ryback to Lord Tensai's case either if you're going argue that route. Tensai was in WWE for many years and left, and then came back a different person. They've already acknowledge his EXTENSIVE past in the WWE. Ryback/Skip Sheffield's background was briefly mentioned as a Nexus/NXT competitor, but he didn't accomplish anything worth mentioning before his injury.

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