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Matt Hardy Retires As Full-Time Pro Wrestler


Occasional Pre-Show
In his latest video, he states that he will no longer be involved in prowrestling full time. Im very saddend by this and wish him the best. I hope he comes back from injuries.[YOUTUBE]xLQr8aKFQ28[/YOUTUBE]
Matt Hardy will not die folks
File this away in the "no shit" files. He just got fired from TNA/IW. The WWE published a policy today which instructs their performers not to interact with him on the internet, so I think that's a safe indication he doesn't have much interest there- that is, unless the company that the WWE hires for craft services has openings. ROH obviously doesn't have the interest in him as anything besides a one-night draw. Possession of even small amounts of marijuana in Japan is punishable by up to five years in prison, and I have my strong doubts that Matt Hardy is looking for long-term enforced sobriety at this point in his life, with the alternative being hard time in a Nippon prison.

So he's looking at Mexico or the real indies- the ones with acronyms that you only start remembering after they close down after a couple years of operation. And I only say Mexico because I'm not familiar enough with AAA to know why they wouldn't have interest in him.

Yeah. I'd put a positive spin on this too by saying I'm 'retiring' from wrestling 'full time'. What this means is he's still going to appear at the odd show where someone feels like paying his appearance fee, until the point at which he can convince someone televised to hire him again. The second someone bigger than CZW expresses interest, his retirement is off.
Heard the word "Retire" before. Now what is wrong with Matt just coming out and say "I need to take some time away and get my life together". Instead of saying "I'm retiring". I see no faults with him in the ring. he could be a great mid carder. Now I now and have seen the hardy video wwe put out; and in matt's eyes he is the best and most hardest worker, and promoter in the world. But maybe ur not. Not like its bad. BUt before I get further into this silly rant I hope he doesn't retire and just gets help. I mean a thread earlier was about fab moolah and mae fighting in their 80's. If women can do it men can go to 100. Just get the help if any he needs then make a return. by then there will be othere wrestling shows on tv like roh that he can make a great return to. And enterain us again. Good luck M.H and I wish you a speedy recovery.
Matt has needed to stop since before he left wwe. Him and his brother are a train wreck. and Im not just trying to hate on the guy, because honestly, when him and Jeff first came to the old wwf i loved the shit out of them. and When he returned during the whole angle with Edge, I loved that too. I loved his work as Matt Hardy V1 and everything else he had done. So this isnt a hater speaking. This is someone who is concerned for another person's well being. and for that reason, he needs to stay away from everything. Matt, enter WE's rehab and stick with it... otherwise, you wont be matt hardy version one. You will be Matt hardy version none. Dead, in the ground.... Dont become another Scott Hall...
I don't believe it at all!!!!!! Not the part that he is retiring, the part that someone is actually a matt hardy fan. I'm calling bull shit.

im a matt hardy fan, im every wrestlers fan, they all work hard day in day out, and alot of fans especially the online internet fans have really bashed alot of wrestlers over the years when u dont even know shit about, them. let them deal with their situations. thats one thing that i dont like sites like wrestlezone, is that when someones has a problem, (E.G jeff hardy problems) the internet makes it a bigger problem than it is, and it puts alot of pressure to the wrestlers who need the help, i have never bashed matt hardy once, i felt bad for the guy, everyones picking on him, for a problem that dosent involve the fans. if i saw matt hardy i would thank him, for all the child hood memory's him and jeff gave me as THE HARDY BOYZ!!!!
Heard the word "Retire" before. Now what is wrong with Matt just coming out and say "I need to take some time away and get my life together". Instead of saying "I'm retiring". I see no faults with him in the ring. he could be a great mid carder. Now I now and have seen the hardy video wwe put out; and in matt's eyes he is the best and most hardest worker, and promoter in the world. But maybe ur not. Not like its bad. BUt before I get further into this silly rant I hope he doesn't retire and just gets help. I mean a thread earlier was about fab moolah and mae fighting in their 80's. If women can do it men can go to 100. Just get the help if any he needs then make a return. by then there will be othere wrestling shows on tv like roh that he can make a great return to. And enterain us again. Good luck M.H and I wish you a speedy recovery.

His back and hips are messed up. Especially after the accident. Dont think he will return in a full time capacity
At this point I'm not sure he has much of a choice. On one hand I really do feel bad for the guy. He went from a pretty decent start in TNA to getting very sick, losing a ton of body mass, and then wrapping his car around a tree, nearly dying, and being fired from his job. If that doesn't make you want to kill yourself, you're an effing saint. BUT, at the same time a lot of the negative press he piled on himself. He lost my respect when he used Twitter to get fired from WWE, hated on the company that kept him around AND EMPLOYED for over a decade. I mean, they brought him back even with all the immaturity surrounding the Edge/Lita controvery, and continued trying to work with him even though he has shown nothing about the talent level of an upper-mid worker, if that. Hardy screwed Hardy...

As for retiring, who else is he going to work for? WWE fired him and wont' touch him again. There's more hope for a Jeff Hardy return than ever seeing Matt back in a WWE ring. TNA fired him, presumably to save face after his incident, and I don't see him going back there any time soon. So who is left? I know, there's the independents. There's Japan. But New Japan is probably the most honorable wrestling company in the world. I don't think they're going to risk bringing in somebody as unstable as Matt Hardy. He doesn't draw, and he's a PR agents worst nightmare. He doesn't have the talent to work in ROH, and nobody else is going to shell out the kind of cash Hardy probably thinks he deserves. He's retired because there's nothing left for him to do. If you're a top level star and you've burned your bridges to WWE and TNA, you're done. Guys like Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin could go back to the independents, because they actually have the ability and something to offer a small company. Hardy would suck an indy show dry, and I doubt the ratings or buys would increase one bit.
Thank you f**king god. Matt Hardy is OVERRATED. Matt has been nothing more then a jobber to me ever since he made his wwe/f debut. Jeff Hardy made Matt Hardy. Jeff Hardy > Matt Hardy always has and always will be period end of story.
For the best. I will always remember Matt Hardy's career for the good things. The last few years he has really dissapointed me, and he has REALLY ran off the rails (not to the extent of his brother, but not far off). Maybe walking away while he still can is the best thing to do. I wish him all the best in life.

On a side note, I'm hoping that, after all of their issues are (hopefully) resolved, then some years down the line, they'll both be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Please don't take that comment and try and rip it to shreds; its what I'm hoping for, I'm not saying it's set in stone. But they contributed a lot to tag wrestling, ladder matches, TLC, and have both been very successful together and in their own rights.

As I said, I wish Matt all the best. Hopefully he's turned a corner, and hopefully his bro has too.
Thank God. Just in that video alone he looks so messed up, especially with the bags under his eyes. He needs to get his sht together. Even Jeff and his drugs never had this many issues. Maybe once he cleans up he can try wrestling again, but right now he needs prayers
Thank God. Just in that video alone he looks so messed up, especially with the bags under his eyes. He needs to get his sht together. Even Jeff and his drugs never had this many issues. Maybe once he cleans up he can try wrestling again, but right now he needs prayers

Ok scratch that one part bcuz Jeff was pretty fcked up. I'd say they're about equal in their fck ups, but damn it at least Jeff always bounces back and looks like he turned it around (at least it looks like it)
I loved the Hardy Boyz and agree that they should be inducted into the HOF as the HARDY BOYZ (tagteam not as single competitors)
However, Matt has been on a personal downward spiral for many yrs. After his feud with Edge (winner leaves raw ladder match) he has never looked the same in the ring. I dont kno 4 sure if thats when the drug use started, but its wen I suspect it started. He was able to hide it well (probably took lessons from Jeff) up to this point, but it can no longer be denied. wen Jeff decided to leave WWE due to thier wellness policy being so strict, i knew it was only a matter of time b4 Matt went as well.
What really surprised me was that the WWE was willing to still keep Matt employed, even though at that point he was a struggling mid card wrestler, who could barley walk or do 2 many wreslting moves. Instead of being grateful, he BASHED them via twitter and youtube until Vince granted his release. Then he messed up wat he called his "dream job" TNA. Matt is done, TNA knows it, wwe knows it, WE know it and now so does he. Thanks for the Hardy Boyz but that is the highest point of your career unless u count ur g/f screwing edge n making u a main event card for a couple of months.
As long as he's retiring for good than GOOD, obviously the guy has problems and plays the IWC like a finely tuned les paul. I don't like the guy I've lost all my respect for him but Matt getting help and leaving the wrestling business can only be positive for the guy.
Don't mean to sound callous but I'm glad he's retiring. The guy and his brother just had way too much personal shit going on the last few years to focus on their careers.

I'd say he's left behind a great legacy but unlike some who jumped on the Edge bandwagon, I won't put Matt on a pedestal or claim he was greater than he actually was. He had some good matches and some good moments, held a lot of championships and helped inspire some of today's youth but personally, I was never a fan of the Hardy Boyz back in the day, didn't see anything special about them throughout their careers.

I guess what sucks most is that his final match in the business wasn't anything memorable against an opponent who could bring out the best in him one last time.
He's "retiring" because he's now unhireable. Sadly what this means is even with these injuries, he'll still have access to his Twitter and Youtube accounts. I think cutting off his internet connection would be the best thing for him.
Always been a fan of hardy
hated all of the crap he's been through this year
Sad that he's quit the buisness
Wish him well with whatever he chooses to do next
Its too bad as Matt could have been in the biggest angle of the year with Lita and Edge but WWE and Matt himself blew it by not doing enough to make the fued better. Him and his brother could have easily been WWE HOF's had they stayed clean. The reason is that they were in the WWE a long time, and WWE would probably induct them due to their longevity there... now its done.
Matt Hardy was a talented wrestler, but he's let this desperate need for attention get in the way and I fear it may have tarnished his legacy as a result. Will people remember him as one half of a legendary tag team or as a stoned wannabe?

This isn't so much a retirement, as Matt having alienated himself from both major promotions and being unable to work in the business any longer. If TNA hadn't fired him, he would've continued cashing their cheques and wrestling half-arsed matches whenever he could be bothered to show up to the arena.

I wish him all the best in his life, but wrestling ruined you man. Stay out of the spotlight because it's just not healthy for you.
I dont like him and never did feel like he never could step out of his brother spot light and he couldn jeff is 100x better than matt ever was BUT matt did have some good moments ill admit that and he was actually a good single competitor the matt version 2.0 angle was stupid but when he faught kane in the fight over lita and the whole edge ordeal with the steel cage was actually some good matches in matts career. He is a idiot he dont need help he is just stupid anyone who trys to get attention by posting a suicide video on youtube is just a fucking idiot and then trys to play it off by saying thats not what it was. He was just upset that he messed up and got fired from the last organization that would have anything to do with him. He dont deserve to wrestle and be on tv and get glory for something he dont deserve anything. Matt Hardy is a straight up pitty party and thats it he will never be rememberd as nothing more than a childish baby. the junk he has already done has ruined his career and he can never come back from it. Good Job Matt hope u finally got what u wanted by being a dumbass
Thank you f**king god. Matt Hardy is OVERRATED. Matt has been nothing more then a jobber to me ever since he made his wwe/f debut. Jeff Hardy made Matt Hardy. Jeff Hardy > Matt Hardy always has and always will be period end of story.

I'm tired of you IWC fans saying stupid crap like this. Wrestlers put their bodies on the line night in and night out to entertain us. All you people care about is the aspect of wrestling. This guy is better, this guy sucks etc.

How about you people actually say something about these wrestlers outside of the ring. Wish him well and wish him luck. Matt is in rough shape and that is what this is about. That is the reality. This isn't about who is better in the fucking ring. Separate in ring from real life will you?

Can any of you people do that? Matt has made some pretty stupid bonehead choices over the years. I for one wish him all the best and I hope he can recover and lead a normal happy life one day.

Anyone who disagrees with me has no soul.
sTyLnK- umm i do have a soul (a very good one) and i do disagree. I dont care wat he put his body through, we didnt FORCE him to be a wrestler that was a concious decision of his. He CHOSE to put his body through the hell he's been through, dont expect sympathy from me cause he is half ass outta his mind on drugs. The fact is the ONLY reason why he is "retiring" is because he got FIRED AGAIN. He knows his life a f*cking wreck n he also knows he's tarnished his legacy and career. Like I said b4, he was the "reliable" Hardy, now Jeff is back and Matt is fired....wat alternate universe is this? Wen u fuck up, at least be man enough to admit it and not post some stupid ass fake suicide video on youtube to gain symapthy. Now he knows he's a joke, n THAT is y he's retiring.
Matt Hardy shouldn't fully retire. He needs about a 2 to 3 year break. During those 2 to 3 years, he could be working on OMEGA and run it to make it more prominent.
Honestly, this is just another example of what the world of professional wrestling that we love so much can do to a man. Or what it does to men. Think about it, he was in WWE for what, 12 years or so give or take? How many days are they on the road, 300? How many bumps do they take per match, 50 pr so? Well that equals out to approximetly 180.000 bumps in his WWE career. Ridiculous. Now I'm sure he was clean for the first years or so, but after a while the wear and tear starts. That's when the pills come into play, after that first tweek. So you take a couple pills after the show, and you wash it down with some beers. Now the pain isn't going away as fast, so you take some more pills. And now look, over there, cocain, want some? Why...yes...yes I do. Now your match is over so you pop some pills, you wash it down with some beers, you do some coke. Problem. You just did a bunch of coke, how will you now fall asleep? Hear you go matt, have some sleeping pills. So now you're asleep and you wake up, but damnit, your neck is still bothering you from the night before, good thing I have 200 vics in my duffle bag. Now you're waking up, popping pills, get to the arena before your match, pop some pills, match over, popping pills, drinking beers, doing coke, sleeping pills, repeat tomorrow.

Read some books, listen to the stories, look at our heroes. X pac, scott hall, shawn michaels, hogan, piper, bret hart, terry funk, benoit, lawrence taylor, guerrero, davey boy, dynamite, crush, test, ric flair, hawk, kurt angle, kurt hennig, sting, jake the snake fucking roberts, and now matt hardy.

Its really sad, but I'm not suprised. This business takes its toll on these men. Their passion for what they do, and the smiles on our faces that are the result of that, are worth every minute they take off of their lives trying to heal themselves so they can do it again for another crowd the next night. A casual fan may see a picture of matt hardy and think "what a horrible, pathetic man who needs to go to rehab and get his life together." What do I see? I see a hero. I see another on of my heroes who put hi s body through so much harm over the years just for our entertainment, that he had no choice but to destroy it, just so he could do it one more night.

I respect matt hardy, and I hope he turns it around like some of the names in my list, and doesn't turn ot like the others. People don't respent pro wrestling because they don't understand it. They think its just a bunch of guys running around fake punching each other. But look in matt hardy's eyes, and you'll see what he's given up for each and every one of us. I don't know how, but we should probably give back to him.
Jeez. This just...depresses the hell out of me.

The very first wrestling match I ever saw as a kid was at a friend's house. His family ordered Royal Rumble 2000, and the match was the Hardy Boyz vs. the Dudley Boyz in a tables match. It was the most incredible thing I had ever seen. I didn't know tables could break like that!!! From that moment, I was hooked, and Matt and Jeff Hardy became just as big a reason to watch RAW every week as Stone Cold and the Rock.

The Hardys were the reason I got into wrestling in the first place, and I don't know what is more depressing: seeing these strange youtube videos and reading these reports of their struggles, or watching the IWC mock them. Matt looks absolutely RUINED in that first post, and I hope that this time he's not bullshitting everyone, and that he finally realizes what a mess he and his brother have made of their lives. It's so hard to believe that just two and a half years ago, the Hardys were the WWE and ECW champions. They were on top of the wrestling world. And now...this? The downward spiral just keeps going, and it's one of the saddest stories I've ever seen as a wrestling fan.

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