Matt Hardy Retires As Full-Time Pro Wrestler

Matt's retirement while sad is akin to Dennis Rodman's NBA retirement. Its more about the fact that no major company will hire him right now than anything else. It's pretty much retirement by default. I had high hopes for him when Jeff left WWE the 1st time, but I guess it just wasn't in the cards for him. I'm still shocked though that Jeff is still employable and Matt isn't SMH. I WISH HIM THE BEST AND HOPE HE GETS THE HELP HE NEEDS.

And to the poster who said he had bags under his eyes, those arent bags they're bruises from the airbag deploying in his car crash.
I don't see Matt retiring permenantly from the wrestling business, I think this is a temporary thing to get himself straight. Matt Hardy loves professional wrestling too much to just walk away for good at this point in his life.

However, as much as I want to see a motivated and in-shape Hardy in the ring, and I do, I think its best for him to take a step back and get himself right in the head, clean from anything he is taking, and healthy. His well-being is much more important than his career right now and everyone can see that he has some serious issues to deal with.

I hope he can get himself better, as I think he still has alot to offer wrestling. If he isn't going to be competing for a while, perhaps he could do some more promoting, or maybe even training young wrestlers for a while. He was never the greatest performer in the WWE, but he does have alot of experience that he could use to help up-and-coming wrestlers.

The Hardy Boyz were a big reason why I became such a big wrestling fan, I thought they were the coolest guys on the planet at one point. I hope they can both get themselves clean as it pains me to see 2 of my former heroes in such bad shape. If Jeff can stay sober and performs well in TNA, I expect they will end up resigning Matt at some point in the future if he cleans up and gets the hunger for wrestling again.
Yeah I'm with the crowd here. i don't think this holds much water at all. Matt needs to take a long break and just rest a bit. He needs to clear his head and relax. At the end of the day he has a loyal fanbase, a hot girlfriend and (presumably) a good deal of money in the bank. Matt turns 37 in a few weeks so he's not ancient or anything. Take a few months off, clear your head and stay out of trouble above all else. Someone might have interest then, especially if he gets in shape and gets back to the cruiserweight size he was most famous as.
If Matt has in fact retired then I for one wish him all the best and hope he manages to get his life back on track.

He has provided some truly memorable matches and fueds in the industry to be regarded as a great. Not a legend or an icon maybe but definitely a solid mid level performer. He's a multi time tag champ, a Cruserweight champ, European champ and a US champ. He performed at the top for a long time and until the last couple of years has been a consummate professional wrestler.

I'd rather look at the good in his career then the bad and wish him well. Good luck Matt and enjoy the free time, I just wish others would take the same option.
After the gym, I will crack open a bottle of Vodka and make a toast to Matt Hardy and his career. Anyone who is still a fan should do the same.
I don't know if this is a permanent retirement, but Matt Hardy needs to seek treatment and therapy. The Hardy Boyz were the hottest thing in 2000, but now they are a laughing stock. When I told my friend about the situations that happened with Matt Hardy, my friend said that Hardy was an idiot doing those things. I agree with my friend on that since it was very idiotic.

If Hardy really wants help, then there is one thing he should do. Disconnect from Social Media such as Youtube and Twitter for the time being. It's better to keep a low profile when he is rehabilitating so if and when he decides to return to the spotlight, the phrase can be used "Absence makes the heart grow fonder".
Sad really. I am sure that Matt will be back in the industry one day. Problem is that he and his brother both need to get their heads screwed on straight. It's sad that they have went from being arguably one of the greatest tag teams of all time to the Toxic Twins of Professional Wrestling. Been watching them for years and wondered what in the Hell happened about four years ago to make everything just fall apart. Matt hasn't been the same since his "Mattitude" days and Jeff just went off the deep end. Saddest still is that they are both very talented wrestlers. If they don't shape up now, their careers are about to become a laughing stock because they are going to run out of time and instead of being looked at for how great they were at one time, they will be seen for the crap they are doing now. I guess we will see where this goes in the end.
well atleast I know wwe wouldnt want to rehire him, so I am glad. I don't watch tna anyway. O and the hardyboys never were arguably the greatets tag team of all time.

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