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Mason Ryan push


The Icon
Everytime I see Mason Ryan, just like most people, I see Batista, and as of late, the WWE looks like they're starting to push the guy. When the Nexus returned to destroy Orton, Ryan really wanted to do the punt, but Punk attempted to do it and ended up getting RKO'd. Last night, he stopped Kane from chokeslamming him and then took out Big Show, something none of the other members of Nexus could do.

Are they setting up Mason Bryan to break off from Nexus and possibly turning face against them? I could see the crowd really getting behind this guy in a feud against the Nexus, especially CM Punk.

Do you think Mason Ryan is about to get a push? Would you like to see him face? What do the peeps of WZ think?
I think Mason Ryan has lots of potential to be the next Batista and turning face against Nexus would do wonders for him. Fans would love it and even I am starting to like his character with the way he's been built. He just needs to get more regular moves other than power finishers. So far the moves I've seen him use are three finishers: spear, rock bottom and powerbomb (which he should resurrect with Batista gone now). A three on one handicap match at Over the Limit or something against Nexus would put him over big time. (if he wins of course)
I hope he turns face mainly for the fact that raw is full of heels at the moment. The heels on raw are Miz, Punk, del rio, swagger, mcintyre, ziggler, R-truth and tyler reks. While the faces are Cena, morisson, mysterio and big show thats TWICE as many heels as faces so they need to give Mason Ryan a face push. Im not sure the WWE are going to do it though. He pretty much left nexus but he did destroy a face tag team last night so that could just end up booking him as a monster heel that goes around destroying everyone.

Another factor is his confidence i know he felt he was pushed up from FCW too early and wanted to stay there for a while longer so a lack of confidence might harm his push.

That said i wouldnt mind seeing him in a program with punk/nexus hopefully getting rid of nexus altogether. I mean otunga is the only original member of nexus left so whats the point anymore. :disappointed:
i can see him turning face and winning the rumble like batista did seein as i dont see cena keepin the title for a year but he needs 2 feud with nexus very soon 4 this 2 happen and i think last nite was the start of that happening.

Honestly i think when ryan turns that will be the beginning of the end of nexus
Before he does anything major like get a face push or win the freakin' royal rumble, this guy really needs to go back to FCW. To quote bill Demott, he's greener than goose shit. Did you see the guy last week on RAW in the battle royal? He looked so out of it, and so awkward like he was lost and didn't know what the hell to do. He can't sell for shit, and can't take a bump properly FFS. He was just embarrassing to watch. I know he's a big man and isn't meant to be a great in ring performer, but shit, he needs to sort some things out before getting anywhere near a push.
Yep this guy is great looks and acts just like batista did when he first came on the seen he has the potential to be really good future rumble winner and a world champ in the making this bloke
Actually I really dont want to see this guy as the "next" Batista...

First nothing at him, call my attention, his accent is hard to understand and i really hate his hair.

I also think that if they want the next big monster, Ezekiel Jackson would have been perfect... He has more charisma than Mason by a lot...

The only thing that i really like about Mason is his acting during a match, he really can sell a "felling" without words and for that i give him credit...
I hope they can build a very good character out of him, but not like Batista...

He needs to improve, FCW should have been better for now...
If he breaks part of "The Nexus", he should cut a good promo for that.

And I dont want to see The Nexus ending, because i kinda like David Otunga.
Way to Soon for the next Batista..... He doesn't deserve a Push at all! Can't Talk or Wrestle.........

I would push this guy then Offer Batista a Fat contract to come back and beat his Ass!
There's no doubt he's gonna get a push. If he isn't, last night was pointless. You can't have someone break Kane's chokeslam like that than deliver a powerful spear on the Big Show without pushing them after wards.

Personally, I hate this guy. Maybe it's because of his hair (I agree with Marcos555 on that haha) or the really stupid faces he makes. He walks around and makes the face of someone whose constipated. Maybe he needs some acting lessons from Kelly Kelly.

Aside from those annoyances, he could do well with a push. There are enough heels on RAW at the moment and pushing another one seems like a waste.
He doesn't really come across as a guy with a lot of potential at all. I wont despise the move but it will never make any sense to me at all, as he is obviously being pushed because of his "intimidating" stature and that bothers me. I hate to beat a dead IWC horse by why skip over Zac Rydrer, or Dolph Ziggler? If were going to go with a big guy I rather see Masters get the "Monster face push", and why not he is certainly better in the ring in my opinion though we have not seen much of Ryan. Masters as a face in the scene that isnt superstars would be fresh. He is not horrible on the mic and he seems more comfortable on it. Masters just needs to drop that awful full nelson but then again thats what they said about Cena's FU and now I can not see him doing anything else. Anyways on to Ryan I will still watch and eat my words if he shows me wrong but for now I just see this as pointless.
I really hope I'm wrong but last nights RAW kind of pointed to Mason Ryan not only getting a push but maybe a title shot in the very near future. Looking at the main heels on RAW, Miz already had his rematch, R Truth is feuding with Morrison (though I'm hoping the axe kick to Cena at Extreme Rules leads to a title match at the next ppv because Morrison needs to sell his "injury" for a while), Del Rio just came to RAW, and Punk has no momentum right now. I could see Ryan winning a battle royal for the number one contendership. The match between he and Cena would undoubtedly be abysmal so I hope it doesn't happen. Best case scenario they build him up slowly over the next 6 months before putting him in a title match/feud because he is still very green.
He's clearly only getting pushed because of his stature and look. That really bothers me. He has nothing else going for him (and his look isn't anything special in this day and age). He can't work particularly well, he can't talk, he's as green as fuck. The only thing he appears to have a talent for is gurning.

He's obviously going to get a big push. It's been all over the dirtsheets for months and last night indicates that it's definitely going to happen. It's stupid, it's annoying and (unfortunately) it's very WWE.
I'm thinking he'll eventually break off, and CM Punk will put him over before moving on, providing he doesn't renew his contract. Ryan will come off as a hero who finally put Punk down, and he'll have the backing power of taking out a top star and ending the Nexus. Win win.
I agree with Big Sexy, from what I can see, there is to many similarities between Mason and his TNA counterpart and too quick a push could have exactly the same effect.

Both Ryan and Rob Terry are Welsh (a slightly harder accent for non Brits to understand), muscle bound, started/ starting as the enforcer in a heel faction, are very green and, if indications hold up, about to turn face and maybe be pushed too soon.

Mason needs the security of Nexus to build his talents, just like Batista needed Evolution before him. In fact, this is the build he requires (if he does, in fact, have 'it') - a slow burn build teasing mistreatment by Punk, ultimately leading to Punk putting him over as a real threat a number of months down the line, possibly for the US Title.

There are two ways WWe can go with this: the British Invasion Rob Terry Global Champion way:disappointed: or the Evolution Dave Batista put over by Trips route:thumbsup:.

Yes, he may have left his Nexus brethren behind last night but, at the heels of the hunt, he did take out two 'face' opponents - so hopefully this is a teaser for something to come (way) down the line and not something on the immediate horizon.
I was surprised to see him turn away from Nexus last night, although we've seen enough "almost-swerves" to know it's not official until Ryan lays out Punk or one of the others. After all, I was sure Jack Swagger had turned permanently away from Michael Cole after being slapped in the face.....yet, it didn't happen.

But Mason Ryan going on his own is a foregone conclusion; a guy built like him really doesn't need to be part of a group. The question is whether he's ready to go solo. As of now, he exists strictly on power moves and no one should be expecting any classic wrestling maneuvers from him.

Personally, I think he's probably stronger than Batista and can execute the power moves better. Batista looked great and had a decent powerbomb but I felt he was strictly a tower built on steroids. Ryan will prove to be a genuine strongman.....and WWE can always use a good one of those.
I think last night was a big "shocking moment" when he picked of Kanes hand. You dont do that just because....

"Hard to understand?" I live in North Carolina, I will admit I watch British TV but I never understood when anyone...mostly americans complain about not being able to understand people from the UK Area (or whatever). There is no real difference. Just listen.

But anyway, I saw another thread about Punk being buried and a lot of members here didnt think Punk was being buried funny enough I was reading that post while watching that match and I believe Punk got booted in the face and then Mason Ryan pulled Kanes hand off his throat....ehhh...

For me...to me....that makes Mason Ryan look like trouble for Kane and Punk look like easy pickings. Mason Ryan should of went to Smackdown to feud with Kane in the 1st place.
It's obvious WWE is looking to push him, but he'll probably end up like the rest who were once at the top and failed. Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, and Sheamus.

I really hope Mason Ryan fails like the other guys I mentioned, because the man only has the look of a champion. He's buff, he's big, he can't wrestle or cut a descent promo, and that means, overall, he sucks.

People need to stop comparing Ryan to Batista, Batista could actually wrestle a good match, because everything in FCW I see Mason Ryan do is crap. His matches are bad, his moves are bad, and his promos sucked.

This is exactly why CM Punk is leaving, also because he's worn't out, but he would be more dedicated to stay if WWE just fucking pushed him like he deserves it.
i dont think Ryan has what it takes to be a good superstar, but then again neither did batista and they oushed the shit out of him. i dont like him, his wrestling abilities, ive never heard him talk, and he always looks like he's constipated. so he really is the 2nd batista
I think Mason Ryan has lots of potential to be the next Batista and turning face against Nexus would do wonders for him. Fans would love it and even I am starting to like his character with the way he's been built. He just needs to get more regular moves other than power finishers. So far the moves I've seen him use are three finishers: spear, rock bottom and powerbomb (which he should resurrect with Batista gone now). A three on one handicap match at Over the Limit or something against Nexus would put him over big time. (if he wins of course)

Ok, slow down a little bit. He hasn't even left the group, FFS. Rememeber when Batista left Evolution? It was FIVE MONTHS from the time they started teasing it to the time we saw Batista vs. Triple H. You want them to do the same thing with Mason Ryan in three weeks? You should be talking about Mason Ryan vs. Nexus (either Punk alone or a handicap match) at like SummerSlam, not Over The Limit. Not to mention Batista was in Evolution for over TWO YEARS before he turned face(and another year in WWE before that), and Mason Ryan's been around for four months.

That said i wouldnt mind seeing him in a program with punk/nexus hopefully getting rid of nexus altogether. I mean otunga is the only original member of nexus left so whats the point anymore. :disappointed:

:lol: There's no point to stables once the original members are gone? What? :banghead:
Before he does anything major like get a face push or win the freakin' royal rumble, this guy really needs to go back to FCW. To quote bill Demott, he's greener than goose shit. Did you see the guy last week on RAW in the battle royal? He looked so out of it, and so awkward like he was lost and didn't know what the hell to do. He can't sell for shit, and can't take a bump properly FFS. He was just embarrassing to watch. I know he's a big man and isn't meant to be a great in ring performer, but shit, he needs to sort some things out before getting anywhere near a push.
The thing is he knows he needs work i think a program with punk could help him tremendously though!
It is painfully obvious that Ryan is going to break away to be pushed as a monster heel. The set up is there, when he walked up the ramp without the New Nexus and looked back menacingly. He isnt going to turn face just because he took out a face Tag Team, next he is going to turn on the NN and finish them single handedly. Mason Ryan is not with the faces and he isnt with the heels, he's on his own side and if the WWE is going to push him that's the way to do it.
I personally do not like him and hate everyone comparing him to Batista. He does have the build but he does not have what it takes in the ring or on the mic at this point in time.If he can improve those aspects of his game then he'll survive but as of right now he does not deserve to hold any titles, be compared to other skilled wrestlers or be respected. It takes more than an impressive figure to make a superstar.
TBH I really can't get into him. I understand they want a guy that reminds them of Batista... who reminded them of Brock Lesnar... Who reminded them of Bill Goldberg... but seriously, everytime the camera shows him making one of them big-eyed goofy faces the first thing it reminds me of is the Bushwackers.

I find it kinda irritating that a guy like that can be about as interesting as a brick shithouse but he can be made into a star just by simply having other big guys over-sell for him. At least Batista had some charisma, this guy sounds like a bad Schwarzenegger overdub. Big guys that appear dumb as an eggplant simply don't find much appeal for very long anymore, especially after they quit having people sell to the moon for them. When they have to put together a solid match against another big pushed talent it's /engage snoozefest.
TBH I really can't get into him. I understand they want a guy that reminds them of Batista... who reminded them of Brock Lesnar... Who reminded them of Bill Goldberg... but seriously, everytime the camera shows him making one of them big-eyed goofy faces the first thing it reminds me of is the Bushwackers.

Holy shit I'm not the only one who thinks this.

His acting needs work, and he needs more experience in the ring on Raw before I start even thinking he should recieve an upper card push, which I'm positive WWE is doing now anyways. I can understand him on the mic perfectly, but his attitude and that "mid-coitus" sex face he makes when he gets angry bugs the ever loving shit out of me. No wrestler should make that Warheads face in this day and age. This isn't the 90s.

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