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Major Name *POSSIBLY* Returning Soon

John McCass

You talkin' to me?
wrestlezone.com said:
According to F4WOnline.com, TNA star Jeff Hardy's name has been talked about a lot backstage in WWE recently.
As seen on Raw last week, The Hardys were mentioned during the Edge, Christian and The Dudley Boyz backstage segment, and while it might seem odd not to mention them when talking about the teams' history, that's something that hasn't stopped WWE in the past.
Additionally, Jeff Hardy was someone WWE included in a recent poll asking fans who they would most like to see return to the company.
In the past, mentioning the Hardys publicly was not something encouraged by WWE as they are both TNA talents. However, a Jeff Hardy WWE return could happen as TNA is lookng to cut costs, and both Hardy and Kurt Angle are said to be the amongst the highest paid talents in the company.

So, the main page is reporting that Jeff Hardy might be returning soon. I'm perplexed as to why this thread hadn't been posted.

Moving on, I think Jeff and Matt would return together as a team. As the tag team division seems to be on fire right now, it'd make sense for them to return. Moreover, The Dudleyz have returned, E&C showed up last week and The Hardy Boys' name was thrown.

I'm really excited to see them back in WWE. How The New Day would jeer at them! No matter how many teams they bring in, but none can outshine The New Day. Well, that's another topic for another day.
I think it would be difficult to wrangle both Matt and Jeff. I don't know their TNA contract obligations, but Matt has gone on record saying that he's quite comfortable with a smaller workload, and that his schedule lets him manage serious issues he's had in the past. I like Matt, but he's not the typical wrestler WWE signs to a part time contract. That being said, who knows?

Without Matt, I'm not sure I see the value in Jeff alone. He was hitting Cena levels of popularity in his last run, yes, but there's already a handful of singles stars that WWE needs to focus on, that have more longevity than Jeff at this stage of his career.

I hope this works out, but I'll believe it when I see them/him on WWE TV.
I won't get my hopes up until I see an official signing.

If he were to return though I'd like to see him work a non-title program with Seth or work a program with Owens.

I think they would put on some good matches.
Don't believe it. Matt and Jeff cannot handle the WWE schedule. They are NOT going to get a part-time deal. If TNA crashes, they will run OMEGA, and make money on the Indy circuit.
I could see Wwe allowing(needing IMO) Jeff to come back. I don't know how close Angle and Triple H are but Jeff and Triple H were pretty close back when he was in wwe so I could see H allowing him back.
I am a fan of using older established guys to help build the future and Jeff Hardy is perfect in helping to get the next top heel over. Jeff vs Rollins (I want to happen at WM32), Wyatt, Owens, Balor, Ambrose, etc all could be some awesome rivalries and if done right could help make 1 or 2 careers.

If the Hardys just have to return to wwe together I would bring them back for about 6 months. Then have them feud with the u.s and I.c champions(who have been teaming for a while) and slowly separate them into their own feuds.
Unlike the Dudleys the Hardy's are good enough to be used as singles competitors and shouldn't be left in the tag division for long. With Orton slowly becoming a part-timer and Wwe becoming dried out with Cena(ideas wise), Jeff Hardy returning would be a fresh guy in the main event scene. And not to take anything away from Matt. The guy seems to be just as good if not better than he was 5-10 years ago. Matt could have some entertaining matches and feuds of his own and may even be able to help someone's career in the process. Matt has proven that if given the chance he can have some awesome feuds and make just about anyone look good(Mysterio, Edge, Kane, MVP,Jeff, etc).

Some people may say they are just going to take away from the up-and-comers but
I would rather see some of the older guys return and delay a few up-and-comers than see Rollins vs Balor or Reigns vs Owens over and over again. And have those "high profile" match-ups become stale before those guys careers even get started. (Ex: Seth Rollins vs Ambrose)
I think both need to be hired for there to be any relevance... but don't relegate Matt to "jobber to the stars" status yet... At this stage there is as much, if not more upside to him than there is Jeff.

Jeff has, to an extent "been there, done it" where as Matt still has more they can use... sure I don't think they'd ever do it, but if they needed a shock upset on Rollins for Sheamus to cash in on and take the belt from- Matt Hardy would be a perfect candidate. No one would "see it coming" especially Seth, so he'd have the excuse for the loss and if they do the Rey Mysterio bit of Sheamus cashing in right away then Matt has an excuse too - but either way he was WWE World Champion once...

Rollins gets pissed at Matt for taking his title and he and his buddy (be it heel Ambrose or Sheamus) batter Matt, causing Jeff to show up as the cavalry.

Jeff would want Matt around if he's gonna do the schedule and Matt is gonna want "something" in terms of push to even things up - that way would get WWE and the fans what they want nice and easy, the belt of Rollins in a believable way, onto Sheamus so Reigns can take it.... This way, they'd be the first brothers to hold the WWE World title, which is a great platform for a HOF induction next year.

Like I said, VERY unlikely, but from a WWE perspective, there is no downside to the idea and from the fans perspective, it'd soften the blow of Sheamus....
It all depends on how the WWE are planning on using them, Ive been enjoying watching both Hardy's in TNA but if the WWE are just bringing as jobbers to put a few of their newer tag teams over I would prefer to see them stay in TNA where at least their still reguarly featured in good main event matches, With Kurt Angle gone soon too sadly I don't think TNA could survive losing anymore of their big name wrestlers especially when the GWF thing runs its course with TNA and they leave for their own TV.
I think it's pretty likely we'll see Jeff Hardy in WWE again sooner or later. He's still a great performer in the ring, is still incredibly with fans of all ages and he's a guaranteed merchandise seller- which is always a huge positive for WWE.

Jeff is clean and sober now, but I don't think he'd be willing to take the risk of a full-time long-term WWE schedule, which is where the temptations can set in. If he was to come back I think it would be for short runs, kind of like Rob Van Dam or Chris Jericho do on their comebacks.

I would definitely prefer to see Jeff come in with Matt at first as a Hardy Boyz return- those guys were my favourite tag-team growing up, and it would be great to see them face off against The Dudleys on WWE TV one more time. However, Matt has also had his personal issues over the last few years, which he has overcome and has recently become a father, so I don't know if he would want a WWE return on a full-time basis. He's stated in the past he's loving life on the indie circuit. I also don't think Matt is a big enough name for WWE to give the part-timer contract too, so we'll have to see.

If Jeff WAS to return as a singles wrestler, he'd be straight into the upper card scene. I think matches against Rollins, Orton and Owens would be show stealers.
I'd be cool with this. It just all depends on whether Jeff could handle the schedule and not relapse and start pill popping.

If they gave him a RVD/Jericho deal where he works for a few months and then has some time off it could work or even a Shawn Michaels deal where he only works tv would be good.

I mean he's an alumni from the attitude era so that's some fans right there. His attire/facepaint and merchandise appeal to kids so there's that so he'd certainly be good from a business perspective. Also his accolades speak for themselves. Unless they bring back Kurt Angle, Hardy would be the biggest name they've brought back in a while.

If they brought back Matt as well that would be great. As a tag team The Hardys are way up there when it comes to greatest of all time and Matt is also a solid hand. Heck he and Jeff (as well as Bubba and Devon) would certainly be good in the booking and training department as well.
I LOVE Jeff Hardy (I mean, peep the sig, folks), but I'll get excited when it's at least semi-official. Unlike a lot of veteran stars, Jeff still goes all-out to up the wow-factor during his matches (because, let's face it, he only does a handful of other moves when he's not risking his life).

That said, Jeff is doing well in TNA - sober as far as we know, less toll on his slightly older body and they give him all the creative freedom and face-paint he can handle. I would assume he's petty happy in TNA, but they can't compete with WWE-money and if TNA needs to let him go, well... I know that quite a few fans would lose their shit with total abandon (myself included).
On one hand, as a fan of pro wrestling I hate to see any organisation fold or go under financially, for TNA losing Jeff, who is one of their few credible stars, would be another nail in the coffin.

On the other hand I have trouble supporting TNA when it has become so badly run, I think that company is too far gone, so I would rather see Jeff, who probably has a couple of good years left, to have a last run in the "big leagues".

Don't know how he would be used though. I really don't like the idea of booking older, part time guys or guys on short term contracts in favour of newer stars that the WWE desperately needs, on the other hand, he could have a quality program with someone like Rollins and could elevate the likes of Owens or even a Finn Balor.

If Matt and Jeff were to return together I think a feud with the Wyatts could be interesting
Typical E Sheep:

Sting, Hardy's, Dudley's, RVD, Booker T, etc while in TNA "These guys are old, washed up, and have nothing left to give. No wonder this company is garbage".

Said wrestlers show up in The E, "Oh my god!!! This is awesome!! Yes!! I love these guys!!! Give them the title right now!!!

Meanwhile these same IWC/WWE Sheep will crap all over guys like EC3 cause Vince didn't know what he had, and is now the best heel going today.
Typical E Sheep:

Sting, Hardy's, Dudley's, RVD, Booker T, etc while in TNA "These guys are old, washed up, and have nothing left to give. No wonder this company is garbage".

Said wrestlers show up in The E, "Oh my god!!! This is awesome!! Yes!! I love these guys!!! Give them the title right now!!!

Meanwhile these same IWC/WWE Sheep will crap all over guys like EC3 cause Vince didn't know what he had, and is now the best heel going today.

Can't speak for everyone else but I'm a fan of TNA and WWE (I will occasionally watch ROH, indies, AAA and NJPW). I for one enjoyed Bully Ray's run as at the top in TNA and thought it was a fantastic run for a guy who had been a tag team wrestler all his career to break the mold. Sting's TNA run had ups and downs but I think it was far more exciting to see his initial debut in WWE.

I don't think anyone was saying put the title on Sting, Booker or RVD upon their WWE returns. I would only want to see the Dudleys get the tag titles to elevate another team.

EC3 isn't all that great, by no means the best heel in wrestling today, he's just the best TNA have right now.

I'm not a WWE mark / fanboy by any means but at the moment it is the far better product on TV, NXT is far superior to TNA for god's sake.

What the hell is an "E - sheep"?, it's not as if you are some sort of industry insider with contacts within the industry. Using the internet as a platform to discuss something we are passionate about with like minded people does not make us sheep. Most people are just giving their opinions, not saying they know everything for sure. Throw your computer away if you have a problem with it.
It's a misnomer to say Matt doesn't warrant a part time deal... he's as big a name as they can't do The Hardyz without him... Jeff alone has some impact but they know they need both to make it really work to it's best and make JEFF'S return worthwhile...

There was no real reason Matt never got the same success as Jeff than Edge and Lita... he was on the same trajectory and he and Jeff could easily have feuded for the World title had that not all kicked off. People reference his issues, but Matt arguably had a good reason for them, where as Jeff was just being Jeff... Matt never showed up unable to perform, he lost some time when he nearly died from his appendix bursting and the famed injury that led to the affair, did he go too far self medicating or handling stuff badly, maybe, but he didn't shit in a bag or trash a hotel room either... He gets the unfair "Jannetty" comparison when the irony is even Marty's issue started with harsh and unfair treatment by WWE and a "friend" stabbing them in the back. WWE probably thought they were helping Matt releasing him at the time, but like Marty it created an injustice that arguably cost THEM a nailed on main eventer.

Jeff is the one more likely to want the part time deal, Matt would more likely take an incentivised one, where he controls his merch more, has other appearances and the motivating factor would be that title... if he's Jeff's sidekick, there'd be little appeal, if at the end of it he and Jeff BOTH had held that title, then it's something he can use going forward and makes it worth doing.

Bubba will end up an agent/backstage and they have a training camp, all the veterans returning are getting something out of it more than just a final payday.
There's money in Jeff Hardy's name and merchandise, but the guy himself just has too many demons to make his acquisition a positive for WWE, it will just be another run ruined by drugs, he's had his 2nd, and 3rd chances and blew them.
I've never been a huge fan of the Hardy Boys, though I do enjoy Jeff far more than I ever have Matt, but I'd be cool with them returning to WWE as a tag team. The Hardy Boys still have their name brand value but, all in all, I don't think WWE would be hurt if Matt didn't want to return; I always saw him as the weak link of the team, by far, in the first place, so I don't think his deciding not to return would be a huge deal though, as I said, it'd still be cool to see them back on the tag team scene.

A plus for both men is that they seem to have gotten over the rough patches in their careers. Jeff, as we all know, looked to be prison bound for a while and had a major problem with drugs that led to some of the most embarrassing moments for TNA in its entire history. However, he's clean, he's sober and he's in shape; though a potential problem would be his ability to wrestle on WWE tours in other countries due to his problems with the law. Matt Hardy really let himself go for a while and would go on these Charlie Sheen type of rants online and post the videos on YouTube but, again, he seems to have gotten past all that.

I'm fine with them coming back as a team, I'm fine with Jeff coming back alone, I'm fine if neither of them are interested in coming back to WWE.
I feel like I wouldn't mind one more short run for them, culminating at a Wrestlemania, and getting inducted into the HoF, and the same goes for the Dudleys. Edge and Christian are both done, so, I'm ready for that whole era of guys to hang it up. But they could really do wonders putting over a few younger tag teams in the WWE before they go.

But if they never return, I won't cry about it. Jeff was the overwhelmingly more talented guy, and Matt is the indy darling, so it works on all levels, but if they think they're doing better without WWE, that's great.
We shouldn't be happy about this. wwe can't create new stars so they are getting established ones to come back. Dudley's, Hardy's - they are trying to recreate tag team wrestling from a decade ago because they don't know how to make new stars and teams anymore. Worse yet, when they do make one that actually works, they are too blind to see it. I find it so funny - when TNA brought these guys in, they were wwe castoffs yet people are thrilled that wwe is trying to bring them back.
The WWE today barely uses any talent wisely. It doesn't matter who makes a return. The show will continue to be displayed in such lower standards compared to how they used to be 10 years ago.
Would love to see Jeff back

I would love to see Kurt back even more...unless theres still bad blood, Im not sure why they wouldnt give him a legends contract

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