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Macca for clemency!

I do quite like how the Mods are continuing to insinuate how it's impossible for me to follow the current day rules like Im the worst kind of vermin there is. I admit I was naughty, but you're not fooling anybody when you try to make it out as if I'm some sort of Game Rage/Sidious troll. Nobody else sees it except my parole officers. Maybe, just maybe, most posters can easily see that Im certainly not the standard trash that gets thrown in here.

Maybe if there was such a area like the Cage a few months ago, perhaps trolling wouldnt have been so readily encouraged in the Bar. And it's not as if the moment the Cage was opened up, everyone said "Oh look, the Cage is open. Let Macca out now." It's been a month or two now, so let's not base it on the "Just because the Cage is open now..." bullshit.

I'd said it before and I'll say it again, why try and "improve my posting" when it never seems to get me anywhere other than a standard non-spam post. Newsflash: That's not my incompetancy... The only way, it seems, to get yourself out of here is leech on the nearest Mod in the hopes of clementcy. Yeah, you let Tributes out. That doesnt make me look stupid in the slightest.

If this is a case of the Staff believing that setting me free will set a bad example in that if enough posts advocating my freedom are put in, they have to give in, that's simply not the case. Hell, if this was your idea of trying to get me to disappear, that certainly didnt happen. You've practically given me my own sub-forum for the last six months.
I do quite like how the Mods are continuing to insinuate how it's impossible for me to follow the current day rules like Im the worst kind of vermin there is.
I haven't insinuated that at all, you just inferred it. It is rather funny that you thought of yourself as vermin though.

I think I've made my position quite clear the entire time. You're in here because you broke the rules, and you've yet to show that you have reformed to the point where we can trust you'll follow the rules. If you would like evidence of that, look no further than your comments towards the "I want to suck Obama off" poster. What about your posts against him makes you think that I will let you out, when you do the same thing in here which got you here in the first place?

Maybe if there was such a area like the Cage a few months ago, perhaps trolling wouldnt have been so readily encouraged in the Bar.
It wasn't readily encouraged, not at all. In fact, I think it was against the rules even then.

And it's not as if the moment the Cage was opened up, everyone said "Oh look, the Cage is open. Let Macca out now." It's been a month or two now, so let's not base it on the "Just because the Cage is open now..." bullshit.
You've been here less than 6 months, the majority of which you spent doing the same things that got you here in the first place. It has nothing to do with the Cage, but rather to do with your behavior in the Prison.

I'd said it before and I'll say it again, why try and "improve my posting" when it never seems to get me anywhere other than a standard non-spam post.
And you wonder why you're still here. :shrug:

That doesnt make me look stupid in the slightest.
It makes you look however you want it to look.

If this is a case of the Staff believing that setting me free will set a bad example in that if enough posts advocating my freedom are put in, they have to give in, that's simply not the case.
You're right, that's not the case at all. Clearly you haven't been around enough to see how I run things.

Hell, if this was your idea of trying to get me to disappear, that certainly didnt happen. You've practically given me my own sub-forum for the last six months.
Why would we want you to disappear? We just want you to behave with a modicum of respect for other posters on the open forums. You couldn't do it before, you haven't done it in Prison, why the fuck should we let you out? To use the same example I gave another poster who brought this up, it's like arresting a thief, putting him in jail, watch him rob everyone in the jailhouse, and then let him out while he's robbing the prison guard. In what world would that happen?

But hey, people are clamoring for your release, so surely you've done enough to get out, right? Try acting like a decent human being for longer than a month, and then we'll talk. Actually, you and I won't talk, but the Staff will.
Oh, and just to help remember why you were here in the first place, allow me to quote...you.

Dude, if you honestly think that management will ever let me out of here after the bender I pulled, then you must be related to Al-Leafy
Even you didn't think you should be let out.

Kind of says something, don't you think?

So because a law has been changed, does it mean that previous offenders of the aforementioned law that has been abolished or changed can't function in society? In context, Macca was taken away to rehab due to his excessive flaming in a section of the forums that prohibited those actions. That area of the forums in now not there, technically, and a new section has been made for such excessive flaming that wound him here in the first place. Why wouldn't Macca be able to function in that area and do what he does where the rules don't prohibit him? There are a few posters on this site that log on every now and again (i.e. as frequently as Macca) and post in this area, as well as similar spam areas.

In conclusion, would you force a person beyond their will and authority to freedom to not have sex after they have turned 18, the legal age where the laws for them have changed, because what was once illegal now isn't? Essentially you're saying we all can't have sex because we were once of illegal age to have it.

I do not mean to offend your intelligence with this. I'm putting forth my personal opinions on the case. Ultimately, whatever the staff decides is whatever the staff decides.
I know I said I wasn't gonna post much in here anymore, but Slyfox just completley owned right there...if you where running for president...I'd vote for ya. Hell, it's not even because he was telling Macca off, it coulda been me, TLC, my grandmother, I'd still think that was great..just the way he did it. Sly...are you perhaps a script writer for WWE...wait no...that sounds insulting...are you a script writer for the awesome show Burn Notice?
So because a law has been changed, does it mean that previous offenders of the aforementioned law that has been abolished or changed can't function in society? In context, Macca was taken away to rehab due to his excessive flaming in a section of the forums that prohibited those actions. That area of the forums in now not there, technically, and a new section has been made for such excessive flaming that wound him here in the first place. Why wouldn't Macca be able to function in that area and do what he does where the rules don't prohibit him? There are a few posters on this site that log on every now and again (i.e. as frequently as Macca) and post in this area, as well as similar spam areas.

In conclusion, would you force a person beyond their will and authority to freedom to not have sex after they have turned 18, the legal age where the laws for them have changed, because what was once illegal now isn't? Essentially you're saying we all can't have sex because we were once of illegal age to have it.

I do not mean to offend your intelligence with this. I'm putting forth my personal opinions on the case. Ultimately, whatever the staff decides is whatever the staff decides.

NB: This is great preparation for the upcoming Debator's League.

So in the real world if you had a guy that had killed someone in a drunk driving incident but you legalize driving drunk, the threat of him hurting anyone is gone and he should be released?
So in the real world if you had a guy that had killed someone in a drunk driving incident but you legalize driving drunk, the threat of him hurting anyone is gone and he should be released?

I was going to say...

...Yes. The pedestrians would be the ones who have to take the responsibility of not walking out during a legally drunk person was swerving across the footpaths. Pertaining to Macca, we are the pedestrians and he is the drunk person. All we have to do is stay out of his way and everything should be fine...

... but then I realised that having him in prison does exactly what the last sentence that I wrote in the quote tags defines.
Not to mention us having to dodge him would be due to him depriving us of our liberty.


Wait... what are we talking about again?

Driving drunk is ok as long as you don't fuck anything up.

Under the current rules, you've already fucked up entering the driver's seat intoxicated with the intentions of using the vehicle. With these new amendments, you can't fuck up... everyone else can by not jumping out of the way whilst you try and run them over.
Pertaining to Macca, we are the pedestrians and he is the drunk person. All we have to do is stay out of his way and everything should be fine...

This is what we're talking about. It would be similar to "he's a murderer so to stay alive you just have to avoid him."
So because a law has been changed, does it mean that previous offenders of the aforementioned law that has been abolished or changed can't function in society? In context, Macca was taken away to rehab due to his excessive flaming in a section of the forums that prohibited those actions. That area of the forums in now not there, technically, and a new section has been made for such excessive flaming that wound him here in the first place. Why wouldn't Macca be able to function in that area and do what he does where the rules don't prohibit him? There are a few posters on this site that log on every now and again (i.e. as frequently as Macca) and post in this area, as well as similar spam areas.

In conclusion, would you force a person beyond their will and authority to freedom to not have sex after they have turned 18, the legal age where the laws for them have changed, because what was once illegal now isn't? Essentially you're saying we all can't have sex because we were once of illegal age to have it.

I do not mean to offend your intelligence with this. I'm putting forth my personal opinions on the case. Ultimately, whatever the staff decides is whatever the staff decides.

Perhaps you should try to read a thread before posting again in it. I had already covered that.
I love the drunk driving metaphors being used in relation to a wrestling forum's "prison." Makes me all tingly inside.
Macca, I told you a while ago to get out you'd have to calm down. You said something akin to "That would be admitting defeat"

Come on maaaaan
I haven't insinuated that at all, you just inferred it. It is rather funny that you thought of yourself as vermin though.

I think I've made my position quite clear the entire time. You're in here because you broke the rules, and you've yet to show that you have reformed to the point where we can trust you'll follow the rules. If you would like evidence of that, look no further than your comments towards the "I want to suck Obama off" poster. What about your posts against him makes you think that I will let you out, when you do the same thing in here which got you here in the first place?[\QUOTE]

Here because he likes to troll various members of the forum. Some want him banned, some want him to stay...now everyone is happy. And since he only wants to post in spam areas where flaming is allowed, then it's a win-win-win situation, the best kind of situation.[\QUOTE]

Look familiar? This is the OP of you sticking me in here almost six months ago. Funny how you first stated that fans of my style of posting would be happy that I would be able to flame to my heart's content here, and now you seem extremely butthurt that I did such. Seems to me that the only time that the rules are put into place are when you deem it appropriate. Hell, how many free posters come in here and flame new inmates, shouldn't they be punished for flaming outside the Cage? If this is the example you wanna set, then maybe you should actually follow through with your "rules".

It wasn't readily encouraged, not at all. In fact, I think it was against the rules even then.[\QUOTE]

Which brings me back to the same point: Why have rules if you barely uphold them? I remember how the Bar went back then.

You've been here less than 6 months, the majority of which you spent doing the same things that got you here in the first place. It has nothing to do with the Cage, but rather to do with your behavior in the Prison.[\QUOTE]

I'm not gonna put any effort into your flawed system. The Prison isn't here for rehab, it's for entertainment. The only time you show up is when someone kicks up a big stink. I've got one for ya, how about you actually assign a mod to the Prison to see that inmates' progress are actually monitered. That way posters in here can actually be given the chance to improve.

It makes you look however you want it to look.

It doesn't make me look like anything. People weren't looking at me when they were wondering what nimrod let Tributes out. The same Tributes that contributed absolutely nothing to the forums, the same Tributes who made threads that, if posted in any of the non-spam areas would be put in the trash immediately.

To hell with Tributes, let's ask this question. When I created non-spam threads, which would degenerate into non-spam threads because the Prison is a joke, and these threads were given favourable reactions from the community, why wasn't my efforts recognized then? Oh right, because the Staff don't actualy pay attention to any progress made in here.

You're right, that's not the case at all. Clearly you haven't been around enough to see how I run things.[\QUOTE]

Well that's fine then. Let's then state that the issue doesn't lie with me, it's with you. I put it to you that no matter how good or bad my progress has been in here, you would still stick me in here.

Why would we want you to disappear? We just want you to behave with a modicum of respect for other posters on the open forums. You couldn't do it before, you haven't done it in Prison, why the fuck should we let you out? To use the same example I gave another poster who brought this up, it's like arresting a thief, putting him in jail, watch him rob everyone in the jailhouse, and then let him out while he's robbing the prison guard. In what world would that happen?[\QUOTE]

Bullshit. SlyFox, you act as though if I get out, Im gonna be some sort of unstoppable force that will wreck havoc over this forum. What the fuck is stopping you from permabanning me if I end out going on a rampage outside of the Cage? You act as if every post I make is me ripping into someone, which is false. And the whole "why should I let you out after all the things you said to Tributes" is a crock. Let me put this into perspective here: This is the same Tributes who, after he got released continued to try and bait me intoyet another flame war. Pretty sure it was about a week until a staff member
finally actually took action, if you call it that. Why was Tributes not thrown back in here despite getting out and coming back in here to be a troll? Hell, when I brought up the red rep trolling, all Doc could do is shrug his shoulders. So don't give me that crap, because Tributes has been even worse of a troll then me, and he's out of lock and key.

But hey, people are clamoring for your release, so surely you've done enough to get out, right? Try acting like a decent human being for longer than a month, and then we'll talk. Actually, you and I won't talk, but the Staff will.

Once again, this shows that this is more of a I-have-a-problem-with-you thing then a you-have-a-problem-fix-it thing. If I honestly was a TURRIBLE human being as you say, do you think I would have gained as much success. Douchebags don't seem to last long round here. I honestly don't give a fuck if you do have a problem with me or not, but at least give me an opportunity to fall flat on my face rather then shut me out right off the bat. And if I do fuck
up, you could refer right back to this conversation, then I've got no legs to
stand on, do I?
LOL. The amount of time I've spent in here has crippled my debating skills. I've completely forgotten how to quote properly. You see, this Prison is more hurtful to me then helpful. Then again, maybe if I was given someone with some decent grasp of grammar to communicate with, perhaps that wouldn't be the case...
I know I said I wasn't gonna post much in here anymore, but Slyfox just completley owned right there...if you where running for president...I'd vote for ya. Hell, it's not even because he was telling Macca off, it coulda been me, TLC, my grandmother, I'd still think that was great..just the way he did it. Sly...are you perhaps a script writer for WWE...wait no...that sounds insulting...are you a script writer for the awesome show Burn Notice?


It amazes me to no end that you're out of prison and yet you still try to fit as much Staff member ass into your mouth...
Look familiar? This is the OP of you sticking me in here almost six months ago. Funny how you first stated that fans of my style of posting would be happy that I would be able to flame to my heart's content here, and now you seem extremely butthurt that I did such.
I'm not butthurt at all, just telling you, as did many people at the time, the flaming isn't going to get you out of the Prison.

Seems to me that the only time that the rules are put into place are when you deem it appropriate. Hell, how many free posters come in here and flame new inmates, shouldn't they be punished for flaming outside the Cage? If this is the example you wanna set, then maybe you should actually follow through with your "rules".
Flaming is allowed in the Prison. I think I mentioned that in the OP you just quoted.

Aside from being misguided, do you have a point to make here?

Which brings me back to the same point: Why have rules if you barely uphold them? I remember how the Bar went back then.
Clearly you don't, if you think trolling and homophobic comments were allowed anywhere.

We uphold the rules just fine. It's not my fault if you don't understand them.

I'm not gonna put any effort into your flawed system. The Prison isn't here for rehab, it's for entertainment. The only time you show up is when someone kicks up a big stink. I've got one for ya, how about you actually assign a mod to the Prison to see that inmates' progress are actually monitered. That way posters in here can actually be given the chance to improve.
The problem with this part of your post is that many people have been released from the Prison, if they do what they are supposed to.

Like your buddy Obama, for example. And just because I don't post, doesn't mean I don't monitor.

It doesn't make me look like anything. People weren't looking at me when they were wondering what nimrod let Tributes out. The same Tributes that contributed absolutely nothing to the forums, the same Tributes who made threads that, if posted in any of the non-spam areas would be put in the trash immediately.

To hell with Tributes, let's ask this question. When I created non-spam threads, which would degenerate into non-spam threads because the Prison is a joke, and these threads were given favourable reactions from the community, why wasn't my efforts recognized then? Oh right, because the Staff don't actualy pay attention to any progress made in here.
I believe I've already noted your attempts at improving.

Me said:
Try acting like a decent human being for longer than a month, and then we'll talk.
Perhaps it was slap-you-in-the-face obvious, but it was recognition.

Well that's fine then. Let's then state that the issue doesn't lie with me, it's with you. I put it to you that no matter how good or bad my progress has been in here, you would still stick me in here.
Good idea.

Prove you belong in the open forums by insulting the one person with the power to let you out. I don't have any problem with letting you out, I would have rather you been out than Tributes, to be honest. But, you haven't earned it.

Bullshit. SlyFox, you act as though if I get out, Im gonna be some sort of unstoppable force that will wreck havoc over this forum.
No, that's not what I'm saying.

What I'm saying is you haven't shown reform to the reason you were in here in the first place. If you'd rather another example, pretend you are a kindergarten student who just got put in the corner for incessant talking. While you are in the corner, you keep talking loudly enough to disrupt the rest of the class.

Will the teacher let you out of the corner? Of course not. It's the same thing here.

What the fuck is stopping you from permabanning me if I end out going on a rampage outside of the Cage?
Nothing is stopping me from giving you a permanent ban now. The fact you're still here should be indication enough I have no problem letting you out if I think you've improved yourself.

And the whole "why should I let you out after all the things you said to Tributes" is a crock.
No, I just used that as an example of how you haven't shown any kind of reform.

Why was Tributes not thrown back in here despite getting out and coming back in here to be a troll?
Trolling the Inmates is allowed in the Prison. He didn't break any rules.

Once again, this shows that this is more of a I-have-a-problem-with-you thing then a you-have-a-problem-fix-it thing.
I don't have a problem with you at all, other than the fact you blatantly broke our rules.

I don't hold grudges, not in real life and certainly not on a wrestling forum. At the same time, though, I see no reason to let you out of the kindergarten corner if you talk the entire time you're there.

Douchebags don't seem to last long round here.
Which should prove this is not a problem that I have with you thing, because if I thought you were a douchebag, you would have been banned, not put in Prison.

Do you not understand that?

I honestly don't give a fuck if you do have a problem with me or not, but at least give me an opportunity to fall flat on my face rather then shut me out right off the bat. And if I do fuck
up, you could refer right back to this conversation, then I've got no legs to
stand on, do I?
Do what you are supposed to do in here in order to be let out, and then it won't be an issue, now will it?
Let's not get it twisted, the basis of this debate is not to insult you, But rather to have a conversation that in my view should have taken place months ago in order to air out grievances between the two of us. I also believe we're happening a rather civil meeting here compared to my previous outings.

I have no problem with compromising with my behaviour if I believe doing so will get me somewhere.

You claim if I acted like a decent human being for more than a month than we could talk. If you want to see use my ability of restraint. then I say we put that to the test, shall we?

I propose that starting from this point forward (July 31st here in Adelaide) till September 1st, which is one month and one day, if I can keep my nose clean from attacking other posters and instead responding to them in a cordial manner, all while still remaining active and driving discussion here in the Prison, then you will consider giving me parole.

I think in doing so, you would be killing the two biggest questions presented with me in wherever or not I can:

-Have some sort of self-control when responding to others.
-Be a active member of the community in not just the spam sections, but the non-spam areas also.

The ball is in your court. You have nothing to lose, and I have everything to gain. I'm offering to show versatility in my posting style if you offer the chance for me to do so.
Let's not get it twisted, the basis of this debate is not to insult you, But rather to have a conversation that in my view should have taken place months ago in order to air out grievances between the two of us. I also believe we're happening a rather civil meeting here compared to my previous outings.
Fair enough, but I don't have any grievances with you, other than what got you in here.

I have no problem with compromising with my behaviour if I believe doing so will get me somewhere.
That's all I ask.

You claim if I acted like a decent human being for more than a month than we could talk. If you want to see use my ability of restraint. then I say we put that to the test, shall we?

I propose that starting from this point forward (July 31st here in Adelaide) till September 1st, which is one month and one day, if I can keep my nose clean from attacking other posters and instead responding to them in a cordial manner, all while still remaining active and driving discussion here in the Prison, then you will consider giving me parole.
I'm not a big fan of putting time limits on things. I used to be, but not anymore. The reason for this is it's easy to do right when you know you only have to do it for a period of time. When you have to do it indefinitely, it makes it more difficult.

Yours is certainly a reasonable request, but it is declined.

I think in doing so, you would be killing the two biggest questions presented with me in wherever or not I can:

-Have some sort of self-control when responding to others.
-Be a active member of the community in not just the spam sections, but the non-spam areas also.

The ball is in your court. You have nothing to lose, and I have everything to gain. I'm offering to show versatility in my posting style if you offer the chance for me to do so.
In the manner of a completely civil discussion, I want to point out that you are trying to bargain with me, but you don't hold any chips. Without intending to sound like an asshole, there's no incentive for me to bargain with you in anyway. Sure, I guess you could think of me as a cunt, but I have far more important things to worry about in life.

I know that sounds like I'm being a jerk, but I really don't intend it to be. In the end, the ball is really in your court, and you have to decide what you want to do. I believe I've made it clear what you need to do in order to leave the Prison, and it's up to you whether you wish to do it or not.

I appreciate a civil and mature discussion, and it shows that you are capable of it. The question is whether or not this is something you'll continue to do.

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