Lucha Underground Season Three Discussion

Has Cuerno had a match yet this season? I cant recall but maybe he got injured. Its weird because when Lucha Underground went on sportscenter at the start of last season they really pumped up Cuerno because he's a second or third generation luchador.

I figured Cage and Texano were kept out of Aztec Warfare because of the best of 5, kayfabe speaking it makes sense for Dario to not want to risk injuries to his potential host body. Thats why I'm confused they're in the running of the bulls, especially when its not just to make up the numbers. Still hoping Texano comes out on top at the end of this because they have done nothing with Texano apart from his brief story as mexico's hitman which they fucking wasted by having him lose to Blue Demon Jr.
Standard episode. Surprised by what seems to be another story for Sexy Star, unless this is how she gets written out. Good montage of her training but the punch through the wall isnt going to work because Sexy star isnt capable of working a more aggressive style because her moves barely look like they hurt at the moment

The worldwide underground need to disband. Jack Evans cant tell a story in the ring or he tells a completely different story than the one he's meant too. He looked really worried about being booted from the group backstage but then the whole time he was disgruntled in the ring and looked like he'd love nothing more than to be free of the worldwide underground

And where the fuck is my Puma training montage. Its been 3 weeks
Highest praise I can offer an episode is saying that it is as good as Season 1, which I felt this was.

The opening fatal four way was alot of fun. I could very much do without chair shots to the head, but as much as I disliked that, I was entirely entertained. Crane is awesome. I've been keeping a closer eye on him since Killam called him the best heel in the business today, and I'm glad I've been giving him a chance. Lethal strikes, innovative offense. Great work. I hope he turns heel on this program so I can really see what the buzz is about.

"Lucha-saurus" is the best chant I've ever heard.
Do heels exist in Lucha Underground? Pentagon was a flat out heel and has basically become the biggest star on the show behind Puma. Same can be said for Mil Muertes. Matanza is starting to turn to a tweener, Texano is another one who came in as a heel but is no longer. You really only have the Worldwide underground that are actual heels, Kobra Moon and Lizard Undertaker will probably add to that soon enough. Most of these heels arent main event talent (imo) which leaves Mundo as the only heel.

I imagine Crane will go the same, especially if he's going to be super violent (the stacked chairs spot where the chair fell leaving the legs exposed had my stomach turning). He'll be heel in nature but the crowd will be right behind him. The character needs an actual story before I buy him as a threat
Good ep. Skipped to the end of the main event, was not putting up with Striker tugging himself over sexy star and her shitty offence. Her kicks just arent realistic in the slightest. The crossbody off the cage looked terrible, mundo caught and then rolled back. The ending worked as it keeps sexy strong which they seem determined to do.

The mack winning seems like the right idea. The match was well executed story wise. Cage was protected and Crane isnt ready for the main event yet, he will be once they establish his story which they started this episode. The Mack can also help further the sexy star/mundo story. I would have Mundo beat him clean to start re-establishing his credibility and not having him rely on the worldwide underground as much but i suspect they'll get involved and then sexy star will get involved.

Not sure on this Drago story. Hopefully it ends up with Fenix going solo again because he (and drago too) are wasted in this trio because they're just there, there is no story. Hopefully Dario starts his trio tournament up again and Kobra Moon uses her henchmen to get to the final against Fenix and Aerostar defend in a 2v3 only for Drago to appear and turn heel and join the reptile tribe
I'll say this, I'm pretty sure I've never seen a man reverse a Doomsday Device by powerslamming the flying man from the standing mans shoulders. Fuuuuck! That's one of those bumps that belong in a better match.

I'm definitely with you A11, they protected Sexy, who is tragically their Roman Reigns, for strange reasons. But without calling post-production into question, it seems the Temple is legitimately behind Sexy. They do rally behind her, from what I've seen, and that's the crowd I like to see worked. That being said, it seemed Mundo got legit heat for pulling off her mask.
Am I supposed to know the Johnny Mundo fanboy? Could this be the gender bent version of Mickey James and Trish?

I kinda smirked to myself when Angelico and Son of Havoc made their to the ring. Cool reunion by 2/3rds of my favorite trio. This is so coo.... oh, Angelico's injured. Fuck.

The best of five concludes in a heavy hitting pair of matches, and Cage is awarded some sweet LARPing gear. I suppose he's about to go on a warpath.

I'm sure we're all let down about the lack of afterlife training montage. I'm more annoyed that the status quo of Vamp playing everyday-announcer and dark macabre psycho continues, but doing this angle with Puma, at least it's fresh. We'll just have to change Puma's happy-club-fight mix to something better suited to his new persona.
Why they cant get another commentator in to free Vampiro to be the best thing in wrestling at the moment is beyond me.

I just didnt really enjoy the episode. The glove was a major letdown in my opinion, angelico got injured again. Sure Puma returned but i think it wasnt very good. Sure out of the ring it worked but in the ring it was a simple run in as if he had never been gone and it felt like it stole some of Crane's thunder
I didnt enjoy this episode. Sexy star makes me drift out and after that i couldnt get into it. The drago story is pretty good and progressing nicely. The rabbit tribe finding Mascarita as their god will likely be good as well. Still wish that paul london had been an optimistic bray wyatt as oppossed to this drugged out trance stuff, but their light hearted entertainment and you need that on the card. Wasnt happy with the change to the main event and now the episode next week will be just that match and I dont buy mack as champ so that whole episode will be rather dull and predictable
Outside a few episodes of Season 1 episode 18 is the first time I've ever watched LU and I figured I'd give some thoughts.

I'm enjoying The Rabbit Tribe. I love the gimmick and anything involving Paul London is ok in my book.

I don't know what the deal is with Drago but they've done a good job of getting me invested in it quickly.

I've enjoyed Johnny Mundo since he was called Johnny Nitro so seeing him in the Main Event even in a small fed like this makes me happy.

Other than that I need to watch more (which I will be doing) to form an opinion.
Yeah, Mack is just not the right choice for 'All Night Long'. He's completely dull, and has no aggressive side. Nonetheless, I'll take him over an hour long rematch between Mundo and Sexy. And I'll give them credit for the closing of their segment. Mundo works so great as a heel.

Good episode, all in all. I'm digging the Rabbit Tribe, and all their Lewis Carroll schtick. Not what I expected at all, but still enjoyable all the same. And if you're going to keep a ridiculous wrestler like Mascarita Sagrada around, it may as well be something ridiculous like this.

Vibora's not the KISS Demon, is he?
Now that Johnny Mundo has moved on from Sexy Star, Mack is his new challenger. As much as I like Mack, I don't think that he's a credible challenger to Mundo's title.

I can see only two credible options to dethrone Johnny Mundo and they are Prince Puma and Pentagon Dark. They could only suit as the ones to finally dethrone Mundo. I would be happy if it's either of these two. Mack? No, please.

By the way, has Pentagon Dark returned after getting his arms broken? I guess not.
Wait a second, what's all this about a mid-season finale? Is there a hiatus coming up, or is this just a buzzword?

I also just realized that we're without a Gift of the Gods title right now. There's not even any medallions circulating. Perhaps GotG has outlived it's purpose. I wouldn't mind if the title was abandoned entirely, if it was dropped at the expense of at new midcard title. I'mokay if it's sticks around too, just hope something pops into existence soon.
Wait a second, what's all this about a mid-season finale? Is there a hiatus coming up, or is this just a buzzword?
In this case I think it's just a buzzword. There are 40 episodes this season so episode 20 would be midway through. I don't think they're gonna take a break or anything like most shows do for Mid season finales. at least I hope they don't.

I just go done watching Episode 19 and I really enjoyed it.

The beginning gave me the vibe we're gonna see Vampiro vs Mil at some point in the futre which would be fun to se (for me at least).

Texano vs Joey Ryan was a fun match. Ryan is always fun to watch and while I don't know who the people were on the outside of the ring I'm interested to see what happens with all that.

Cage Vs Veneno just seemed to me a means to introduce the new character. If I was paying enough attention and did the right research Veneno is Cortez Castro and is still trying to bring down Dario.

Johnny Mundo and The Mack got me interested for their match next week. I don't see Mack walking out with the title as Johnny is just on fire right now and shouldn't lose the title to Mack of all people.

Matanza vs Dragon Azteca Jr in a death match was amazing to watch. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't watched it yet but if you're a fan of the hardcore style you owe it to yourself to see this match.

I'm excited to see what LU has in store for us the second half of the season after Mundo & Mack go All night Long next week.
Wait a second, what's all this about a mid-season finale? Is there a hiatus coming up, or is this just a buzzword?

I also just realized that we're without a Gift of the Gods title right now. There's not even any medallions circulating. Perhaps GotG has outlived it's purpose. I wouldn't mind if the title was abandoned entirely, if it was dropped at the expense of at new midcard title. I'mokay if it's sticks around too, just hope something pops into existence soon.
I hope that Gift Of The Gods title isn't abandoned entirely. If it is indeed abandoned, that leaves no midcard title and I don't think that the midcard should remain devoid of a title. Plus, Gift Of The Gods Title is an unique midcard title that also serves the purpose of a Money In The Bank briefcase. The current champion is himself a former Gift Of The Gods champion so that really signifies it's importance.

So this title should remain as it is. No need to abandon or replace it.
I really hope matanza actually killed azteca. He has been such a disappointing character. Was hoping that Cage was just going to punch Veneno in the head and that would be him dead. Obviously that cant happen seeing that Veneno is castro. No way Veneno/Castro is behind the spider for sexy star, no expectations for that story being any good because the charm of Castro was that it didnt matter how much he loses because he's not there for winning he's there as a character for a backstage story that will be secondary to whatever he does with star.

Overall good episode
I only just got around to watching the midseason finale. I didn't want to be too saturated in wrestling going into the UK tournament, and with the hiatus, seemed appropriate to wait a week to watch it.

The beginning gave me the vibe we're gonna see Vampiro vs Mil at some point in the futre which would be fun to se (for me at least).

I'm optimistic, but cautiously. Mil being the heavy hitter he is against a semi-fragile Vamp seems limiting. But then again, had I followed season one as it was presented, I would have likely expected the same going into Vampiro vs Pentagon.

I'm definitely loving the angle, though. Puma and Vamp's new tandem has been the freshest piece of the season. If anything, I want to see more frequency of their airtime together.

Texano vs Joey Ryan was a fun match. Ryan is always fun to watch and while I don't know who the people were on the outside of the ring I'm interested to see what happens with all that.

Famous B made this work. It's like a hilarious version of De Niro in Machete. Texano desperately needs something, and this may be it.

I really hope matanza actually killed azteca. He has been such a disappointing character. Was hoping that Cage was just going to punch Veneno in the head and that would be him dead. Obviously that cant happen seeing that Veneno is castro. No way Veneno/Castro is behind the spider for sexy star, no expectations for that story being any good because the charm of Castro was that it didnt matter how much he loses because he's not there for winning he's there as a character for a backstage story that will be secondary to whatever he does with star.

Hey, anything that keeps her at arms length from the championship scene. I'm also putting money on Cortez and Sexy hooking up.

Johnny Mundo and The Mack got me interested for their match next week. I don't see Mack walking out with the title as Johnny is just on fire right now and shouldn't lose the title to Mack of all people.

Another instance of cautious optimism on my part. I love Mundo using their respective physiques to get heat. It should be a good match, but yeah, Mundo and the Underground take this.

I hope that Gift Of The Gods title isn't abandoned entirely. If it is indeed abandoned, that leaves no midcard title and I don't think that the midcard should remain devoid of a title. Plus, Gift Of The Gods Title is an unique midcard title that also serves the purpose of a Money In The Bank briefcase. The current champion is himself a former Gift Of The Gods champion so that really signifies it's importance.

So this title should remain as it is. No need to abandon or replace it.

I'd still like to see it replaced, but I'm okay with it's continued use. I just hope it comes back sooner than later.

I hope we can make use of this thread in the coming months, but if not, 'til the second half of season 3!
that is completely ridiculous.

I get a midseason break if they do it over the holidays like a lot of shows I watch do but they shot all 40 episodes already and there's nothing over the spring like Thanksgiving or Christmas that would warrant them being afraid of low ratings or whatever their reason is to do it.

As a fan who just got into their product this is rather off putting
Shame. Although I've only watched maybe one or two episodes this season so it gives me a chance to catch up. Not stoked for the first few episodes as I've heard they're gobshite but oh well.

I don't get why they're having such an extensive break, especially with them having filmed UL 3 last summer
Seems stupid. I cant understand it either. 40 episode season, 52 weeks in a year, few weeks break between each season, all that would make you think that at best if you were going to have a break you would stop for no more than like 2 weeks
I think that Lucha Underground is doing it because Lucha Underground Season 4 is going to be taped up in late 2017 and I guess that we will probably get in mid 2018. So maybe to compensate a bit.

Also I read a report that Lucha Underground is trying to crack a deal with Netflix and that's a major reason of having this long mid-season break. Let's see if it can get a big deal with Netflix.
I was just thinking about this yesterday and was drawing a total blank, but where has King Cuerno vanished to? He was one of my favorite characters since the start of Lucha Underground and it seems like he's just dropped off the face of the earth randomly.

Also I'd love to see Lucha Underground get a deal done with Netflix, I'm sure many people don't have El Rey Network and Netflix would be huge for them to draw in more viewers.
I was just thinking about this yesterday and was drawing a total blank, but where has King Cuerno vanished to? He was one of my favorite characters since the start of Lucha Underground and it seems like he's just dropped off the face of the earth randomly.

Also I'd love to see Lucha Underground get a deal done with Netflix, I'm sure many people don't have El Rey Network and Netflix would be huge for them to draw in more viewers.
Striker made some kind of reference to it in an episode not too long ago, so I'm assuming that there is some kind of story but no idea what.

I was dreaming of the netflix deal when it looked like the only way for the show to continue but they've continued on anyway. The rumour keeps ticking along its now halfway through season 3. It'd be amazing but i've kinda given up on it.

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