And So The Book Closes; Lucha Underground Season Finale


Lord And Master
Staff member

Fenix is the first to gather the Gold Aztec Medallions and become the Gift Of The Gods Champion. The Disciples Of Death became the second ever Trios Champions in LU's first title change. And the final mark. Mil Muertes defeated Prince Puma to become the new Lucha Underground Champion. The first Puertorican since Pedro Morales to hold a major televised wrestling promotion's main title. Yeah, I'm proud.

Melina saves Johnny Mundo and helps him defeat Alberto El Patron. Too bad, Alberto gets the last laugh by laying waist to his foe and leaving him a bloody mess.

In an insane twist not even Vince Russo could pull, Pentagon Jr. defeats Vampiro in an absolutely bloody, armbreaking war. Then it turns out Pentagon Jr.'s master is none other than Vampiro!! Talk about some crazy anime martial arts shit.

Blue Demon Jr. beat Texano Jr. because fuck Blue Demon.

We leave the show's backstage story inconclusive as Black Lotus turns and eliminates Dragon Azteca, Team Havoc leave on a road trip and Vampiro keeps training Pentagon. Lotus is now aligned with Dario as season 1 draws to a close. According to Konnan, season 2 is indeed happening. When, is the question though.
In the Observer that was released overnight season 2 might not happen until late 2016 if they can't get the funds together by November so that they can start planning the production for the first quarter of 2016 which means the show wouldn't go to air until at least the second quarter which even then is unlikely. They need something like $20 million to make the show and Mark Burnett's look on it is, if they're not going to do it as it should be done, they won't do it at all, so if I were someone who really liked Lucha Underground I'd get a crowd funder going and hope for the best.

I've the show torrented and am going to watch it later on, seen some gifs though, Vampiro/Pentagon Jr looks crazy.
They need to shop Lucha Underground internationally, to Canada, Britain, etc... I can tell you that there's a real appetite for wrestling in the Middle East, getting LU on OSN or whatever would get them a real following.

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