Lucha Underground Season Three Discussion


Friendly Neighborhood
While I knew that they had season three already filmed, I'm surprised that it'll be airing so soon. Next Wednesday, September 7th will be episode 1 of season 3 (though I'm sure many of us will only be getting around to watching it on Thursday).

I dunno if I'm as excited as I was between seasons 1 and 2. The finish of S02, as we all kinda discussed, was a little lackluster compared to the first. It's not to say season 2 was bad, but it just lacked the magic. Besides, season one was so special that it earned my loyalty. It would take some remarkably bad television on their part for me to tune out. A sophomore slump isn't going to stop me.

That being said, let's talk about the trailer.


Well edited. Lot's of dramatic footage without giving away much of anything. Looks like some sort of Lucha Ska Band has joined the fight. The Worldwide Underground expands it's ranks, though I can't make out who that extra man is (not the best YouTube video ever). The story from the trailer that grabbed my attention the most was Son of Havoc fighting some sort of doppelganger.

The last shot worries me. I haven't read any confirming spoilers, but the writing on the wall has been there for Prince Puma to exit the show at some point. I really, really hope he's not just killed off by Vampiro in a backstage segment. That is unless, it's REALLY well done

I look forward to chatting LU with you guys once again!

(Season Two Discussion)
I've only seen a few episodes of season one, and the majority of season two. While I wouldn't want to see Puma leave, they have plenty of talent to go around. Plus, I'm interested to see the progression of Pentagon Dark. He's been the standout of LU since I've started watching.
Pretty confident after watching the first episode that Puma wont be written out. Dont know how to feel about where his story is heading but if it produces more scenes like that last one then i dont really care, Vampiro was amazing in that scene. They really have to just bite the bullet and make him an actual part of the show and get someone else into commentate because Vampiro is shit at commentating.

It was a pretty standard episode, Dario just pulling the strings left and right. They still have the same problem with matanza. He shouldnt be selling as much as he does if they are going to let the challenger have so much offense it should be about how everything son of havoc was doing was having no effect on matanza instead of how close Havoc was to winning. Cant wait for shredder to rock up as Dario's boss :lmao:

Was that them writing Angelico out of everything or is he still just injured?
Holy shit! It's the Honky Tonk Man! Fun little cameo, I hope we see more of these. Maybe Cornette can pop up as a belligerent homeless man living outside the Temple.

Pretty confident after watching the first episode that Puma wont be written out. Dont know how to feel about where his story is heading but if it produces more scenes like that last one then i dont really care, Vampiro was amazing in that scene. They really have to just bite the bullet and make him an actual part of the show and get someone else into commentate because Vampiro is shit at commentating.

I still suspect this will be Ricochet's last season, but everything else here, I'm with you. Pairing up Vampiro and Puma was instantly fresh, and a strong showing by Vamp himself. Legitimately an intriguing storyline right off the bat. I don't dislike Vampire as a color commentator, but the inconsistency of his character at that booth is entirely indefensible.

It was a pretty standard episode, Dario just pulling the strings left and right. They still have the same problem with matanza. He shouldnt be selling as much as he does if they are going to let the challenger have so much offense it should be about how everything son of havoc was doing was having no effect on matanza instead of how close Havoc was to winning.

Yeah, Matanza is full nerfed now. Frankly, he was painted into a corner from day one. Had they not nerfed him, there'd be nowhere for his character to go. It's not the strongest creative decision ever, but at least he's still a monster in a sense that he will take your best shot and be still standing.

Strong wrestling on the card. In fact, I'd say one of the best episodes of consecutive wrestling matches they've ever done. Kind of a dramatic decrease of lucha libre for lucha libres sake.

Marty having a somewhat prominent scene in episode 1 gives me some hope that they have significant plans for him this season.

So we'really going to have Catrina vs Ivelisse in the season finale. A better part of a full year to build the match (three years if you count the past two seasons). Strange decision. I like these two, but by and large they areally not Rock and Cena

Cant wait for shredder to rock up as Dario's boss :lmao:

Nice! Dr. Claw came to mind, myself.


And finally,

Yeah, Matanza continues to look like a lucky punching bag champion. He should have dominated Son of Havoc, only to get caught with a snap big move and nearly get pinned, like how the Ivelisse/Mil Muertes match on the last season premier was booked.

I would also say that putting Son of Havoc straight into a title match after him getting screwed at UL2 was a bit strange. There was plenty of room to build him up as the next big underdog challenger who has been screwed by the boss, but now he has been beaten by the champion ans seemingly ineligible to challenge Matanza again.

I fancy Johnny Mundo to get the big belt this year. The worst kind of GotG cash in allowed by Dario would suit him down to the ground.

I still don't care about Sexy Star.

More Puma vs Mil? Why the hell not.

I can take or leave ever seeing Rey Mysterio win a match ever again but at least he is being played up as the king rather than as the underdog and at least the circumstances of his victory over Pentagon Dark played into the story around the latter not paying attention in the ring.

Back to the champ, there was and still is an opportunity to develop Matanza by exploring the question of what has he been doing between seasons while Dario has been in prison?

Who has been keeping him fed and watered while he was locked in his cell? If it was someone like Mascarita Sagrada, maybe Matanza becomes a little humanised. Or maybe Black Lotus or Dragon Azteca was starting to turn him against Dario.

Something like that might be a future story for Matanza as I am sure they want to keep him looking strong enough, if not necessarily champion, for when whomever Lord Dr Claw is.
Incredible episode. The amount of time spent out of the ring and in ring was very well balanced and every segment moved the story forward.

Really good main event. Wasnt a fan of striker pulling out war puns every 4 seconds but oh well. Killshot had to win. Which is why the addition of mariposa (probably spelt that horribly wrong) worked so well, i really thought they were going to screw him out of the win. You would assume that this story is finally concluded.

Really pumped for Puma v Mil II. I dont think I've been such a mark for someone as I am for Puma. If he simply squashed mascarita for a whole season i'd still tell you it was feud of the season.

The amulet. Where to begin. So much potential. What if the cop chick is actually Catrina when she uses the amulet or even just the journey to get the two halves together will be good. I'm willing to bet that Joey Ryan is trying to be a triple agent on dario. I would have loved if Castro had turned around and said he was going into business for himself. Wouldnt be a cop but would have dario breathing down his neck thinking he was
Just watched the latest episode earlier. While the first matches were squashes, I like how much time they gave Killshot and Moth. As for Puma and Mil, I suspect that Puma will come out on top. He looks to be on a road to redemption, and he needs to beat Mil in order to get back to the championship. Also, I wonder what role Joey Ryan is going to play now that he's in Dario's pocket, albeit reluctantly.
Wasnt a fan of striker pulling out war puns every 4 seconds but oh well.

Beats him going "Beep beep beep beeeeeeeep" to build up the Flatliner. God. Awful.

I don't get why Mascarita was Doctor Wagner's squash. Wouldn't a better story be Mascarita pursuing revenge from Famous B? I'd prefer to see Wagner crush someone else, and Mascarita make the run in with his attack focused on Famous B. Maybe I'm expecting more commitment to the Mascarita character, but he was literally the only wrestler who had a full entrance this episode. I don't know what that says, if anything at all. Just an observation.

Mil Muertes squashes Argenis. Prince Puma jumps Mil. Vampiro plays up being bewildered. Excited to watch this develop, but I do dread one potential piece in this storyline; Puma has a new mentor in Vampiro, a man who absolutely hated his old mentor. Please, Lucha Underground, do not bring back Konnan!

Absolute spectacle of the main event! Marty's costume was on point, I loved him coming to the ring with a bullet vest. Killshot indeed had to win this, but I really want to see Marty pick up some momentum. No one, no one in Lucha Underground plays their character better, except for Dario Cueto. I will say the finish was a little forced (Marty sets up a table, tries propping Killshot on the opposite table instead), but the flying double foot stomp was well worth it. Epic. Finn Balor, love you, but eat your heart out!

My own theory on the amulet; Captain Vasquez and Catrina, like the amulet, are two halves of the same being. Something over the last millennia divided the Aztec daughter's soul in two, and now she's fighting both sides of the same war. Good and evil. Yin and yang.

And I have literally nothing to base that on other than wild accusation! :D
Cant really say i enjoyed this episode. While I did think that was Matanza's best match the rest of the show felt like a mess. The main event i have no idea what happened. Jack suddenly cracked the shits, PJ Black is just a nothing kind of guy and the trios champions still feel like they were thrown together because creative has nothing for them. Sexy star coming out doesnt help them either, she's just so bland. Cant understand why Mundo came out either he didnt give a shit about the match and should've been pissed off that Taya didnt support him.

Not really interested in a best of 5 series. Texano is great to watch but hasnt got the booking a guy like him deserves. Cage is so generic for me, he forces his line into every promo and just irks me. Neither man wins the big one either which is why I dont think the Ultimate opportunity will be for the championship and you know it will go the full 5...zzzz

Interested to see where Son of Havoc and mascarita goes but would have preferred that havoc to have called famous b
Been a busy week, finally caught up just Friday. Two episodes of Lucha and one NXT equated to a strange, uneven special.

I'm a big fan of Texano vs Cage in a best of five. There's something to be said about two hoss's going at it then fist bumping with smiles on their faces, as they did in round one. I like face-Cage as a wrestler, but yeah, his promos are weak. There was only one time that "... because I'm not a man..." was ever used in a grammatically correct fashion. While I'm expecting to enjoy this series, I understand fatigue over these two for several episodes, especially after a majority of us just watched Cesaro vs Sheamus for 8 dozen weeks. Nonetheless, Cueto's "Opportunities" are always excellent and intriguing. I hope Texano takes it.

I couldn't quite make it out on my own picture, but what were those photos he received in the mail? Were they in the same box that Famous B sent him? Who was that bozo he gave the photos away to? I'm confused.

I liked the Trios match, but I don't get why Jack Evans was a petulant child all of the sudden. He's flashy to a fault, but aren't all of the Worldwide Underground? Isn't that their thing?

The two highlights of the past two weeks (might have been the same episode, I can't remember) were Puma/Sinestro and Azteca/Chavo. These two matches were what make wrestling good; straight forward booking with understandable goals.

Puma plays his usual highlight reel, but with just enough new agression peppered in. It also helps that Vampiro and Matt were uncharacteristically... well.. good at their jobs in this match. They pointed out the little things that Puma was doing differently, and not once did it seem forced. Puma flatlines Sinestro, staring at Mil Muertes as he does so was awesome. Picture is worth a thousand words.

Azteca vs Chavo featured one of the best uses of a special guest referee in recent memory; yes, Rey Mysterio is aligned with Dragon Azteca Jr, but Rey had more to play with. He had solid, grounded reasons for not wanting his protege to win, wanting to protect Azteca from the "prize" of facing off with Pentagon Dark. Nonetheless, Chavo's hot headed nature gets the better of him, and Rey counts his shoulders down.

Kinda unfortunate though, is that even though Matanza is champion, the only one chasing him is Johnny Mundo. Meanwhile, Pentagon Dark has two people trying to get a go at him. They should have taken the belt off of Matanza at Ultima Lucha, they really should have.
Wow, this thread has less activity than Lucha Underground's viewership!

Ha ha!





Well, I don't know about you all, I've been very busy. In fact, Smackdown has kinda nudged Lucha out of my priority viewing for the week. Nonetheless, I just marathoned the last three episodes. Here's my takeaway;

Matanza is just idle in the water, now. Dario's Dial of Doom was a nice attempt to keep him interesting, but as we've discussed time and time again, Matanza keeps almost losing. Cueto can rub it in that Matanza keeps running through the competition with ease, but we've seen otherwise! I don't care if you want to protect Killshot. He should not have gotten in as much offense as Prince Puma did!

Don't get me wrong, I like Killshot lately. He certainly won me over in the WMD match, but the story of the Unbeatable Monster Matanza hinges on how well he can keep the competition at bay. Puma's match should have been the only time Matanza was on the ropes, only to be thwarted by Mil Muertes, in my opinion.

Some great matches in the last few weeks! Puma vs Mil, Puma vs Matanza, the Triple Threat among the Trios champs, just great work! In fact, even Sexy Star has somewhat lived up to the pomp and circumstance that Matt Striker bestows on her each week. Her match with Jack Evans showcased a competitor who actually holds her own quite well in a singles match.

Looks like, what, two injuries? Taya and Fenix. Three if we're talking about Angelico. Does anyone have a non-spoiler report on those injuries?

Oh yeah, and Aztec Warfare III will be gracing us on November 18th! The Monster Matanza confirmed at #1, and Drago confirmed at #20! Fenix and Aerostar ineligible to compete in the match. This would be a great opportunity to take the title off of Matanza while protecting him, as they seem gung-ho to do.
i've been struggling to balance uni, social life, sport, tv and video games. However i caught up last night.

I imagine Fenix will work through the nose, you can hide him in a trios match and have drago/aerostar carry the load. Expect them to drop take the title of the super friends (or whatever they are calling them) and Drago will join marty and miriposa.

Not sure if Matanza will drop the title, he has to but i'm not sure if he will. If he doesnt drop it im not sure if ever can
I usually catch LU if I have some free time on the weekends. I'm curious to see who will de-throne Matanza, especially being that with he's looking a little a little more vulnerable. It was looking as though Prince Puma was going to get the title back until Mil Muertes got involved.
The reveal that Lord Claw might need a body to inhabit was interesting. It could be that this was the entire point of the Temple - a fight club to bring together the best fighters from whom to choose a vessel for the god looking to initiate Aztec Armageddon.

It also provides Lucha with an out if they cannot get a big name to play Lord Claw. Rather than spend big money to bring in a big free agent and need them to hit the ground running in the main event, they can have an already established star in a mask, make up or something like all-black contact lenses.

I would imagine that Dario's Ultimate Opportunity will not come to pass; perhaps someone a little less intimidating will end up accidentally becoming the vessel. Maybe Jeremiah is rooting around in Dario's office looking to steal something.
Drago will join marty and miriposa.

I think you mean Kobra Moon. She was the one slinkying around Drago in the disgusting bathroom. I guess Daga isn't around anymore, so perhaps that story is dropped.

Барбоса;5598917 said:
I would imagine that Dario's Ultimate Opportunity will not come to pass; perhaps someone a little less intimidating will end up accidentally becoming the vessel. Maybe Jeremiah is rooting around in Dario's office looking to steal something.

I could get behind that, but Cage as a destroyer-god would be pretty epic. Then again, to your point, I'd tremble under the foot of Mascarita, Dark Lord of All.

The latest episode was pretty damn good. I was shocked to see Sexy Star lose the Gift of the Gods championship, but it certainly made sense. She's still pretty sloppy, but her character arc is quite good. I just wish Ivelisse was the one benefiting from the story.

Speaking of, Sami Callahan is a welcome addition to the temple. I never saw much of him in NXT, but those kicks are FIERCE! I also accept that Lucha is a little rough around the edges in it's production, but Matt & Vamp asking who this guy is while the Believers chant "Sami" makes them look like real tools.

Please, please don't be foreshadowing the return of Konnan.

These "Rabbit" themed vignettes are intriguing. Very well executed. There's yet to be a real psychological character in the Temple yet, and this might be it. It's a shame the reveal has already been leaked, though;

Did anyone else have any strange picture in picture issues this week? I totally missed the image of the "Tick Tock" stable. Looks like the group that was in that trailer.

I understand an unlikely babyface getting in a flurry of offense, and I know I'm beating this horse dead, but there was no reason for Cortez Castro to get any offense on Matanza! Zero! That's how much offense he should have had. The Crew grew on me, but Castro is a nobody. A nobody with a broken arm, at that. I'm willing to eat my words, but it doesn't seem like this angle couldn't be executed by a full-fledged jobber.

The visual of the cast being broken was cool, though. Props to the foley department.

My prediction; Grave Consequences III will be better than II, not as good as I. BUT DON'T BRING BACK KONNAN!

Through all of it's flash and pizazz, Lucha Underground has more than enough gems in their catalogue of matches. This was one of them. Chavo and Rey worked a great match. I wasn't crazy about the false finish, and Chavo could have worked Rey's leg a little more, but his uncle he is not. Smart work by both.
Did anyone else have any strange picture in picture issues this week? I totally missed the image of the "Tick Tock" stable. Looks like the group that was in that trailer.

El Rey Network was all jacked up this week. They kept running their weekend scary movie promos over Lucha's broadcast. It's bad enough that El Rey isn't offered in HD on DirecTV, but I digress...

I don't read spoilers, so I'm totally interested in the White Rabbit thing. It's looks promising.

Next week should be a pretty solid episode with the Grave Consequences match between Puma and Mil. Ricochet is one of the best in the business, right now (IMO) and he has a pretty good chemistry with Mil. I also dig the Catrina involvement, but I think they should use this match to advance her upcoming match with Ivelisse at Ultima Lucha Tres. I also see Vampiro getting involved in this match, somehow.

I love the return of Believer's Backlash, but having Mascarita Sagrada involved seems like a waste. I get that it's a way to make him beating Famous B believable, but...

Needless to say, let's just get to Aztec Warfare which is always a great night for LU -- at least the first two have been.
Puma will win this match. And Mil will have his annual death only to return stronger than before. Suprised they will have him miss aztec warfare but oh well
When is Última Lucha supposed to go down? I'm really looking forward to Ivelisse vs Catrina.
When is Última Lucha supposed to go down? I'm really looking forward to Ivelisse vs Catrina.

Ultima Lucha is their multi-episode season finale. We're 9 episodes into a 40 episode season (holy shit), so don't hold your breath just yet. Booking this match so early was a little strange, but I think it might have just been reassuring the audience that the match will actually happen, as it seems to have fallen on the wayside at least one occasion.

I don't know if you caught Aztec Warfare in season one or two, but you're in for a show. Hopefully, that will keep your eagerness at bay! :D
Aztec warfare is the best whole show of each season, sure there's only two seasons to judge it off but its had probably the two most significant events in the show. Puma winning the first title in season 1 and Dario returning and unleashing Matanza last year.

The fact that its two weeks away is really taking away from Grave consequences next week. Especially when i think its just another excuse to write Mil out for a while until he returns for the run home to Ultima Lucha with a new accessory to signal his new found power. Although imagine if Puma was to lose and we got these cheesy underworld death scenes allowing Konnan to mentor him. Fuck me dead it would be hilarious yet somehow the greatest thing all at once.
I was worried that I'd be burnt out with two gimmick matches announced going into the show. I'm pleased to say that I was wrong.

Mascarita vs Famous B was exactly what it needed to be. It wasn't designed as a barn burner story. The revenge plot was paramount, but while that played out, this was about fans having fun. Unabashed, unapologetic fun. I chuckled, I popped, and I rooted for the good guy, probably for base and shallow reasons. Don't try and overcomplicate wrestling when you don't need to.

Fuck, did Ivie get hurt again? If not, she might be the best seller not named Sami Zayn. Can't see it being a work, as it didn't affect the outcome, but then again there is still plenty of time in the season to play this out. Sami Callahan/Solomon Crowe/Jeremiah Crane continues to impress me with the lethality of his strikes. Dante/Killshot looks like it could be a nuanced storyline, though that's difficult to do effectively with a fresh, new character.

Grave Consequences. Wow. Awesome! I thought it would fail to live up to GCI, but I think it surpassed it. The first one was brutal, but the story here was just fantastic. Great showing here, and I'm glad to see Mil pick up another major win. Feels like he hasn't had momentum since the season finale of s01.

Although imagine if Puma was to lose and we got these cheesy underworld death scenes allowing Konnan to mentor him. Fuck me dead it would be hilarious yet somehow the greatest thing all at once.

You're onto something. Could be some wonderful, b-movie quality reels coming our way.

One thing I really want to see going into Aztec Warfare; King Cuerno returning and having a really strong showing.
Ultima Lucha is their multi-episode season finale. We're 9 episodes into a 40 episode season (holy shit), so don't hold your breath just yet. Booking this match so early was a little strange, but I think it might have just been reassuring the audience that the match will actually happen, as it seems to have fallen on the wayside at least one occasion.

I don't know if you caught Aztec Warfare in season one or two, but you're in for a show. Hopefully, that will keep your eagerness at bay! :D

Good looking out. I had a feeling it was gonna be a ways off. I did watch the last Aztec warfare, and I dug it. I usually enjoy every episode that I've seen this far, especially if it features Pentagon.
I wish they'd shown that catrina mil scene from the start of the episode at the end of the last. It probably would have had me stressing for the whole week not just the hour. The smile on Vampiro's face definitely means something is up and I really look forward to it. Puma was shit last year, he wasnt used as the star he is and the shows are so much better for it. The minute his contract expires or LU finishes, Ricochet better be in NXT because I have not been a big as a mark for a wrestler since I first started watching wrestling just over 11 years ago
Oh and how much does Famous B sell. It worked in this match but geez i couldnt help but cringe. I wonder where the character goes from here, I'd really love for him to build a stable of stars and get a hold of all the titles just like Catrina did after Ultima Lucha. It could be used to catapult someone into a star if they breakout as the gift of the gods champion ala batista.

Finally, there's one guy in the crowd who is almost unbearable, kinda looks like Ezra Miller. Its gotten to the point where he thinks he's part of the show. When puma was slamming the casket on mil he's air slamming along with him. Another episode after a big win (might have been weapons of mass destruction) they cut to him with his arms outstretched like he was immortal or something ffs. Basically he's one of the idiots that make up the IWC who tries to make the shows about them

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