Lord William Regal

Regal could actualy be built as the Company's top heel, he has everything going for him:

-Great in-ring Technican
-Easy to hate (natural heel)
-Good on the mic
-Only just about to turn 40, but a shit load of experiance
-Still looks in decent shape, and fresh as he's not been a full time wrestler for almost a year
-And most importnatly hes friends with HHH

Ragal has unlimited potential still IMO. He has what a good 4/5 years left in him if they use him well. People always talk about the British Bulldog when they talk about British wrestlers, face it the British Bulldog was shit. Regal is a complete wrestler, the only current wrestler I consider better than him is HBK. I don't think we'll see him with the title anytime soon, and I think people are getting ahead of themselves if they think otherwise, but he could easily be built as a legit contender. I would love to see him get a world title before the end of his career, but I would be happy if they put him in a nice long IC title feud with Jericho to bring some prestiage back to the belt, and relive the awsome feud and matches they had a few years ago.
This is just a thought and has no validity to it at all...

What if, as whatever they do with Regal DOES start to get watered down, they were able to bring in someone like Nigel McGuinness to take over? That guy is a magnificent worker and is one of the few guys from ROH who could step right into the WWE style of wrestling without much of a problem. He would serve as a perfect protege of Regal's, I believe, and could develop into a significant star.

Just an opinion, and no, there is nothing saying Nigel would ever be making his way to WWE, so leave out the criticisms there. Heh.

P.S. SO glad they're finally looking to push Regal.
I love this.

It's about time another stable was formed. Edge and the Edgeheads with the Guerreros has run its course, but William Regal becoming king will freshen up RAW.

They've already eluded to Paul Birchill and Katie Lea having agreements with Regal (the match against Super Crazy being made a handicap match at the last minute) so they can be re-packaged as Duke Burchill (or Baron Burchill) and Lady Lea. (or something of that nature) Then, throw in D.H. Smith as a 2nd wrestler to do the dirty work, just like how Batista was for HHH. You could even throw in Lance Cade since he has nothing to do now, and you have a young stable with an experienced top contender at the top. They could even throw in The Highlanders as a heel tag team that act as mercenaries and low class help to Regal.

You even have the perfect foils to Regal's stable: Finlay (Irish vs. English, even though Belfast is part of Northern Ireland, but oh well...) and Hornswaggle, HHH (the King of Kings vs. King of the Ring again), Cryme Tyme, (class and status battle), Trevor Murdoch (same) and C.M. Punk (former opponent) to go with the budding feud with Kennedy.
I love this.

It's about time another stable was formed. Edge and the Edgeheads with the Guerreros has run its course, but William Regal becoming king will freshen up RAW.

They've already eluded to Paul Birchill and Katie Lea having agreements with Regal (the match against Super Crazy being made a handicap match at the last minute) so they can be re-packaged as Duke Burchill (or Baron Burchill) and Lady Lea. (or something of that nature) Then, throw in D.H. Smith as a 2nd wrestler to do the dirty work, just like how Batista was for HHH. You could even throw in Lance Cade since he has nothing to do now, and you have a young stable with an experienced top contender at the top. They could even throw in The Highlanders as a heel tag team that act as mercenaries and low class help to Regal.

You even have the perfect foils to Regal's stable: Finlay (Irish vs. English, even though Belfast is part of Northern Ireland, but oh well...) and Hornswaggle, HHH (the King of Kings vs. King of the Ring again), Cryme Tyme, (class and status battle), Trevor Murdoch (same) and C.M. Punk (former opponent) to go with the budding feud with Kennedy.

I like the idea of a stable with Cade, Burchill, Katie Lea and Smith though I hope Regal doesnt become a cowardly king like Booker.

Regals push has been awesome so far. He been shown as opportunistic (taking a part Finlays knee) a bully (beating on Hornswaggle) crafty (fixing the kotr so he had an easy route), a good wrestler (beating Punk and Finlay cleanly) and now a prick by cutting off Raw during a good title match.

Regals on the way to becoming the major heel in the WWE.
Right now, it looks like Regal has begun a feud with Kennedy, and at Judgement Day they will probably fight over who should be KOTR, with Kennedy winning like everybody expected all along. It makes sense actually, Regal pisses everybody off by winning KOTR and then cuts RAW off during a big WWE title match, Kennedy stands up to Regal and takes his KOTR position at Judgement Day and he should be fully over with the fans as a face. This was probably WWE's plan all this time, because even though Regal is a great worker all around, who seriously saw him as a future WWE Champion? I didn't, maybe an ECW Champion, but that is as far as Vince will push him.

As for Regal having a stable with the likes of Burchill, Katie Lea, Lance Cade and D.H. Smith, I think it is a great idea, but is Regal a big enough superstar to handle a stable? Usually the traditional stable would go like this: Leader hunts for the WWE title, one member hunts for the I.C. title with the other two to go after the tag titles and the diva going after the Womens' title. Like I previously said, there is not a very good chance that Regal will go after the WWE title, let alone win it, so I don't see the point of him having a stable because it will only end up being as bad as the Edgeheads IMO.
LMFAO at the British trying to claim their hero can be a world champion. Not happen fella's, his time was up along time ago, although I don't think there was ever a time to begin with. He's a great mic worker, and a good heel (not the best or even top 3, that was a crock of shit), but he's a midcarder for life. WWE should keep using him as an on screen character in the GM role like the higher authority thing they have going now, then more of an in ring worker.

I love the Kennedy feud, the hate for Regal is going to elevate Kennedy as a face, with obviously Kennedy winning the feud in the end to push him onto bigger things which should be Regal's purpose, not winning titles.

If there was a stable, personally, I'd love it. Kennedy vs all of these British punks would be classic stuff and a big boost to the mid card.

Now, would it happen or will it? No. WWE isn't that smart. But it would be cool.
Now THAT sir is a fuckin fantastic idea. You want to get someone over as a face, have Kennedy representing the good ol stars and stripes. He is from an extremely american city (green bay wisconsin). Dont make him TOO clean cut reppin america, but make it a little part of it.

Sadly though, I see regal going over in this. A Regal-Trips feud for the belt can be forseen three million miles away right now, honestly. "king regal" and him being an asshole GM. Its begging for Trips to become involved, really.
Sorry Wes, I have to agree with NorCal on this one. I've been pushing for William Regal to get a solid run out of this thing from the very beginning.

Mr. Kennedy screwed himself, (again) by becoming a face in this feud. Yes, he'll get an unbelieveable run at the top in due time.. but in all likelyhood you & I both know William Regal will win in the end, and quite possibly because of Paul Burchill.. setting up a Kennedy v. Burchill feud, which Kennedy can then win.

In the end, if William Regal somehow gains the W.W.E. Championship, then and only then should you thank God and anyone else involved with storylines.. because Kennedy would suddenly become the guy first in line to take it from him.

Kennedy will NEVER be the guy taking the Championship off of Triple H. Not while both are face, and definately not while Triple H. is heel. Kennedy's ONLY hope for the immediate future is to actually drop a match to Regal (in heelish fashion, by Regal cheating) only to gain a title shot off Regal later.
You guys posts are extremly laughable. Why you people think Regal is getting a push to the top is mind boggling.

Sorry Wes, I have to agree with NorCal on this one. I've been pushing for William Regal to get a solid run out of this thing from the very beginning.

WHo gives a fuck?

This is WWE here, they don't give a damn about what you want. Regal probably won't get a solid run out of anything other than elevating a talent through a feud. If it even happens. Regal is a far better on screen character than competitor, and apparently WWE agrees, or wouldn't he have been singles wrestling for awhile now?

Mr. Kennedy screwed himself, (again) by becoming a face in this feud.


Possibly the dumbest thing I've heard in my 9 months on the forum. Extremely laughable.

McMahon himself has been a backer of Kennedy. He was popular as a heel, and now that he's the face, it'll just grow. Plus, McMahon has been opened to NEW IDEA's. How could you possibly think this wasn't one of them?

Perfect face turn, at the perfect time. He gets a good while to build, before going to that next level. What they may be, we'll see.

Yes, he'll get an unbelieveable run at the top in due time.. but in all likelyhood you & I both know William Regal will win in the end,

No, I don't.

That's just fucking hysterical Will. Hysterical.

Regal is going nowhere, never has, never will. He's nothing more than a pedestal for Kennedy. WWE loves the faces, you know this Will.

Read Skullz' post on the matter of why Regal won, and how this sets up. He explained perfectly. This was probably the plan the whole time.

Skullz said:
This was probably WWE's plan all this time, because even though Regal is a great worker all around, who seriously saw him as a future WWE Champion? I didn't, maybe an ECW Champion, but that is as far as Vince will push him.

and quite possibly because of Paul Burchill.. setting up a Kennedy v. Burchill feud, which Kennedy can then win.

That will likely be a match on RAW for the next few weeks. Not a feud.

In the end, if William Regal somehow gains the W.W.E. Championship


Even saying that doesn't sound right. Not happening. Your dreaming.

then and only then should you thank God and anyone else involved with storylines

What? I should Thank God and WWE for butchering a perfect opportunity to use a good heel in Regal to bring Kennedy to that next level that everyone has been waiting for?

Makes no sense Will. Come on now.

because Kennedy would suddenly become the guy first in line to take it from him.

No, Kennedy won't take anything from Regal. It will be someone else, a few feuds after Regal.

Kennedy will NEVER be the guy taking the Championship off of Triple H.

Triple H will be the guy to put over Kennedy on a big stage most likely. Probably Mania.

Just like he has everyone else. Title or no title.

Not while both are face, and definately not while Triple H. is heel.

Definitely when HHH is heel.

You seem to be forgetting Vince ejaculating over this feud last year. It's bound to happen.

Kennedy's ONLY hope for the immediate future is to actually drop a match to Regal (in heelish fashion, by Regal cheating)

You got that backwards. Regal's only shot at becoming anything relevant in the title scene would be to go over Kennedy in this feud.

only to gain a title shot off Regal later.


This is WWE. Your forgetting that.
This is WWE here, they don't give a damn about what you want. Regal probably won't get a solid run out of anything other than elevating a talent through a feud. If it even happens. Regal is a far better on screen character than competitor, and apparently WWE agrees, or wouldn't he have been singles wrestling for awhile now?

Read what you write, Wes. This IS W.W.E. we're talking about. So if they don't give a damn about what "I" want, why do you think for one second they'd give a damn about what "you'd" want? Because you're you, and I'm me? Please.. thats pathetic and you know it.

I admit William Regal doesn't have Main Event written all over him, but look at whats happening in the W.W.E. right now, Wes. Shocking events are unfolding. "Anything" is happening. Remember that slogan? I hope you do.. because its about to slap you across your face.

Possibly the dumbest thing I've heard in my 9 months on the forum. Extremely laughable.

McMahon himself has been a backer of Kennedy. He was popular as a heel, and now that he's the face, it'll just grow. Plus, McMahon has been opened to NEW IDEA's. How could you possibly think this wasn't one of them?

Mr. Kennedy turning face was a good idea. Just not for Kennedy to suddenly get a Main Event Championship push for, short of someone like William Regal, or J.B.L. winning the Championship off Triple H.

So tell me.. how do you expect a face, to win a Championship off an even bigger face? Kennedy might be high-up on McMahon's list.. but the list of errors from his past aren't forgettable. Kennedy will start at the lowest "bright spot" on the card.. a feud with Regal.. and he'll "earn" his way back to the top.

McMahon will only make people like you believe Kennedy's back on track, when the realism is.. hes quite possibility the furthest Championship contender away from that title.

Perfect face turn, at the perfect time. He gets a good while to build, before going to that next level. What they may be, we'll see.

Exactly. Which means they turned him face, to get the fans back under him. Look at the facts Wes.. when he jumped to Raw as a heel, then got caught up in a ton of shit.. people just stopped caring for him.

So how do you suddenly get people to like him? You turn him face, and have him go up against one of the biggest heels on the brand. Kennedy is starting at the bottom, and working his way out. This shit won't happen over night Wes. You thinking hes just gonna walk over Regal like Regal's nothing is naive.

Regal is going nowhere, never has, never will. He's nothing more than a pedestal for Kennedy. WWE loves the faces, you know this Will.

Yeah, they love faces sooooo much, thats why guys like Edge, Randy Orton and Triple H. have had such dominating Championship reigns as heels.. yet such great face careers :rolleyes: The only "face" they've ever loved, was Hulk Hogan, and John Cena. Kennedy is far from either.

That will likely be a match on RAW for the next few weeks. Not a feud.

Maybe so.. depends on how they build Regal, and whether they give him Burchill as an under-study.. again.

Even saying that doesn't sound right. Not happening. Your dreaming.

Then sig it. Seriously, because I'm saying this right now. William Regal will do one of two things.

1. Be the guy who defeats and takes the Championship off of Triple H.

2. Has a Summerslam/Main Event Pay Per View push against Triple H. for the Championship, after going over guys like Kennedy by using heel tactics.

What? I should Thank God and WWE for butchering a perfect opportunity to use a good heel in Regal to bring Kennedy to that next level that everyone has been waiting for?

What next level? Regal WILL take Kennedy to the next level, but it isn't to the W.W.E. Championship. So what "Level" is it that you see?

Triple H will be the guy to put over Kennedy on a big stage most likely. Probably Mania.

Just like he has everyone else. Title or no title.

Your passion for Mr. Kennedy defeating Triple H. at Wrestlemania is about as huge as mine for Carolina winning a Superbowl. Its a great dream, but its yet to be clearly seen. And it most likely won't happen this up-coming year. :lmao:

Definitely when HHH is heel.

You seem to be forgetting Vince ejaculating over this feud last year. It's bound to happen.

Uhm.. last time this feud was questioned, Kennedy would've been playing the heel "bastard son" against Triple H., who pulled the prank on McMahon in the first place.

You got that backwards. Regal's only shot at becoming anything relevant in the title scene would be to go over Kennedy in this feud.

EXACTLY! William Regal defeats Mr. Kennedy, in a heelish fashion.. and gains a Championship match, and the "upper spot" while Kennedy slowly builds to fighting off the guys held responsible for Regal winning. (If any are involved)

You said yourself you couldn't believe Regal won King of the Ring. Why do you think he did it? They had Regal basically destroy Punk, the MITB winner. Kennedy was last year's MITB choice.. hes "last year's choice" Wes.. So what do you think Regal is being built to do, against a HUGE Mr. Kennedy, who just returned and everyone assumes will easily walk over Regal?

This is Regal's FIRST big feud, since taking on the "Lord" gimmick. You think hes just gonna lay down in his first big feud? hahahaha Now THAT.. THAT.. is hysterical.
Read what you write, Wes. This IS W.W.E. we're talking about. So if they don't give a damn about what "I" want, why do you think for one second they'd give a damn about what "you'd" want?

Because what I want is the obvious trend WWE has been going by for the whole Cena era.

Regal's been a midcarder for life, that won't change now and being a heel doesn't help him at all.

Because you're you, and I'm me? Please.. thats pathetic and you know it.

I just explained.

Owned again.

I admit William Regal doesn't have Main Event written all over him,

Which is why he won't go there. Stepping stool heel with alot of heat for Kennedy to basically PWN. That's it.

but look at whats happening in the W.W.E. right now, Wes. Shocking events are unfolding.

Like Kennedy turning face which will lead popularity soar for him most likely.

"Anything" is happening. Remember that slogan? I hope you do.. because its about to slap you across your face.


You'll see Will. You just don't understand the trend. Your a mark for Regal. Plain and simple.

Mr. Kennedy turning face was a good idea. Just not for Kennedy to suddenly get a Main Event Championship push for,

He won't.

I never said that. He'll be built up for awhile. Through the mid-card ranked feuds. Regal is step #1.

short of someone like William Regal,

Regal's 40. A great on screen character and has been a mid carder for his entire career. That's not changing.

Kennedy on the other hand, has ALL the tools to become a big star. Which is what could be blooming.

or J.B.L. winning the Championship off Triple H.

None of these guys will take the title off HHH.

It will probably be Cena. It depends on the length of the reign really.

So tell me.. how do you expect a face, to win a Championship off an even bigger face?

Where the fuck did I say that? Your putting words into my mouth. Terrible tactic that will backfire on your ass, here....

Possibly the dumbest thing I've heard in my 9 months on the forum. Extremely laughable.

McMahon himself has been a backer of Kennedy. He was popular as a heel, and now that he's the face, it'll just grow. Plus, McMahon has been opened to NEW IDEA's. How could you possibly think this wasn't one of them?

Where did I ever say Kennedy would take the title as a face, off HHH as a face? I didn't. Nice try ;)

Kennedy might be high-up on McMahon's list.. but the list of errors from his past aren't forgettable.


Regal has had a past too, in fact, he was suspended at the same time as Kennedy. Again Will, you've got to do better than this.

Those errors were paid for when jobbing to Hardy and losing a push in which had him main eventing Wrestlemania.

Kennedy will start at the lowest "bright spot" on the card

Lowest? Please tell me who is higher in the mid card besides Jericho.

Keep in mind, JBL, Cena, HBK and those guys are main eventers.

a feud with Regal.. and he'll "earn" his way back to the top.

He's already earned a push by keeping clean. Hence why he could be beginning a push now.

McMahon will only make people like you believe Kennedy's back on track, when the realism is.. hes quite possibility the furthest Championship contender away from that title.


So when Hardy got suspended once, then came back and won the IC title, he was far away?

Same with Orton?

Exactly. Which means they turned him face, to get the fans back under him.

Some have always been under him. Not the marky women and children, which will now.

Look at the facts Wes.. when he jumped to Raw as a heel, then got caught up in a ton of shit.. people just stopped caring for him.


Yet he was still getting cheered as a heel, and still drawing heat.

Either way, that's in the past and he's came off a break, to a push (most likely) so what does that matter anymore? He got a huge pop on RAW, and the fans were behind him, and pulled the turn off perfectly.

So how do you suddenly get people to like him? You turn him face, and have him go up against one of the biggest heels on the brand.

Why are you telling me stuff, I myself have said 1000000 times?

Kennedy is starting at the bottom, and working his way out.

Wrong again.

Kennedy is starting in the mid-card, working his way up.

This shit won't happen over night Wes.

Who said it would? Yet again, putting words into my mouth.

Your losing, so you resort to that tactic? Seriously?

For fuck's sake you just BOLDED WHAT I SAID!

Me said:
He gets a good while to build, before going to that next level.

I've been saying in every goddamn thread on this forum that they are possibly going to BUILD Kennedy up.

You thinking hes just gonna walk over Regal like Regal's nothing is naive.

No, he's going to feud with him and win in the end. Making Regal a pedestal for him on his rise through the ranks.

Yeah, they love faces sooooo much, thats why guys like Edge, Randy Orton and Triple H. have had such dominating Championship reigns as heels

Triple H - 3 years ago.

Randy Orton - Only because Cena was injured.

Edge - Built up just for Taker to go over him and gets his long reign.

The only "face" they've ever loved, was Hulk Hogan, and John Cena. Kennedy is far from either.

Never did I compare them too those guys.

If you watch WWE, you know the faces win the majority of the time. Common sense, I'm not going to draw you up a graph.

Maybe so.. depends on how they build Regal, and whether they give him Burchill as an under-study.. again.

No, Regal will most likely tell Kennedy backstage next week his opponent "fa tonight" is Paul Burchill.

So yeah...

1. Be the guy who defeats and takes the Championship off of Triple H.



No, he won't. Midcarder for life. JBL would even be more likely.

2. Has a Summerslam/Main Event Pay Per View push against Triple H.

No, That will be Cena vs Triple H 2

or Jeff Hardy.

SummerSlam needs draws in the main event, not on screen characters.

for the Championship, after going over guys like Kennedy by using heel tactics.

Lawlz. Once again, Regal is a stepping stone.

What next level?

Of popularity, and ranking.

Regal WILL take Kennedy to the next level, but it isn't to the W.W.E. Championship.

Well no shit. That's what I've been saying.

So what "Level" is it that you see?

Of popularity, and ranking.

Your passion for Mr. Kennedy defeating Triple H. at Wrestlemania is about as huge as mine for Carolina winning a Superbowl.

I have no passion, and not even sure it will happen. It might, HHH has done it with....

Cena and Batista. He could with Kennedy, he certainly has the potential.

Its a great dream, but its yet to be clearly seen. And it most likely won't happen this up-coming year.


You do realize that the main event for WM 24, was planned to be Mr Kennedy vs Triple H for the WWE championship right? And that Mr McMahon was ready for Kennedy to become a star as a heel at the time.

That will eventually come back around at the right time, and Kennedy has a full 11 months to build up as a FACE this time, which works to his benefit.

I'm not saying it's going to happen, but I damn sure can see it, if Kennedy takes off like I expect.

Uhm.. last time this feud was questioned, Kennedy would've been playing the heel "bastard son" against Triple H., who pulled the prank on McMahon in the first place.


EXACTLY! William Regal defeats Mr. Kennedy, in a heelish fashion..

Which may happen once, but he won't win in the end is my whole point.

and gains a Championship match,

No. That's rushing things, and you say I expect things overnight ROFL!

and the "upper spot" while Kennedy slowly builds to fighting off the guys held responsible for Regal winning. (If any are involved)

This will happen to build up the PPV matches.

You said yourself you couldn't believe Regal won King of the Ring.

Because it was stupid and mindless.

Why do you think he did it?

Now? To elevate a face in a lengthy feud.

They had Regal basically destroy Punk, the MITB winner.

For more build, and heat.

Kennedy was last year's MITB choice.. hes "last year's choice" Wes

I know. I'm not Brian Becker.

So what do you think Regal is being built to do

As a strong heel for Mr Kennedy to eventually go over with a boost of momentum from the feud.

against a HUGE Mr. Kennedy, who just returned and everyone assumes will easily walk over Regal?

He won't easily. I know I sound that way, but it isn't what I'm meaning.

What I'm meaning is he will eventually go over after a lengthy feud.

This is Regal's FIRST big feud, since taking on the "Lord" gimmick.

Regal has the same gimmick as he's always had. Now with more "authority".

You think hes just gonna lay down in his first big feud?

No, read my last post.

hahahaha Now THAT.. THAT.. is hysterical.

Your misinterpretation and horrendous debate tactics are hysterically......Bad.
I cant see Regal losing the feud with Kennedy myself...if he did it would just be a big waste of time him winning kotr and cutting off Raw. I do think Kennedy will come out of it looking strong though. I can see Regal putting Kennedy in a series of difficult matchs like he did when he feuded with Y2J as commisioner.

I also think Kennedy will end up going to Smackdown after his feud with Regal to feud against Edge.
I cant see Regal losing the feud with Kennedy myself...if he did it would just be a big waste of time him winning kotr and cutting off Raw.

So building a heel's heat and hate, for a face to eventually go over in the end is a waste of time?

Then what is the point of Taker vs Edge? Or even HHH vs Orton?

I do think Kennedy will come out of it looking strong though.

So will Regal. Regardless of losing.

I can see Regal putting Kennedy in a series of difficult matchs like he did when he feuded with Y2J as commisioner.

Yup, most likely.

A couple of gimmicks too with One Night Stand coming up. They could be good.

I also think Kennedy will end up going to Smackdown after his feud with Regal to feud against Edge.

No need for him to go to Smackdown now. You drafted him over to the top brand for the big push, now that he could be starting it. Give him the ball and let him run.
Okay, I'm not running down requoting ALL of that.. because I'm not spending my entire day firing back at each little thing. So you win on that aspect of it. However these are the valid points I'm making.

1. William Regal is being pushed. To put Mr. Kennedy over or not, I personally feel its for something more. Kennedy won't be hurt in losing and falling out of this feud as such. In the long run of things, Regal will drop to Kennedy.. it just won't, or rather shouldn't happen immediately.

Regal needs to get the first victory over Kennedy, likely at Judgment Day. From there, if they have a direct Pay Per View rematch.. it'll be Kennedy winning and advancing, otherwise, it'll be Kennedy moving on to feud with a (by that time) heel Chris Jericho. William Regal will since then move on to begin a longer program with Triple H., over the World Championship. At which point, it can come full circle when Kennedy is ready for the Main Event spot.

I'm NOT saying William Regal is ready for it. Regal would at that point be a stepping stone/hand off guy.. but the point is, Kennedy needs a hand-off guy, before he can ever take the Championship. Regal's that guy.

2. You're saying top of the midcard isn't the "bottom" for Kennedy. But at the same time, you've said it was just a little under a year back that all these huge Main Event/Wrestlemania 24 plans were for Mr. Kennedy to take the Championship off Triple H.

I'm sorry, but I'd say if Kennedy was ever meant to be a Main Eventer, much less headline, defeat Triple H., and win a World Championship at a Mania.. then dropping all the way back down to "midcarder" is "bottom of the bucket" for Mr. Kennedy.

3. I'm not rushing Regal into the World title picture intentionally. But thats how W.W.E. most often works. They push for what they want, in a hurry. William Regal can defeat Kennedy at Judgment Day, then either continue the program with him until around the Great American Bash/Vengeance, at which point he can switch focus to Triple H. and slowly begin making his life a living hell.

Regal may not directly up-front challenge Triple H. for the Championship, but I hardly see H.H.H. holding it beyond SummerSlam. Infact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Regal's time came at The "Great American Bash" so Regal can use the term of the p.p.v. against Trips.

All of this could lead full circle to Kennedy getting a shot at either Survivor Series, or even being the golden boy of the Royal Rumble. Mind you, I don't see Regal Main Eventing Mania.. EVER.. but I do see Kennedy as being a heavy favorite (barring screw-ups) to win the Rumble.

4. Mr. Kennedy as a face is EXACTLY what he needs. And it goes back to me saying what I did before. A lot of Kennedy's "steam" went out from the mistakes, screw-ups, and paybacks that he had. He wasn't ready for a Raw spot because creative didn't know how to use him.

Someone finally got their head out of their ass on creative and thought up him returning as a face.. and feuding with a newly badass heel version of William Regal. The only thing that needs to happen now, is Kennedy to show up with some wrestling talent in a match against one of the only ring generals left in today's industry.

5. Answer me this. You claim Kennedy would go over Regal to gain popularity and ranking. But you also claim Regal is a midcarder and will never be anything important. Yet, you ALSO claim Kennedy was a former Main Event spot holder..

If all of this is true, then how would Regal losing to Kennedy, push Kennedy at all? Wouldn't Regal gain so much more heel heat and momentum off of defeating a "young buck" in Mr. Kennedy, proving that hes still got something and instead of Kennedy using Regal.. instead its Regal using Kennedy?

That, connected with the fact that W.W.E. seems to always love "vets" going over "rookies" seems to work well.
Okay, I'm not running down requoting ALL of that.. because I'm not spending my entire day firing back at each little thing. So you win on that aspect of it. However these are the valid points I'm making.

And I'll address my disagreement. As usual.

1. William Regal is being pushed. To put Mr. Kennedy over or not,

They both will gain from it, the winner more, which like I've said, will most likely be Kennedy.

Kennedy won't be hurt in losing and falling out of this feud as such. In the long run of things, Regal will drop to Kennedy.. it just won't, or rather shouldn't happen immediately.

Never said it should have. Hence:

Lengthy feud.

Regal needs to get the first victory over Kennedy, likely at Judgment Day.

No, that should be a no contest.

From there, if they have a direct Pay Per View rematch.. it'll be Kennedy winning and advancing, otherwise, it'll be Kennedy moving on to feud with a (by that time) heel Chris Jericho. William Regal will since then move on to begin a longer program with Triple H., over the World Championship. At which point, it can come full circle when Kennedy is ready for the Main Event spot.

I don't have time for Book This!

*Moves onto valid discussion*

I'm NOT saying William Regal is ready for it. Regal would at that point be a stepping stone/hand off guy.. but the point is, Kennedy needs a hand-off guy, before he can ever take the Championship. Regal's that guy.

I'm confused.

Are you saying Regal's a more valid option for a title push? If so that's laughable.

Regal is a stepping stone. Like I've said, and explained countless times.

2. You're saying top of the midcard isn't the "bottom" for Kennedy.

Kennedy isn't at the bottom and neither is Regal. They are in the mid card. Burchill, Holly, Cody, Umaga, Carlito and Santino are bottom dwellers.

But at the same time, you've said it was just a little under a year back that all these huge Main Event/Wrestlemania 24 plans were for Mr. Kennedy to take the Championship off Triple H.

That doesn't mean he's at the bottom at the moment though.

That means, he got in trouble, and paid the price, but he isn't at the bottom anymore. He was when jobbing to Jeff Hardy and Super Crazy.

I'm sorry, but I'd say if Kennedy was ever meant to be a Main Eventer, much less headline, defeat Triple H., and win a World Championship at a Mania.. then dropping all the way back down to "midcarder" is "bottom of the bucket" for Mr. Kennedy.

He did drop in stock but the point is, he's starting to pick up and did during the HBK feud, which is why going over Regal in a lengthy feud makes sense to push it further, only this time as a face, which works to his benefit.

3. I'm not rushing Regal into the World title picture intentionally. But thats how W.W.E. most often works. They push for what they want, in a hurry.

And they don't want Regal. That's obvious. They never have and have been pushing for Kennedy for a year now, and obviously will continue to since they just turned him face.

William Regal can defeat Kennedy at Judgment Day, then either continue the program with him until around the Great American Bash/Vengeance, at which point he can switch focus to Triple H. and slowly begin making his life a living hell.

Regal will never feud with HHH. End of story.

but I do see Kennedy as being a heavy favorite (barring screw-ups) to win the Rumble.


4. Mr. Kennedy as a face is EXACTLY what he needs.

Hmmm. Hypocritical much?

You said:
Mr. Kennedy screwed himself, (again) by becoming a face in this feud.


Someone finally got their head out of their ass on creative and thought up him returning as a face.. and feuding with a newly badass heel version of William Regal.

Regal is the same Regal he always was. Only now with more "authority".

The only thing that needs to happen now, is Kennedy to show up with some wrestling talent in a match against one of the only ring generals left in today's industry.

Casual fans don't give a shit how good a wrestler wrestles, so that's out the window.

Kennedy has always been an average wrestler anyway, and average has been proven to get by with all of WWE's major stars. So no problems there.

5. Answer me this. You claim Kennedy would go over Regal to gain popularity and ranking.

It would. Regal's hated by the fans, therefore getting people behind Kennedy, plus if Kennedy goes over, he carries momentum and popularity onto a new feud/level.

But you also claim Regal is a midcarder and will never be anything important.

He won't be.

For example, He's Owen Hart to Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Yet, you ALSO claim Kennedy was a former Main Event spot holder..

He was on Smackdown! Yes.

If all of this is true, then how would Regal losing to Kennedy, push Kennedy at all?

I explained 2 paragraphs above.

Wouldn't Regal gain so much more heel heat and momentum off of defeating a "young buck" in Mr. Kennedy,

No, Regal is in the process of doing that now, and will continue to do so in the feud before eventually falling to the greatness that is Mr Kennedy....


proving that hes still got something and instead of Kennedy using Regal.. instead its Regal using Kennedy?

They both benefit from the feud. It's just the winner, will gain more.

That, connected with the fact that W.W.E. seems to always love "vets" going over "rookies" seems to work well.

Not mid carders.

I'm thinking WWE is looking to find it's next star. Vince is open to ideas, I'm thinking this was one he pulled the trigger on.
Why would WWE give Regal the King of the Ring, a prestigious tournament, crown if they just want him to job?

And if they want to push Kennedy really hard, why not just have him win MITB for the second time in a row, which would give him the credibility than HBK had when he won two rumbles in a row?

Giving the King of the Ring title to a jobber doesn't make sense, hence I believe Regal is getting a push more than Kennedy is.

Why would WWE give Regal the King of the Ring, a prestigious tournament, crown if they just want him to job?

Prestigious? Mega ROFLZ0R.

A last second decision perhaps? To build up a good heel more to eventually put over a promising star in a lengthy feud? Fuck me Wes, I don't know.

And if they want to push Kennedy really hard, why not just have him win MITB for the second time in a row,

Because they have faith in Punk. Why? Don't ask me.

which would give him the credibility than HBK had when he won two rumbles in a row?


Not really. A HISTORIC Rumble win = Main eventing Mania.

MITB = Elevating a young star.

Therefore, Rumble > MITB.

Giving the King of the Ring title to a jobber doesn't make sense

So Triple H is a jobber for losing in lengthy feuds with Batista, Benoit and John Cena by your logic?

If he was to lose in a feud with Kennedy, that doesn't make him a jobber for christ's sake. Do you people even know what a jobber is? Tommy Dreamer is the true definition of a jobber.

hence I believe Regal is getting a push more than Kennedy is.


Why sit Kennedy out of winning the KOTR and give it to Regal, when your going to come back around, turn a popular Kennedy face and start a feud? This all points toward Regal being a step through the ranks for Kennedy.
They both will gain from it, the winner more, which like I've said, will most likely be Kennedy.

The only sense it makes for Mr. Kennedy to defeat William Regal now, is for them to flush away a King of the Ring tournament, monthes of planning, and a huge return.. all for Kennedy to defeat Regal. :disappointed:

I just don't see it happening. Kennedy won't come out on the losing end overall, but he certainly won't win the majority of the mini-battles in between the war.

I'm confused.

Are you saying Regal's a more valid option for a title push? If so that's laughable.

Regal is a stepping stone. Like I've said, and explained countless times.

You're answering your own questions on why Regal will get pushed over Kennedy. Regal is a vet, always been a midcarder, never been looked at as truly anything more.

W.W.E. might be giving Regal one last run, maybe not the exact same, but pretty similar to Ric Flair. If thats the case, Kennedy will become the stepping stone. After all, the younger guy can lose and not worry about anything, as hes still got years ahead of him. However, if they are indeed pushing Regal.. he can only win to elevate his standing. A loss after taking on his gimmick so soon, is the worse thing that could happen. And pointless too.

Kennedy isn't at the bottom and neither is Regal. They are in the mid card. Burchill, Holly, Cody, Umaga, Carlito and Santino are bottom dwellers.

LOL Umaga isn't a bottom dweller, hes currently stuck in the hell Mr. Kennedy was stuck in for so long during his first few monthes on Raw. They don't know what to do with the talent staring them in the face.

Burchill is much the same. They try to market him, but people don't know him, and they don't push him strong enough for people to care.

That doesn't mean he's at the bottom at the moment though.

That means, he got in trouble, and paid the price, but he isn't at the bottom anymore. He was when jobbing to Jeff Hardy and Super Crazy.

I'll admit he was more at the bottom while jobbing to Super Crazy than he is now. But hes still just starting that long journey back to being a Super-star.

He did drop in stock but the point is, he's starting to pick up and did during the HBK feud, which is why going over Regal in a lengthy feud makes sense to push it further, only this time as a face, which works to his benefit.

Like I said before, being a face right now is the best (and worst = explain it later) thing that could've happened to him.

Its the best because he'll get the fan base back that he had while on Smackdown. He'll get a huge following behind him, which is what he needs to become something.

Its the worst thing for him, however, for this feud as he doesn't need to "win" to get the fans to get behind him. Faces lose mini-battles all the time, before winning ONE match.. out of dozens.. so ultimately, Kennedy might very well drop several matches to Regal, pushing Regal to the moon.. before Kennedy wins one match in the end, making them equal again.

Kennedy's going to be the guy to help Regal, not the other way around.

And they don't want Regal. That's obvious. They never have and have been pushing for Kennedy for a year now, and obviously will continue to since they just turned him face.

Long term, no. Short-mid term, yes. They wouldn't of given Regal the huge boost of winning the King of the Ring tournament had they not had plans on pushing William Regal as something moderately great.

Regal will never feud with HHH. End of story.

What are you gonna do when it happens later this year? Because it will, I'm more sure of this than Kennedy being in any Wrestlemania Main Event.

Hmmm. Hypocritical much?


I explained the good and bad situation in a post above.

Good: The fans get behind him quicker.

Bad: The faces lose more than they win, to draw more sympathy from the fans. Which means.. Regal will go over Kennedy, for the millions of newly made Kennedy fans to suddenly cry "Regal screwed him" which will be true.. giving Regal a World Championship push in the process, from all the extra heat Kennedy's sympathy loss will create for him.

Regal is the same Regal he always was. Only now with more "authority".

And that doesn't make you think for a second they'd suddenly give him an above average push? The guy just took over not only the G.M. position on Raw.. but the newly found title of "King of the W.W.E."

Casual fans don't give a shit how good a wrestler wrestles, so that's out the window.

Kennedy has always been an average wrestler anyway, and average has been proven to get by with all of WWE's major stars. So no problems there.

Its not exactly about being the best, or even great. Its about not being boring. Fans never enjoyed watching Regal, because while he was technically great.. he was entertainingly boring.

Kennedy is the opposite. Which means.. Regal will teach Kennedy to be more well rounded, in classic wrestling matches.. while Kennedy will control the crowd's cheering for him/booing for Regal, which will help people to see Regal as someone they'd love to hate.

It would. Regal's hated by the fans, therefore getting people behind Kennedy, plus if Kennedy goes over, he carries momentum and popularity onto a new feud/level.

If Kennedy loses, he carries sympathy & popularity onto a new feud.

If Regal wins, he carries even more hatred and bigger heat.

They both win, with Kennedy losing.

He won't be.

For example, He's Owen Hart to Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Owen won a Championship that Austin later took from him.

So by this logic, Regal will take the World Championship, and Kennedy would take it off him. I agree.

They both benefit from the feud. It's just the winner, will gain more.

Exactly. They both benefit and win, from Kennedy losing. Just like I said earlier.

Only Kennedy's benefits from winning. As it'll drown Regal back into being "nothing" with a "crown." However, if Regal wins.. it'll elevate him into Super-stardom, by beating a somewhat big name.
The only sense it makes for Mr. Kennedy to defeat William Regal now, is for them to flush away a King of the Ring tournament, monthes of planning, and a huge return

You guys treat the KOTR like it's some sort of gem, when it isn't.

Months of planning? WTF seriously? What they did 2 weeks ago looked like months of planning? Looked half assed thrown together to me.

Huge return of who or what? Kennedy or KOTR? Kennedy was gone all of 3 weeks. That's not a big return, and the KOTR is a pile of shit, always has been.

.. all for Kennedy to defeat Regal. :disappointed:

Yup. Gotta build those stars.

I just don't see it happening. Kennedy won't come out on the losing end overall, but he certainly won't win the majority of the mini-battles in between the war.

Of course not, your finally learning. Those mini battles build up the story of the heel/face match. The heel will always get some sort of an advantage but in the end, the face will prevail.

*clap clap*

Bravo Will.

Regal is a vet, always been a midcarder, never been looked at as truly anything more.

Amen to that.

W.W.E. might be giving Regal one last run,


Why would they risk this when it never worked to begin with?

If thats the case, Kennedy will become the stepping stone.

No, he wouldn't. You don't turn a popular tweener face and then let him lose all of his momentum and popularity to a midcarder for life heel.

After all, the younger guy can lose and not worry about anything, as hes still got years ahead of him.

When your midcard is in code red. It's time to fix it. Kennedy is that fix.

However, if they are indeed pushing Regal.. he can only win to elevate his standing. A loss after taking on his gimmick so soon, is the worse thing that could happen. And pointless too.

It's not pointless at all. He would be doing what a guy his age, and with his talent is suppose to do. Put the young face over.

LOL Umaga isn't a bottom dweller,

Oh, yes he is.

Jobs, to HHH and Jeff Hardy put him away for awhile. Plus, a cricket on broadway is more over than he is. Umaga is a monster jobber.

Burchill is much the same. They try to market him, but people don't know him, and they don't push him strong enough for people to care.

Exactly. Bottom dweller at it's finest.

Your killing yourself Will.

I'll admit he was more at the bottom while jobbing to Super Crazy than he is now. But hes still just starting that long journey back to being a Super-star.

Like I've said, he's got awhile to build.

Like I said before, being a face right now is the best (and worst = explain it later) thing that could've happened to him.

Blah blah blah blah...

Its the best because he'll get the fan base back that he had while on Smackdown. He'll get a huge following behind him, which is what he needs to become something.


Its the worst thing for him, however, for this feud as he doesn't need to "win" to get the fans to get behind him.

If it's lengthy, it isn't a "has". It's a "will" win.

Faces lose mini-battles all the time, before winning ONE match


This feud won't be short.

.. out of dozens.. so ultimately, Kennedy might very well drop several matches to Regal, pushing Regal to the moon.. before Kennedy wins one match in the end, making them equal again.


You'll see typical WWE no contest with Kennedy going over eventually and dodging all of the obstacles.

Kennedy's going to be the guy to help Regal, not the other way around.

Your a moron if you think that.

Regal will be the guy helping elevate Kennedy.

Over Heel = More fan reaction and connection with the face. Benefit: Kennedy.

Feud win over that over heel = A push to the next level. Benefit: Kennedy.

Long term, no. Short-mid term, yes.

Kennedy over Regal.

Short term: Yes.

Long term: Will be looked back as a step to success for Kennedy.

They wouldn't of given Regal the huge boost of winning the King of the Ring tournament had they not had plans on pushing William Regal as something moderately great.

Or just too build up an authority heel, for a cocky "Austin esque" face to eventually go over to gain more momentum and popularity for his rise to the next level.

What are you gonna do when it happens later this year?

If it's for the WWE title, I'll change my name to ********er.

Because it will, I'm more sure of this than Kennedy being in any Wrestlemania Main Event.

Kennedy might. It depends all on his popularity by the time of the Rumble. If it's big, like I expect, and WWE probably does, then yes.

If not, HHH will put him over on the big stage in some personal mid card feud.

Good: The fans get behind him quicker.


Bad: The faces lose more than they win,


Ask, Jericho, HBK, Batista, Undertaker, John Cena, HHH, Jeff Hardy, Bobby Lashley and others that and see what they say.

to draw more sympathy from the fans.

This happens during the course of the feud, building the story in which the face ultimately wins most of the time.

Which means.. Regal will go over Kennedy, for the millions of newly made Kennedy fans to suddenly cry "Regal screwed him" which will be true.

This will happen, but it doesn't mean he'll win the feud.

It's like winning a battle, but not winning the war.

giving Regal a World Championship push in the process,

Moronic statement. This is a mid card feud, nothing more.

from all the extra heat Kennedy's sympathy loss will create for him.

Again, it will happen, but it doesn't mean he'll win the war.

And that doesn't make you think for a second they'd suddenly give him an above average push?

Like I said, both benefit.

He's a better on screen character, WWE realizes that obviously.

The guy just took over not only the G.M. position on Raw.. but the newly found title of "King of the W.W.E."

To gain all of that heat, only to push the upcoming star.

Its not exactly about being the best, or even great. Its about not being boring. Fans never enjoyed watching Regal, because while he was technically great.. he was entertainingly boring.

Fans enjoy watching Regal as a character, and react to him more when doing so. WWE knows that, so they are using it to Kennedy's advantage.

If Kennedy loses, he carries sympathy & popularity onto a new feud.

No, he loses momentum and comes off as a fluke because he was once a hated face, you can't make a crowd buy into a guy who was an arrogant running off at the mouth prick who they loved, and then he go and lose.

They won't buy it.

If Regal wins, he carries even more hatred and bigger heat.

For who to get the rub off of it? Nobody, Kennedy. Which is why that's in the process of happening right now.

They both win, with Kennedy losing.

No, they both win, with Kennedy winning.

Owen won a Championship that Austin later took from him.

Owen was Austin's bitch and a mid carder for life.

Austin was the upcoming star, who Owen put over.

Regal - Owen.

Kennedy = Austin.

So by this logic, Regal will take the World Championship, and Kennedy would take it off him. I agree.

Laughable. This is a midcard feud Will.

If it was for the IC title, then maybe but it isn't, it's for momentum and a push for the upcoming star. Kennedy.

Exactly. They both benefit and win, from Kennedy losing. Just like I said earlier.

No, they both benefit with Kennedy winning.

Only Kennedy's benefits from winning. As it'll drown Regal back into being "nothing" with a "crown."

Kennedy rises in popularity and moves up the ranks, while Regal goes back to being GM like he should be.

However, if Regal wins.. it'll elevate him into Super-stardom, by beating a somewhat big name.


That is all.
If it's for the WWE title, I'll change my name to ********er.

This is the only thing I'm quoting you on, because I want your word on this. You said (win, lose, or draw) IF William Regal v. Triple H. happens for the W.W.E. Championship, on a Pay Per View.. that you'd change your name.

Now I'll let it slide if Regal happens to take on someone else as the Champion, but one way or another.. somehow, William Regal WILL get a W.W.E. Championship match.

Now then...

1. Your Kennedy/Regal = Austin/Owen Hart theory is complete crap, because you're trying to play off Kennedy being even remotely as over, as Steve Austin back during that era. Its not happening, it hasn't happened, and NOONE (including Kennedy) will ever get that type of unbelieveable pop again.

Kennedy/Regal is more like Matt Hardy/Edge. Regal was a solid heel to begin with, but not dangerous, not deadly. Meanwhile, Kennedy has always had a fan following (ala Hardyz) yet he barely got over anywhere. (And if you claim he did, you're lying to yourself because if he would've, then why wasn't he ever a World Champion on Smackdown? His BIGGEST claim to fame on that show, was beating Main Eventers, via DQs and Countouts.. hardly Austin-like style.

Regal = Edge, because Kennedy is pushing him over with the fans. Kennedy = Matt Hardy, because people suddenly have a reason to pay attention to him, for going after someone they also suddenly have a main reason to hate. Austin/Owen, they aren't. Hardy/Edge, they are.

2. KOTR = pointless in your opinion? So guys like Steve Austin, Triple H., Owen Hart, Booker T., Edge, and even King Mabel & Billy Gunn.. none of them elevated with a huge push following their KOTR victory? Bullshit. W.W.E. knew the KOTR tournament would solidify someone as a cornerstone heel/face and for whatever reason, that someone was William Regal.

Why? I have no clue, and thats honest. Because I agree before the KOTR I definately wouldn't of and didn't see Regal as a credible cornerstone. Furthermore, you and I both felt the tournament would've been better served pushing someone like Kennedy or John Morrison. However, Regal won it.. and obviously for a reason.

Kennedy is still getting a push from that tournament, as hes challenging the winner. However I'm gonna laugh when you shit bricks, after Regal defeats your golden boy. If Kennedy wins, then the entire 3 hour show, the KOTR, Regal's push.. all of it was worthless and for nothing.

If Regal wins, then Kennedy doesn't get hurt.. because noone (face-wise) gets hurt, over losing to the heel. Not unless its over and over and over.

3. You called me hypocritical once for liking and disliking Kennedy's face turn. However you yourself are being hypocritical by liking and disliking Regal as a legit character.

You state that putting him over Kennedy is pointless and worthless, because hes a midcarder for life and isn't anything great. Never will be. Those have been some of your words.

Yet you turn around, and say Kennedy going over Regal will be huge for him, because the fans enjoy Regal's character and love to hate him. How would Kennedy (who's seen by many as a up-and-coming Main Eventer) going over Regal (who, from your point of view is nothing but a loser and a midcarder never meant to be anything) going to benefit Kennedy? By your logic, Kennedy shouldn't have ANY problem passing Regal and ending this feud almost instantly.

Furthermore, you claim W.W.E. would be stupid to give Regal (40 yrs. old, this year) a push over the younger Kennedy. (32-4?) They're about 6-7 yrs. apart.. and Kennedy has just as many injuries on his plate, as well as personal issues. So regardless of W.W.E. taking a chance on an aging vet.. or a problem/injury riddled, aging "rookie," I think you're blind in assuming there is that much of a huge difference in the two.
Dude the KOTR hasn't been taken as a serious accomplishment since Brock won it the last time it was on PPV, anyone who took that tournament on Raw a couple weeks ago as a serious accomplish meant is just fooling themselves, if WWE wanted this thing to be a serious accomplishment they A.) would put it on PPV not some special 3 hour Raw B.) would have plugged more than a week in advance, and probably had qualifying matches, and C.) wouldn't put a midget dressed as a leprechaun in the damn thing

I'm with Wes on this one, Regal's feud with Kennedy right now, is just a stepping stone on Kennedy's way to the top, WWE is not going to invest all this time and money just to give Regal, a guy who won't draw as a Maineventer, a one on one PPV title shot, that's just downright stupid, the only title shot on PPV Regal will ever get is for the IC title, maybe the ECW title
This is the only thing I'm quoting you on, because I want your word on this. You said (win, lose, or draw) IF William Regal v. Triple H. happens for the W.W.E. Championship, on a Pay Per View.. that you'd change your name.


Now I'll let it slide if Regal happens to take on someone else as the Champion, but one way or another.. somehow, William Regal WILL get a W.W.E. Championship match.


1. Your Kennedy/Regal = Austin/Owen Hart theory is complete crap, because you're trying to play off Kennedy being even remotely as over, as Steve Austin back during that era. Its not happening, it hasn't happened, and NOONE (including Kennedy) will ever get that type of unbelieveable pop again.

Again, putting words into my mouth.

It was an example. Nothing more.

Kennedy has always had a fan following (ala Hardyz) yet he barely got over anywhere.

Kennedy has been fully over since 2006. Your a fucking moron if you don't think so.

(And if you claim he did, you're lying to yourself because if he would've, then why wasn't he ever a World Champion on Smackdown?

Because he got injured. Derrrrrrrr.

His BIGGEST claim to fame on that show, was beating Main Eventers, via DQs and Countouts.. hardly Austin-like style.

He was a heel genius. Will, try harder. Your getting ridiculous.

Regal = Edge,


Austin/Owen, they aren't. Hardy/Edge, they are.

Austin/Owen is what the feud will end up being like when over. That was the point.

2. KOTR = pointless in your opinion? So guys like Steve Austin, Triple H., Owen Hart, Booker T., Edge, and even King Mabel & Billy Gunn.. none of them elevated with a huge push following their KOTR victory?

KOTR has always been pointless. Especially a one night thrown together version on it.

Mabel went nowhere. Midcarder.

Owen, nowhere. Midcarder.

Gunn, nowhere. Midcarder.

Booker T, jobber to faces which is what Regal will be and upper midcarder.

Edge, never went anywhere until Cena made him.

Should I go on here?

Bullshit. W.W.E. knew the KOTR tournament would solidify someone as a cornerstone heel/face and for whatever reason

WWE did this as a last second decision to push both Regal and Kennedy in a feud.

that someone was William Regal.

Who without the help of Triple H (I didn't know about that) would eventually put over Kennedy.

Why? I have no clue, and thats honest.

To set up this feud we are talking about, and to add heat.

Because I agree before the KOTR I definately wouldn't of and didn't see Regal as a credible cornerstone.

He still isn't. Fans hate him because he's a heel GM. Not because he's a heel wrestler.

Furthermore, you and I both felt the tournament would've been better served pushing someone like Kennedy or John Morrison.

John Morrison is utter shit and will never go anywhere.

And yes, they could have, but setting this up for a lengthy rivalry, could be better.

However, Regal won it.. and obviously for a reason.

A push along with Kennedy in which he would eventually put him over would be the most logical reason.

I didn't know about the HHH thing up until about an hour ago. THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING as well as the rating and company, which will eventually go into a downward spiral if Regal vs HHH was too happen while Cena is in the upper mid card.

Kennedy is still getting a push from that tournament, as hes challenging the winner.


However I'm gonna laugh when you shit bricks, after Regal defeats your golden boy.

See above about WWE tanking if this were to happen. HHH vs Regal will NOT sell and it's time to build the younger stars. Are we really going to have these fuckfaced moronic veteran block off the upcomers?

WWE keeps this up another year and it's company suicide.

If Kennedy wins, then the entire 3 hour show, the KOTR, Regal's push.. all of it was worthless and for nothing.

No, it elevates him, while Regal will still be credible as a heel GM.

By your logic, the building up off Randy Orton only for Cena to defeat him was worthless and a waste.

By your logic, the Edge losing to Taker ultimately in this feud is a waste.

By your logic, almost every face/heel feud with the face overcoming the heel is worthless.

That's a piss poor logic and completely stupid.

If Regal wins, then Kennedy doesn't get hurt

Yeah because fans will obviously by into a trash talking babyface who lost to a General Manager after they got all hyped up about him kicking the hated guy's ass.


because noone (face-wise) gets hurt,


Ask John Cena that. He's suffering from it right now.

3. You called me hypocritical once for liking and disliking Kennedy's face turn. However you yourself are being hypocritical by liking and disliking Regal as a legit character.


You state that putting him over Kennedy is pointless and worthless, because hes a midcarder for life and isn't anything great. Never will be. Those have been some of your words.

Which is correct.

Yet you turn around, and say Kennedy going over Regal will be huge for him, because the fans enjoy Regal's character and love to hate him.

Hence why he's a good heel in the authority role. That doesn't mean he's going anywhere.

How would Kennedy (who's seen by many as a up-and-coming Main Eventer) going over Regal (who, from your point of view is nothing but a loser and a midcarder never meant to be anything) going to benefit Kennedy?

I've already addressed this a 1000 times.

Jesus fucking Christ, do you not understand wrestling 101?

Putting someone over?

Regal = Good heel, who fans hate. But just your typical midcarder. Nothing more.

Kennedy = New face, in the mid card, who will ultimately be a big name main eventer, who fans will buy into more and more during the course of the feud.

Which = Regal, the veteran heel, putting over Kennedy to the next feud onto his build up to stardom.

Good god :disappointed:

By your logic, Kennedy shouldn't have ANY problem passing Regal and ending this feud almost instantly.

Not at all. They are both getting the rub off of each other.

*shakes head in disgust at your lack of understanding*

Furthermore, you claim W.W.E. would be stupid to give Regal (40 yrs. old, this year) a push over the younger Kennedy. (32-4?)

Yes, EXTREMELY stupid if Kennedy becomes very popular during the course of the feud. Which he will if they both do their jobs well.

They're about 6-7 yrs. apart.

Which is a huge difference in wrestling.

and Kennedy has just as many injuries on his plate, as well as personal issues.

All wrestlers have had these.

When it's been about 6 months, they don't matter anymore.

So regardless of W.W.E. taking a chance on an aging vet.. or a problem/injury riddled, aging "rookie,"

Aging? He's 32.

Austin and HHH and these other big names didn't start being HUGE names until around 34 I believe. So your logic is dumbfounding.

I think you're blind in assuming there is that much of a huge difference in the two.

Oh yes there is.

When you got a young star, who has ALL of the tools to become your next big face, and you have a veteran heel in an authority role, who has never been nothing more than a midcarder, despite drawing heat from the fans. You give both of them a rub off of each other, and eventually put the face over in the end.

if WWE wanted this thing to be a serious accomplishment they A.) would put it on PPV not some special 3 hour Raw B.) would have plugged more than a week in advance, and probably had qualifying matches, and C.) wouldn't put a midget dressed as a leprechaun in the damn thing

I agree that the tournament sucked, I never said it didn't. Hell I bashed the shit out of it in the Raw review I wrote a while back. However, I'd like to point out a couple things.

1. King of the Ring 3-hour special on Raw is because for whatever purpose, they felt the original Pay Per View never sold. So why bother trying, when they had it planned for...

2. A midget being involved. And just who beat that midget, adding the first bit of heel heat to him in the tournament? Hmm.. the Raw G.M. somehow "randomly" gets entered, "randomly" against a midget and dominates Horney within mere seconds.

3. You advance all of this, and William Regal played that tournament like a rockstar does his guitar. The tournament was never meant to be huge. I didn't mean it like that. The tournament was meant to reclaim William Regal (someone in general) as a new (or remade) heel. Regal suddenly has way more hatred and heat on him now, then he did three weeks ago.

I'm with Wes on this one, Regal's feud with Kennedy right now, is just a stepping stone on Kennedy's way to the top, WWE is not going to invest all this time and money just to give Regal, a guy who won't draw as a Maineventer, a one on one PPV title shot, that's just downright stupid, the only title shot on PPV Regal will ever get is for the IC title, maybe the ECW title

I never said this wasn't a f*cking stepping stone for Kennedy. But you & Wes both use the logic that it'll only be considered a "stepping stone" if Kennedy wins. You both seem to think its outrageously impossible for Regal to be the guy getting anything out of this.. when the fact is so plain to see.

Kennedy IS OVER. Read any number of Wes' mindless rants on Kennedy's fan base, and compare it to Raw. Its true, for that night anyways. Kennedy's fan favorite return sent him outrageously to the top.. Regal isn't. So if Regal "screws" Kennedy, shockingly Regal is a "name" again. Kennedy is already a "name" so a win over Regal won't help him as much as it would Regal to defeat Kennedy. How is that hard to understand?

Kennedy has been fully over since 2006. Your a fucking moron if you don't think so.

:lmao: Mr. Kennedy hasn't been over since he came to Raw. What'd we talk about on MSN? Hardy, H.B.K., Flair? You claimed he was over in ALL of those feuds. Wow Wes, what'd he do in each? Uhm.. LOST!

Infact, you mentioned earlier that his return wasn't huge, because he was only gone for 3 weeks. Man, open your eyes.. the Kennedy that returned, is showing signs of being the Kennedy from Smackdown. If thats the case, hes been gone for about 2 years.

The fans didn't give a shit about the Raw version of Kennedy. His biggest pop was against Shawn Michaels, and heres a hint.. it wasn't Kennedy that made people pop for that feud. It was the other, above 40 year old guy.

KOTR has always been pointless. Especially a one night thrown together version on it.

William Regal, regular G.M. becomes Lord William Regal, ruler of the World Wrestling Entertainment.. I think there's a point to that.

Mabel went nowhere. Midcarder.

Summerslam 1995 - World Championship match against Diesel. (lost, yes, pushed still)

Owen, nowhere. Midcarder.

Summerslam 1994 - World Championship match against Bret Hart. (lost yes, pushed still)

Gunn, nowhere. Midcarder.

Billy Gunn feuded with The Rock, then Triple H. (lost yes, pushed still)

Booker T, jobber to faces which is what Regal will be and upper midcarder.

Booker T., the Wife saving jobber turns into King Bookah, the World Heavyweight Champion.. you're right Wes, he didn't get anything outta the KOTR victory, did he. :rolleyes:

Edge, never went anywhere until Cena made him.

WHATEVER! Edge went over the instant his dick found Lita's crotch. John Cena helped him become a Main Eventer, and the KOTR final's victory over Angle helped people to realize he could defeat Main Eventers.

Should I go on here?

Might as well, can't imagine you can dig any deeper. Would you like me to find you a shovel? Perhaps some long boots for all that shit you're standing in?

WWE did this as a last second decision to push both Regal and Kennedy in a feud.

I AGREE! W.W.E. is ALWAYS Last Second for the most part. And you're correct, this was to push BOTH of them. Which is the WHOLE point I've been trying to get.

Win, Lose, or Draw.. the objective is to put both men over. Kennedy is majorly over as a newly returned face. Which leaves Regal to get something.. something not being a 1-2-3 count to the mat.

He still isn't. Fans hate him because he's a heel GM. Not because he's a heel wrestler.

Which is the point of this feud. To get Regal over as both a hated heel Character through being the General Manager. And a hated heel wrestler, via defeating Mr. Kennedy.

I think you need to understand what I've been arguing all along. Kennedy will win the final match, assumably. However, Regal will A.) Win several more matches (logically) against Kennedy in between.. and after finally losing, will still take the jump over Kennedy, to get a World Championship match.

John Morrison is utter shit and will never go anywhere.

Don't even get me started on Morrison. The guy has so much potential and character charisma its outrageous. If they'd only use him, like you want them to use Kennedy.. we'd both be happy.

I didn't know about the HHH thing up until about an hour ago. THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING as well as the rating and company, which will eventually go into a downward spiral if Regal vs HHH was too happen while Cena is in the upper mid card.

What do you mean you didn't know about the Triple H. thing? Meaning you had no clue Regal was being pushed to get a title shot? Or meaning you had no clue Regal's likely only reason for being in this spot, is because hes good friends with Triple H?

Either way.. it gives Regal the nod, and it gives you an open schedule on Monday's. :lmao:

See above about WWE tanking if this were to happen. HHH vs Regal will NOT sell and it's time to build the younger stars. Are we really going to have these fuckfaced moronic veteran block off the upcomers?

WWE keeps this up another year and it's company suicide.

Please Wes. Just because Regal gets a title shot, they commit company suicide? Thats outlandishly stupid and overly naive of you to think. W.W.E. will continue to thrive and be around long after you've quit watching.

Stupid feuds, and pointless matches will continue to fill your weekly scheduled programming, long after you've replied and bitched about how they'd be stupid to do so.

Face it.. they're a billion dollar company, and with T.N.A. being the only threat.. definately AREN'T going anywhere. Less of all, dying.

Aging? He's 32.

Austin and HHH and these other big names didn't start being HUGE names until around 34 I believe. So your logic is dumbfounding.

Shawn Michaels, Triple H., The Undertaker, etc, etc, etc.. ALL OF THEM aren't getting any younger, yet all of them continue to get mega spots.

If you use this logic, Kennedy's got another 2 years before he becomes randomly aged to gain that spot. lol

And I'm NOT saying William Regal is earning a solid, never ending Main Event spot like Kennedy will in time. I'm saying Regal will do what they rumored the KOTR winner will do.. he'll take Booker's spot, possibly have a mild title run, and become a bigger known name. Meanwhile, Kennedy will win the final feud, then go on to feud with Randy Orton, or J.B.L. most likely.
Mr. Kennedy hasn't been over since he came to Raw.

Contradicted yourself...

You said:
Kennedy IS OVER.

Kennedy has been over since he came to RAW.

Debut - Massively over as a tweener

Hardy feud - Over as a tweener.

Summer in the WWE title picture/upper midcard - Over as a tweener

HBK feud - Over as a tweener

Flair feud - MASSIVELY over as a heel.

Road to Mania - Over as a tweener again

Now - Popularity will skyrocket.

What'd we talk about on MSN? Hardy, H.B.K., Flair? You claimed he was over in ALL of those feuds. Wow Wes, what'd he do in each? Uhm.. LOST!

You can still be over and lose matches jackass.

So King Booker wasn't over? JBL isn't? Khali? MVP? Umaga who isn't now, but was? Even Vince McMahon who is pretty much an authority figure who always loses?

Terrible logic again.

Infact, you mentioned earlier that his return wasn't huge, because he was only gone for 3 weeks.

It wasn't huge. How is returning from 3 weeks huge? 3 months isn't even huge. John Cena will return next week, that's huge? ROFL.

Man, open your eyes.. the Kennedy that returned, is showing signs of being the Kennedy from Smackdown. If thats the case, hes been gone for about 2 years.

Yup. Bad booking, but yet he was still over.

The fans didn't give a shit about the Raw version of Kennedy. His biggest pop was against Shawn Michaels,

His biggest pop was at the Royal Rumble when he outpopped everyone but Undertaker and John Cena.

and heres a hint.. it wasn't Kennedy that made people pop for that feud. It was the other, above 40 year old guy.

Kennedy was a heel. Once again, a complete different situation.

Again Will, pitiful.

William Regal, regular G.M. becomes Lord William Regal, ruler of the World Wrestling Entertainment.. I think there's a point to that.


To eventually elevate your authority abusing face to the next level of popularity and ranking.

Summerslam 1995 - World Championship match against Diesel. (lost, yes, pushed still)

Summerslam 1994 - World Championship match against Bret Hart. (lost yes, pushed still)

Billy Gunn feuded with The Rock, then Triple H. (lost yes, pushed still)

Booker T., the Wife saving jobber turns into King Bookah, the World Heavyweight Champion.. you're right Wes, he didn't get anything outta the KOTR victory, did he. :rolleyes:

Those KOTR's weren't two hours, poorly put together and hardly advertised.

All were midcarders for life. Hence my point. Hardly any pushes whatsoever, if they don't succeed.

WHATEVER! Edge went over the instant his dick found Lita's crotch. John Cena helped him become a Main Eventer,

You just killed your argument.

John Cena made the heel Edge we have today.

and the KOTR final's victory over Angle helped people to realize he could defeat Main Eventers.

Might as well, can't imagine you can dig any deeper. Would you like me to find you a shovel? Perhaps some long boots for all that shit you're standing in?

I've completely made any credibility you had, go right out the window in about 5 posts.

I AGREE! W.W.E. is ALWAYS Last Second for the most part. And you're correct, this was to push BOTH of them. Which is the WHOLE point I've been trying to get.

Well no shit, I've been trying to explain that too you countless times but you keep blabbing about how it benefit's Regal MORE when it won't in the end.

Win, Lose, or Draw.. the objective is to put both men over.

But have Kennedy win the feud by overcoming the obstacles of the hated GM to boost his popularity, and ranking within the roster..

Kennedy is majorly over as a newly returned face. Which leaves Regal to get something.. something not being a 1-2-3 count to the mat.

Yes, it does when all is done.

Which is the point of this feud. To get Regal over as both a hated heel Character through being the General Manager. And a hated heel wrestler, via defeating Mr. Kennedy.

Like I said, winning a battle but not the war.

I think you need to understand what I've been arguing all along. Kennedy will win the final match, assumably. However, Regal will A.) Win several more matches (logically) against Kennedy in between.. and after finally losing, will still take the jump over Kennedy, to get a World Championship match.

He'll never get a title match. He's a stepping stone to Kennedy's success.

Don't even get me started on Morrison. The guy has so much potential and character charisma its outrageous.

Kennedy, ya' know the one we're talking about? Is who you should be saying that about.

If they'd only use him, like you want them to use Kennedy.. we'd both be happy.

They will use Kennedy that way, because it's the only way. I have nothing to worry about.

What do you mean you didn't know about the Triple H. thing? Meaning you had no clue Regal was being pushed to get a title shot?

No, meaning I had no clue HHH was a back of Regal getting a push.

He won't get a title shot. Trust me.

Or meaning you had no clue Regal's likely only reason for being in this spot, is because hes good friends with Triple H?


Either way.. it gives Regal the nod, and it gives you an open schedule on Monday's.

ROFL, no it doesn't. It makes Regal a stone for Kennedy to step over in a lengthy feud.

Please Wes. Just because Regal gets a title shot, they commit company suicide?

No, plus burying your biggest draw (by miles) to the midcard and giving HHH another reign of terror.

Thats outlandishly stupid and overly naive of you to think. W.W.E. will continue to thrive and be around long after you've quit watching.


Ratings will say otherwise during that feud. I can promise you.

Stupid feuds, and pointless matches will continue to fill your weekly scheduled programming, long after you've replied and bitched about how they'd be stupid to do so.


And ratings will agree. They are already falling drastically. Vince is pushing the panic button, and it has nothing to do with Regal. He isn't a draw, nor main event material.

Face it.. they're a billion dollar company, and with T.N.A. being the only threat.. definately AREN'T going anywhere. Less of all, dying.

Doesn't mean ratings won't go into a downward spiral dude.

Seriously, before you post next time. Take your head out of your ass please.

Shawn Michaels, Triple H., The Undertaker, etc, etc, etc.. ALL OF THEM aren't getting any younger, yet all of them continue to get mega spots.

Which isn't a good thing. At all.

If you use this logic, Kennedy's got another 2 years before he becomes randomly aged to gain that spot. lol

Kennedy's got this full year to build into a mega face and possibly win the Rumble.

I'm saying Regal will do what they rumored the KOTR winner will do..

This was before the ratings fall, and was stated by Ryan fucking Clark.

Your cred is dropping quote by quote Will.

he'll take Booker's spot, possibly have a mild title run, and become a bigger known name.


He'll put over Kennedy in his authority role in a long feud.

Meanwhile, Kennedy will win the final feud, then go on to feud with Randy Orton, or J.B.L. most likely.

1. King of the Ring 3-hour special on Raw is because for whatever purpose, they felt the original Pay Per View never sold. So why bother trying, when they had it planned for...

Or they needed something special to do for the 3 hour Raw, and figured WTF, lets throw together a quick KOTR tournament, and put no effort into it what so ever

2. A midget being involved. And just who beat that midget, adding the first bit of heel heat to him in the tournament? Hmm.. the Raw G.M. somehow "randomly" gets entered, "randomly" against a midget and dominates Horney within mere seconds.

Doesn't really establish him as a legit threat the WWE title, I mean if every guy on the roster that is capable of beating Hornswoggle is worthy of a WWE title shot, then Trips has a long ass line of contenders to deal with

3. You advance all of this, and William Regal played that tournament like a rockstar does his guitar. The tournament was never meant to be huge.

Yet your making it sound like this was a huge accomplishment

I didn't mean it like that. The tournament was meant to reclaim William Regal (someone in general) as a new (or remade) heel. Regal suddenly has way more hatred and heat on him now, then he did three weeks ago.

Yup, which allows Kennedy to turn face with this feud, which is the entire fucking point of all over this, it's not to put Regal over as a challenger for the WWE title

I never said this wasn't a f*cking stepping stone for Kennedy.

Umm... Yeah you did

But you & Wes both use the logic that it'll only be considered a "stepping stone" if Kennedy wins.

Umm Maybe cause Kennedy is the future of the company, why wouldn't they use this feud to put him over?

You both seem to think its outrageously impossible for Regal to be the guy getting anything out of this.. when the fact is so plain to see.

Regal is basically just taking Flair's spot as the guy who puts over the up and coming talent, and making them more established for the ME scene

Kennedy IS OVER. Read any number of Wes' mindless rants on Kennedy's fan base, and compare it to Raw. Its true, for that night anyways. Kennedy's fan favorite return sent him outrageously to the top.. Regal isn't. So if Regal "screws" Kennedy, shockingly Regal is a "name" again. Kennedy is already a "name" so a win over Regal won't help him as much as it would Regal to defeat Kennedy. How is that hard to understand?

Kennedy is not ME ready right now though, this feud will push him further toward the ME scene, and getting him to that point where he is ready to be a full time Maineventer, this feud will push Kennedy in a similar way that the Austin/McMahon feud pushed Austin into the Mainevent scene. How is that hard to understand?

What do you mean you didn't know about the Triple H. thing? Meaning you had no clue Regal was being pushed to get a title shot?

Ok, I'm not understanding your logic here, with the Regal getting a title shot thing, It's been widely reported that Trips wants to turn heel this summer, which will likely happen while he's champion, so then please explain to me, why you would have your top two heels feuding over the WWE title, that not only doesn't make any sense at all it just straight up stupid, seems it would make more sense for Regal to assist on the Triple H heel turn, then have Regal protect his heel Champion, similer to how Vince protected his corporate champion The Rock?

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