Live Discussion: Survivor Series 18/11/2007

No more bumps off the top apparently, it's too damn high and Batista wouldn't have the balls to do it. Hell, I don't even think Foley woul....nevermind, he'd still do it.
I'm 6 for 6 in terms of predictions tonight. I've not picked a winner for this one, only saying that Undertaker wont be leaving with the belt. I'm really hoping for a clean match but thats looking less and less likely with Edge still to come.
I pray they wait for the match to be over before Edge to come down and attack someone. I think it'd fit his character better, why come down in the middle of the fight when they can gang up on you? Better to pick up the scraps at the very end.
Undertaker winning tonight would be only thing to save this PPV and Taker deserves the belt back he would still be WHC now I reckon had he not got Injured.

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