Live Discussion: Raw 3/2/09

Great Triple H Promo tonight.

He built it up, and nailed it. I felt a chill when he said

It was very weak actually, until Orton started talking about his stipulation and the Mcmahons. The HHH stuff sucked! Like we actually believed Orton was choosing the WHC. "it's peronal" are you kidding me, WWE creative wa sleeping on that one.

I agree. it was the same old same. I mean I expect to AT LEAST hear Trips threaten to start messin wit Orton's family, but thanx to PG content, that is pushing the envelope too far I guess.
I would mark the fuck out. Mr Johnston FTW


He's got the picture. Very nice.
It was very weak actually, until Orton started talking about his stipulation and the Mcmahons. The HHH stuff sucked! Like we actually believed Orton was choosing the WHC.

lol, yeah because adding so much emotion to a title match at Wrestlemania is so bad. It's what makes the feud work.

I fail to see how HHH's part sucked. He kept it building until Orton snapped with his cheap shots about the McMahons. Good promo all around.
WWE is kinda going downhill with this PG content. Kinda funny that TNA is slowly gaining more viewers and ROH is about to hit the airwaves with their programming during this time. lol

I'm yet to join the PG bandwagon, but it does seem odd. Kids will watch it and buy the merchandise if it is PG or a 15, I was watching the Attitude era at 9 years old. However, 18-34 men, the people who advertisers care about, want violence and T 'n' A.

Incedentaly I only noticed the TNA pun last week, how slow is that?
Great Triple H Promo tonight.

He built it up, and nailed it. I felt a chill when he said


I thought he was ok, but I knew that line was coming as soon as he said "the last time we faced off..." I just think the whole thing was a bit tired. Orton left Evolution 5 years ago, and they still bring it up as if they have never settled that issue every time they feud.

Orton is absolutely boring. He has made the same promo every week this year. "I'm mental, me. I want to... hurt... the McMahons..., these lawyers will help me. Cody and Ted are the future." Cue the other two getting beaten up and Orton running away.
Who do you think is more deserving this year, Michaels of Kozlov?

Kozlov, but only because Taker wants to go a couple of more years. So whever finally ends it will end his career and he will retire. So Kozlov present the power opponent that Taker has become accustomed to over the past decade.

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