Live Discussion: RAW 2/11/2008 **NO SPOILERS**

Is it just me or is shawn getting dangerously close to jobber to the stars status? What's the last major match he won, unless im overlooking something.
1.) True but ratings don't always equal quality wrestling.
No, they just equal you have a television show, and getting revenue from that show.

2.) I don't mean one single great match. I mean a show mainly centered around wrestling, not having 2-3 20 minute promos, then a 10 minute match followed by a ten minute beatdown with a bunch of formula matches with predictable finishes thrown in.
That's what I'm talking about too. You have to build storylines to a PPV, so you have to have the two competitors interact. If they wrestle twice on free tv before the PPV, why pay for the show?
I think a pretty much all wrestling show should be on every week, in a low rating time slot, as to offer an alternitive to fans. Mostly just wrestling, clean finishes, probably lower tiered wrestlers.
The shows cost money, and bring very little in. It's harmful to the bottom line, makes little sense, and has very little return in it.

They've done it in the past, and none of them are around any more because it cost to much.
Good solid TV main-event. And just more proof of Jeff Hardy's abilities as a single worker, and foregoing his supposed spotfest style.

Good match too bad that punk bitch Triple H will win Sunday. Anyone else find it hilarious how he misses 2 RAW's to the show hyping up the Main Event but yet will win anyways? If it was anyone else plans would have been scrapped.
The shows cost money, and bring very little in. It's harmful to the bottom line, makes little sense, and has very little return in it.

They've done it in the past, and none of them are around any more because it cost to much.

eh, WCW saturday night was on for years and years and years, and certainley wasnt the downfall of WCW. I see your point tho. Everyone always shoots my all wrestling show idea down neway :( lol
No, they just equal you have a television show, and getting revenue from that show.

That's what I'm talking about too. You have to build storylines to a PPV, so you have to have the two competitors interact. If they wrestle twice on free tv before the PPV, why pay for the show?

The shows cost money, and bring very little in. It's harmful to the bottom line, makes little sense, and has very little return in it.

They've done it in the past, and none of them are around any more because it cost to much.

I definatly agree you can't have main event level matches every week. That michaels hardy match was a rare treat which is what it should be. I can't stand when the ppv match happens before a ppv, you're right it takes away the incentive to pay the money for it. main thing i'm trying to say is that WWe has been moving more towards actual wwrestling and away from gimmicks and angles and i think the quality has gone up a lot lately.
Is it just me or is shawn getting dangerously close to jobber to the stars status? What's the last major match he won, unless im overlooking something.

He isn't Brian Kendrick or even Umaga yet.

I really believe Jeff has a great chance to get the win Sunday. I don't know why. He just has so much goddamn momentum like JR says.
Ugh I can't believe Hardy beat HBK. I hope all of the people who believe in the philosophy that the veterans should put over the stars on the rise are happy. Maybe I'm just upset that Shawn lost to Kennedy cleanly not long ago, and now to Hardy about a month later. Sure it was a good match, but at least taint the win so that it would make it look like Hardy wouldn't have won had the interference/weapon use/ref push not happened.

Good match too bad that punk bitch Triple H will win Sunday. Anyone else find it hilarious how he misses 2 RAW's to the show hyping up the Main Event but yet will win anyways? If it was anyone else plans would have been scrapped.

I really hope he doesn't. Raw has been great the last few weeks because it's unpredicatble. HHH winning would bring that to a screeching halt.

Good match too bad that punk bitch Triple H will win Sunday. Anyone else find it hilarious how he misses 2 RAW's to the show hyping up the Main Event but yet will win anyways? If it was anyone else plans would have been scrapped.
I wouldn't be so sure that Triple H will win.

But, surely you can understand the reason for him to be gone.

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