Little People Court Segments - potential to be the worst segments in Raw history

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Apparently this is taking place next week. I'm not sure why with them being tag champions. I think, now they're the champions, they need to drop this feud and begin to show that the tag titles are the most important thing to them therefore giving the titles more prestige. I'm quite excited to see this, I don't understand all the hate it's gotten before being aired. They should have done this a few weeks ago, but it should still be good.

"It should still be good?"

What possible good can you see coming out as a result of this segment, Becca? Seriously?

I realize you are telling everyone to take the "let's just wait and see" approach, but looking at this thing on paper as it is scheduled for this Monday, what would possibly entertain you enough in this segment, that you would actually consider it to be "good" to you?

I can not forsee segments that focus on midgets to be entertaining at all in the slightest. Especially considering that the backstage segments with DX and Hornswoggle are not entertaining at all, either. They aren't funny. They add nothing to the show, but make DX look like a bunch of comedic morons, which takes away and all edge that this group is supposed to have.

How has Hornswoggle helped DX in any way?

Vice versa, how has DX helped Hornswoggle in any way? For what purpose? To give a rub to Hornswoggle to help him sell derbies and shirts to the kiddies? Do you see kiddies buying the Hornswoggle merchandise?

A segment like Little People's court does far more damage to DX in terms of losing their edginess with the fans, than any positive DX could possibly bring to Hornswoggle.
"It should still be good?"

What possible good can you see coming out as a result of this segment, Becca? Seriously?

I realize you are telling everyone to take the "let's just wait and see" approach, but looking at this thing on paper as it is scheduled for this Monday, what would possibly entertain you enough in this segment, that you would actually consider it to be "good" to you?

I've never not been entertained by a DX segment, and I've enjoyed watching their stuff with Hornswoggle, which is why I'm talking a guess that I'll still find it good. Half of the people in this thread won't, and the other half will say they didn't enjoy it because they've already bitched about it and don't want to be seen to be in the wrong; I definitely expect that.

I can not forsee segments that focus on midgets to be entertaining at all in the slightest. Especially considering that the backstage segments with DX and Hornswoggle are not entertaining at all, either. They aren't funny. They add nothing to the show, but make DX look like a bunch of comedic morons, which takes away and all edge that this group is supposed to have.

How has Hornswoggle helped DX in any way?

Vice versa, how has DX helped Hornswoggle in any way? For what purpose? To give a rub to Hornswoggle to help him sell derbies and shirts to the kiddies? Do you see kiddies buying the Hornswoggle merchandise?

A segment like Little People's court does far more damage to DX in terms of losing their edginess with the fans, than any positive DX could possibly bring to Hornswoggle.

This is true, which is why I think the segment should have done ahead weeks ago, before DX were champions, leaving DX to now go on to have meaningful feuds for the title. However, I'm not going to be thinking about that when I'm watching it. That analysis is for Wrestlezone. When I'm watching Raw I don't give a damn about that type of stuff; I'm watching to enjoy.
It's airing.... it's NOT airing.... it's airing next week.... it's canceled.... it's airing again after all.... can WWE not make up their mind or something?

I'm also surprised that people are still arguing about this. If they actually do go through with this segment then I expect for this thread to get dozens of replies that are nothing but rants along the lines of "see, I knew this was going to be awful" by people who watched it anyhow despite "knowing" it was going to be bad. Those who are bashing it make good points because it has the potential to be awful, but those who are defending it (me being one of them) make good points as well that we need to watch it first before unleashing any rants or bashes because even though it will probably suck we won't know until we watch it.
I fail to see the point in doing this now. The thing with beating up Horny was what, a month ago? They've been nice to him lately so he's suing them? Yeah they went after him again Monday, but the court thing was announced before that. It made little sense before this, but now that the feud is more or less over I completely fail to see the point. Is DX the heel or the face here? I fail to see the point here at all.
I think the reports that it is coming back are probably wrong, so I don't think they'll bring it back. If they do, this is up there with Katie Vick. No matter what they do, even if the Rock returns in it and is the defence attorney, this would still be abysmal. Without seeing it, you still have two men being berated by dwarves. That is offensive, and there is no way it would be humorous. I'm all for giving everything a chance, but a little's people court is nothing short of ******ed.
That's it? NOTHING?

Come on people. The vast majority of you ranted and complained about how dumb this segment would be for weeks, without watching it. It finally airs and you now have the perfect opportunity to bash it and actually be justified in doing so. I expected this thread to have gotten a couple dozen responses by now of people talking about how much they hated it.

Fine, then in the interest of restarting the discussion, I'll go first.

I defended this segment before it aired just for the one reason of it had not aired yet. Now, however, it has. Honestly, it wasn't that bad. Was it hilarious? No. Was it awesome? No. But was it the worst segment ever? NO!

I actually found it entertaining. Maybe it's because of all the bad jokes, I like puns and often find them funny because of how bad they are. It wasn't great.... but it wasn't horrible either. It was nowhere near the level of Katie Vick, the hand, or Trump VS Rosie.

I am officially calling out everyone who bashed it earlier in this thread. Was it as bad as you thought it would be? Did it entertain you at all? Come on people, at least say SOMETHING after all the weeks of bashing it got.
Oh please hon, I said it before and I'll say it again - half of the people who bashed this will have enjoyed it, yet I bet one of them won't admit it because they won't want to be seen as in the wrong. I enjoyed the segment. As you said, it wasn't the best segment ever, but it entertained me and was no where near the worst segment ever. I laughed quite a few times, I can name plenty that have never gripped me or made me laugh.
Worst segment ever? No. But it wasn't that far away, I didn't even crack half a smile once in any of the DX segments, I mean going under the ring was stupid and little HBK didn't even look like HBK besides the hair, it was ridiculous from start to finish and I feel sorry for anyone who paid to see that. Maybe I just didn't laugh because I have a sense of humour and don't just laugh when WWE tells me to.
Equally as bad was the Tiger Woods segment, I mean what the hell was that about? And then the show ends with Hornswoggle joining DX as their mascot, where is this thing going to go now? Stay tuned ladies and gentlemen, the worst Raw segment in history may come in the next few weeks.
By the end of Raw this week, I was honestly embarrassed to be a WWE fan. WWE, please stop trying to please the kids and aim at pleasing the fans that have been loyal to you and got you to where you are today.
Maybe I just didn't laugh because I have a sense of humour and don't just laugh when WWE tells me to.

This is so annoying it's almost laughable. First of all, no one has a 'sense of humour' because everyone laughs at different things, so why you think you're superior, I really have no idea. Secondly, when do the WWE tell us to laugh? Do they have cue cards at the right times that say "Laugh", "Don't laugh"? If you're that embarrassed to be a fan, why don't you just stop watching?
no one has a 'sense of humour' because everyone laughs at different things

Fair point, we find different things funny, it takes more to make me laugh than a bunch of midgets in a courtroom.

And I'm not gonna stop watching just yet because with WWE you have to take the good with the bad, rarely does anyone enjoy the entire show. I just feel the bad heavily outweighed the good on Raw this week, I enjoyed Cena vs Swagger but if you ask me to say anything else that was good about the show, I'm struggling.
I have to stand up and make a big admission here. With two extra weeks to fix it, the skit rose to the level of a standard bad Raw skit. It was only a little more than mildly irritating, although that was compounded by it being two segments long, and apparently mentioned throughout the broadcast.

This may be because we are becoming numb and have lost many brain cells on Monday nights. (Ask the next autopsy doctor--was it the chair shots or the Raw scripts that melted the dead wrestlers' brain?)

It wasn't as bad as KAtie Vick. It wasn't Mae Young giving birth to a hand. Was it as bad as Hornswoggle as Mr McMahon's lost son?

I just don't give a crap anymore. I didn't bother to watch Raw. I youtubed the segments after HBK-aholic's challenge.

They weren't as bad as they could have been, or maybe they were. I can't face sitting here and coming up with how they could have been worse. I also can't think of how it could have been any better, and make no mistake it sucked.

It didn't reach historic top ten, Gobbledy-Gooker vs Shockmaster level of suckitude. But it did certainly suck as much as a Boogeyman segment.

I hope I just didn't give the bastards an idea, but even if I did, unless it's on the Jan 4 show I probably won't be watching.
I'm sorry to insult some of you, but if you actually found this segment humorous...well you either have no taste whatsoever, are seven years old, or you're just a fucking troglodyte. I'm sorry, but it's true. Midget jokes may have been funny when I was six years old, but you see than I grew up. Do you people explode into laughter every time someone farts as well? Do you giggle incessantly when someone uses the word poop? I mean, I'm really not trying to be offensive, but you have to have the comedic sense of a four year old to have found that segment funny. That, or you're mentally ******ed. One of the two really.

Easily one of the worst segments in Raw history. I'd rank it in the Top Ten I think. Nowhere near the worst ever, but it's definitely a candidate. There's a reason the biggest heat of the night came when they tried re-airing the segment towards the end of the show, and that's because every single person in the crowd was fucking sick of this bullshit and began chants of "We Want Wrestling!" and "Boring!"

But no, as long as it makes Vince and Hunter laugh, it doesn't matter that the fans took a shit all over it. Typical Vince McMahon.
I'm sorry to insult some of you, but if you actually found this segment humorous...well you either have no taste whatsoever, are seven years old, or you're just a fucking troglodyte. I'm sorry, but it's true. Midget jokes may have been funny when I was six years old, but you see than I grew up. Do you people explode into laughter every time someone farts as well? Do you giggle incessantly when someone uses the word poop? I mean, I'm really not trying to be offensive, but you have to have the comedic sense of a four year old to have found that segment funny. That, or you're mentally ******ed. One of the two really.

I said this earlier but I'll say it again. Humour is completely subjective - why is your sense of humour seen as superior to other peoples?

Easily one of the worst segments in Raw history. I'd rank it in the Top Ten I think. Nowhere near the worst ever, but it's definitely a candidate. There's a reason the biggest heat of the night came when they tried re-airing the segment towards the end of the show, and that's because every single person in the crowd was fucking sick of this bullshit and began chants of "We Want Wrestling!" and "Boring!"

But no, as long as it makes Vince and Hunter laugh, it doesn't matter that the fans took a shit all over it. Typical Vince McMahon.
When people stop buying the DX merchandise, the DX segments will stop. But as we can see, a lot of the crowd DO have DX merchandise, whether it's a shirt, glow-sticks, or both. So, you can believe it doesn't matter about what the fans think, but the fans praise is exactly what McMahon wants and needs - and he's getting it through the buying of merchandise by fans.
I had the fortune of tuning in just as this segment was starting...HBK and HHH dove under the ring, and I said "You have got to be kidding me...". It was beyond ridiculous, and I really want the 3 minutes of my life back.

But, it was saved, by Big Show calling out fucking Santa Claus. Really? He's the world's largest athlete, and he has a bone to pick with Santa? C'mon Vince...Get off the crack, cheap booze, and hookers, and drop the antics. No one really wants to see this crap, they put up with it in hopes of a decent match afterwards, or an epic main event. Instead, they get midgets in DX gear, with one using "Sweet Shin Music".
I said this earlier but I'll say it again. Humour is completely subjective - why is your sense of humour seen as superior to other peoples?

For the same reasons you can critique a comedy film Becca. Poop and midget jokes are about the absolute lowest form of comedy imaginable, they practically define the word sophomoric. Don't give me this "everything is subjective!" nonsense because you could use that same argument to argue that a movie called "Poopy Fart Midgets!" is a comedy masterpiece. But, if you say that, I'm sorry, I'm going to look at you like you're mentally ******ed for enjoying something so asinine.

When people stop buying the DX merchandise, the DX segments will stop. But as we can see, a lot of the crowd DO have DX merchandise, whether it's a shirt, glow-sticks, or both. So, you can believe it doesn't matter about what the fans think, but the fans praise is exactly what McMahon wants and needs - and he's getting it through the buying of merchandise by fans.

Yes. And the Little People's Segment did not have a single merchandise plug. People who were there at the arena have already posted on here about how without a doubt the biggest heat of the night came when they tried to play more of that segment. So clearly even DX fans didn't want to see that drivel. But instead of listen to the fans, McMahon cuts out the crowd audio for nearly 15 seconds. Because he doesn't care what the fans want.
For the same reasons you can critique a comedy film Becca.

I can 'critique' it to say I didn't find it funny. But I wouldn't say "If you find this funny you're mentally ******ed' - it's such a stupid thing to say.

Yes. And the Little People's Segment did not have a single merchandise plug. People who were there at the arena have already posted on here about how without a doubt the biggest heat of the night came when they tried to play more of that segment. So clearly even DX fans didn't want to see that drivel. But instead of listen to the fans, McMahon cuts out the crowd audio for nearly 15 seconds. Because he doesn't care what the fans want.
What's he going to do? Change the plan of the show because the crowd booed for 15 seconds? Come on now, be realistic, he's not going to cut something that's been planned, and when he has nothing else to take it's spot, is he?

And I'm pretty sure there was a merchandise plug, regarding the glow sticks.
I can 'critique' it to say I didn't find it funny. But I wouldn't say "If you find this funny you're mentally ******ed' - it's such a stupid thing to say.

I'm obviously over exaggerating Becca, obviously I don't literally think you are mentally ******ed for enjoying that segment.

But I stand by what I said: if you enjoyed that segment and are over the age of twelve, you have the immature sense of humor of a three year old who begins laughing incessantly when someone farts. It's sophomoric humor at best, and absolute drivel at worst.

What's he going to do? Change the plan of the show because the crowd booed for 15 seconds? Come on now, be realistic, he's not going to cut something that's been planned, and when he has nothing else to take it's spot, is he?

I'm talking about the part of the show where he RE-AIRED segments that had ALREADY been aired earlier in the show. That was unacceptable, the fans had already sat through that terrible segment once, now Vince decides to re-air it to the fans instead of giving them an actual main event match? Yeah, I'd be pissed as hell if I was that crowd too. That was unacceptable by Vince, it's like he forgot that Raw is 2 hours long and didn't plan on anything for the last quarter of the show. There was no reason to re-air that terrible segment.
I'm obviously over exaggerating Becca, obviously I don't literally think you are mentally ******ed for enjoying that segment.

But I stand by what I said: if you enjoyed that segment and are over the age of twelve, you have the immature sense of humor of a three year old who begins laughing incessantly when someone farts. It's sophomoric humor at best, and absolute drivel at worst.

I know you were exaggerating, but my comments still stand for what you DO think. I'm not sure what's wrong with laughing at it. I've just watched it again and laughed again. I'm in no way immature.

I'm talking about the part of the show where he RE-AIRED segments that had ALREADY been aired earlier in the show. That was unacceptable, the fans had already sat through that terrible segment once, now Vince decides to re-air it to the fans instead of giving them an actual main event match? Yeah, I'd be pissed as hell if I was that crowd too. That was unacceptable by Vince, it's like he forgot that Raw is 2 hours long and didn't plan on anything for the last quarter of the show. There was no reason to re-air that terrible segment.

But as I said, if he's planned to re-air them, instead of adding an extra match, he's not going to change that schedule, and rush a match just because some of the fans disliked the segment. You found it terrible, which you have a right to, but not everyone did.
I know you were exaggerating, but my comments still stand for what you DO think. I'm not sure what's wrong with laughing at it. I've just watched it again and laughed again. I'm in no way immature.

No offense Becca but I think Shawn Michaels could sew a sweater for 20 minutes in a segment and you'd be giddy with joy. Again, not trying to offend you, but I think anything involving Shawn Michaels and DX, you're going to like. I've never seen you speak a single ill word of either.

But as I said, if he's planned to re-air them, instead of adding an extra match, he's not going to change that schedule, and rush a match just because some of the fans disliked the segment. You found it terrible, which you have a right to, but not everyone did.

But there was no reason to re-air it in the first place Becca. It's inexcusable, those fans were absolutely ripped off with no main event whatsoever. Vince doesn't give a shit about what the fans think, and each and every comedy sketch he comes up with on Raw that the fans boo to hell has proven that. We booed like crazy when he had Trump fight Rosie, we booed like crazy when he had an imposter owner of the Denver Nuggets get beaten up by Vince to soothe his own ego, it's not just this event that has proven that Vince doesn't care Becca, it's been proven over the course of years. The fans hate his terrible "comedy sketches", they always have, but he continues to pump them out one after another.
No offense Becca but I think Shawn Michaels could sew a sweater for 20 minutes in a segment and you'd be giddy with joy. Again, not trying to offend you, but I think anything involving Shawn Michaels and DX, you're going to like. I've never seen you speak a single ill word of either.

Because I don't generally find any reason for criticism. I don't not criticise them because Shawn is my favourite wrestler, Shawn is my favourite wrestler because I never feel the need to criticise him, or DX.

But there was no reason to re-air it in the first place Becca. It's inexcusable, those fans were absolutely ripped off with no main event whatsoever.

But we were discussing him not listening to the crowd hating the segment, but the segment was planned to be re-aired before he'd heard the reaction. I do understand what you're saying about them not having a real main event, I just think that's a different discussion to the one about this particular segment.

The fans hate his terrible "comedy sketches", they always have, but he continues to pump them out one after another.

Again, I don't really think they do, especially DX ones. I mean, if they did, there wouldn't be as much merchandise for them.
Saying the court segments were the worst in Raw history is a little much. Sure it wasn't the best Raw but you have to consider their target audience.

Main Page-God knows there were plenty of kids with glowsticks there whose tickets were their Christmas present; I think some of the viewers/WZ readers should keep that in mind. Think about that show and who it was for
That being said the segments weren't over with the live crowd anyway, but that's not the point. The show was intended for "seven year olds" who like "Sesame Street" and "poop jokes".

And as far as whether or not it was entertaining to teenagers/adults; so what if they did enjoy it. I think it's safe to say we all thought something "juvenile" was funny once or twice.

My opinion on the segments were that they were alright at times, certainly not bad enough for me to send a angry letter or something.
Ehh, it wasn't the worst thing ever, might have been the most ridiculous thing I ever saw on WWE tv though(aside from Mae-Young/hand). Really doesn't matter, I've kind've accepted Hornswaggle into wrestling life, I just fastforward through any segment he's normally in since I guess their never going away. Anyway, having watched most of these two, it got pretty old pretty fast, I mean a segment like this comes and and c'mon are we watching WWE or Sesame Street? All of a sudden theirs a fantasy land under the ring? Kind've hard to accept a segment that long and ridiculous on a wrestling show.

Also once you've heard one midget joke you've heard them all. There were about a 1,000 between those two segments alone. The whole thing was based on one (bad)joke essentially.
OK, let me just say that I found parts of the segment slightly humorous. Those parts were the product placement (as I find product placement funny) and the part where HBK got dragged under the ring. The fact that it had some midly (and I stress mildly) entertaining bits automatically excludes it from being the "worst RAW segment EVAH!!!".

The segment where they were actually in court were unfunny, offensive, and overall boring. That's the main problem I had with the segment.

It ran way too long. It advanced a story, but it was extremely unentertaining. I don't think we should be complaining about the actual content of the vignettes, but rather the fact that they lasted for a realy long time, and were reaired for absolutely no reason. Reairing helped no one. It made the parts that were funny the first time became yawn-inducing, and it made the bad parts worse. But most of all, it wasted time when we could have been having a good match or an actually entertaining segment.
This "angle" is garbage. My God, DX has become a joke. Both of these guys are talented singles wrestlers and should break up. When you "reunite" DX like once or twice per year, it loses it's edge. I wouldn't have a problem if these two teamed up as DX every couple of years (well, not anymore, seeing they are getting old) to take on some big threat, like Legacy, or another heel stable. Get rid of the Hornswaggle angle, it's gone on too long. WWE has a tendency nowadays to drag out these ridiculous storyline's.
I said that I would try to put my bias aside for this segment and judge it accordingly. I found this segment to be bad. I mean really really bad. I'm talking embarrassingly bad. Worst of all-time? Not by any means. As has been said, it's nowhere near as bad as many other segments I've seen, but just I don't like this whole angle. Look at it this way guys, maybe now Hornswoggle will not be featured as much on Raw. We won't get the DX chasing Hornswoggle segments or the Hornswoggle hopelessly imitating DX stuff. Now maybe DX can focus on the Tag titles for a change and not their merchandise war with Hornswoggle.
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