Little People Court Segments - potential to be the worst segments in Raw history

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Alright since all of you clearly do not enjoy anything Triple H does because you all feel he would be nothing without marrying the boss's daughter, what do you think the wwe would be without him? He has impacted so much and you give no credit to him because of your first instinct that he is married to the daughter of the highest power so automatically he calls his own shots. Seriously, if that was the case, don't you think he would be fighting for the title every ppv and be winning every match instead of fighting tag matches and involving himself in a little feud with a fucking leprechaun that's 3 feet tall? He brought us the good old days with DX at it's finest and he stayed around for all of us to remember him. Unlike the Rock, he stayed and still performs for all of us. If the Rock and Triple H switched careers (Triple H leaving in early 2000's and The Rock staying and winning like 12 or so titles), you people would hate the Rock and pander for Triple H to return. Respect his loyalty for us and also the business.

You all feel it's normal to bash anything he does. If he's in DX making fun of midgets or making remarks us ourselves complain about, that's a problem. If he is pushing young talent (Legacy), that's a problem. If he is showcasing himself as the dominant fighter in the business who doesn't loose much because he is suppose to be the good, strong fighter, that's a problem. If he is winning a title, it is because he's married to the boss's daughter. Seriously, i hate that idea. If fucking Hornswoggle was married to Stephanie, do you think he would be winning world titles? Triple H worked his ass off to be where he is and his dedication and loyalty lands him perfectly in the position he is in. I'm sure the marriage elevated maybe his power control a bit, but his power control is a good thing since he has an idea of how the business works.

How is a segment where 2 guys (which one of them we all absolutely love and talk about how great he is, HBK) make fun of little people not funny? If you want to live in the Attitude Era, cruel humor was definitely present in those days. You have a redneck pointing a gun at an old man. So how is that looked at as awesome but a wicked old school guy making fun of a midget in a court room surrounded by other midgets now interpreted as PG entertainment that 5 year olds find funny?

Anyways, this segment will most likely be stupid and not funny if you are going to watch it with the intention of "wow this is so stupid, like Hornswoggle is so dumb and Triple H should be fired cause he isn't funny." If you have not one bit of motivation to maybe not trash everything thrown at you on the television, you might actually realize the Attitude Era at it's best ended almost 11 years ago and it hasn't been happening at all in those 11 years. (I feel the best of it ended in 99, and in about a month it will be 11 years from then).

Now for all of you saying this may be one of the worst segments ever, did you not see any segments with Santino or Jillian Hall? You see, there is a difference between Triple H segments and Santino segments. Triple H's can be funny if your not going to watch it like an asshole, but Santino's are pretty much the same. He comes out doing something ridiculous or wearing a silly outfit, and eventually gets beaten up. Jillian pretty much sings and then someone comes out and beats her in 3 minutes or less. wwe has thrown out some bad segments, but this Monday i think we will see a segment where our opinions will be judged on how we look at the situation. If you want to watch it with an asshole intention, it will suck. If you watch it with a 10 year old viewer perspective, it might be interesting. That is the difference that takes place now, we over-analyze everything too much and don't find anytime to sit back and enjoy the product like we did when we were younger. That is why we will never find wwe television ever as good as it once was because we have been exposed to THIS (online forums and websites giving away all backstage information and people who judge wwe television as a prospect for a sports team).
Eh, I don't think it will be bad...I'm actually looking foward to it. It is hilariously funny and some what creative...regardless, I think it will be good and makes for funny television...but then at the same time, some might be offended by it...but I don't think they are meaning it that way, none-the-less, I think it will be pretty funny.:lol:
Finally someone who takes the middle ground.

Look guys, let's be real about something and not overreact. This segment is probably gonna suck. I have never been a fan of Hornswoggle and the only thing he's ever done well is the beginning parts with DX, carried mostly by DX and not Hornswoggle himself. The idea for "Little People's Court" is ridiculous, and I don't like it. That said, the segment could turn out well and I'll tune in Monday to see how it turns out.

Now WWE won't lose viewers because of this. They just won't. To the guy who said you'd never watch WWE again if HBK didn't superkick everyone, please. Even if he doesn't you'll still tune in next week anyway. He won't lose to UFC in 3 years either. As said, UFC attracts a different crowd than WWE. People watch WWE because they know it's fake. It's like a soap opera for guys. They don't even try to be real and thus will never lose to UFC or MMA which everyone knows to be real. Now TNA is a different story but that's another post for a different time.

Guys, just chill out. If you don't want to watch than don't. If you think it will be bad (and I do) fine. But let's not take this way too seriously and call it the fingerpoke of doom for WWE. That notion is ridiculous.

I think some people need to stop being wrestling critics and just go back to being fans. Fans have WAY more fun than the critics who make it an unpaid job to criticize everything WWE does. (You people know who you are!!)
I don't know if it will be the worst ever, this is WWE we speak of. We have the elderly giving birth to hands, Prison Guards eating people's dogs, Fake Razor Ramons, and Diesels, Gobbledygooker, Hornswoggle being Vince's illegitimate son, Million Dollar Mania, Katie Vick, 60 year old man ass, anything involving The Goon.

No way this can be the worst ever. Of course there will undoubtedly be a series of short jokes, Wizard of Oz references, and possibly a crack about the Haiti Kid somewhere. It's too predictable, and overplayed to be anything more than terrible.
Wow, this segment hasn't even aired yet and already you people are nominating it for worst segment ever? Maybe this negative attitude is why Raw sucks so much for you guys right now. I've been upset with Raw the past few months too (i HATE the guest hosts idea) but I still watch it because it still entertains me. I stopped having a negative attitude about potential segments in Raw BEFORE they air. When I stopped doing that, Raw got more entertaining, despite the idiotic guest hosts.

Is this segment going to be stupid? Probably. Does have it the potential to still be funny? Absolutely. Give it a chance, it might not be bad. It might even be hilarious. Quit calling it the worst ever until you have actually SEEN it on tv. Even if it does suck, there are plenty other bad segments that it would have to beat if it is gonna be "the worst segment ever" as some of you are deeming it without giving it any chance.

How could it possibly be worse than Katie Vick, the hand, the ZZTop backstage segments when they were guest hosts, or MY personal pick for worst segment ever.... Fake Trump VS Fake Rosie. Name another segment where the crowd is chanting "TNA" at a WWE event. The crowd hated it. THAT is the worst segment ever.

So stop complaining about how much you think the Little People Court is going to suck, watch the thing, and THEN decide on if it's bad or not.
If there's one thing I can't stand about the wrestling business, it would have to be the IWC. Nothing pisses me off more than reading everyone's bitching and complaining, so stop reading them you say! Well, I love wrestling and can't help it. I don't post on these boards very often, and when I do, its usually just to flame someone and receive a warning. Where has all the common sense gone? Will people believe everything they read or hear? Will they always, always be pessimistic about the situation? Worse than console fanboys, worse than gossip girls. I'd rather watch Mae Young fuck Mark Henry than read any more of these replies. Like I said. I don't post often, actually I don't post just reply, but sometimes I get so annoyed I can't help myself anymore.

There have been a hundred things worse than this little segment. It probably won't even be one huge segment, just little snippets of it, and I see the potential for comedy gold. If people would lighten the fuck up for just two seconds and allow themselves to enjoy this, they probably would. Oh, its childish, immature, and degrading! So are a thousand other things on TV. Ever heard of a show called Fear Factor? Or that Japanese gameshow where the hosts are dubbed in English while contestants run around and embarrass themselves? Everyone makes fun of little people. White people make fun of black people. Men make fun of women. It certainly is a cruel world we live in, so maybe everyone should stop pretending they're above it.

Sure, they could give more time to this guy, have a short match here, a meaningful promo there; well, if you haven't noticed it already, the wrestling business is changing, it always is, and the WWE especially will never again resemble the style it did 20, 30 years ago. But everyone will still complain, find something to complain about. Hell, I'm complaining about people complaining. I just don't take these segments personally like many of you seem to do. You're life will be much more fulfilling if you look at the glass half-full instead of half-empty, and I know that's a cliché, but it is how it is. I bet many of you will at least crack a smile if not laugh.

And that's the end of my rant. I'm not ashamed of wrestling. I'm just embarrassed to be a wrestling fan.
o this is definitely going to bad, but worst ever no the hand birth was the worst so was....katie vick o god that was painful and i know its from smackdown but what about torrie wilson brawling with dawn marie at her fathers wake or big bossman trailing the casket with big shows dad "in it" dont get me wrong its going to be horrible but not the worst ever but with the way vince is going the new worst ever will come shortly
Wow, this segment hasn't even aired yet and already you people are nominating it for worst segment ever? Maybe this negative attitude is why Raw sucks so much for you guys right now.

Thank God for you, I swear I was almost ripping my hair out reading the bullshit in this thread. I honestly can't believe wrestling fans can be THIS judgmental, this negative. Nominating something as possibly the 'worst segment ever' before you've seen it is just hilariously bad on so many levels. If you go into something with this mindset, you won't enjoy anything, and then you'll come on here complaining some more. Oh, and just because something is 'childish' it doesn't automatically make it bad, and maybe if you got over the aversion to anything that could be construed as such, you'll enjoy the show more.
Oh, and just because something is 'childish' it doesn't automatically make it bad, and maybe if you got over the aversion to anything that could be construed as such, you'll enjoy the show more.

The problem isn't even that it's childish. That is a secondary problem. I think there would be a lot less griping if we had John Cena doing a weekly interview with Kermit the Frog in a two minute segment about different workout techniques, different healthy foods to eat, etc.

The problem is that the skits are brain-meltingly awful. I still haven't seen any evidence that kids like them.

The skits do not appeal to kids. They appeal to morons.

If this applies to you, then I have three words for you:

Please don't breed.
The problem isn't even that it's childish. That is a secondary problem. I think there would be a lot less griping if we had John Cena doing a weekly interview with Kermit the Frog in a two minute segment about different workout techniques, different healthy foods to eat, etc.

The problem is that the skits are brain-meltingly awful. I still haven't seen any evidence that kids like them.

The skits do not appeal to kids. They appeal to morons.

If this applies to you, then I have three words for you:

Please don't breed.

Yes, God forbid I enjoy something I watch for enjoyment, what next? I'm not even sure which segments you're talking about, seeings as they haven't aired yet. DX are great, I love watching them every week. The fact that people are saying things THIS bad about the segment before they've seen it proves to me that people watch to complain as opposed to enjoy.
Well I started the thread. I'm one of the very few people who defend Raw on here as much as I can, because I actually enjoy Raw, I really do. And any of my past posts will back me up on that. And like I said in my original post, I enjoy the current incarnation of DX. Not as much as the old school DX, but I still like it. But people decide to jump down my throat if I make one little complaint about the product. Really, if you get pissed off cause I complain about 1 thing, then you're just as bad as the people who complain about everything. I just seem to be hated by everyone cause I neither hate everything about Raw nor defend Raw tirelessly. I know it has it's good aspects and it's bad aspects.

And I'm not judging the segment. Note the word "potential" in the title up there. I'm saying, with the rate of failure people seem to think the DX/Swoggle skits have, putting them in a court could be a recipe for disaster. The title doesn't say it WILL be the worst segment ever, it says does it have the potential to be the worst ever. Or at least, I think it did before Sidious changed the title.
I can't see these segments being too entertaining. I understand DX are supposed to be rebels, but they still go out for all the kiddies, and why would they want to show the kids that it's okay to beat up little people?

Either way, I don't see how these will be entertaining, all I can see is a bunch of short jokes, potential Wizard of Oz jokes, and so on. I can see some humor coming from this, but not enough to fully be entertaining. Hopefully it ends with them fighting off the little people or something. Either way this whole thing with Hornswaggle lately has been ridiculous, I wonder if the man behind the character even enjoys all of it? I wouldn't care if I were being paid by the WWE, going out there and essentially humiliating myself, I wouldn't want to do it.

EDIT : I like you Blade, you're a good poster, and you're great in WZCW.
Well I started the thread. I'm one of the very few people who defend Raw on here as much as I can, because I actually enjoy Raw, I really do. And any of my past posts will back me up on that. And like I said in my original post, I enjoy the current incarnation of DX. Not as much as the old school DX, but I still like it. But people decide to jump down my throat if I make one little complaint about the product. Really, if you get pissed off cause I complain about 1 thing, then you're just as bad as the people who complain about everything. I just seem to be hated by everyone cause I neither hate everything about Raw nor defend Raw tirelessly. I know it has it's good aspects and it's bad aspects.

:lmao: I don't hate you.

And I'm not judging the segment. Note the word "potential" in the title up there.

I'm saying, with the rate of failure people seem to think the DX/Swoggle skits have, putting them in a court could be a recipe for disaster. The title doesn't say it WILL be the worst segment ever, it says does it have the potential to be the worst ever. Or at least, I think it did before Sidious changed the title.

Which is why I used the word 'possible' in my reply. My point was that people have now moved on to complaining about something before they've even seen it - and this is at practically the whole thread. Going into something with the mindset of 'this is going to be bad' (Not specifically you here, but a lot of the replies) isn't going to make you think any different. If people sit and watch the product because they enjoy it, without already being negative, and instead of thinking the people who do enjoy it are 'morons' things may seem a bit better for them.
The usual complaining about something that hasn't happened yet never ceases to amaze me. It could be bad but then again, maybe it won't be. HHH and HBK get criticized for being in the title picture all the time and now they are stepping aside and the criticism still is there. I guess it is hard to please both parties. I'll watch the segments DX and Hornswoggle do and then will talk about whether it was good or bad. Right now, it is just assumptions that this will be bad and I don't choose what to watch or not based on assumptions.
:lmao: I don't hate you.

¬_¬ You know what I meant.

Which is why I used the word 'possible' in my reply. My point was that people have now moved on to complaining about something before they've even seen it - and this is at practically the whole thread. Going into something with the mindset of 'this is going to be bad' (Not specifically you here, but a lot of the replies) isn't going to make you think any different. If people sit and watch the product because they enjoy it, without already being negative, and instead of thinking the people who do enjoy it are 'morons' things may seem a bit better for them.

There's nothing wrong with occasionally being pessismitic, it just means it'll be sweeter when something you think is going to be bad turns out to be good. I usually watch TNA with a "this is gonna be crap" attitude, and occasionally they surprise me, pull out at good show and I go to bed happy.

If the segment turns out to be good, I'll never doubt Vince or DX again. And I'm optimistic about 90% of what's going on in Raw, even the guest hosts (most of the time). But I just think that the DX/Hornswoggle thing is getting very out of hand and it'll end up really biting WWE on the ass. I'm not being totally negative, I'm just being realistic.
What amazes me is that you guys actually think this segment would be anything other than total and complete horseshit. We don't need to see it to know it's going to be awful guys, it's a fucking comedy segment about midgets in court. Explain to me any way that could be a good thing. It's cartoonish at best, and the cartoonish bullshit like this is what is killing the WWE and pro wrestling day by day. McMahon can air all the midget segments he likes while Dana White continues to steal more and more of his audience who don't want to watch something so embarrassingly stupid.
Everybody says HHH doesn't put anyone over, now he puts Horny over and people still complain. Give this a chance. Like someone said, it will prolly be snipets and short segments. These guys are out of the ME scene like everybody asks, but it still isn't good enough. Just go into it with an open mind, you never know what could happen. Esp if Verne or someone really well known is the judge.
What amazes me is that you guys actually think this segment would be anything other than total and complete horseshit. We don't need to see it to know it's going to be awful guys, it's a fucking comedy segment about midgets in court. Explain to me any way that could be a good thing. It's cartoonish at best, and the cartoonish bullshit like this is what is killing the WWE and pro wrestling day by day. McMahon can air all the midget segments he likes while Dana White continues to steal more and more of his audience who don't want to watch something so embarrassingly stupid.

I am going to completely agree with X.

You know, I am actually in Maryland, and this is the reason why I actually am not attending Raw on Monday, despite Baltimore being a predominant Smackdown/ECW market and not being given a Raw in ages. It would be different if I hadn't attended many shows, but I've attended hundreds of shows over the years in quite a few cities, and the novelty has worn off to the point where I am more picky and choosy with which shows I go to now.

But, we are dealing with "Little People Court" on Raw. How in any way, shape, or form can this be remotely entertaining? The only way I could see myself popping for anything in this segment would be IF Shawn and Triple H pedigreed and SCM all of the midgets in the court.

DX, the group that is supposed to be a "bunch of degenerates" who "spits in the face of authority" are going along to attend "Little People Court". Absolutely asinine.

And as pointed out, you can already expect 500 short jokes from Cole and Lawler (most likely, ordered by Vince from the back, since Vince thinks that stuff is actually funny).

"Looks like the verdict came up a little bit short for DX."

and that kind of crap.
Wow. You see, it's times like this where i'm actually somewhat embarassed to a be a wrestling fan, because of shit like this. I may not even watch Raw this week, and that's a big deal for me because I've watched Raw every week since 2003... I completely agree with X and Sidious, this segment has no chance in hell to be even a little entertaining, it just humiliates anybody who is a wrestling fan... What has happened to the WWE!!!!!!!!!!??!?!???!!!!!!!!
You know if you people think this going to so bad and so embarrassing then don't watch it. Its simple its not like anyone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you too. I doubt the Segments will go long and last 10 minutes or so but I think they will be good for a few laughs. This is not the first time WWE has done something like this thats outrageous or whatever. Im sure it won't be the last but people like me and HBK-Holic will go into it with an open mind plus try to enjoy it.
It doesn't matter that WWE offends little people since they have offended every race, gender, and sexuality from around the world. The point is that Raw has been on a roll lately and all the momentum Raw has had will be cut short. HA HA what a funny pun! :disappointed:

You could say it is a little premature to be judging a comedy skit but honestly has there ever been a funny DX skit lately? has anything been funny with Hornswoggle? If Chavo losing to Hornswoggle was so hilarious, then why isn't it still on the air? Why do we only hear silence when DX and Hornswoggle are goofing off and telling bad jokes? This has garbage written all over it. I'm just pissed because Raw has had some great shows lately and it will be all for not just so DX and Vince can have some cheap laughs.

I mean the E show The Soup made fun of the Hornswoggle/Chavo bullrope match, how low can you go? I'm sure they will make fun of this travesty too. It's just another reason why people are tuning out of wrestling. It doesn't matter how many new stars Vince pushes if his main attraction is midgets in a courtroom. It wouldn't work in any era, even the attitude era. Let's face it just because the attitude era was popular, doesn't mean that they didn't have bad ideas there too. Katie Vick, Mae Young for example.

Oh Vince may not give a shit now what he puts on the air, but he will when he finds the majority of his viewing audience has turned off wrestling for good.
I don't know if it can beat the Katie Vick segment as being the worst but I'm going to watch it with an open mind and hope it's a funny segment with some kind of a payoff in the end. I mean while else would they continue to put Hornswoggle with DX other than to sell merchandise and cater to children. I just hope they don't allow Hornswoggle into DX.
I really dont understand why WWE thinks this bit with Hornswoggle and DX is something fans want to see. Its stuff like this that has Raw drawing their lowest ratings since 95-96'. Whats even more sad out of all this is that DX has a tag title match against Jerishow, so why in God's green earth are they doing in midgets court? It devalues the titles , it devalues the product, and it devalues us. I cant tell you how many people in the IWC community that I have met that are embarresed to call themselves wrestling fans anymore. Been a WWE fan for 10 years, and its never ever EVER been this bad or stale. I swear if I hear King and Cole fake laughing and telling stupid jokes, Im going to throw my remote as hard as I can against the TV and boycott Raw. WWE you better watch it, your audience is dropping enough, you are on the verge of losing another fan
I really dont understand why WWE thinks this bit with Hornswoggle and DX is something fans want to see.

Well maybe because it actually is something fans want to see. Maybe these segments aren't popular here, but they sure are popular in the most important place, the actual event. When DX comes out, all you hear is cheering and not a bit of booing. Why is that? Well because us online have no impact to what happens during the show. We won't stop Hornswoggle because wwe isn't aimed at us, it's aimed at young children and those children enjoy watching him. It is everywhere too except Canada due to past events that everyone cheers for DX. So no matter how much you bitch and complain, it will lead you to nothing except your own hatred and refusal to enjoy wwe at its possible best at the moment. I don't really know what you want to see, but if you are like everyone else, you don't like Cena, DX, the pushing of new talent when it actually happens, and Vince McMahon even though he brought us the gift of the wwe/wwf. Your complaining really is only hurting yourself to a point where you should just not watch it if you hate everything that much.

Sorry codebreaker, this isn't geared at you personally, but pretty much to everyone together who complains about the same things.
Well maybe because it actually is something fans want to see. Maybe these segments aren't popular here, but they sure are popular in the most important place, the actual event. When DX comes out, all you hear is cheering and not a bit of booing. Why is that? Well because us online have no impact to what happens during the show. We won't stop Hornswoggle because wwe isn't aimed at us, it's aimed at young children and those children enjoy watching him. It is everywhere too except Canada due to past events that everyone cheers for DX. So no matter how much you bitch and complain, it will lead you to nothing except your own hatred and refusal to enjoy wwe at its possible best at the moment. I don't really know what you want to see, but if you are like everyone else, you don't like Cena, DX, the pushing of new talent when it actually happens, and Vince McMahon even though he brought us the gift of the wwe/wwf. Your complaining really is only hurting yourself to a point where you should just not watch it if you hate everything that much.

Sorry codebreaker, this isn't geared at you personally, but pretty much to everyone together who complains about the same things.

Hmm.. interesting how you single me out specifically. "WWE is at the best, at the moment?" Hmm, are the ratings the best they have ever been, have fans complaints been less then ever, has merchandise been sold the best it ever has in the PG era? Unless you're too dumb not to know the awnser it is NO!. Forgive me for being a little irritated that Raw was good the past two weeks with a WRESTLER hosting, only to ruin their good streak by having a little person who has no relation to wrestling and is just another C rated celebrity.

And what the hell do you mean WWE is aimed at young children? On WWE's own corporate website it says over 70% of viewers are 18 and over. There is a big difference between trying to aim you show at kids, and actually having more kids then adults watch it. Just because I'm only one person doesnt mean I can't state my opinion you pissant. I'll tell you straight up the past 2 weeks I was the first person to praise Raw for how good it was. So don't yell at me and say I can't say what I want.

Now to answer your question, what do I want to see? Oh I dont know, how about WRESTLING, and good storylines. Not stupid skits that have no place in wrestling.

Now, unless you want to further get buried, I suggest you shut the hell up just because I talk smack on the little Hornswoggle you probably get all ornery over every week.
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