Little People Court Segments - potential to be the worst segments in Raw history

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"Original Blade"
So apparently on Raw next week, there's going to be a segment with DX.... And Hornswoggle... In court. I don't mind DX segments. In fact, they bother me less than they bother most other people. Add in Hornswoggle, and I start to get a little annoyed. Then add in a fucking court, and the only possible outcome is an abortion of a segment.

I mean, really, what good can come from this? If this was 1997 DX, I'd be pretty happy, cause '97 DX in a court room would be classic TV. But PG era DX in a court room with the mistake that is Hornswoggle will be horrible to watch. Personally, I'm hoping that the ratings drop during this segment, just to teach Vince a damn lesson.

So what do you think? Could the DX-goes-to-court segment end up being the worst WWE segment ever?
It very well could be Blade, it very well could be. It's shit like this that is absolutely KILLING not only the WWE, but the entire professional wrestling industry right now. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the UFC will be the death of pro wrestling in this country. These midget jokes are childish, unfunny, and downright embarrassing television to watch. Can you imagine how fucking embarrassed you or someone you know would be if someone walked in on them watching that skit? Fuck I'd try to change the channel faster than if my mother had walked in on me whacking it to Japanese porn. Now with MMA and the UFC taking over the same market that wrestling holds, it's shit like this that is leading more and more people to turn off wrestling for good. People are getting sick and tired of having to wait through the bullshit like this to see maybe 20 minutes of a 2 hour show that they find entertaining.

This segment is going to be fucking terrible, possibly even worse than the Cow Bell match between Chavo and Hornswoggle. I hope Vince really enjoys himself, because he's nailing his coffin bit by bit every time he airs shit like this in the year 2009.
Not sure about the worst ever but I might use this time to take a bathroom break, DX and Hornswoggle got old months ago and this is only gonna make it worse. I understand why Hornswoggle is there, kind of, because he entertains the kids, but he gets WAY TOO MUCH TV time that could be used to improve the show. Seriously, would anyone over the age of 12 care if Hornswoggle got fired tomorrow?

As for DX, I am finding it hard to believe them as serious title contenders with the childish segments they have been doing recently.

I just hope this court thing is the end of this dreadful rivalry.
Holy Jesus Mother of Mary, AM I REALLY AGREEING WITH BLADE?!!?!??! I dont even believe it myself.....

Back to the topic:
Xfear also said it best. These types of gimmicks and segments are killing the WWE and are already what make TNA Impact unwatchable.

DX & Hornswoggle were boring since day one, not to mention it didnt make any sense at all. Who knows, maybe they will make the whole thing make sense during this segment, but if I recall anything correctly from the last 5 years of wont.

So Blade, I hate to say it. But you're 100% right on this one.
I think it will be brutally bad. I see it going on throughout the night ending with DX saying, "we have a hung jury." Then they show a bunch of midgets hanging upside down in the courtroom.

Then they pan to Cole and King, with pussy-eating grins on their faces. Cole says, "More calamity ensuing from D-Generation X!" King says, "Looks like Hornswoggle got the SHORT end of the stick again." Cole - "Oh jeez..."
This can ONLY be TERRIBLE! Now you throw in a bunch of other little people and Verne Troyer!? Oh Boy! Wrestling that is on TV these days is really great!

I'm not arguing over TNA vs WWE here, but TNA NOT having midgets running around beating wrestlers almost makes me want to watch Impact over Raw anyday!

I'm not a fan of these hosts, but I deal with it. I'm actually contemplating NOT watching Raw this week! Ugh!
It can never be the worst segment ever... do I have to remind anyone of a certain hand being born????.... anyway I wont know if it is the worst segemnt ever because I will make sure and go take a piss during this instead of during a commercial.
I think it will be brutally bad. I see it going on throughout the night ending with DX saying, "we have a hung jury." Then they show a bunch of midgets hanging upside down in the courtroom.

Then they pan to Cole and King, with pussy-eating grins on their faces. Cole says, "More calamity ensuing from D-Generation X!" King says, "Looks like Hornswoggle got the SHORT end of the stick again." Cole - "Oh jeez..."

ok i agree that all this is getting old and shouldn't of been done to begin with cause of the pg bullshit but to be honest i said as i read what Jeter said i could picture it happening just like that and personally i would laugh i think its funny but its not needed and i don't want stuff like that when I'm watching wrestling.

wrestling is going down the tubes these days. xfearbefore, you said it best, WWE will be killed by UFC. Not now, but i can see 5-10 years from now, the WWE will have said its goodbyes. Didn't WWE learn from 2005 with that stupid midget division. I don't know if that was legit, but that was awful! God, if you need DX to feud with someone while big show is out, why not have them feud with legacy and put them over. All we can hope for is that triple h and HBK have to split up, and Triple H never gets a title shot until he actually earns it, instead of getting them every other week because he's married to Vince's daughter

PS-first real post, ever :D
It can never be the worst segment ever... do I have to remind anyone of a certain hand being born????.... anyway I wont know if it is the worst segemnt ever because I will make sure and go take a piss during this instead of during a commercial.

It'll be hard to beat this. Bossman/Al Snow was a waste of time too. This is guaranteed to be bad, but to be the worst, you have some big shoes to fill..
Everyone is overreacting. When I read this on WZ, the first thing I thought about was the Attitude Era. This is exactly the type of stupid segments that they used to play during the Attitude Era, and sometimes it was entertaining. Sure, Hornswoggle and DX have a shady track record as it relates to segments, but I sure as hell wouldn't call this the death of pro wrestling, or even the WWE. We should be glad that Triple H and Michaels are taking a break from the title scene for a while, and the real airtime is being dedicated to making new stars (Orton vs. Kingston, Cena vs. Sheamus, etc.). It's funny how people say that Michaels and Hemsley are always hogging up the title scene and holding back new stars, but when the WWE does the exact opposite, they still get criticized.

Personally, I'm going to watch the segment before I pass judgement on it. Because it could be entertaining. You never know. It sounds like something that would be done in the Attitude Era.

When Michaels and Hemsley come back to the title scene, it will be as refreshing as ever, but until then, just change the channel when a segment you don't support comes on.

But Vince will still get the last laugh because knowing everyone here, people will still watch the segment no matter how many times they say they hate it. And Vince's ratings will still be high as fuck.

You have your opinion on the matter, and we have ours. I kinda think that the WWE has started to become a little childish. So, that's why I'm hoping that Undertaker will beat Cena at Wrestlemania 26.
Everyone is overreacting. When I read this on WZ, the first thing I thought about was the Attitude Era. This is exactly the type of stupid segments that they used to play during the Attitude Era, and sometimes it was entertaining. Sure, Hornswoggle and DX have a shady track record as it relates to segments, but I sure as hell wouldn't call this the death of pro wrestling, or even the WWE. We should be glad that Triple H and Michaels are taking a break from the title scene for a while, and the real airtime is being dedicated to making new stars (Orton vs. Kingston, Cena vs. Sheamus, etc.). It's funny how people say that Michaels and Hemsley are always hogging up the title scene and holding back new stars, but when the WWE does the exact opposite, they still get criticized.

Personally, I'm going to watch the segment before I pass judgement on it. Because it could be entertaining. You never know. It sounds like something that would be done in the Attitude Era.

When Michaels and Hemsley come back to the title scene, it will be as refreshing as ever, but until then, just change the channel when a segment you don't support comes on.

But Vince will still get the last laugh because knowing everyone here, people will still watch the segment no matter how many times they say they hate it. And Vince's ratings will still be high as fuck./QUOTE]

I would agree with you guys that this is pretty stupid, and I would probably say that it would be the worst segment ever. Heck, it'll probably be so bad that it'll make the Shockmaster look good!:lmao:

Seriously, though, I'm actually happy that this happened: (Triple H giving the pedigree to Hornswoggle, who then gets carried out on a stretcher!):lol:
Yea, it's going to be stupid, but kids are going to watch it. That's how it works right now, WWE is trying to get kids involved again, and get a younger audience. Plus Linda is running for senate which will cause some viewers to get in, just like when Jesse Ventura became governor. People watched more wrestling. UFC is getting more viewers right now, but that's right now. The only thing UFC is going to kill is boxing. WWE can do something that will boost ratings, like having Triple H body slam Obama or something like that.

And yes the guest host sucks right now, Jesse was good, and some others were good, It's NBC trying to appeal to other fan markets right now. It won't work, and they will get a GM or something to fix the problem. Overall time will heal the WWE. Remember in 2002-03, I thought the shit after wrestlemania 18 was insane. Scott Steiner, the Katie Vick storyline, Bill Goldberg, The Rock leaving twice, Brock Lensar's quick push to main event status. Oh god, that's much worse then right now. Lensar was boring as hell, I don't know what everyone went nuts on that shit.

2010 is a new year, but come on, DX and midgets is going to be the fingerpoke of doom for the WWE. It's much more organized then that, and UFC is doing alright, but in two years they might lose viewers, because 1 out of five people think they are a cage fighter, and try it, win some amateur matches, then think they are tough and piss off everybody around them. I know, I've seen some of them, it's odd, it's ugly, it turns people away.

And another thing about UFC getting bigger, and destroying the WWE. ESPN said it best, that sport doesn't have many good guys. very few good guys. In fact you never hear of charity events, or good things they provide to the community. You just hear how bad someone got hurt, and what someone did. Very few good guys in the sport. In which wrestling is always good vs. evil. Something to watch, something to enjoy. Anyways, yes, One horrible skit isn't the end of the world.
I think it will be brutally bad. I see it going on throughout the night ending with DX saying, "we have a hung jury." Then they show a bunch of midgets hanging upside down in the courtroom.

Then they pan to Cole and King, with pussy-eating grins on their faces. Cole says, "More calamity ensuing from D-Generation X!" King says, "Looks like Hornswoggle got the SHORT end of the stick again." Cole - "Oh jeez..."

LOL!:lmao: But that how bad it's going to be...and to think the WWE is so predictable now, were even able to predict what the announcers are going to say! This segment is going to be AT LEAST 15 to 20 minutes long. I know it. DX really needs to stop these stupid shenanigans because they just over due it SO much. It's alright every once in awhile, but they're more focused on being funny than winning. It's sad to see.
Can you imagine how fucking embarrassed you or someone you know would be if someone walked in on them watching that skit? Fuck I'd try to change the channel faster than if my mother had walked in on me whacking it to Japanese porn.

Thanks for making my root beer come out of my nose man. haha

Yeah, this is going to be the final straw for me and the WWE if they actually do this segment. the only thing that can save it from being the last minutes of WWE programing that I ever watch is if HBK gets on one knee and superkicks every single midget in the courtroom.

WWE, you've been warned.
I may be an idiot but I am looking forward to this segment it is going to be funny as if done right. I love how it's called little peoples court lol it has potential to be gold but everyone judges to soon think about it everyone hated the idea of DX vs Legacy but that really helped Legacy I think before we judge we need to actually see it.
There's two problems with this segment. The first is that it's fucking ******ed. The second is that it being filmed in a courthouse makes no sense. In Britain (and I'm assuming that the American system is similar, albeit with the judge asking questions and not people in wigs) you can be punished under two types of law, Criminal and Civil (and I'm expected to know the difference because post-graduation and registration I can be tried under both types (fuck you Medicines act, Poisons act, and Controlled Substances act)). The difference is that in a criminal case, its the state pressing charges and not an individial (and vice versa). As Hornswoggle's suing DX, that means it's a civil case, and therefore there's no jury. Not to mention that the sensible thing to do here would be to settle out of court (DX have no leg to stand on. HHH fucking pedegreed the leprechaun). Who should be shot for this stupid, stupid idea? who wants to bet that Sideous will say Vince?

Any lawyers here can feel free to contradict me.
I've been a loyal WWE fan most of my life (I'm 40 now) and I've never seen it in such a sorry state as it's sunk to in the last couple of years. I used to religously tape edit and keep every Raw, ECW & Smackdown. I really started getting dissillusioned with WWE early last year to the point where I stopped keeping them and would just tape it and watch it. I'm at the point now where If I miss any WWE programming it honestly doesn't bother me that much. This PG direction the WWE is taking is killing the product. I'm not against Vince chasing the $ of the youth market but he has completely forgotten about the loyal fans who have stuck with it since day dot. This crap with Chavo/Horny, Horny/DX is downright embarrasing & I have to agree with a couple of others who have said that UFC with be the death of WWE. Vince needs to wake up & realise that the fans don't want immature skits they want WRESTLING! It actually saddens me to watch how bad it's become. I'll be watching the segment on Raw but it it's as bad as I think it will be WWE might possibly be losing another fan...
It very well could be Blade, it very well could be. It's shit like this that is absolutely KILLING not only the WWE, but the entire professional wrestling industry right now. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the UFC will be the death of pro wrestling in this country. These midget jokes are childish, unfunny, and downright embarrassing television to watch. Can you imagine how fucking embarrassed you or someone you know would be if someone walked in on them watching that skit? Fuck I'd try to change the channel faster than if my mother had walked in on me whacking it to Japanese porn. Now with MMA and the UFC taking over the same market that wrestling holds, it's shit like this that is leading more and more people to turn off wrestling for good. People are getting sick and tired of having to wait through the bullshit like this to see maybe 20 minutes of a 2 hour show that they find entertaining.

This segment is going to be fucking terrible, possibly even worse than the Cow Bell match between Chavo and Hornswoggle. I hope Vince really enjoys himself, because he's nailing his coffin bit by bit every time he airs shit like this in the year 2009.

I could not agree more with this post. This is really what I hate about PG WWE. Alright, I understand you want to be family friendly and appeal to a larger audience, but does that call for ridiculously stupid segments like these? What are the point of segments like these? Maybe they are funny to a 5 year old, but to the IWC they are pure torture. Like you said, it basically makes people like us embarassed to admit to our peers that we watch wrestling. People are less interested in wrestling these days as it is, why make it harder to gain fans? And with stupid segments like these, Vince continues to alienate the fans that supported WWE all throughout the Attitude Era. Maybe soon WWE will move to Saturday mornings so all the little kids can enjoy it.

What a fucking joke.
I don't understand something about this situation...

I've read numerous reports over the years that both Shawn Michaels and HHH lobby against the stupid, cheap comedy skits on RAW and the other programs. Apparently if it involves them they turn into hypocrites. I like DX and some of the funny stuff they do and have done, but this is just overkill and pointless. I find it really hard to believe that both Michaels and HHH would come up with this idea, or like the segment but are against other comedy Santino-esque vignettes. This isn't going to entertain anyone over the age of 7.

I thought last week's RAW with Jesse Ventura was really good and solid compared to the rest with guest hosts that were supposed to believe can book a wrestling show and actually know about the product. Now its going to regress into half-assed slapstick "wrestling". I find it ironic that Shane McMahon is in talks with UFC because if he gets involved there will be some competition. He would bring more show-business and spectacle to UFC and more marketing savvy that he's gained over the years working with his father. If the WWE keeps getting more and more juvenile they will be in trouble.
Honestly, I think every skit thats involved DX and Hornswoggle can be nominated as "worst skit ever" but this one, just might keep the title.

They've put more effort into these lame scenes with Horny than they did with DX's feud against Legacy, and thats just sad. Which one exactly did they really want DX back for? To put over two of their best young stars or to put over a midget who's about as over with RAWs majority audience as Kermit the Frog would be?

The only part I could tolerate (Not like, tolerate) was when Trips Pedigree'd Horny in the ring, and brought him out on a little stretcher.

I pray that this court thing is the end of it, even though we all know it won't be. Im sure once DX's pops shrink down to that of Primo, Vince will do away with the group and grin as he finishes destroying another piece of history from sports entertainment's heyday, then go back to Hunter chasing the belt and Shawn getting his ass kicked by another heel star
I wouldn't say it's going to be the worse (i.e. Kaite Vick), but it's not far off. The segments Raw has been putting together lately, especially when Ozzie Osborne & wife were doing the skit of America's Got Talent, has been down right sickening, but I'm hoping something funny will come out of this. This won't hurt HHH & HBK's career, in fact, the kids will probably go ga-ga over it. Adults will instantly turn the channel in droves, I being one of them. So no, I'd not say it is the worse, but it ranks right up there near the top of the list.
As Midnite Express said, this skit can never ever be deemed the worst skit ever. That title will forever and always be owned by one skit: KATIE VICK! -shudders just thinking about it- Though Mae Young giving birth to the hand is not far off. This skit will be stupid. There can be no doubt about that, but to call it the worst skit ever is just an insult to the true champion of ultimate crap that is Katie Vick. End of story. This skit actually has a shot of possibly turning out to be entertaining, though I highly doubt it will be. Katie Vick was DEAD ON ARRIVAL. So yeah, I think we all need to just take a deep breath, and wait and see what happens.
No guys. This is just a build-up for WrestleMania. I can see it now. Triple H, HBK, Hornswoggle, WWE Championship. Headlining WrestleMania. HAHAHAno.

Seriously. I hope the damn ratings drop just to teach Vince Douche Bag McMahon a lesson. I hope it goes all the way do to less than 1. I don't watch Raw on my tv, i watch it on so that's 1 less household watching Raw. I would rather watch a Funaki match or Drew McIntyre than watch some little people crap. I hope that douche bag Vince learns a fucking lesson and if he wants to spend money renting out a court room and paying little people, save that money and push your younger talent (Masters, Swagger, Bourne, etc) so they can be something serious rather than give up on them and shit all over them. Nobody wants PG DX anymore, especially Hornswaggle. They should send swoggle to tna.
It can never be the worst segment ever... do I have to remind anyone of a certain hand being born????.... anyway I wont know if it is the worst segemnt ever because I will make sure and go take a piss during this instead of during a commercial.


I remember sitting there watching Raw that night and being both utterly disgusted yet amazing entertained at the same time though. If the WWE got the group of midgets that I am thinking of they are basically an acting troop that you can pay to dress up and be whatever. If this is the case hilarity is to ensue.
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