Let's talk about the Friend Zone.

I'm not sure how much you know about the female body (Pro Tip: You can google it!!), but a ***** serves a function beyond that of reminding people of a penis. Though what you take from it is your own business.
Somewhat. Girls loveee the bad-boy nature. It's weird yea, but girls brains think different. They think on their knees. Get it? Every girl secretly wants to be on their knees, it's what they're made for.

When a girls is on her knees, she looks up and sees a man's face staring down on her. Every girls is psychologically warped by this in terms of pleasure. Dopamin Pleasures of being manhandeled.

So yes. You want a bitch, you gotta be a bad-ass in control.

Main point: Men control women.

And what if I told you it was far from that simple, and placing men (and women) into shades of black and white like that is awfully short sighted?

I'm just gonna leave this here and be on my marry way

And what if I told you it was far from that simple, and placing men (and women) into shades of black and white like that is awfully short sighted?

I'm just gonna leave this here and be on my marry way

Simple is as Simple thinks.

Think that getting bitches is easy and it will be. Just trust.
Барбоса;4561221 said:
Because you like her as a person and not just for the contents of her underwear?

That's fine, I'm talking to the people who are desperate and angry that said person will never see them in a romantic or attractive light.
I've been friends with every partner I've ever had. I've always thought that was rather the point.

So this has gone ten pages now, and basically everyone's said more or less the same thing - nobody has come out defending the notion of the friend zone of claiming personal experience of it. This is an educated guess, I'm not actually going to read ten pages.

Initially I assumed that this was due to internet wrestling forums being the natural breeding grounds for masters of the art of inter-gender interaction; but then I went and got a grip and came to the rather more logical conclusion that "The Friend Zone" is one of those incredibly tiresome phenomena that has a very minimal existence in the real world (basically limited to 16 year olds and the occasional unfortunate misfit) but which none-the-less thousands of people enjoy complaining about at great length.

Those making superiority infused comments putting down the near nonexistent minority who complain about the friend zone and acting akin to those idiots who make superiority infused comments against the IWC for thinking that John Cena sucks. It's picking a battle with an enemy who doesn't really exist to make ones self look good. Yes, we're all better with women than a bunch of angsty teenagers. Good for us.

As an interesting aside, when I did hear the term "Friend Zone" used without irony or contempt - otherwise known as when I was sixteen years old - the people who regarded it as a problem were almost universally pleasant and respectful to the opposite sex - whilst the people who made comments along the lines of "It's just a phrase used by people who don't have the balls to make a move" were almost universally *****.

Food for thought.
I think you are really off base. It's like showing her you genuinely care (because you do, otherwise it wouldn't be friendzone) and her acknowledging you as being great. Awesome. Some will dare say "perfect". But she still won't go past being a close friend. Why? What's the missing ingredient? Enter the friendzone. Is it Westermarck Effect? Is it that despite the friendliness, there's no physical attraction? Maybe a hidden fear she's unconscious about? You'll never know. You're too afraid to ask out of fear of damaging a perfectly good relationship and losing someone dear and she'll either do the same or not even realize it because of circumstances you can never be aware of.

The main question you need to ask yourself is, what are your intentions? Do you want to be friends with this girl OR do you want to be in a relationship? If you want to be in a relationship, and she wants to be friends, why do something you don't want to do? People appreciate your honesty when you make your intentions clear. There's no reason to torture yourself by being friends with someone you're romantically interested in.

And to answer your question: she could like everything about you and still not have any romantic interest in you. That's not a choice she's making. She just doesn't see you that way.
As an interesting aside, when I did hear the term "Friend Zone" used without irony or contempt - otherwise known as when I was sixteen years old - the people who regarded it as a problem were almost universally pleasant and respectful to the opposite sex - whilst the people who made comments along the lines of "It's just a phrase used by people who don't have the balls to make a move" were almost universally *****.

Maybe I don't completely understand the definition of the friend zone but there could be such a thing as mentally disrespectful. Of course such people are pleasant, that is their whole gimmick. I am nice to women, why don't they want to be nice to my dick? I would at best describe such behavior as the lesser of two evils. I think it is an important distinction that it is fundamentally probable people who don't believe in friend zones would experience a more purely true friendship with the females they choose to befriend. Of course this is complicated by the biological desires that tend to be in full swing around that age.
When meeting anyone in life, if you want them to feel for you, you have to give them something to feel about. Similar interests, similar opinions, a good job, being smart are all well and good but if you want to make an impression you have to make someone feel something.

But don't ask me how, I'm married to a woman and I have no idea how I did that.

Here are some other worthless opinions of mine:

1. Physical attraction helps (a lot), so does alcohol
2. Some women will show interest in you but they may just be acting nice
3. Some women will go out with you because they think they can like you in that way but it doesn't work out
4. Some women just want a free meal
5. As women age and you age, we tend to mature past this 'friendzone' BS and get to the point. It gets better, not necessarily less rejection, but less bullshit.

And when all else fails you can always try the D.E.N.N.I.S. System.

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