Let's talk about the Friend Zone.

In that situation, you should live like the millionaire next door. Totally unassuming, living well below your means. Hell maintain a part time gig as a front. That way at least you'd know if a chick digs you for you.

Thats the thing though....

I cant lie. Its like batman and killing. Thus, my problem. Not that I would go around stunting and shit, but the question of what do you do for a living is bound to come up early on in the situation. Sure "technically" being buzz lightyear one day a week at universal studios is what I do for a "job" but thats still misleading. *mike singletary voice* CANT DO IT. WONT DO IT. Besides, how can you keep someone at a distance because you dont trust them, but once you DO trust them, reveal that YOU havent been being honest the entire time? lol

Also, many may laugh about having a plan, but a large percentage of lotto winners end up commiting suicide or being committed bc they cant handle the pressure / lack of trust with other people. So I was like if I ever have that good luck, im not letting it ruin me lulz.

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