Let's talk about the Friend Zone.

All these quotes are gold.

And a simple way to avoid the 'friend zone'? Don't be friends with a girl you want to have sex with. Being her 'go to' guy makes you pathetic.

bingo. I have plenty of female friends, none of whom I find sexualy atractive. One of hem is "cute" but not to the point of being dateable. I lie, I have been very good frends with a girl for nearly ten years who I would ('ve) fucked the ever-loving brakes off of, and she felt the same way about me, but there was always strong trepidation of what way that would effect the friendship afterwards. Probably negatively since I had no interest in going into a relationship with her. Small boobs, stupid, cunty friends. eh.

friendzone is being pussywhipped without actually getting the pussy. You are whipped by the thought of said pussy.

I get a bit annoyed when I see people say shit like "not man enough" and that, like, fuck off, not everyone has confidence, speaking as someone that does have confidence (mostly Dutch courage, I'll grant you) I still wish they'd shut up.

This is why I went with "shy" rather than "cowardly."

As for the Dutch courage thing, that has never really worked for me. I am naturally confident about some things and am not scared to voice my opinion but when it comes to women I am naturally shy and no amount of alcohol has ever been able to overcome that. Granted, chatting up strangers in a bar/club has never been high on my list.

That said if the girl is interested she will be patient with you, if not then, well, its just chemistry, I want to say something cheesy like "try a different formula" but I think I've sunk low enough in this thread already.

I have been very good frends with a girl for nearly ten years who I would ('ve) fucked the ever-loving brakes off of, and she felt the same way about me, but there was always strong trepidation of what way that would effect the friendship afterwards. Probably negatively since I had no interest in going into a relationship with her. Small boobs, stupid, cunty friends. eh.

I can admit that there was one of my female friends that this applies to for me. We get on like a house on fire and have been mistaken for boyfriend and girlfriend on a couple of occasions.

Did it make me sad that I never asked her out properly? At the time, yes. Either because I was unable to pull the trigger or because I may have missed out on something great.

However, over time I have some to recognise that she has multiple flaws that I would have been not able to deal with as her boyfriend - a demanding workaholic who asks for all the advice she could possibly need but then does the exact opposite even when the opposite is completely moronic. I have seen her drop some decent guys - one in particular who she should have married - for absolute pieces of shit who treat her worse than the shit they are. Because of all that, she is now an overworked, single mother with almost no time to socialise with her friends and seems thoroughly miserable most of the time.

Having said that, I still count her as one of my closer friends (I don't have many friends by my definition of 'friend' mind you) and when we go out as part of a group, we still end up having as much fun as ever, such as at my friend's wedding a couple of months ago.

So perhaps in the end, I sacrificed attempting a potential relationship - some might say "dodged a bullet" - for a continued friendship and I say 'potential' I am pretty certain that she never saw me as boyfriend material.
bingo. I have plenty of female friends, none of whom I find sexualy atractive.
I have a few female friends I fine sexually attractive. But I also have a "you either shit or get off the pot" mentality. At least that's the first expression that came to mind. Am going to fuck these women or date them? Or am I going to recognize their glaring flaws, quash those feelings, and enjoy the friendship?

Once you commit yourself to the latter, you commit yourself to not pining over these women. And since pining over someone you can't have (because they don't want you and/or because you're a coward) is what the "friend zone" mentality is all about, I think I've successfully avoided the "friend zone."

Yes, it's a mentality, this "friend zone." I believe it exists in the mind of ***** who can't take a hint and move on or guys who don't know how to make a move. And like JMT and JGlass have so eloquently put, there comes a point where you understand the opposite sex well enough that that mentality becomes obsolete. You become a man and leave that childish thing behind.

I guess what I'm trying to say is if you're not dead sexy, you're unworthy of my friendship.
I have a friend who I have slept with millions of times. I don't think it really does need to affect your friendship if you both know what the score is.
The friend zone, not a place of patience.

I pretty much get to the point and some broads still wanna stick around coz they think I'm "so much fun". Ye, pucker up or start walking sister!

I'm in the friend zone :(
If you're bitching about the "friend zone," odds are you're not ready for a real relationship.

The end.

Favourited. Sup.



Friend Zone errors:

Talk about other guys with the girl.

Sympathize with her needs.

Give her everything she wants.

Be too nice.

Act anything other than a bad-ass and you'll lose the girl in an instant.

Favourited. Sup.



Friend Zone errors:

Talk about other guys with the girl.

Sympathize with her needs.

Give her everything she wants.

Be too nice.

Act anything other than a bad-ass and you'll lose the girl in an instant.


This is just as bad as though that claims the friend zone exists
The disturbing thing about "nice guys" is that, given the chance, they aren't so nice at all.
bingo. I have plenty of female friends, none of whom I find sexualy atractive. One of hem is "cute" but not to the point of being dateable. I lie, I have been very good frends with a girl for nearly ten years who I would ('ve) fucked the ever-loving brakes off of, and she felt the same way about me, but there was always strong trepidation of what way that would effect the friendship afterwards. Probably negatively since I had no interest in going into a relationship with her. Small boobs, stupid, cunty friends. eh.

friendzone is being pussywhipped without actually getting the pussy. You are whipped by the thought of said pussy.


I have plenty of female friends that I'd definitely have sex with, but I'm still not "friendzoned" (because that's not a thing that exists in the realm of reality) by them. They're beautiful, they're my friends, and that's about it. If I ever felt that the opportunity to have sex with them existed, I'd do it, but it's not something I'd heavily pursue either.

Come to think of it, my first college girlfriend was my friend before we hooked up one night and then it turned into a romantic relationship. So yeah, further proof that the friendzone is bullshit.

What the friendzone actually is is an excuse. It's either an excuse used by a guy not to make a move (the more silly of the two options), or an excuse a guy creates for why a girl won't hook up with him (still silly, but having been there in the past I can at least understand the temptation to go to this place).
But do you believe it? That you have to be a jerk to get girls to like you?

Somewhat. Girls loveee the bad-boy nature. It's weird yea, but girls brains think different. They think on their knees. Get it? Every girl secretly wants to be on their knees, it's what they're made for.

When a girls is on her knees, she looks up and sees a man's face staring down on her. Every girls is psychologically warped by this in terms of pleasure. Dopamin Pleasures of being manhandeled.

So yes. You want a bitch, you gotta be a bad-ass in control.

Main point: Men control women.
Super Awesome said:
Every girl secretly wants to be on their knees, it's what they're made for.

Probably trolling, but I'll bite. That's some steaming sexist horseshit right there...
Somewhat. Girls loveee the bad-boy nature. It's weird yea, but girls brains think different. They think on their knees. Get it? Every girl secretly wants to be on their knees, it's what they're made for.

When a girls is on her knees, she looks up and sees a man's face staring down on her. Every girls is psychologically warped by this in terms of pleasure. Dopamin Pleasures of being manhandeled.

So yes. You want a bitch, you gotta be a bad-ass in control.

Main point: Men control women.

What about lesbians?

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