Lesnar Winning Gold Upon His Return?


It's been announced that Brock Lesnar will make his return to WWE on the December 19th show at the Forum in Inglewood, California and that he'll be competing in one of three championship matches on the card. Lesnar's scheduled opponent is Alberto Del Rio and even though it's extraordinarily rare for title changes to happen via house shows, it's fair to say that all bets are off where Lesnar is concerned when you consider the sort of preferential treatment he's gotten since his return to WWE.

I don't think this will be broadcast on the WWE Network, like the shows in Japan & MSG were, so this may ultimately wind up being another house show, it'll be more high profile with Lesnar on the card, of course, but it's interesting that Lesnar finds himself in a title match. With WWE needing to shake things up quite a bit and even though Lesnar has a funky schedule, I feel there's a genuinely strong possibility of Lesnar winning the title. Given how Lesnar has been booked, it's sort of hard to wrap your head around him taking on Del Rio for the US title and not walking out with it. Since the US title isn't as important as the WWE WHC, obviously, and since we'll be entering the new year, the Royal Rumble, WrestleMania season, etc. there may not be all that much opposition among some fans for Lesnar to win the title, especially if Lesnar drops the title come WrestleMania to some fresh face and gives the guy a huge rub.
Considering in the span of 24 hours at HIAC the US Championship went from somewhat meaningful with Cena having it and defending it each week against people like Owens and Cesaro... to completely irrelevant with Del Rio facing Swagger or nobody in a title match... why not?

Even with Lesnar's limited schedule, not having the belt present at all on TV would be about the same as it is now... completely irrelevant once again.
I think Lesnar is "above" the United States title. Although it does make for great speculation to say the least. Putting the belt on him does nothing for the title if it isn't going to be on live TV every week.
I think Lesnar is "above" the United States title. Although it does make for great speculation to say the least. Putting the belt on him does nothing for the title if it isn't going to be on live TV every week.

but as I was saying, the title has been irrelevant again since Cena lost it so what's the difference?

Not like Del Rio is regularly defending it... and when he does it's against R-Truth for crying out loud.

Here's a random thought for a new angle... have him win it, then focus on IC, then heavyweight... and give him all the belts and hold the authority hostage for something because with him having all belts he can make "demands"...

might be intriguing.... certainly surprising... and the product won't be much worse than it is now
Is the implication here that Lesnar WILL/MIGHT become the new US champion?? What the hell for?

Even as a full-time competitor, Lesnar is ridiculously beyond the IC/US titles. Heck, if they didn't think he needed to win the IC title from Rob Van Dam before ever becoming the WWE champion, why would they now? And turns out, they were right.

Today, more than ever, WWE needs someone badass as champion(if they give any shit as to the ratings, that is). Since all of the possible stars are out, there's only Lesnar left. And if they go with Lesnar as the US champion for long, and either of Reigns/Sheamus as the WWE champion, it'll suck bad.
but as I was saying, the title has been irrelevant again since Cena lost it so what's the difference?

Not like Del Rio is regularly defending it... and when he does it's against R-Truth for crying out loud.

Here's a random thought for a new angle... have him win it, then focus on IC, then heavyweight... and give him all the belts and hold the authority hostage for something because with him having all belts he can make "demands"...

might be intriguing.... certainly surprising... and the product won't be much worse than it is now

Although Del Rio isn't regularly defending it, how will it make any sense to put it on a guy who doesn't compete every week or every ppv for that matter? I enjoyed Brock's run as WWE champ because it reminded me much of how NWA treated it's heavyweight champions back when I was growing up.

Ultimately there has been an argument of wrestlers being held back and part timers dominating the cards at the major ppvs. So we set workers back to put the titles on Brock?

I've never agreed with having both the U.S. and Intercontinental title active because I feel having both is unnecessary.
Brock winning anymore titles doesn't make much sense. His WWE Heavyweight title was a mistake as the title wasn't featured on T.V for months at a time. Putting any other titles ( that NEED more t.v exposure ) is an even bigger mistake.
Brock winning anymore titles doesn't make much sense. His WWE Heavyweight title was a mistake as the title wasn't featured on T.V for months at a time. Putting any other titles ( that NEED more t.v exposure ) is an even bigger mistake.

I actually enjoyed the title or Brock not being on air every week. It made his appearance or his defense that much more polarizing. You would've hated wrestling in the 80s during the territories.
I actually enjoyed the title or Brock not being on air every week. It made his appearance or his defense that much more polarizing. You would've hated wrestling in the 80s during the territories.

I loved Wrestling in the 80s, the title was always talked about in interviews and even if it wasn't being defended that often , you'd always see it in some manner. Interviews or segments. Lesnar was gone with it, no interviews, no anything to keep him and the belt relevant while holding it.
I don't think he's winning the title but he's not putting over Del Rio either which makes this match very interesting assuming the match actually goes through, I could easily see a situation where Zeb gets on the mic and verbally jousts Lesnar before the match and Lesnar just goes nuts and destroys both Zeb and Del Rio. I see it ending either that way or maybe Lesnar just goes too far during the match, gets disqualified (or the match is overturned after he wins) and Del Rio keeps the title even though he got essentially murdered. It'll probably end similar to his title match with Rollins where he destroys Rollins but before he puts the final nail in the coffin someone interferes for Del Rio (like the League of Nations and Lesnar destroys them all) or Lesnar goes nuts somewhere in the match as mentioned before.

However this match plays out I fully expect for Lesnar to destroy Del Rio but not take the title.

SIDE NOTE: I actually liked Lesnar as champ. It was refreshing to see the champ only once in a while, it's not his fault WWE can't develop an entertaining show without having the champ there, it's not like they had problems doing it in the past.
If Brock Lesnar can't beat Alberto Del Rio then something is wrong. Unless of course there is shenanigans involved, which is the only way Del Rio would retain.

Love the fact that the WWE with his announcement, has pretty much told us the result of the Swagger/Del Rio match on this weekend's PPV, before it even aired. I mean most of us suspected that Del Rio would retain, but why even bother now. They couldn't have waited a few days before announcing this match between Lesnar and Del Rio. Idiots.
Holy shit! Lesnar/Del Rio is something I want to see. I can't believe they are paying Lesnar for this and not putting it out there for folks to spend money on other than the house show audience. Maybe it ends up in a DVD or network special some day or maybe it is a trial match to see if these guys have chemistry for a future feud. Maybe Del Rio is a LON stepping stone for Lesnar to get to Sheamus.

I would love this match as long as it is given time. I would love to see what type of offense Del Rio uses on Lesnar. I never thought of this match up before and I kind of have a chubby over it.

Please WWE let this be the start of something bigger. I know everyone says Del Rio is so boring but he would be great fodder for Heyman and an amazing match for Lesnar. It would help explain why Del Rio was so quickly and cleanly able to beat Cena.

On topic, I don't care whether or not Lesnar ends up US Champ. It is the fucking US Championship, one of what? Five titles? I can live without it.
I could also see this setting up matches with Sheamus, Rusev, Barett or all of the League if they somehow get involved. Maybe see Sheamus vs Lesnar at RR with Lesnar taking the title.
I could also see this setting up matches with Sheamus, Rusev, Barett or all of the League if they somehow get involved. Maybe see Sheamus vs Lesnar at RR with Lesnar taking the title.

Where does that leave Roman Reigns then? They've been building Reigns up since last Mania, so you really think that they would put the title on Lesnar? I like Lesnar as well, but he's been off TV for a few months now.
I say the safe bet is either a DQ win for Lesnar caused by L.O.N. or Lesnar just all out winning the belt. If Lesnar wins the belt I could see him dropping it in a IC/US title unification match against Kevin Owens at Mania.

And for those saying Lesnar is above the title. So is he above the former champ John Cena now who won it. Cena is in the top 4 biggest legends list for WWE so if he can win it so can Lesnar.
Regardless of how you spin it. Brock holding any title is not going to improve the product. Temporarily? Yes because of him being present, but still not an idea I want to buy into.
Well personally I think he should be the fucking World Champion, but I digress.

Del Rio is part of a major heel faction, the League of Nations, and Lesnar is a monster face that needs a bunch of guys to tear through. So this set-up seems perfect. Lesnar can beat Del Rio, Rusev, Barrett, and Sheamus and that gives you a lot of programming to work with. The group can get heat on him by doing the whole 4-on-1 attack thing and then he makes the comeback and gets revenge at the PPV. It's a simple formula that's worked forever.

As far as Brock winning the US Title I'm not sure how I feel. John Cena made the US Title relevant and if Brock wins it now you can bet your sweet ass it will be relevant again. But there's also the argument that Brock is a little bit above that Title, even moreso than Cena was. I could see the League of Nations screwing Brock with a DQ finish in the Del Rio match to keep the belt on Del Rio but keep Brock looking strong.
Solid booking and exposure is what made the US title relevant this year. Which could've easily been doing with anyone else that has held the belt before Cena.

Putting LON against Brock takes away from what they were planning to do with Reigns. Not to mention I don't look at Lesnar as a face but a tweener. His actions nor his character scream face. He doesn't align himself with other stars or run in for the save.
Solid booking and exposure is what made the US title relevant this year. Which could've easily been doing with anyone else that has held the belt before Cena.

Putting LON against Brock takes away from what they were planning to do with Reigns. Not to mention I don't look at Lesnar as a face but a tweener. His actions nor his character scream face. He doesn't align himself with other stars or run in for the save.

Isn't that kind of the beauty of Brock, though? He is a face or a heel depending on who he is feuding with and the audience can decide to make him what they wish vs. who they wish.

If you have him go vs. LON he's a face. I have no problem cheering for him against guys like that.

He doesn't need to run out for a save, if just aligns with faces in a mutual hatred of LON and, to a greater extent, The Authority. Whomever he is fighting against LON with (presumably, let's say, Reigns and Ambrose) he just helps them by being the beast and beating up whomever he's in the ring against.

Not to mention, Heyman on the mic is pure gold which inevitably helps Reigns as well if they align vs. a common enemy.
Isn't that kind of the beauty of Brock, though? He is a face or a heel depending on who he is feuding with and the audience can decide to make him what they wish vs. who they wish.

If you have him go vs. LON he's a face. I have no problem cheering for him against guys like that.

He doesn't need to run out for a save, if just aligns with faces in a mutual hatred of LON and, to a greater extent, The Authority. Whomever he is fighting against LON with (presumably, let's say, Reigns and Ambrose) he just helps them by being the beast and beating up whomever he's in the ring against.

Not to mention, Heyman on the mic is pure gold which inevitably helps Reigns as well if they align vs. a common enemy.

Aligning Reigns with Lesnar in any capacity takes the whole spotlight away from Reigns and gives it to Lesnar. If they have plans to make Reigns the chauffeur of the company then I think it's not the right idea. It sounds intriguing though and seems like the direction they're heading in.
.... I feel there's a genuinely strong possibility of Lesnar winning the title.

Yes, with Brock Lesnar, there's always a possibility of that......depending on what WWE is wanting and expecting from Brock at this point in time. I was alternately disappointed and excited at him being world champion while he was barely around to defend the belt. Still, the company seemed to regard Brock as so far above everyone else in the organization, how could he not be champion?

Still, given his extremely limited schedule since he rejoined the company, I'm puzzled at the idea of Brock at a house show. What in the world are they doing it for? Is this the best utilization of resources, given that they only get Brock at distant intervals?

Another thing; would WWE have Brock win the US title just to continue the effort of raising the prestige of the belt, as they did with John Cena? I mean, that would sure do the job, but is it the wisest course to follow?

For all of it, though, I would love to watch Brock fight Alberto Del Rio, simply for the spectacle of seeing the monster go against a guy who works a match better than just about anyone.

Alas, it's a house show, so everyone in TV land won't be seeing it. Sure will be interesting to find out what WWE has in mind this time.
Brock winning anymore titles doesn't make much sense. His WWE Heavyweight title was a mistake as the title wasn't featured on T.V for months at a time. Putting any other titles ( that NEED more t.v exposure ) is an even bigger mistake.

Only hardcore internet fans feel this way. Brock had the best title run in years. He was the most feared, unbeatable Champion in decades. He's WWE's biggest draw. In no way is putting the World title on Brock Lesnar a bad idea.

The US title? I doubt it. The match probably ends in a DQ or something like that. Brock carrying the US title seems pointless as we know he doesn't care about making that title important. It would be an accessory Heyman would carry low to the ground for however long he has it.

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