Kurt Angle On WWE: "That Company Has No Respect For Me."


Kurt Angle recently gave an interview to the New York Post in which he discusses his aspirations towards competing in the 2012 Olympic Games and about his pro wrestling career. In the interview, he's asked about how he feels in regards to other wrestlers using "his moves" and his response was:

"When Jack Swagger copies my ankle lock and Randy Orton does my Angle Slam, it's disrespectful. I didn't come up with the Ankle Lock, Ken Shamrock came up with the Ankle Lock but I waited until he retired to do the Ankle Lock. That company has no respect for me."

:disappointed: I have to admit that I'm disappointed in Kurt Angle when it comes to this statement. I honestly think it shows that his personal ego has gotten a bit out of control when he criticizes other wrestlers for using moves that Angle designates as being "my ankle lock" or "my Angle Slam". Last time I checked, there was no copyright on pro wrestling maneuvers. The ankle lock is, just that, an ankle lock and the Angle Slam is a modified back suplex, it's not Colonel Sanders' secret recipe of 11 herbs & spices for KFC Original Recipe.

I respect the crap out of Kurt Angle for his dedication and his accomplishments in amateur & pro wrestling, but he seriously needs to get over himself. His ego is starting to stray towards Hulk Hogan territory. Next thing you know, he'll be telling the NY Times that he taught Vince everything he knows.
Kurt Angle is one of my Top Ten wrestlers all time but that was a ridiculous statment. When he used the Angle Slam as his closing move it actually was always a letdown ending to great matches. There was nothing impressive looking about it. It actually was the same when Shawn Michaels used it as his finisher until he went to the Superkick. Shawn never ripped anyone for doing either move but was able to incorporate them into his matches to better tell the story.

Angle's leap to the second rope directly into a superplex....that was him showing his creativity. When guys do that then he has an argument that someone STOLE his move!

I remember when Kurt Angle bitched about this on twitter, then claimed he was hacked. Then he proceeded to say that ''He didn't care'' whilst tweeting:

''There's a big difference to using a Finish somebody did b4 U, and is doing while U still Wrestle. The fact is, I don't care. Sorry everybody.''

That doesn't sound like he doesn't care, and why lie about the hacking to begin with. Then he later stated:

"On a side note,Randy and I discussed the Angle Slam.I am happy Orton used my Finish.As he put it,imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

Why he's stirring it all up again I will never know, as well as by continuing to harbor on about it, completely negates his stories of 'hacking' and 'being fine with it'.

I love Kurt Angle, one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, but can you please shut up about it?! Finley used the tombstone in WCW, Bret/Sting Sharpshooter and the chokeslam off the top of my head were all imitated, while the wrestlers who used them were still active. If what Kurt Angle wants is for wrestlers to wait for retirement then 100's of wrestlers are at fault for using the figure four leg lock?!. Let. It. Go. Please!
Earth to Kurt: Do you own a trademark on either of those moves? No? Then shut the hell up. I agree completely, Jack Hammer. This isn't the first time he has whined about people stealing his moves even though they aren't his, and it certainly won't be the last. I once saw Kane do a chokeslam. He hasn't retired yet. Does that mean that nobody in TNA is allowed to do a chokeslam until Kane retires?

Oh, here is a thought...will Kurt Angle bitch about other wrestlers getting busted for DUIs before he retires too? That's also kind of his thing, isn't it?

But, lets assume that Kurt is telling the truth. Lets assume that the WWE encourages Orton and Swagger to do them, precisely because they don't respect Kurt Angle.

So? You left. You aren't part of the WWE anymore. You backstabbed them, by the way, Kurt. You demanded that they let you out of your contract early so you could rest up from the neck injuries, and then as soon as you were able to, you signed with TNA. Within a few weeks, if I remember correctly. If I was Vince McMahon, as soon as I saw that you betrayed me like that, I would have given you the finger. I would have taken all of your best moves, and told everyone to use them, just to piss you off. The WWE doesn't owe you a goddamn thing, Kurt.
And this is one reason why Vince will probably never take Kurt Angle back. He just continues to burn his bridges,if he ever had any to begin with.

Davi I agree with you,I don't remember any of his Moves being trademarked once he started using them. Far as Im concerned the WWE does respect Kurt Angle because they made him a STAR. Angle is the one who doesn't respect them because he wanted a lighter schedule in WWE but jumped to TNA instead.

Kurt you are a Great Wrestler but your ego has gotten in the way and has balloned into a Hulk Hogan sized one. So grow up and shut up already.
I haven't watched as much WWE lately, but when was the last time that Swagger did the Ankle Lock and Orton did the Angle Slam? I believe Orton did the Slam very rarely--once or twice--last year, and I don't remember the last time Swagger used the Ankle Lock.

Honestly, I think Kurt's just trying to be a whiny little bitch again just to get attention. "Look at me, look at me! I'll hold in my breath until my face looks blue! Look at me!" He's really starting to look like a dumbass and, if he even attempts to get into the Olympics, make the U.S. team look like a bunch of jackasses.

Well Kurt, if you're getting butthurt over your moves being used before you retire, then walk out the damn door. You put on great matches and can get over like crazy, but you're just making yourself look like an ass.
Ya, Angle crying that nobody has respect for him is one of my main reasons for not having respect for him.
Kurt Angle copied other wrestlers for most of his moves, his moveset is actually not that original and trying to feign that it is and that he has a copy write on moves that were being done before he touched a wrestling ring is just ignorant.

He has his demons, and he's had things outside the ring, I can get over those, but sour grapes are something I can't continue to support.
Was he drunk? Or is he going to say something ridiculous like his mindset was "hacked" ?

In all seriousness, Kurt was going in the right direction when he stated that he shouldn't be considered as great as HBK, Undertaker and Flair. But then he had to ruin it for himself with such a selfish statement as quoted.

Don't really know what his deal is. It seems as if his ego continues to grow as the months go by. He get's away with the stalking and drunk driving, gets paid a lot more than guys who work a tougher schedule, bitches about "his" moves being stolen, his spot on WWE's greatest list of all time, etc. He's been acting so full of himself the last two years or so and it's hard to even side with the guy. I respect Kurt for everything he has done. He's a fantastic wrestler, a gold medalist; I bet you that many of today's young guys have definitely looked up to him when he was in the WWE. Nowadays, im sure those same young guys are rolling their eyes at everything he says. He's following the Hulk Hogan Route. He's become nothing but a whiny scrooge, and I'm afraid that anything he will do will feed his ego.

So he's pretty much implying that WWE shouldn't let their guys do any of Angle's moves until he retires. If he thinks WWE is being disrespectful, then he is being selfish and insecure. Everyone has the right to do whatever move they want, no matter what company you work for (unless the move is banned). It's not disrespecting, if anything, it's complimenting. Does anyone hear Scot Hall bashing Sheamus? Billy Gunn bashing Ziggler? Jericho being serious about the Miz? Lance Storm hating on James Storm for using the same last name? I don't, and I dont see why Kurt should make such a big deal about it.
It's amazing. He has been gone from the WWE for years, and yet he still defines himself by how he perceives the WWE looks at him. It's all about whether the WWE is respecting him or not, not whether TNA does. Kurt, you don't work for the WWE anymore. You shouldn't care what their opinion is or not. The only company you need to care about respecting you is TNA, the company you currently work for.
It really is a shame. Another great wrestler with a poor attitude and a larger than life ego.

You would think that some of these guys would learn from other wrestler's past experiences; it's not good to stir the pot like this. Bad mouthing other wrestlers and your past promotions is begging for future problems and drama.

I absolutely respect Kurt and I would definitely consider myself a fan, but it's unfortunate to see him acting like a spoiled child.
Well lets break down the statement:

"When Jack Swagger copies my ankle lock and Randy Orton does my Angle Slam, it's disrespectful. I didn't come up with the Ankle Lock, Ken Shamrock came up with the Ankle Lock but I waited until he retired to do the Ankle Lock. That company has no respect for me."

1) The part I think of most when hearing this is Ken Shamrock was NOT retired when Angle started using the Ankle Lock as his submission. As a matter of fact Ken Shamrock won the NWA champ when he won it on the very first episode of TNA at a time Kurt Angles finisher was IN FACT the Ankle Lock. He made Hogan tap to the Ankle Lock just a few weeks after Shamrock won the NWA title on TNA. So the first thing that I got to say is this: How is Angle using the Ankle Lock in '02 ANY DIFFERENT from Swagger using the Ankle Lock today?

SIDE NOTE: I may be wrong but I could have sworn that I saw Angle make Shamrock tap to the Ankle Lock on WWE television when Ken made an appearance for 1 night after he got released. This was when Angle started using the move and was making everyone tap to it.

2) Everyone steals from everyone in wrestling. Even Kurt Angle steals from others in wrestling. Kurt Angle stole the multiple German Suplexes from Chris Benoit and this was at a time they were BOTH working for WWE. Not only did he steal one of Benoit's signature moves it was when they were both working for the same company. It wasn't Benoit's finisher but it was a move associated with the guy and Kurt ripped it off. Not a big deal but he shouldn't bitch for something he has done.

3)If anything them using Kurt's moves is a tribute to him and his career and its not disrespectful in anyway.

4) I really doubt that Vince is so upset with you that he pulled Swagger and Orton aside to say "Guys I want you to start using Kurt's finishers to spite him. FUCK KURT ANGLE! FUCK HIM RIGHT IN HIS ASS".

5) Get of your fucking pedestal Kurt and pull your head out of your ass. Nobody in WWE gives 2 shits about you and your career right now because you DON'T WORK FOR THEM. Concentrate on your career in TNA. Even if someone uses your theme song who cares? No one cared that you got that theme song from the Patriot! You must have some ego to think that people are going out of their way to mess with you and disrespect you.

I have lots of respect for the guy as an athlete but my god! If his ego was any bigger there would be no room in TNA for anybody BUT him!
Kurt Angle the wrestler deserves respect for what he can do in the ring, but Kurt Angle the person deserves non what so ever. He never shows an ounces of respect to anyone else in the business, and has developed one of its biggest egos. Theres also the drug issues, and multiple DUI arrests each year.
ok so Angle is whining like a bitch once more but answer me this maybe I am wrong and maybe I am not but is not the " angle slam" nothing more than a modified Samoan Drop that was first a back body drop?
i could do nothing but sigh as I read his statements. They're wrestling moves. not, like the OP said, secret recipes. it has nothing to do with them disrespecting him.
It's funny, earlier in that interview he was talking about how he shouldnt be held in such high regard when guys who have been in the business longer like Flair and Taker deserve that kind of respect as one of the greatest. Then you hear him go on about people using "his" moves, I love Kurt and he's always been a favorite of mine but christ sake Kurt, you don't own the fuckin move and if anything you should be honored that people want to use your move. I'm dissappointed in him for that manner of thinking but I don't think any less of him. That's just how he views someone using his moves and he's entitled to that, I think he's just bitter about his relationship with the company.
2) Everyone steals from everyone in wrestling. Even Kurt Angle steals from others in wrestling. Kurt Angle stole the multiple German Suplexes from Chris Benoit and this was at a time they were BOTH working for WWE. Not only did he steal one of Benoit's signature moves it was when they were both working for the same company. It wasn't Benoit's finisher but it was a move associated with the guy and Kurt ripped it off. Not a big deal but he shouldn't bitch for something he has done.

I could be mistaken but I'm pretty sure he stole and performed an RKO on Jeff Jarrett or somebody in mid-2011, at Slammiversary possibly. pretty hypocritical considering he specifically points out Orton stealing his move. I think it was right after the whole "hacked twitter" drama. Angle is one of my all time favorites but he is definitely being a baby about this. does anyone have his side on this issue?
Kurt Angle has become a modern day Shane Douglas, a rambling, dribbling, lying fool. Angle states Ken Shamrock was RETIRED when he started using the ankle lock.......hmmm I clearl;y remember Ken Shamrock in TNA in 2002-2003, pretty sure Kurt Angle was ankle locking on a nightly basis back then. This is the same Kurt Angle who says UFC and Dana White have offered him contracts to jump and work for them, claims White has refuted and even joked about and laughed off when asked. Angle is a massive hero, uin his own eyes. Facts about Angle include he is a many time convicted drink driver, was fired by WWE for drug abuse(FACT), is clearly delusional thinking hhe is going to be wrestling for the USA at the 2012 London Olympics. He has had numerous broken necks, yet claims he is at his physical best. Sure he is one of the best guys to ever set foot in the ring, but pleeeeeease, remembver Kurt Angle is a self publicising bullshit artist and unfortunately this taints alot of his great accomplishments, in my opinion.
Kurt is one of my top 5 all time. Its a shame to see this. Kurt is better than this. I mean if you want to get technical he wasn't the first guy to play the role of a legit athlete or a patriotic gimmick. Its just how it works, you have to recycle certain things.

Also Ken is still going in MMA, its sad as hell but again technically Ken is still competing in something.
Kurt Angle's Career

Some could say Twitter and joining TNA has killed Angle's career. Or the multiple DUI's, and assault charges. I am one of those people...
I don't know about the WWE but I have no respect left for Kurt Angle. He's a drunk, drug addicted maniac who says something crazy or embarrassing every time he opens his mouth. If I were TNA I'd put it in his contract not to talk to the press unless it's pre-written TNA talking points.
Wow big deal Kurt. I can see if you still worked for the company or were wrestling for them and they used your moves...but this is ridiculous.

First, Swagger is an amateur wrestling champion so they push that fact, same with you. Second, who's to say that Swagger isn't paying homage to Shamrock and not you!

As far as Orton...whateves. Orton did a WRESTLING move that you did years ago for that company, and instead of changing you gimmick, moves or style, you come to TNA doing the same thing that made you popular.

Grow up and get your ego out of your ass. You didn't create the moves.

Im slowly losing more and more respect for Kurt Angle...what little of it there was anyway.
It's strange. Wasn't the "Orton stole my move!" gripe from when his account was "hacked"? Maybe I'm confused. Either way Angle needs to go away. He's outlived his usefulness and now it's time to ride off quietly into the sunset.
Kurt Angle's Career

Some could say Twitter and joining TNA has killed Angle's career. Or the multiple DUI's, and assault charges. I am one of those people...

I agree,its amazing with some of these guys when they jump to TNA they become bitter or get arrested for a DUI/Drug charge. Thankfully the exceptions are Christian,Nash,Foley,and Booker T.

His Career has done a complete 180 since he went there and thought TNA was greener pastures.
I could be mistaken but I'm pretty sure he stole and performed an RKO on Jeff Jarrett or somebody in mid-2011, at Slammiversary possibly. pretty hypocritical considering he specifically points out Orton stealing his move. I think it was right after the whole "hacked twitter" drama. Angle is one of my all time favorites but he is definitely being a baby about this. does anyone have his side on this issue?

Yes he did as retaliation for Orton "stealing" the angle slam. Angle himself however is the innovator of exactly 0 moves, therefore has no right to claim them as his own, and also, while he may be the first "olympia" (not sure on that), the patriotic gimmick has been done and done and done so thats not hsi either.
I'm completely over Kurt Angle. He's a great wrestler, but he counteracts that with being a massive attention ****e and making some really stupid decisions, so I try not to pay much attention to him. Angle's reminding me of a child here, really. It's not that big of a deal if someone uses the ankle lock or the Angle Slam, it's not as if they're trying to paint Kurt Angle in a negative light, hell, I doubt they even gave much thought to Angle, if any, while coming up with the moves.

If it was a situation like what WWF had done with Gillberg, then I'd firmly be on Angle's side, but it's not. Never once has WWE gone out of its way to deliberately humiliate or defame Kurt Angle, but don't tell him that. Angle needs to shut up and wrestle, because it seems that every time he opens his mouth he's spewing some kind of nonsense. I used to respect Angle, but that's all gone. He's an Olympic hero, someone who should be looked up to, but how can you look up to someone who behaves like he has in recent times?

Angle needs to calm down and stop making a scene or rather, making an ass out of himself.

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