Kurt Angle arrested (again)

So you chose the cop out route. I wish I was surprised. Almighty remix, just how many pills is angle taking a day?

...If I knew I wouldn't be able to tell people anyway owing to confidentiality laws. (I don't btw).

They have a drug test than can tell if you took 2 a day or 60? News to me.

No, that's litterally impossible. but I linked you to an interview where Kurt Angle talks about how many pain tablets he was taking in a day.

If every wrestler over 36 is then why is it only an issue being discussed related to Angle?

Perhaps because the conversation's about Angle. If Triple H had run off the road while pissed and had a history of drug addiction I'd doubtless mention that too. The fact (and it is a fact) that wrestlers use drugs to help them stay on the road is very well known, and tbh I don't blame them for it. But that doesn't change the fact that Kurt and any other wrestlers addicted to pain killers has a drug problem. End of story.

I did not bring up drugs here before X did and technically you mentioned vicodin before either of us.

Actually, you did kind of take me saying "alcohol is a drug" (which it is) and turn it into a conversation about "pills".
...If I knew I wouldn't be able to tell people anyway owing to confidentiality laws. (I don't btw).

At least you finally admitted you do not know which is all I claimed to begin with.

No, that's litterally impossible. but I linked you to an interview where Kurt Angle talks about how many pain tablets he was taking in a day.

I thought this would be obvious if you understand what you said here but if they cannot tell how many pills he took why does he need them all from a prescription from a doctor?

But that doesn't change the fact that Kurt and any other wrestlers addicted to pain killers has a drug problem. End of story.

So all wrestlers over the age of 36 have a drug problem according to you. End of story. Sounds like you are even more negative than me on the success of the wellness policy.

Actually, you did kind of take me saying "alcohol is a drug" (which it is) and turn it into a conversation about "pills".

Looks like X edited his post. I can see where some of the confusion came from on that regard.

WTF is it with you fucking TNA fans and your refusal admit you were wrong about something, fuck sake...
Just stop SD, seriously. Rayne already completely embarrassed you in the non-spam thread, now you want to look like a moron in the spam zone as well? I'm sure we can fulfill your needs.

Never in my life have I seen someone be so willfully naive and obtuse as you are when it comes to Angle and his issues with drugs. You're like a bird with his head stuck in the sand. Wake the fuck up and stop being a child.
Just stop SD, seriously. Rayne already completely embarrassed you in the non-spam thread, now you want to look like a moron in the spam zone as well? I'm sure we can fulfill your needs.

Never in my life have I seen someone be so willfully naive and obtuse as you are when it comes to Angle and his issues with drugs. You're like a bird with his head stuck in the sand. Wake the fuck up and stop being a child.

Dude, Rayne didn't embarrass SD at all. The only thing I see SD doing is arguing against speculation being used as fact, an argument he likely learned from me a year ago.

He isn't saying Angle shouldn't get help, he's not saying it didn't happen, he's saying no one here knows exactly what happened.
What part of wrecking the car while intoxicated don't we get?

The parts that extrapolate well beyond that.

Tiger is right on the first two parts and quite honestly I do not know how anyone could think something different based on what I have written. To clarify his third statement I am saying no one here knows what this incident specifically means about Angle to the extent some are claiming. Alcohol issue that he should take steps to rectify? Absolutely. Prescription drug abuser presently? Who knows?
Fuck sake dude, Angle clearly has a substance abuse problem, alcohol is a fucking substance, and he is clearly abusing it, stop trying to spin this like their is nothing wrong
Pretty sure he said in his very first post that Angle needed help.

Do you guys even read his post anymore or just assume he's taking the opposite position to yours?
I don't know whether Kurt has an actual problem with substance abuse, or if he's just an idiot. Either way, he fucked up, and it's not the first time. I accuse Hardy of having drug issues because I have eyes, and I'm not blind. I can see him stumbling around, and he looks high. On the other hand, I've never felt that way about Angle.

I don't know if Angle needs serious help, or if he just needs to stop making stupid choices. We can speculate all day, and I don't mind doing that (seeing we really don't mean all that much in the grand scheme of things), but what we're saying here about addiction and so forth is just that--speculation.
Dude, Rayne didn't embarrass SD at all. The only thing I see SD doing is arguing against speculation being used as fact, an argument he likely learned from me a year ago.

He isn't saying Angle shouldn't get help, he's not saying it didn't happen, he's saying no one here knows exactly what happened.

Umm...what? I suggest you hit that thread up again and read through it if you think SD wasn't made a fool of. He presented weak excuses to try and spin this as not being that bad, Rayne called him on it, and then verbally picked apart most of his posts in that thread and exposed his method of arguing to be nothing but strawmen and arguing for the sheer sake of arguing.

Pretty sure he said in his very first post that Angle needed help.

Do you guys even read his post anymore or just assume he's taking the opposite position to yours?

Do you even read his posts any more dude? 'Cause he looked and sounded ridiculous through out that entire thread.

Now stop fighting me broseph, I have no interest in sparring with a lover.
I get he thinks Angle needs help. But that isn't his main point, his main point revolves around what we don't know.

Well, here's what I do know. Brian Pillman, Eddie Guerrero. Both men who operated a car impaired. Both who had crashes that effectively ruined their lives. And it doesn't affect Angle one bit, not one damn bit. People have died over Angle's mistake. God forbid he swerved and hit someone. People have died for what Angle has done, and it's beyond a simple, "he needs help". When people have reached out to help him, he vehemently refused it. Angle needs more than help, he needs jail time
Well, here's what I do know. Brian Pillman, Eddie Guerrero. Both men who operated a car impaired. Both who had crashes that effectively ruined their lives. And it doesn't affect Angle one bit, not one damn bit. People have died over Angle's mistake. God forbid he swerved and hit someone. People have died for what Angle has done, and it's beyond a simple, "he needs help". When people have reached out to help him, he vehemently refused it. Angle needs more than help, he needs jail time

TNA mark, WWE mark, whatever, doesn't matter. CCM makes a more than valid point here. Is this his 3rd charge? When you take your bullshit onto the road, it becomes a problem for everyone else. As I said earlier, I don't care if he's an addict, or just an idiot. Nothing pisses me off more than a drunken driver, and he's no exception. I hope the judge, whoever that may be, throws the fucking book at him.
When did I say this wasn't bad X?

This is how Rayne "verbally picked me apart:"

You made excuses for him with the unabashed defense of how we don't know he was drinking and driving, because he was found in a car parked in the middle of a highway median. Hell, maybe you're right. Maybe that was the best parking space he could find for the bar, you know how crowded that North Dakota nightlife can be.

His next post:I never claimed that you were denying he was drinking and driving.

His next next post:Ugh. Are we really going to do the "I know what you really meant" thing AGAIN??? Do I have to point out your "he was in a parked car, we don't know he was drinking" again?

Which one of us looked foolish again?
Rayne's argument wasn't that good. Basically it's "we can use this as a lead to point to this" which is speculation. He did have a good point about SD's use of the word alcoholic, but other than that SD isn't being massively wrecked or anything close.

I did ask earlier what the punishment for his charge would be.
It would not surprise me if Angle was able to beat the charge altogether on dumb technicalities. Thats the American justice system for you. Even if it sticks unless some of his prior stuff carries significant weight I doubt much will happen. Did the charges stick the first time because I am pretty sure he somehow got rid of them the second time.
Of course he'll get off, they all do. He'll get community service, probation, and some other bullshit that will not make one fucking bit of difference. It's a pattern with this guy, and I've lost a lot of respect for him.
North Dakota law is pretty cut and dry when it comes to DUI's. In all likelihood depending on his blood alcohol level he'll lose his license for 3 to 6 months, a fine, and an alcohol evaluation and possibly classes since this would be his first DUI (as far as I'm aware of). He'll also have higher car insurance as well. DUI cases are fairly common unfortunately here, and I've seen plenty of them and it's always been straight forward. In all honesty Kurt's better off just accepting whatever they hand down to him then trying to fight it.

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