[This Space for Rent]

Klunder-Dangerfield said:I have seen a lot of people putting wrestling threads in the bar room lately. Do not do this again as it's considered spam. It clutters up the bar room when it has a place of its own. Put your threads in the right place. If it's wrestling, it goes in the wrestling sections. If it's not wrestling, it goes in the non-wrestling sections.
What if it's just pure shit? Do we have a trash can section? I think we need one.
Klunder-Dangerfield said:How is that complicated?
You'd honestly think it's not.. but obviously I'm sure you're being surprised, daily, at how much it truly is.
Klunder-Dangerfield said:I've gone through and changed the ones that were in the bar room to the LDSZ. If there was flaming or something like that beforehand, I'll let them slide this time only. Now, follow all the rules associated with those sections or you'll be infracted. You'll also be infracted if you put things in the wrong place. This is your warning.
I don't think they respect you KB-Dangerfield. Perhaps you should explain to them better.
Maybe put some things in bold next time. People respond to bold. Ohh, and italics. And when I used to use "" (like for example "I") people seemed to catch that bit. Maybe put every word you say in quotations.
Or, not.. maybe forgetting you posted and stickied this needs to just be a forgotten memory. Because it's apparent no one else remembers you saying any of it, thats for sure.
I remember though, KB-Dangerfield, I remember.
I think he was moderately pissed off when he did it, too. Well, Becca seemed to think he was. Who gets pissed off over the internet, anyways?
I think I'm just gonna start rambling now.. it'll help ease the pain..