Get rid of the bar room

This is what I am talking about, the crudeness of this post, and the intelligence it required for this is that of which a 10 year old could exceed. The bar room has become a place for meaningless discussion arrising from the majority of this forums failings in the real world. Prehaps if they posted meaningful discussions in the bar room instead of hurling these repulsive vebal insults in my direction then there would be no need to consider abolishing the bar room from this forum. However the blatent lack of intelligence shown by some posters here in the bar room explains why they refuse to discuss and debate in the wrestling sections where the rules are not so leonent on this petulant behaviour.

Why do you care so much about what other WZ posters do? Given that you've only been here a month, the only conclusions I can currently draw are that you have been banned from another forum and miss it and that you are a troll. Furthermore, if you care so much about the state of these forums, wouldn't this be a better conversation to have only with the administrators and through private messaging?
This is what I am talking about, the crudeness of this post, and the intelligence it required for this is that of which a 10 year old could exceed.

And that's why it's funny... the humor behind that post is that he could have chosen to make an intelligent comment and rebut your massive intellect, but to antagonise you he did the exact opposite.

The bar room has become a place for meaningless discussion arrising from the majority of this forums failings in the real world.

There is nothing... and I mean nothing that bugs me more on the internet than people making baseless comments like that. You know nothing of these people outside of the forums, yet you chose to make an assumption on the rest of their lives based on this small, insignificant part of their lives. Correct me if I'm wrong but you are here with everyone else debating this meaningless forum... actually making an effort to get it removed because you dont have the maturity to look the other way, if I were to judge you on just that I could quite easily say that you have many shortcomings in your real life if you have nothing better to do than come in here and complain about something that really doesn't matter. But I chose not to make those assumptions... a choice you should probably make as well.

Prehaps if they posted meaningful discussions in the bar room instead of hurling these repulsive vebal insults in my direction then there would be no need to consider abolishing the bar room from this forum.

Firstly, the whole purpose of this forum is for meaningless discussion, that's why it's here. Secondly you are the only one considering removing it, and you have not the power to accomplish that.

However the blatent lack of intelligence shown by some posters here in the bar room explains why they refuse to discuss and debate in the wrestling sections where the rules are not so leonent on this petulant behaviour.

90% of the posters who post in here also frequent the Wrestling Forums, 9% of them are pretty damn intelligent but just chose not to talk about wrestling for one reason or another... the other 1% are just ******s.

Look I know this has been said to you quite a few times, but there is a Red X in the top right hand corner of your screen, if you don't like what you are reading in this forum I suggest you use that button, because your efforts to get this place removed will come to nothing as 1. People enjoy it here and 2. No-one really cares about your opinion.

I'll sum up my post and dumb it down for all intellectually challenged people in here (because there are so many of them)...

Quit bitching and fuck off.
And that's why it's funny... the humor behind that post is that he could have chosen to make an intelligent comment and rebut your massive intellect, but to antagonise you he did the exact opposite.

There is nothing... and I mean nothing that bugs me more on the internet than people making baseless comments like that. You know nothing of these people outside of the forums, yet you chose to make an assumption on the rest of their lives based on this small, insignificant part of their lives. Correct me if I'm wrong but you are here with everyone else debating this meaningless forum... actually making an effort to get it removed because you dont have the maturity to look the other way, if I were to judge you on just that I could quite easily say that you have many shortcomings in your real life if you have nothing better to do than come in here and complain about something that really doesn't matter. But I chose not to make those assumptions... a choice you should probably make as well.

Firstly, the whole purpose of this forum is for meaningless discussion, that's why it's here. Secondly you are the only one considering removing it, and you have not the power to accomplish that.

90% of the posters who post in here also frequent the Wrestling Forums, 9% of them are pretty damn intelligent but just chose not to talk about wrestling for one reason or another... the other 1% are just ******s.

Look I know this has been said to you quite a few times, but there is a Red X in the top right hand corner of your screen, if you don't like what you are reading in this forum I suggest you use that button, because your efforts to get this place removed will come to nothing as 1. People enjoy it here and 2. No-one really cares about your opinion.

I'll sum up my post and dumb it down for all intellectually challenged people in here (because there are so many of them)...

Quit bitching and fuck off.

This is why Jonny never should have left.
Wow, some people just need to find fault in anything that does not suit their wants and needs.

This is absurd and childish. Like everyone has said to you if you do not like what takes place here at WZ Forums then move on to another site. Maybe that other site will have what you are looking for. Your opinion is welcomed, but trying to force your views on a forum that has been around for years to fit the needs of one is not going to go over well, and won't happen.
This is what I am talking about, the crudeness of this post, and the intelligence it required for this is that of which a 10 year old could exceed.
Hey, I resemble that remark.

The bar room has become a place for meaningless discussion
And how so far it has fallen, from the time back when it was actually about meaningless discussion.

It's spelled "arising". You just got schooled by a 10 year old.

from the majority of this forums failings in the real world.
This forum failed in the real world? I never knew it competed. Or, maybe you're talking about the posters.

Pot, meet kettle.

Perhaps if you didn't keep misspelling words, someone might take you seriously. I doubt it, but don't you think it's worth a shot?

if they posted meaningful discussions in the bar room
Then they'd be off-topic. You go to the Cigar Lounge for that.

instead of hurling these repulsive vebal insults
You forgot your "r" in "verbal", genius.

There, that wasn't an insult!

there would be no need to consider abolishing the bar room from this forum.
There's a need to consider it? Says who?

However the blatent lack of intelligence
It's spelled "blatant". Good thing you're here to help us discuss intelligence. We all feel smarter by comparison.

shown by some posters here in the bar room explains why they refuse to discuss and debate in the wrestling sections where the rules are not so leonent on this petulant behaviour.
Well, that and we can't make fun of people who criticize other people's intelligences, whilst being completely unable to spell any words over a fifth grade level.
The way he spelled leanient was the most violent offender in my eyes. He did it while trying to call out mods and barflies alike.
The way he spelled leanient was the most violent offender in my eyes. He did it while trying to call out mods and barflies alike.
Personally, I thought the stench that came from his lack of showers was the most violent of offenses...
Thats ridicolous you can't have friends over the internet, it's funny in the irony in that smarks cannot seem to seperate the real world from the internet. How can someone you have never met be a friend?

1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
2. An acquaintance.
3. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
4. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement.

I only quoted that one section because it pissed me off... Who the fuck are you to tell us how to define what a friend is? Also, judging by these definitions, I'd say you are none of the above to anybody here. Just because nobody likes you here (or most elsewhere, I'm guessing) doesn't give you the right to tell anybody what a friend is. Take your one sided logic somewhere obviously have nothing better to do. I mean, you're attacking a fucking forum thread... If that doesn't speak volumes about you, nothing will.

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