Get rid of the bar room

I was going to say if people wanted to put a hat round to get money towards my flight over that a cheque in the mail would be great. But my buttocks are a no fly-zone, even for IC.
You know all I've seen from you is whining and complaining about the bar room in the, I believe two and a half months since you've been here. Sure there's a lot of bullshit in the bar room and sure there's a lot of bar flys that do nothing but hang out in there. And you know what? That's their own damn business. Who do you think you are coming in here and criticizing other people? I'm viewed as a big deal in the bar room and I'm very happy with that. I post in all sections and apparently I do a decent job of it. The bar room is the relaxed version of this place, and if you have a problem with that, either stay out of it, go somewhere else, or keep your mouth shut, because I don't want to hear you or anyone else say that what people do on here is stupid or pointless.

Everything you say wreaks of the hypocritical egotistical nonsense I am talking about. You think you appear cool by self-aggrandizing yourself by criticising me however by doing so you yourself are whining and complaining about my apparant posts in the bar room. Prehaps if you weren't so wrapped up in your own quest for acceptance and this fake notion of internet friendships you would read some of my wrestling posts and debate and discuss them, rather than reacting emotionally because I insulted your beloved Bar Room.
Everything you say wreaks of the hypocritical egotistical nonsense I am talking about. You think you appear cool by self-aggrandizing yourself by criticising me however by doing so you yourself are whining and complaining about my apparant posts in the bar room. Prehaps if you weren't so wrapped up in your own quest for acceptance and this fake notion of internet friendships you would read some of my wrestling posts and debate and discuss them, rather than reacting emotionally because I insulted your beloved Bar Room.

No, it's really simple. You have a choice. You can choose to sit around the bar room and criticize people for doing something that they want to do (something that is more or less harmless, not hurting anyone), or you can go and post about wrestling and hope someone comes and debates with you. But since you are whining about the existence of the bar room, perhaps you are unsatisfied with the amount of traffic that your wrestling posts are getting. Here's a few suggestions:

a) Make better wrestling posts.
b) Take some of your own advice, and stop basing your satisfaction with posting on wrestling on how many people directly react to YOUR posts. Contribute to an overall discussion, instead.
c) Take a chill pill.

This is one of many situations where lives need to be gotten.
Everything you say wreaks of the hypocritical egotistical nonsense I am talking about. You think you appear cool by self-aggrandizing yourself by criticising me however by doing so you yourself are whining and complaining about my apparant posts in the bar room. Prehaps if you weren't so wrapped up in your own quest for acceptance and this fake notion of internet friendships you would read some of my wrestling posts and debate and discuss them, rather than reacting emotionally because I insulted your beloved Bar Room.
I'm going to say this as nicely a possible.

I cannot wait for this guy to come back in a few months after he has met people, and befriends people, then becomes a bar fly:P
Everything you say wreaks of the hypocritical egotistical nonsense I am talking about. You think you appear cool by self-aggrandizing yourself by criticising me however by doing so you yourself are whining and complaining about my apparant posts in the bar room. Prehaps if you weren't so wrapped up in your own quest for acceptance and this fake notion of internet friendships you would read some of my wrestling posts and debate and discuss them, rather than reacting emotionally because I insulted your beloved Bar Room.

Ok, let mebreak this down for your intelligence level.

You have no need to criticize something you've had no input in. Have you done anything for the bar room or the forums? Didn't think so. Have you been a dick? Yes. You ahve what right to criticize the way that we run this place? None. Now sit down, shut up, and get over yourself you self righteous twat.
Everything you say wreaks of the hypocritical egotistical nonsense I am talking about. You think you appear cool by self-aggrandizing yourself by criticising me however by doing so you yourself are whining and complaining about my apparant posts in the bar room. Prehaps if you weren't so wrapped up in your own quest for acceptance and this fake notion of internet friendships you would read some of my wrestling posts and debate and discuss them, rather than reacting emotionally because I insulted your beloved Bar Room.

You made the Bar Room cry... and for that I'll hate you forever. I'm off to go cut myself now.
I'm going to say this as nicely a possible.


This is what I am talking about, the crudeness of this post, and the intelligence it required for this is that of which a 10 year old could exceed. The bar room has become a place for meaningless discussion arrising from the majority of this forums failings in the real world. Prehaps if they posted meaningful discussions in the bar room instead of hurling these repulsive vebal insults in my direction then there would be no need to consider abolishing the bar room from this forum. However the blatent lack of intelligence shown by some posters here in the bar room explains why they refuse to discuss and debate in the wrestling sections where the rules are not so leonent on this petulant behaviour.
This is what I am talking about, the crudeness of this post, and the intelligence it required for this is that of which a 10 year old could exceed.
You momma is that of which a 10 year old could "exceed".

The bar room has become a place for meaningless discussion arrising from the majority of this forums failings in the real world.

Ummm, actually the Bar Room is always been this way. Mostly because that's what the purpose of the Bar Room IS.
Prehaps if they posted meaningful discussions in the bar room instead of hurling these repulsive vebal insults in my direction then there would be no need to consider abolishing the bar room from this forum.

Maybe if I ban you, we'll all just keep doing whatever the fuck we want and forget all about you within two weeks.

However the blatent lack of intelligence shown by some posters here in the bar room explains why they refuse to discuss and debate in the wrestling sections where the rules are not so leonent on this petulant behaviour.

The irony is that even though you are trying to be condescending by acting smarter than the rest of us, in that one little part of your post alone, you went ahead and misspelled "blatant" and "lenient" AND "behavior".


This is what I am talking about, the crudeness of this post, and the intelligence it required for this is that of which a 10 year old could exceed.

Leave him alone, he's a juggalo, he's not all there.
The bar room has become a place for meaningless discussion arrising from the majority of this forums failings in the real world
Its always been intended for meaningless discussion, what's your point?

Prehaps if they posted meaningful discussions in the bar room instead of hurling these repulsive vebal insults in my direction then there would be no need to consider abolishing the bar room from this forum.

There's no need anyway, meaningful discussions go in the other forums.

However the blatent lack of intelligence shown by some posters here in the bar room explains why they refuse to discuss and debate in the wrestling sections where the rules are not so leonent on this petulant behaviour.

The majority of posters in here do post in the other forums, not that it matters, I don't see why its all of a sudden become a big deal, if people only choose to post in here then so be it, they're still contributing to the forums, they're still posting some funny and entertaining stuff, so it doesn't matter if they're not posting in the sections that you want them to.

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