Kelly Kelly On WWE's Women's Division

You're only judging based on her NXT popularity... It's way different on the main roster, you should know that by now.

It's one thing to be over in front of the tiny NXT live crowd and in arenas filled with NXT fanboys. Bayley would very likely not be that over with a WWE audience.
Can't understand the hate for Kelly Kelly. Now, she wasn't great in the ring, or on the mike.

But she is entitled to her opinion. You don't have to agree with it, but calling her "ignorant" or running down her career isn't fair.

Kelly only worked with what she was given in her time in WWE. If WWE wanted to push people like her and Candice, what is she supposed to do, say "Don't promote me, I am not worthy of fan popularity". No, she did her job, and has made her name outside of wrestling off the back of her stint in WWE.

Some of these comments again reflect that there are many mysoginists still amongst the IWC. It seems like, to the IWC, you can either look like a model, or wrestle, but not both. Most of the Horsewomen or Natalya don't do much for me looks-wise (except Paige), and it seems that you will automatically dismiss any Diva who looks good but isn't wrestling like a female Kurt Angle.
Can't understand the hate for Kelly Kelly. Now, she wasn't great in the ring, or on the mike.

But she is entitled to her opinion. You don't have to agree with it, but calling her "ignorant" or running down her career isn't fair.

Kelly only worked with what she was given in her time in WWE. If WWE wanted to push people like her and Candice, what is she supposed to do, say "Don't promote me, I am not worthy of fan popularity". No, she did her job, and has made her name outside of wrestling off the back of her stint in WWE.

Some of these comments again reflect that there are many mysoginists still amongst the IWC. It seems like, to the IWC, you can either look like a model, or wrestle, but not both. Most of the Horsewomen or Natalya don't do much for me looks-wise (except Paige), and it seems that you will automatically dismiss any Diva who looks good but isn't wrestling like a female Kurt Angle.

She probably made the "mistake" of speaking on her general impression, while not being as up to speed on things as most fans here. Which she pretty much said. No big deal. Lots of these people just look for reasons to freak out on any of these former wrestlers that weren't some of the wrestling nerd favorites.
A few things I'll say here...

1) I think Nikki Bella was clearly a fan favorite and way over during most of her title reign after the stupid feud with Brie. She's been out for a while which left them scrambling while looking for a new "face" of the division.

2) It seems like they really want Paige to be that face but every time they give her even a bit of a boost she does something in her personal life or says something in an interview that gets her in trouble and then they bury her again.

3) RE: models that Kelly was referring too... well duh, they don't focus on looks like they used to which does kinda suck for many who would like eye candy. But I don't know why that's a surprise to her or why she's knocking them for it at this point.
You're only judging based on her NXT popularity... It's way different on the main roster, you should know that by now.
You could be right Messiah. BUT, how do you explain Sasha's and Becky's popularity? How do you explain Paige's continued popularity? How do you explain this renewed interest in women's wrestling right now in WWE? I definitely cannot explain it BUT, I can tell you where it started NXT.
Barbie/Kelly had more meat in her than a Pizza Hut oven during her time in WWE, I'm surprised she even found time for house shows or "wrestling". She was so bad in the ring that she doesn't deserve to comment on the state of the WWE Womens' division. Go be a hockey wife, eventually divorce him, and take half his cash so you can continue to life your lavish lifestyle.

She's better than any women they currently have... as sad as that sounds.

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