Mustang Sally
Sells seashells by the seashore
-i think kelly kelly is deserving, she has been working hard, and has come along way.
I'll buy that, but the biggest reason why Kelly is champion is because it's her turn. Most of the divas have held the title; apparently, WWE wants to give everyone a chance to hold it for a few weeks. That may be democratic, but it's no way to run a diva's division.
Since the days of Trish, Lita and Mickie, there haven't been sustained storylines for the gals. They started one with Kelly and Drew McIntyre, yet abandoned it just as things were getting hot. They might have been starting a mass program with Kharma vs everyone, but we know what happened to that. (Face it, the company dared not say anything that could be construed with "interfering" with a woman's right to get pregnant, but management had to be sorely disappointed with the way things went down with Kharma).
When Beth Phoenix returned from injury, I really thought they were going to revolve the division around her. I thought she would be a heel, dominate the girls and even have a couple of incidents with the guys. Instead.....nothing.
They seemed to want to build around Melina, but she must have fallen out of favor with management because nothing happened there, either. Also, I was sure they would use a true ring worker like Gail Kim better, but they haven't.
Of course, the McCool-Layla team was an example of using divas for something other than a beauty contest.....yet, people on this forum complained bitterly about not liking what they were doing. Oh, well.
One of the problems is that there are two kinds of women performers: wrestlers and athletic models. It used to be they would always put a wrestler in with a model to ensure that the match followed a believable pattern, instead of just two girls throwing each around the ring, taking bumps with no other purpose......until one suddenly pins the other. Instead, we often see two models in the ring......and you get about what you would expect; a match with no direction and no story told.
Okay, so now we have Kelly as champ. That's fine; she makes me think of Daisy Mae....her smile is fabulous, she has athletic ability, if not much wrestling savvy.
Hopefully, when it's time for her to lose the belt (3 weeks from now?) they can do it with some kind of program rather than just the round-robin approach they've been using to give everyone a chance to hold the title.