KB Wins The WrestleZone Tournament


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Yeah I did it. Let's face it: this was never about Shawn vs. Lesnar. This tournament was all about the rest of the forums vs. me and as usual, I beat all of you (even you Sly). Call it cheating if you want, but yeah I PM'd everyone I could find and made sure Shawn won. Why did I do it? Because I could. The best thing? You'll all forget about it inside of a month and I'll run the tournament again and be showered with the praise I deserve for carrying this place on my back.

I conquered the posters tournament and now I've conquered this. Thank you all for joining me in my latest accomplishment around here, as I couldn.....I couldn......never mind. I easily could have done all this without you. Now please, continue on with your whining about how you couldn't beat me and claiming collusion and how I've ruined the tournament. This was the most fun the finals have been in years and you all know it, whether your foolish pride lets you admit it or not. Go ahead with your whining. It makes me laugh so much.

Just remember what the sig says: Yes, I am in fact better than you.
Fair enough?

I mean, to me this looks like a loose translation of "I acted like a cunt and now I am going to pretend to revel in it to show that I win no matter how lame it looks!"

As to the PM'ing thing, it just bores me and I hope it doesnt set a precedent, but whatever, my beef is with HBK more than anything else. Cant and wouldnt fault your work with the tourney though. I guess this means I can go play in the sun again.
Fair enough?

I mean, to me this looks like a loose translation of "I acted like a cunt and now I am going to pretend to revel in it to show that I win no matter what!"

As to the PM'ing thing, it just bores me and I hope it doesnt set a precedent, but whatever, my beef is with HBK more than anything else. Cant and wouldnt fault your work with the tourney though. I guess this means I can go play in the sun again.

Playing in the sun causes AIDS
All you people caring so much is lame. Caring is lame. Fuck caring. Fuck the Care Bears. Fuck going to CVS and getting discounts with our Extra Care card. Fuck KB for caring so much that he PM'd people to vote for HBK. Fuck everyone for caring enough to complain about it. Fuck HBK for ever caring enough to wrestle.

If you care you suck.

We are nihilists. We believe in nothing. We will cut off your johnson.
Good for you for caring so much about this tournament that you would go the lengths you went just to ensure Lesnar didn't win. If you care THAT much then by all means gloat your ass off, I just don't know why someone would care so much about who the winner is.
*breathes hard trying to contain his rage*

It wasn't supposed to be this way. Brock Lesnar was supposed to win, and then I was supposed to become ruler of WrestleZone. Now that Klunderbunker has robbed me of what is rightfully mine, I must accept my fate.

Everyone, I am ordering each and every one of you to kick me as hard as you can in my ball sack. If any kicks register under 1,000 psi, you will be forced to the back of the line. I will FedEx my bloody crotch paste to the estate of Dagger Dias for proper disposal.

Next year, I'm betting on Fandango.
Fair enough?

I mean, to me this looks like a loose translation of "I acted like a cunt and now I am going to pretend to revel in it to show that I win no matter how lame it looks!"

As to the PM'ing thing, it just bores me and I hope it doesnt set a precedent, but whatever, my beef is with HBK more than anything else. Cant and wouldnt fault your work with the tourney though. I guess this means I can go play in the sun again.

Translation: WAH! My guy lost because he's not as great as I thought he was.

Get over it.

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