WrestleZone Tournament: Please Read

It's nothing against Edge personally, but it's absurd to say he's better than Austin or Undertaker. Or Ricky Steamboat for that matter. Oh well.
Yeah, because Edge - who beat Austin by 11 votes - so you'd consider the match went back and forth until Edge, what would you call it, "cheated" I suppose, to win.

So you take into account his stamina would be drained more than Taker's.. yet if you're doing this by storyline, then you'll also need to focus on how Austin will be PISSED that Edge cheated - thus he'll want revenge, attack Edge, get Edge the accidental victory via DQ and there you go. :rolleyes: Oh, but thats a type of logic you won't wanna hear - or use, isn't it, Justin?

And, you know, it's not like Wrestler's (much less, Edge) haven't endured major amounts of time in a match - only to win it, or in tournament style matches. (how many KOTR's has Taker won again? How many KOTR tournament matches has he even won, again?)

Just sayin..

What the fuck are you talking about?!??:headscratch:

Seriously STFU already you're bullshit just annoying now
Only because it's 'cool' to vote for heels. If Cena had a heel turn before the tournament began, he would have won the whole thing.

I thought it was 'cool' to vote for Japanese guys? God help me it's getting so hard to keep track.

Anyway, I thought Thesz/Sting was pretty good evidence that two thirds of the forum is made up of howler monkeys, but apparently two thirds of the forum disagrees... which is sort of the entire point when you think about it.
I thought it was 'cool' to vote for Japanese guys? God help me it's getting so hard to keep track.

Yeah, whenever your guys lose you just pick whatever wrestler you were against and say it's cool to vote for them is it? You should try it, it's fun. It's cool to vote someone who is an amateur wrestler over someone who's a good professional wrestler.
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