WrestleZone Tournament: Please Read

I'm not saying Edge should have won, but seriously... if Will is a good enough poster to make Edge win, shouldn't you be shutting the fuck up and congratulating him instead of bitching about him? Nobody else was able to push their favourite, who was a huge underdog, this far.
Will, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Edge that lost this:


I see that, and I raise you

Is it just me, or does Will bitch more about other people bitching, than the original bitchers bitch?

You know what I mean.

Anyways, Will, I think I'm going to vote for the Undertaker, for no reason other than to spite you. Have a good day...

oh, and Rest In Peace.
I'm not saying Edge should have won, but seriously... if Will is a good enough poster to make Edge win, shouldn't you be shutting the fuck up and congratulating him instead of bitching about him?
Except that Edge isn't winning because Will is supporting him. Edge is winning because he's an edgy heel and a currently active wrestler.

Active wrestlers always have the advantage over retired wrestlers.
Except that Edge isn't winning because Will is supporting him. Edge is winning because he's an edgy heel and a currently active wrestler.

Active wrestlers always have the advantage over retired wrestlers.

:O Then How'd he beat; Raven, (currently in T.N.A) Steamboat, (riding a HoF wave) Lesnar, (UFC FTW) and now Austin? (retired but never forgotten)
:O Then How'd he beat; Raven, (currently in T.N.A) Steamboat, (riding a HoF wave) Lesnar, (UFC FTW) and now Austin? (retired but never forgotten)
Because none of them are active every day wrestlers?

I don't understand your point. You just named a guy who wasn't on TV for two years, a guy who has wrestled 3 matches in the last 15 years, a guy who works for a rival company, and a guy who hasn't wrestled actively for over 5 years.

Not exactly the way to prove your point Will.
Too bad Edge won't be able to use a fucking ladder

I did say earlier that I was putting those pictures up to be facaetious. I will be going with Undertaker almost certainly, largely because of the obvious, and also because the only pro-Edge agrument I can think of is that Taker has never done well in a multiple match tournament, like when mabel beat him. That's not enough though, to be honest.
I did say earlier that I was putting those pictures up to be facaetious. I will be going with Undertaker almost certainly, largely because of the obvious, and also because the only pro-Edge agrument I can think of is that Taker has never done well in a multiple match tournament, like when mabel beat him. That's not enough though, to be honest.

What's sad is that it's almost a certainty that some one will post the TLC match in favor of Edge, which is pointless here
What's sad is that it's almost a certainty that some one will post the TLC match in favor of Edge, which is pointless here

Yes, Justin, it really is - isn't it? I mean, fuck all else - screw those who try and show that he's beaten the man. What's next, you gonna say its pointless to show the time he cashed in and pinned him, too?

Or how about when he's defeated the Undertaker on countless Smackdown's, because they're television shows. Or how he's beaten him back when he was just a Tag team wrestler w/ Christian. Fuck, Justin.. you're so right, no video evidence that Edge can win should be allowed at all.

But, because we're just tossing primes up and down all the time, let's make sure we explain this will likely be the indestructible Taker from the early 90's, yet it'll still be the same guy who's added better movement, overall technique and submission moves to his arsenal, and has defeated Edge in the late part of the first decade of 2000. :rolleyes:
Yes, Justin, it really is - isn't it? I mean, fuck all else - screw those who try and show that he's beaten the man. What's next, you gonna say its pointless to show the time he cashed in and pinned him, too?

Or how about when he's defeated the Undertaker on countless Smackdown's, because they're television shows. Or how he's beaten him back when he was just a Tag team wrestler w/ Christian. Fuck, Justin.. you're so right, no video evidence that Edge can win should be allowed at all.

But, because we're just tossing primes up and down all the time, let's make sure we explain this will likely be the undestructable Taker from the early 90's, yet it'll still be the same guy who's added better movement, overall technique and submission moves to his arsenal, and has defeated Edge in the late part of the first decade of 2000. :rolleyes:

Ahh dude seriously STFU with this shit, the TLC match only proves that Edge can beat Taker if he's facing him in a match where he has what was it 5 guys helping him, in a stipulation that already favors Edge, if the only way Edge can beat Taker is by stacking the odds against the guy with gimmick matches and a small army behind him then his chances of beating him in a singles one on one match are pretty fucking slim, especially when you take into account that he just came out of fairly close match with Austin, and Taker is coming out of a squash against one of the greatest technical wrestlers to ever live, pull your head out of your ass and you'll see this
I know the whole thing is a bit screwy, but I've been saying since the last tourney that trying to apply such a simple 'formula' to such a complex matter is ridiculous.
I know the whole thing is a bit screwy, but I've been saying since the last tourney that trying to apply such a simple 'formula' to such a complex matter is ridiculous.
Generally, here's the way I vote.

1) Who was the better overall wrestler. If they are too close to call, I go with:

2) Who was the better in-ring worker. If still too close to call, I go with:

3) Who had more impact on wrestling. If still too close to call, I go with:

4) Comparing opponents and wins/losses. If still too close to call, I go with:

5) Who would win in a kayfabe setting. If still to oclose to call, I go with:

6) Whomever I personally like more.

While that order isn't set in stone, that's the general flowchart of how I vote in this tournament.
You can't use vote to judge the wrestler's stamina level. Trying to do that is fucking preposterous.

Like hell I can't, I can use whatever fucking reason I want to judge a wrestler's stamina, BTW how the fuck else are you gonna determine how close a match was?, if a wrestlers wins by s slim margin than that would suggest that the match was close would it not?
I vote based on a few factors: haircut, ring attire, and what there name would mean if I factiously translated their name into Proto-Indo European or not.

In all seriousness, it's based on a few factors.

My main grip is still the treatment of stamina. In the last final I made a post, which everyone ignored, about how little sense it made and the fact that people wanted Taker to be the unstoppable zombie with all the benefits and skills that experience has brought him.
Like hell I can't, I can use whatever fucking reason I want to judge a wrestler's stamina, BTW how the fuck else are you gonna determine how close a match was?, if a wrestlers wins by s slim margin than that would suggest that the match was close would it not?

Let's say Wrestler A and Wrestler B are having a match in the tourney. Both are close in quality, impact, and any other characteristic. One of them happens to slightly top the other in every category. The voters recognize this, and every voter sides with Wrestler A. Does that mean the actual match would be a squash? Fuck no.

You can use whatever you like, but I find is illogical.
I vote based on a few factors: haircut, ring attire, and what there name would mean if I factiously translated their name into Proto-Indo European or not.

In all seriousness, it's based on a few factors.

My main grip is still the treatment of stamina. In the last final I made a post, which everyone ignored, about how little sense it made and the fact that people wanted Taker to be the unstoppable zombie with all the benefits and skills that experience has brought him.
It's no different than Edge though...Edge made his name in gimmick matches, and now everyone thinks he's great because he had great gimmick matches years ago. But then, they'll take Edge's current title count, and his mic skills from today.

So, it's old Edge in-ring, new Edge title count. And the same goes for all wrestlers.
I have a trademark on the ring attire and haircut line Murf. I'll be expecting a check in the mail.
I have a trademark on the ring attire and haircut line Murf. I'll be expecting a check in the mail.

I'd like to submit to the rest of the forums that Xfear did, in fact, give me the idea for one of my WZ tourney posts. Unfortunately he didn't follow through, and I reaped the benefits. I will probably make another.

Happy? :)
Like hell I can't, I can use whatever fucking reason I want to judge a wrestler's stamina, BTW how the fuck else are you gonna determine how close a match was?, if a wrestlers wins by s slim margin than that would suggest that the match was close would it not?

Yeah, because Edge - who beat Austin by 11 votes - so you'd consider the match went back and forth until Edge, what would you call it, "cheated" I suppose, to win.

So you take into account his stamina would be drained more than Taker's.. yet if you're doing this by storyline, then you'll also need to focus on how Austin will be PISSED that Edge cheated - thus he'll want revenge, attack Edge, get Edge the accidental victory via DQ and there you go. :rolleyes: Oh, but thats a type of logic you won't wanna hear - or use, isn't it, Justin?

And, you know, it's not like Wrestler's (much less, Edge) haven't endured major amounts of time in a match - only to win it, or in tournament style matches. (how many KOTR's has Taker won again? How many KOTR tournament matches has he even won, again?)

Just sayin..
I'm not saying Edge should have won, but seriously... if Will is a good enough poster to make Edge win, shouldn't you be shutting the fuck up and congratulating him instead of bitching about him?


Nobody else was able to push their favourite, who was a huge underdog, this far.

Huge underdog? The only person he was a huge underdog against was Austin. That's it. He doesn't get past Taker.

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