KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Do you think that New Day could be able to eventually transition into a full-on despicable heel faction and pull it off successfully?

Do you think J.R's call of "CLIMB THAT LADDER KID, MAKE YOURSELF FAMOUS!" is one of his best?

How do you think Ambrose looks with the World Title? Doesn't quite look right for me personally at this moment in time.

In five years time just how big is Kevin Owens going to be in your opinion?
It would be difficult but possible.

It's good but I'm not sure if it's that high.

Probably because he hasn't won it yet.

I could see a World Title around his shoulder.
It would be difficult but possible.

It's good but I'm not sure if it's that high.

Probably because he hasn't won it yet.

I could see a World Title around his shoulder.
What I meant was that even if he does win it at MITB he doesn't seem credible enough yet. Do you think a 2016 Rumble victory is in his future?
Who sends Taker off? I think that this is actually going to be the last WM for him & it would be fitting considering it is in Texas, but the question becomes "Who gets the nod?"

I cannot see him facing Sting for two reasons. I dont think that Sting would be booked to lose again & Taker beating him would be wasting a rub IMO. So do they let Cena take him out & pass the proverbial torch instead of giving the win to a future star- or does Taker team with Kane to cause some destruction on the way out the door?

Someone like Owens or Rusev could be a good fit for the one on one. Only other person besides Cena that comes to mind is Sheamus, but I dont think he is someone who really needs that win or deserves the torch moment. Unless they go with Reigns knowing it would cause people to shit on him even more. If they go the tag route, I think that Harper\Rowan would have a fantastic match & losing would not really hurt them.

What do you think will go down?
Who sends Taker off? I think that this is actually going to be the last WM for him & it would be fitting considering it is in Texas, but the question becomes "Who gets the nod?"

I cannot see him facing Sting for two reasons. I dont think that Sting would be booked to lose again & Taker beating him would be wasting a rub IMO. So do they let Cena take him out & pass the proverbial torch instead of giving the win to a future star- or does Taker team with Kane to cause some destruction on the way out the door?

Someone like Owens or Rusev could be a good fit for the one on one. Only other person besides Cena that comes to mind is Sheamus, but I dont think he is someone who really needs that win or deserves the torch moment. Unless they go with Reigns knowing it would cause people to shit on him even more. If they go the tag route, I think that Harper\Rowan would have a fantastic match & losing would not really hurt them.

What do you think will go down?

It needs to be someone younger. Owens or Sheamus would be interesting.

What do you think of Pope as a commentator in TNA.

I think he's pretty good.

I'm not a fan of the guy in general but he did fine.
I'd honestly take Owens over Sheamus for a Taker rub. Sheamus seems like a waste for some reason. I was hoping Wyatt would get it and hypothetically he still could and he's most suitable in a way providing they don't completely mess him around between now and then. Another possibility in my mind is Finn Balor for some reason. He's got the mind games aspect with the bodypaint and just seems like a good fit.
What if Lana was to align with Reigns? How would it be for her to come through the crowd during Reigns' entrance?
does rollins have the weakest booked title reign of all time? I know guys like Flair and Miz were cowardly heels who always relied on help, but they were NEVER pinned on a weekly basis on random Raws and Smackdowns.. plus Rollins just got pinned by J and J.. sure he stood up to Lesnar, but that was before his title reign. I'm talking about from Wrestlemania until now.
If they were to align for whatever reason, would WWE have her come through the crowd with Reigns?

I doubt it. WAY too many drunk fans to keep her from being grabbed.

Reigns is pretty much the lock to win the MITB this year, no?

Close but not a lock.

does rollins have the weakest booked title reign of all time? I know guys like Flair and Miz were cowardly heels who always relied on help, but they were NEVER pinned on a weekly basis on random Raws and Smackdowns.. plus Rollins just got pinned by J and J.. sure he stood up to Lesnar, but that was before his title reign. I'm talking about from Wrestlemania until now.

After watching last night's Raw, I can totally see the set up for Reigns betraying Ambrose. Not saying it is going to happen soon, but it seems very reasonable. What are the chances it happens? Would you want it to happen?
sorry if this has been asked, but yknow, 2495 pages and everything

if you could take 10 wrestlers (complete fantasy booking) to NXT who would they be? talk about their respective gimmick if applicable and how you'd deal with them on the mains (or if you'd bring in a veteran/s to stay helping with talent development on NXT)
I don't do much fantasy booking but I'd send Ryder, Swagger, Sandow and Ziggler down to NXT. They could all use a gimmick change/a reason to care about them.
If for some insane reason they decide to run with the idea that the entirety of New Day will hold the briefcase and actually give him the win, will you dance with me if Kofi wins?
Ok then is ROllins one of the top 4 weakest champions of all time? getting pinned on a weekly basis on random raws/smackdowns was already bad enough. now getting pinned by J and J? lol thats gotta put him at an all time low in terms of weakest title reigns of all time. Not even Miz got pinned by people on a weekly basis, let alone J and J.

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