KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Do you think when The Shield splits that a triple threat match between the 3 members would be worthy of a world championship match?
Do you see The Usos getting built up in time for a tag title match at Payback?

When do you think Reigns and Rollins lose the belts?

That seems a bit early.

Survivor Series or so.

Do you think when The Shield splits that a triple threat match between the 3 members would be worthy of a world championship match?

I hope not. They need to be kept strong instead of having everyone fight each other.
He was the on screen WWF President, which is now the GM.

Tunney was a promoter in Toronto and got the job while working with Vince. There isn't much else to it than that.
Ahh the Jack Tunney days..

Why did WWE pull the trigger on Ryback so damn quick? He was getting this nice slowburn on SD, squashing nobodies, then moving onto floundering tagteam members like Epico and Camacho; why did they make that jump so quick to HiAC and Punk?
There was no point in waiting. The problem came when he lost in the Cell and then hasn't won a major match since. It basically killed his momentum dead.
I thought they were building him to win the Rumble and face Show (champ at the time) at Mania.

Wouldn't that have worked? Gradually building him up, beating lower to higher card wrestlers over the next 3 months and then finally the Big Show for the WHC at Mania. That SheelShcok would have got him over like rover.
It was never Show vs. Ryback for the title at Mania.

It would have, but as soon as he lost to Punk over and over it stopped mattering at all.
Why do I not see anything in Barrett? His matches are ok and, well thats it.

His booking is atrocious.

Why has Randy Orton seemingly lost all the charisma he had as the Legend Killer?

He hasn't.

What is the future of Sandow, Cesaro, and Rhodes?

Sandow - I think he's getting a push at the moment. Someone described him as the Riddler using his intelligence for evil. That has potential.

Cesaro - Jobber to the stars.

Rhodes - Jobber in general.
I've seen around the web from writers/columnists saying that Barrett has star potential and said writers/columnists knock on Sheamus for being to bland. I think that's BS. thoughts?
Question: If Triple H is cleared to wrestle, and Curtis Axel is beneath him, then why are the McMahon's against this match?

Because they love him more than we do of course.

The story is they're afraid of HHH getting hurt worse and they love him as a family man rather than a superstar.

Is it A.W's fault that the Prime Time Players never prospered?

Who do you think are the future major stars and faces of the WWE (only considering stars employed by the company at the moment)?
In terms of comedy segments on Raw, would you rank Regal joining the kiss my ass club the night after Survivor Series near the top, the middle or the bottom of comedy segments?
I know they're incredibly overdone, but if you had to create the most interesting Triple Threat Match possible containing one TNA guy, one WWE guy, and one NXT guy(using the current rosters), who would you choose?

Scarier injury to watch, Owen breaking Austin's neck or Sid breaking his leg?

Besides Foley winning The WWF Title, what's your favorite feel good moment in wrestling history?

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