KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Where does Cena rank in the upper echelon of wrestling at the moment? Where do you suspect he'll end up? And in your personal favourites list?

He's in the top five at worst.

Top 3.

Not that high actually. I've always been pretty neutral on Cena.

So I can keep asking more questions? God, I never get to talk to anyone about wrestling, or ask questions to people who know more about it than me. No one really watches in it my area.

Favorite WCW tag team? Non outsiders.

A former stable idea or group that could work Post Shield in the wwe. Face or heel.

Thoughts on Roman Reigns, and how he could improve all around.

Would a title fued between Team Hell No and Brodus, and Sweet T work? Both as faces, funny skits and stuff. Thats something we've not seen in a while. Two comedy teams that could work. Cody and sandow are going down along with the PTP, the uso's are doing nothing. Outside of the obvious Shield fued, I think a comedy vs comedy tag team fued could work. Provide a lot of laughs, and some alright matches. What about you?


DiBiase's Million Dollar Team.

Quite good, get more moves than just a spear.

I don't think so. I'm not big on tag team feuds at the moment.

Why does the WWE over abuse gimmick matches

Lazy writing. Instead of building a good feud to a gimmick match, they start with gimmicks and go from there, which is very backwards.
How funny is it that Shane gave Vince three grandsons while Triple H/Steph gave Vince three granddaughters?

Who comes out on top of this Orton/Big Show feud and where do you think the loser will go afterwards?
Del Rio was way better as WHC than Ziggler. Agree/Disagree??

Why can't ziggler be by himself instead of a group?

Agree but Ziggy hasn't had the title long enough.

He couldn't survive.

How funny is it that Shane gave Vince three grandsons while Triple H/Steph gave Vince three granddaughters?

Who comes out on top of this Orton/Big Show feud and where do you think the loser will go afterwards?

Not really.

Orton. Big Show will be his usual aimless self.
Have you seen Evolution of a Predator, Ortons DVD, if not I'd recommend it.

Have Orton's drug strikes held him back. He still gets the pop of the night and has the tools to be on Cena's level. If Cena was to retire tomorrow, there is ONE guy who can carry the WWE and thats Orton.

I haven't.

He's a 13 time or whatever champion. I'd have an issue with calling that being held back.

Pretty much but it would be a big drop.
Hunter is like a 14 time champ but never was THE guy. After Mania 27, his Orton's popularity was off the roof, but it never seemed like he was in that big angle of the summer, or on his way to main eventing a big PPV. I do mean after 2010-11 when he started getting those big pops, and still does.

Two questions, Should I get the Ultimate Ric Flair DVD?

How crisp and fluid is Orton in the ring?
I saw WrestleMania 27 again , and it stunk. It was like a bad episode of Raw and I pity any sould who bought a ticket to see that crap. When in the ME you have The Rock reading an email and Cole and Lawler in a match, that show is gonna suck something fierce.

The silver lining for me was Taker vs H, I know people go on and on about Pnk/Orton, but Taker vs H told a great great story in the ring. Everything was thought out and there was a brilliant flow. Is that an underrated classic? I know it got voted WWE match of the year, but it really should be talked about more.
Who was the last relevant intercontinental champion. I remember Jeff Hardy doing quite well with the belt 2007ish. Was there anyone else??

Is it possible Ziggler's reign might go the way of Swagger??
Big E. Langston as United States Champion in the near future; how excited would you be?

When Hell NO(!) split will they feud and who will be a face and who will be a heel?

You once wrote in this thread (I think) that Daniel Bryan had already reached his peak. Do you stand by that?
It was on the air since I think 1972 and was the flagship show for WCW for a long time. It was called various names from Georgia Championship Wrestling to World Championship Wrestling to Saturday Night. It was the top show until Nitro showed up and then the secondary show until Thunder. Then it became basically what Superstars is today.
It's more commonly known as Portland Wrestling. Roddy Piper was a big star there, as were Billy Jack Haynes and Buddy Rose. It was owned by a man named Don Owen and a lot of people spent time there back in the 70s.

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