KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Have you seen any of the matches Dean Ambrose had with William Regal down in FCW? If so, what did you think of them?

Do you pay attention to ROH? If not, did you ever?

Good not great.

Not really. I follow the main stories and that's about it. I watched it when they came on Sinclair but stopped after about three months.

top 5 most underrated matches of all time

I don't do top 5's but the ones that comes to my mind are HHH vs. Taker 1 and Bret vs. AUstin from Survivor Series 96.
He doesn't. He's merely mediocre. However, when you've booked yourself to have the world title you'd better be a hell of a lot better than mediocre.
Kb - why does Jeff Jarrett suck

He doesn't. Jarrett has a bad reputation because he was handed a lot of stuff in WCW and TNA. In WCW he got stuff because he was the only heel left. In TNA he got stuff because he owned the place. Watch his matches objectively and you'll see some very good stuff. Jeff wrestles a very basic style but he's good at it.
Simple. The crowds, WWE or NXT, just straight up do not care about him at all.

KB - Best overall talent in NXT right now, preferably one that doesn't have tv time on RAW/Smackdown?
Overall thoughts on WCW ppvs from '98? Are they worth my while watching?

I started watching the PPV's back from Mania '97, and figured it might be worth while watching the WCW events too?

Also, for a litle more fun sort of question: If there was ever to be a John Cena heel turn... Would it come with facial hair? Many heel turns do?
Simple. The crowds, WWE or NXT, just straight up do not care about him at all.

KB - Best overall talent in NXT right now, preferably one that doesn't have tv time on RAW/Smackdown?

Kruger, Bray's the only guy close to him. However, Kruger's better in the ring while still being good on the mic and at working a character.
I like Kruger, and his finishing submission.

This is a weird question, uhh, do you think they make Chris Benoit jokes in the WWE Locker room?
During the Brand Split, were there any brand exclusive PPVs that changed alliegence besides Vengeance(SD! exclusive in 03, then from 04 onwards was Raw exclusive)?

No that I remember. There might have been a few one off matches here or there but that's about it.

Armageddon; Raw 2003, SD! from 2004-2006

How should CM Punk be reintroduced?

Will Ryback win the WWE Championship from Cena?

Cena should break Flair's record for World titles, right?

Shield vs. Cena for the title as the big summer title angle?
Armageddon; Raw 2003, SD! from 2004-2006

How should CM Punk be reintroduced?

Will Ryback win the WWE Championship from Cena?

Cena should break Flair's record for World titles, right?

Shield vs. Cena for the title as the big summer title angle?

Mystery opponent.

I don't think so.

Yeah. I love when people freak out and say how sacred that number is. Flair doubled Race's total and no one panicked. It's been done before, it'll be done again.

I hope so.
Is it only a matter of time until AJ beats Kaitlyn for the Divas Title?

What's your personal favorite move (doesn't have to be a finisher) that involves coming off the top turnbuckle?
Depends on how long he'll be out. If it's months then of course. If it's another few weeks.....nah. You can put him in a match where he doesn't have to do much.

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