KB Answers Wrestling Questions

-IMO Bisch isn't trying as hard as he did 96-98 so on a scale of 1-10 what effort do you think EB is at right now
-Do you think Lethal will turn heel and join SCUM
-Is Steen at a level in ROH where he doesn't need any title
-Do you think ROH is building towards Final Battle of Steen vs Corrino/Hardy and the one that gets pinned gets fired from ROH
King Kong Bundy, Gorilla Monsoon same imagery.

You never saw Gorilla back in the day did you?

-IMO Bisch isn't trying as hard as he did 96-98 so on a scale of 1-10 what effort do you think EB is at right now
-Do you think Lethal will turn heel and join SCUM
-Is Steen at a level in ROH where he doesn't need any title
-Do you think ROH is building towards Final Battle of Steen vs Corrino/Hardy and the one that gets pinned gets fired from ROH

Not really.

Keep in mind I haven't watched ROH in over a year.
-Does VKM and JJ have any heat towards one another
-Which would be better for JJ WWE or ROH
-How much can JJ bring to the ROH product especially if hes a heel of what he was when he was a full-timer in the beginning of TNA
Klunder what the guys were nicknamed, look like, or their gimmicks is irrelevant. I didn't confuse them because of those things. Both guys' names deliberately make you think of a giant ape.

I need to get out more. And go to sleep.
-IMO TNA has made too many mistakes even before EB and do you think thats the main reason they don't garner at least half of WWE's fans
-I think TNA should build stars and that they didn't have enough talent to create an invasion angle
-Other than VKM who is the right person in wrestling that can build stars thats right but also a little bit different than WWE
-Would Lagana or Gabe S. be the right fit for that role
-Has TNA made too many mistakes and should just sell to ROH and what would ROH's ratings be like if they were on a network like Spike
They aren't going to get half of WWE's fans no matter what they do.
No one suggested they did.
No one springs to mind.
-My take of the Invasion angle in TNA was my opinion not assuming what others might think or might have said
-Is Punk a one trick pony by using what fans say about WWE Product into his promos
-I have thought that one of the best factions in WWE would be Punk not with Heyman but with alot of the former ROH talent and they could be tweeners taking on faces and heels
-I have a new concept and see what you think:
-The Final Six that are left in the RR qualify for the EC #1 Contenders match
- You enter the EC Match via how you were eliminated at the RR so the winner of the Rumble enters sixth at the EC
-The winner of the EC takes on the WWE Champion at Mania
-The last three eliminated at the EC have a triple threat match on Raw or SD to determine the #1 Contender for the World Title at Mania
Rank the teams in order of greatness...

Triple X (Daniels and Elix Skipper)
Beer Money
Motor City Machine Guns
Bad Influence
"Face wrestlers get over with moveset - if you don't have one, you almost have to be heel first to get fans to care about you in any way. You can't debut as a vanilla babyface with a bland moveset and expect to get over."

On a scale of 1-10 (1 being "Dusty Rhodes is charismatic", 10 being "John Cena is not a draw") how incorrect is that statement?

Actually that's not true.

WCW went out of business on March 23. ECW officially didn't close until I think 12 days later. For those 12 days, despite having no shows scheduled and Paul Heyman doing commentary on Raw, ECW was still in business and officially the #2 promotion in North America.

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