KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Edge's best promo as a maint eventer? Thoughts on the rivalry Edge/Batista?

HBK's best promos since returning from his back injury?
Cornette made the claim at Lexcon that Austin's heel turn alongside Vince was more of a factor in hurting the business and it's decline than the fall of WCW. Agree/Disagree?
Edge's best promo as a maint eventer? Thoughts on the rivalry Edge/Batista?

HBK's best promos since returning from his back injury?

His retirement speech.

Nothing special.

His Undertaker promos.

I forgot, thoughts on SD! and RAW on 2007(rivalries, storylines, characters etc)?

Pretty forgettable for the most part.

How cool was it to see Undertaker vs Dean Ambrose? Yeah the match wasn't great, but it was awesome.

Indeed it was.

Cornette made the claim at Lexcon that Austin's heel turn alongside Vince was more of a factor in hurting the business and it's decline than the fall of WCW. Agree/Disagree?

Yeah I disagree. The InVasion being butchered was a bad idea.
Have you ever watched the idiots who do backyard wrestling? Sometimes its downright hilarious at how bad they suck.

Would you like to see John Morrison go to TNA or return to WWE now that he's no longer with Melina? Would you like to see Melina go to either company?
During the Brand Split, were there any brand exclusive PPVs that changed alliegence besides Vengeance(SD! exclusive in 03, then from 04 onwards was Raw exclusive)?
Have you seen any of the matches Dean Ambrose had with William Regal down in FCW? If so, what did you think of them?

Do you pay attention to ROH? If not, did you ever?

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