KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Terry Funk, who first retired in 1983.

Ask Ivelisse from Gut Check. The answer is no.

Indeed, although there's an argument that Jesse was a tweener.
Who's a better commentator JR or Gordon Solie

At what point in Scott Hall's career could he have been world champion

Who's the most overrated main event guy of all time

Who had better chemistry Angle/Benoit, Benoit/Eddie, Cena/Punk, Flair/Steamboat, or Foley/HHH
Punk isn't an overrated main event guy some people just make him out to be this all time great on the upper tier of history which he isn't in my opinion.

Why is it that most ten man or eight man tag matches end up being decent at worst

Where do the Freebirds rank as a tag team for you
A lot of it.

Another thing that helped Austin was he rarely overcame impossible odds. He lost to Kane in the first blood match, he lost to Undertaker and Kane in the handicap match, he lost to Vince and Shane in the ladder match.

Instead of doing something cute to win, he lost the matches. No one could expect him to win so Austin saves face and he can come back and win fairly later. That's very helpful.
KB im on my phone and it's not letting me get access to your site for some reason, but what was your thoughts on the 2001 Royal Rumble match and what was your grade for the Jericho - Benoit Ladder match?
Rating: A+. Take two Canadians, give them a ladder and 19 minutes and this is what you should expect. These two beat on each other HARD and the match was excellent as a result. They came up with some new stuff while mixing in basic stuff like HIT THE GUY IN THE FACE WITH A LADDER but it was so intense that it became a classic. Check this one out.
Yeah I'm watching this match right now. HOLY CRAP these 2 beat the hell out of each other. Damn. that head shot was brutal. Why didn't this feud go any farther?
Rating: A+. Take two Canadians, give them a ladder and 19 minutes and this is what you should expect. These two beat on each other HARD and the match was excellent as a result. They came up with some new stuff while mixing in basic stuff like HIT THE GUY IN THE FACE WITH A LADDER but it was so intense that it became a classic. Check this one out.

Still ranks up there as one of my favorite ladder matches. Plus the Walls on the ladder looked awesome!
I've looked at both a lot for the redo and the more I look at it, the more I think Morrison. Kofi's is better at first, but when you look at them over and over it's Morrison.
Why do people act like Rock has been an atrocity inside the ring since his return? Sure his speed has decreased but it's not like he botches constantly or misses cues or screws up sequences, he can still take good bumps and sell and execute moves appropriately, people acting like his ring work is worse than Khali's FFS. Your opinion on his ring work since his return?
He's been fine. At the end of the day he's in his 40s now and has wrestled like five matches in eight years. He's not as good as he used to be though and since this is the internet, everyone expects perfection every time.

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