KB Answers Wrestling Questions

1) because we see Sarge 2-3 times a year, whereas I don't remember the last time Mantel was on TV, therefore it's easier to buy Dutch as a new character

2) Mantel would do a better job than Sarge.
so why did the wwe go with dutch mantel instead of Sargent Slaughter?

Considering Slaughter was the 948th person to claim he was the first person with entrance music and claims he almost told Ronald Regan to drop and give him ten pushups, I'd be skeptical to believe what he said.

Also since he's a known legend, he'd get at least a small face pop.

1) because we see Sarge 2-3 times a year, whereas I don't remember the last time Mantel was on TV, therefore it's easier to buy Dutch as a new character

2) Mantel would do a better job than Sarge.

Lesson #1 in wrestling: people from Tennessee can talk.
Have you watched the FCW Kruger vs Gabriel matches? If so, what are your thoughts on them? If not they are on Youtube. I recommend them.

Your thoughts on the 26,000 square foot WWE Performance centre that's being opened in Orlando later this year?

Trivia question: who is the only person to have kicked out of Gabriel's 450 splash since he signed with WWE?
I haven't.

You should.

Nothing wrong with that. It needs some new trainers though.

There will be new trainers, since there's plans to increase the number of trainees to ~100. Also physios, sports scientists and production people will be employed.

Big Show perhaps?

It's actually Alex Riley, who kicked out of the move when defending the FCW title against Gabriel. In every other match he's lost to date he didn't successfully hit the move. Or one case (again Riley, via Barrett) he got clocked by someone else's finish and then pinned before he could get the three count. Coincidentally, I was going to ask you another trivia question: Alex Riley has claimed his father has had two jobs. What were they? (the answer is "world famous proctologist" (false) and member of the New York Jets (true)) however, that's ludicrously obscure.
I never watched FCW.

When you find yourself running out of old shows, you should give it a look. It's booked the same as NXT, with fewer shoehorned references to the main shows. You also get to see things like Serena Deeb pretending to be a mob princess and Gordon Solie saying "farewell from the Sunshine State" on a weekly basis.

It's also the one place where you'll get to see Bo Dallas not be completely shit. I mean, for a 6 month period he was honest to goodness enjoyable. He's done in WWE now though. Completely unsalvagable and will get canned before he's 25.

Another question. Bo Dallas is fucked and will be gone from WWE by his 25th birthday. Agree or Disagree? (I hope so or variants thereupon is not an acceptable answer)
I doubt it. He's got the second and third generation thing going which means the world to WWE, because SO many fans know who Blackjack Windham was.

What happened to him on the main show anyway? He started that feud with Barrett and even pinned him and got sucked into a black hole or something.
I doubt it. He's got the second and third generation thing going which means the world to WWE, because SO many fans know who Blackjack Windham was.

Blackjack Mulligan

What happened to him on the main show anyway? He started that feud with Barrett and even pinned him and got sucked into a black hole or something.

He got called up, clearly supposed to feud with Barrett. They even nixed their plans for the IC cup. However, because Bo's only really capable of doing one thing in the ring (selling then building to a comeback) that got shitcanned, Bo went back to FCW and the programme with Miz went to 'Mania. Odd how angles involving Bo end up having to be changed. He was supposed to feud with Husky in FCW, that programme ended up going to Richie Steamboat. Kruger was supposed to be in Ascension (which was different, man) and feud with Norman Smiley but instead became FCW champion and have a boring reign where he did nothing for months.

Bo's been booked so badly that he has no future. He could have been a big thing, but WWE fucked up. Bo being more limited than an etch-a-sketch didn't help.
Are you impressed that AJ is finally able to change his style to wrestle like a heel?

Why is aces & 8's starting to look more and more like the nWo? (they don't have the talent they did though)

Why does Kurt Angle have to go out and fuck around with Brisco and Bischoff every week as if they have potential or something? If they were in the ring with anyone other than Angle everyone would boo them out of the industry

Why doesn't Samoa Joe talk more?

Why does D-von have a job doing anything other than tagging?

With no Hardy, Angle and Joe being misused, Roode and Aries in a tag team, and Styles being a heel battling Storm who faces Bully at Slammiversary?
Are you impressed that AJ is finally able to change his style to wrestle like a heel?

Why is aces & 8's starting to look more and more like the nWo? (they don't have the talent they did though)

Why does Kurt Angle have to go out and fuck around with Brisco and Bischoff every week as if they have potential or something? If they were in the ring with anyone other than Angle everyone would boo them out of the industry

Why doesn't Samoa Joe talk more?

Why does D-von have a job doing anything other than tagging?

With no Hardy, Angle and Joe being misused, Roode and Aries in a tag team, and Styles being a heel battling Storm who faces Bully at Slammiversary?

Not really.

Because that's al Bischoff knows how to do.

Because their dads are famous.

Not his style.

He used to be in a big time team. That's enough isn't it?


Have you ever seen a Kenta Kobashi vs Samoa Joe? If so what did you think of it

Yeah. Not a huge fan but it wasn't bad.
Why would anyone want to see a 50 year old Sting facing Bully Ray? It's better than Hogan no doubt though

As far as Joe-Bashi was that the first Kobashi match you've ever seen? Alot of the story being told was about past Kobahi opponents
Hello, Klunderbunker.

Since TNA has gone live, does it bother you or does it not bother you that they tape the episodes still? If so why or why not.

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