KB Answers Wrestling Questions

A badly run training facility. They're the people who told Batista he had no future in wrestling.


Not bad but as usual Heyman gets too much credit.
What is your prediction for the WHC match at Extreme Rules?

Ziggler retains.

Why did wcw say stone cold was a midcard at best? Or something like that

Because Eric Bischoff has a poor eye for wrestling talent. Austin was in black trunks, was starting to rebel against tradition and respect, and swore a lot. That isn't marketable though right? Bischoff also had a guy named Jean-Paul Levesque under contract. Bischoff saw him as a tag team guy and fired him when Jean-Paul protested. He got a job with the WWF and was named Hunter Hearst Helmsley. That name was deemed too long, so it was eventually shortened to HHH.

Now if you want to get into some semi-conspiracy theories, the other idea is that Hogan showed up and all of a sudden, guys like Austin and Cactus Jack were seen as "having no future" and were replaced by Hogan friends Paul Orndorff and Brutus Beefcake. The other theory is Hogan knew he couldn't hang with these young guys so he got rid of them.
Between 1997 and 2011, Dave Meltzer didn't give a single WWE match 5 stars. Which ones in that time actually deserve the top grade?
Who in WWE do you think could use a manager and doesn't already have one?

Your thoughts in general on Heath Slater? Mainly if you think he has any star potential?
Long time follower of this thread KB, loads of good questions and answers (good work!). Couple of questions (sorry if they've been asked before)....

Do you think we'll get another Cena/Lesnar match before Lesnar leaves again?

What do you think of Wade Barrett? I know a lot of people are fans but I just can't see it. Admittedly, I never saw the initial Nexus story on RAW (but I hear he was at his most impressive) so maybe my judgement is clouded but I feel like a lot of the time he just seems really flat. Just wondering what you thought?
Between 1997 and 2011, Dave Meltzer didn't give a single WWE match 5 stars. Which ones in that time actually deserve the top grade?

Yes he did.

Who in WWE do you think could use a manager and doesn't already have one?

Your thoughts in general on Heath Slater? Mainly if you think he has any star potential?

No one springs to mind.

He's a great seller but he needs a new name.

Long time follower of this thread KB, loads of good questions and answers (good work!). Couple of questions (sorry if they've been asked before)....

Do you think we'll get another Cena/Lesnar match before Lesnar leaves again?

What do you think of Wade Barrett? I know a lot of people are fans but I just can't see it. Admittedly, I never saw the initial Nexus story on RAW (but I hear he was at his most impressive) so maybe my judgement is clouded but I feel like a lot of the time he just seems really flat. Just wondering what you thought?

Good chance I think.

He's booked HORRIBLY and it drags him way down.
Good chance I think.

I hope so, last year I thoroughly enjoyed the build-up and the match they put together. Just another quick one on Lesnar, do you think it would be a waste of his available dates if they were to put him against a Big Show/Mark Henry (they would have to give any of his potential opponents a few consecutive PPV wins before the Lesnar match to make them appear like a legit threat to Lesnar). Henry was the one I had in mind mainly. Or should he be saved just for your Cena's, HHH's and other top draw performers?
Right now putting him against ANYONE other than HHH would be an improvement and less of a waste, so I'd be fine with either of those guys.
Was the two man power trip vs the Canadian Chris' the best tag match ever?

If Dynamite Kid had stayed around do you think he would have been in Bulldog's spot or at least had a big singles run?

If Dynamite Kid was born 20 years later could he have been a world champion in todays product?

When the Shield came down to attack HHH did you think that he would be revealed as their leader?

When did all of this nut hugging of CM Punk start?
Was the two man power trip vs the Canadian Chris' the best tag match ever?

If Dynamite Kid had stayed around do you think he would have been in Bulldog's spot or at least had a big singles run?

If Dynamite Kid was born 20 years later could he have been a world champion in todays product?

When the Shield came down to attack HHH did you think that he would be revealed as their leader?

When did all of this nut hugging of CM Punk start?

Up there.




The minute he started saying he was the best in the worl, because the IWC loves to be lead around by the nose.

Do you ever see Cody Rhodes being majorly pushed?

Not for a long time.

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