KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Chances of TNA going back to Wednesday nights?

Any long term effect of Reigns' suspension on him?

When could Matt Vs Jeff end?
Are you going to post your Lucha Underground review for this week?

You may have been asked this before, but what are 5 WWE matches (on the Network) every wrestling fan should see?
Once it's done yeah, as always.

Off the very top of my head and in no order:

Hogan vs. Andre
Shawn vs. Undertaker (First Cell match)
Austin vs. Dude Love (Over the Edge 1998)
HHH vs. Cactus Jack (Royal Rumble 2000)
How long do you see Ambrose holding the WWE World Heavyweight Championship?

How long do you see The Miz holding the Intercontinental Championship?

Russo pretty much came out and admitted he tried to fuck with TNA's tv deal, then backtracked and tried to cover his tracks by deleting the videos. Going a bit defensive on twitter. Figured you'd get a kick out of watching him go through the process if nothing else.
He drove me absolutely insane on the most recent appearance. His new idea: go with simple stories like talking about drug suspensions and wrestlers' pay scales.
How important is the first World Championship reign for a main event prospect? Cena/Batista won the titles at WrestleMania and held them until early 2006 compared to Roman Reigns who only held the title for a couple of minutes.
Given their exchanges on Raw this Monday, what are the odds that they're going to try to recreate the Vince vs Austin feud with Steph and Ambrose?

Could they recreate the feud with Steph & Ambrose? I mean it's not like Ambrose can constantly assault Steph like Austin did to Vince, much less have a match with her (this is my biggest issue with Steph actually, she never seems to get any sort of comeuppance for her evil actions).
Could they recreate the feud with Steph & Ambrose? I mean it's not like Ambrose can constantly assault Steph like Austin did to Vince, much less have a match with her (this is my biggest issue with Steph actually, she never seems to get any sort of comeuppance for her evil actions).

That won't necessarily stop them from trying, even though the result may well be the wrestling equivalent of a trainwreck. The key tipoff here is Stephanie talking about having Ambrose as champion the same way Vince talked about having Austin as champion.
How important is the first World Championship reign for a main event prospect? Cena/Batista won the titles at WrestleMania and held them until early 2006 compared to Roman Reigns who only held the title for a couple of minutes.

It's important, but so is the moment they win the title. Batista and Cena were built up for months and won in big moments. Reigns was more "Oh, he won."

Given their exchanges on Raw this Monday, what are the odds that they're going to try to recreate the Vince vs Austin feud with Steph and Ambrose?

Strong, because it would be one of the dumbest things they could do.

Could they recreate the feud with Steph & Ambrose? I mean it's not like Ambrose can constantly assault Steph like Austin did to Vince, much less have a match with her (this is my biggest issue with Steph actually, she never seems to get any sort of comeuppance for her evil actions).

Yep. People aren't even allowed to talk mean to her so I don't see it working.

That won't necessarily stop them from trying, even though the result may well be the wrestling equivalent of a trainwreck. The key tipoff here is Stephanie talking about having Ambrose as champion the same way Vince talked about having Austin as champion.

Please don't make me think about them doing this.
It's important, but so is the moment they win the title. Batista and Cena were built up for months and won in big moments. Reigns was more "Oh, he won."

Strong, because it would be one of the dumbest things they could do.

Yep. People aren't even allowed to talk mean to her so I don't see it working.

Please don't make me think about them doing this.

Lol, Vince LOVES issuing reruns.....even when they've been beaten far beyond death. Think about how many times Vince has tried to recreate the Rockers breakup :banghead:
Seth and Stephanie insulted Reigns last night, whilst Ambrose seemed more apologetic towards his "mistake".
On that note, should I shelve my hopes of Heel Roman at Battleground?

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