KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Has anyone ever become as good as quickly as Kurt Angle. The speed he became a top level main event guy both in ring and on the mic in 2000 is incredible.
The fact that they have Twitter in the first place makes it a moot point. In other words, it should be in character but that's asking the people do not have fun all the time and that's why we can't have things like selling after matches.
Now that Owens has been on the main roster for over a year, what are your overall thoughts on him? He plays the old school heel really well - a lost art with the new generation. I'm not quite sure why that is, but being an effective bad guy (cheating, mic skills, getting the crowd to hate you etc.) has really dwindled over the years. Any ideas why this is with regards to new generation heels?

Would you dig KO screwing over Brock at the Rumble to plant the seeds for a WM33 feud? Some think it's still too soon for Owens/Lesnar, but it's a match-up I'd really enjoy. The promo's between KO & Heyman would be gold. In my opinion, KO is in the small group of believable wrestlers who could kayfabe topple the beast. However, I have the feeling that we're going down a future path of Reigns/Lesnar 2. Would you want to see that rematch? I give Reigns credit for improving in the last year, but the rematch doesn't really appeal to me.
Also this was somehow their usage of the 250th episode. No mention of the history of the show, no classic matches (or even match), nothing but “Hey here’s a bunch of New Japan stuff in case you haven’t seen enough of it yet.” ROH should be better than this by now and it’s not like they can’t stand on their own feet without New Japan.

... They kind of can't? ROH is basically New Japan's developmental at this point, considering how many ROH guys are New Japan workers as well.
With Brock winning at UFC 200, very comfortably, do you see him squashing Orton at SummerSlam 2016 a la Cena at SummerSlam 2014? Or do you think Orton gets to look close to equal on his first match back considering WWE needs ME stars for the Brand Split?
Now that Owens has been on the main roster for over a year, what are your overall thoughts on him? He plays the old school heel really well - a lost art with the new generation. I'm not quite sure why that is, but being an effective bad guy (cheating, mic skills, getting the crowd to hate you etc.) has really dwindled over the years. Any ideas why this is with regards to new generation heels?

Would you dig KO screwing over Brock at the Rumble to plant the seeds for a WM33 feud? Some think it's still too soon for Owens/Lesnar, but it's a match-up I'd really enjoy. The promo's between KO & Heyman would be gold. In my opinion, KO is in the small group of believable wrestlers who could kayfabe topple the beast. However, I have the feeling that we're going down a future path of Reigns/Lesnar 2. Would you want to see that rematch? I give Reigns credit for improving in the last year, but the rematch doesn't really appeal to me.

I'm a big fan. He does so many little things well and it's so easy to hate him but he doesn't embrace it, as he shouldn't.

It's because of the NWO and the rise of the cool heel. I hate it too but there's little way around it. That and not wanting to hurt fans' feelings.

I'd buy Owens vs. Lesnar but I'm not sure everyone would.

Reigns vs. Lesnar II is coming and there's nothing we can do to stop it.

... They kind of can't? ROH is basically New Japan's developmental at this point, considering how many ROH guys are New Japan workers as well.

Not exactly true. Just stop having them show up. It's not that hard.

Nah. Just telling him to get money while he can I think. That's an old school wrestling mentality.

With Brock winning at UFC 200, very comfortably, do you see him squashing Orton at SummerSlam 2016 a la Cena at SummerSlam 2014? Or do you think Orton gets to look close to equal on his first match back considering WWE needs ME stars for the Brand Split?

I certainly hope not. You have to make Lesnar seem beatable or people are going to stop caring.
Not exactly true. Just stop having them show up. It's not that hard.

Name someone who hasn't appeared on a New Japan show this year or isn't a New Japan competitor also that you'd want to see pushed to the main event as a new face.

Name a storyline besides Castle-Young that's been all-ROH talent.

Name an instance where a young ROH-only wrestler has risen up through the ranks to win a championship.

Face it, they're the Smoky Mountain to New Japan's WWE right now.
.....you're REALLY losing it in recent days. Like, you're smarter than this.

Stop bringing in the New Japan guys and focus on the ROH guys more. It's really not that complicated.
The talent exchange between NJPW & ROH is pretty even, neither is a developmental for the other, I'm not really sure what the issue even is here.
.....you're REALLY losing it in recent days. Like, you're smarter than this.

Stop bringing in the New Japan guys and focus on the ROH guys more. It's really not that complicated.

Hardly losing it because I liked Final Deletion and you didn't.

And my point is that there's hardly any ROH-only guys worth their salt at this point, meaning that ROH is at the mercy of the New Japan schedule for a lot of their solo and tag team attractions. Elgin went to New Japan, Moose was approached to go to New Japan, Alexander and Strong are probably headed to NXT, Page just got picked up for Bullet Club, a lot of New Japan juniors are valuable veterans for ROH, etc...

If they're to do as you say, then it's gotta take a while because from my perspective there aren't enough ROH-only guys at the moment to make that possible without drastically cutting the attendances. As happened to Smoky Mountain. :shrug:

The talent exchange between NJPW & ROH is pretty even, neither is a developmental for the other, I'm not really sure what the issue even is here.
I'd be interested in hearing your arguments as to why it's even, justin. Maybe we should make a thread in General to discuss?
Hardly losing it because I liked Final Deletion and you didn't.

Final Deletion was a fucking awful, & an embarrassment to the industry.

I'd be interested in hearing your arguments as to why it's even, justin. Maybe we should make a thread in General to discuss?

It's even cause NJPW loans as much of their talent to ROH as ROH loans to NJPW, really not that all that hard to figure out, or much to be discussed.
So what does WWE even do with Brock now? He total dominance schtick was starting to grow weary, but after last night they can't really expect anyone to take anybody on the roster serious as a threat to him anymore, can they?
Final Deletion was a fucking awful, & an embarrassment to the industry.
That is your opinion and I choose to respect it. :shrug:

It's even cause NJPW loans as much of their talent to ROH as ROH loans to NJPW, really not that all that hard to figure out, or much to be discussed.

New Japan only benefits by developing it's native stars with an American audience, native stars who outshine the ROH gang and pretty much never lose. They've benefited from this far more than Tenzan working Jax Dane in Texas or sending Jushin Thunder Liger to work with Chase Owens or Steve Anthony when it came to the NWA.

New Japan's loans who do lose to Ring of Honour stars are by and large non-Japanese wrestlers such as Alex Shelley, Roppongi Vice, etc... guys not relied upon generally to draw a crowd and placed in a variety of matches (multi-tag juniors) that while popping a crowd do little to advance the individual wrestlers. Even in Jay Lethal's big appearance in Japan at Wrestle Kingdom, he faced Michael Elgin rather than a Satoshi Kojima or Yuji Nagata whose caliber as a legend might have elevated his credibility more in Japan.

Of the circumstances where ROH-first wrestlers win over New Japan in Japan, it has either been involving titles clearly not high on the totem poles (NEVER Openweight Six Man, IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team, IWGP Tag Team) or with talents very much so expendable (Guerillas of Destiny, Bullet Club Hunters, etc...).

The only two wrestlers ROH seems to protect are Jay Briscoe and Jay Lethal, and they've not used either wrestler to elevate other talents in ROH sufficiently. The biggest names to lose to ROH that I can think of are Tomohiro Ishii (wasn't pinned but lost the ROH Television Championship) and Tomoaki Honma (whose gimmick is that he loses).

As Klunderbunker notes, ROH programming has been Bullet Club/New Japan for months now, with ROH feuds pretty much on the road only. The Addiction put over Cheesburger before winning the Tag Titles. Tomohiro Ishii got the ROH Television title for a couple of months. Any time New Japan wants a guy, they just pick him up and start using him.

Don't get me wrong, I like New Japan more than Ring of Honour and barely watch the latter so I've got no skin in the game, but it's pretty damning in my eyes how much New Japan gets away with, even if it has been good for business when it comes to ROH's bottom line.
I'm not high-jacking KB's question thread any further to continue this argument with you, take it to the ROH thread that barely gets used. If I feel like it later I may point out why you're wrong.

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