KB Answers Wrestling Questions

How come Finn Balor had to change his name from Prince Devitt, but Austin Aries, Samoa Joe, Eric Young, Shinsuke Nakamura (and more importantly) AJ Styles, Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson were able to keep theirs?

Hideo Itami had to change his name, too.

KB am I right in saying that it's due to trademarks?

Combination of that and the time. It's become more of a thing that WWE just lets them keep the old name because that name has value.
After Batista won his first world title at Mania 21 he was on a tear retaining his title against everyone and he only lost the title due to an injury in January. With that veing so close to Mania 22 what was the plan for Batista at Mania 22? Who would he have defended hos title against?
I feel like Styles/Cena is the real main event of MITB. I don't think we get a clean finish for Reigns/Rollins.

Would you put Styles/Cena on last?
It's going to be fun and having some familiar names will help a lot. If you just have the new guys, there's no benchmark. Now if some unknown beats Kendrick and Tajiri, fans will see that there's something to them.
Who do you have down for winning the MITB this Sunday?

I'll go with Owens, although I don't like him. He seems like he'd be a sure bet to win. What are my chances KB?
Early pick for the Cruiserweight Classic?

Think Ibushi has a decent shot?

Sorry for double post...
Who do you have down for winning the MITB this Sunday?

I'll go with Owens, although I don't like him. He seems like he'd be a sure bet to win. What are my chances KB?

Owens as well actually but I think they might go with Jericho.

Hopefully strong as I'm a big fan.

Early pick for the Cruiserweight Classic?

Think Ibushi has a decent shot?

WAY too early to know as I've barely looked at the list yet.

Yeah actually.
Why is there a 5 week layoff between Money in the bank and Battleground? There can't be that big of a build for freaking Battleground, right? Oh and SummerSlam is only four weeks after battleground.
All 3 members of the shield held the world title within the same night. On a scale of 1 to 10 how cool is that?

Is it a little bit odd that the heel beat the face clean and then proceeded to get beaten by a face in a stereotypical heel type move? Actually, what are the chances they use that as a method of making it Rollins v Ambrose alone before the triple threat at Summerslam?
With the draft announced for the first Live Smackdown, I guess we probably are getting the SHIELD Triple Threat at Battleground, aren't we?

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