KB Answers Wrestling Questions

What is your opinion on the re-introduction of the WHC and the idea of 2 World titles as opposed to one? (am sure you have seen the thread on this very subject)
What about Reid and David Flair?

I would think their father made sure they had the technical wrestling grounding to succeed, yet neither did. Why?

Will it be different with Charlotte?
Can i get your opinion on this from the Wrestlemania 32 prediction thread and see if you agree or disagree with anything I said?

Since I started fantasy booking WWE in my mind more than a decade ago, Wrestlemanias have never come close to what I've wanted or predicted in my head would happen and it's safe to say the same goes true for everyone. Yeah I've had in my own imagination awesome matchups that would make for a killer Wrestlemania card, but in the end what do I usually get? Mayweather vs Big Show? John Cena vs The Miz? Triple H vs Randy Orton 2912?

Point is I agree with most cards in this thread (though some are GOD awful) such as the Shield triple threat and Undertaker vs Sting, but I have no high hopes whatsoever that matches I am thinking and wanting to happen will. For a rational realistic prediction based on WWE and my own trial and error with coming up with Wrestlemania cards, I think the event will look something like this.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship -
John Cena vs Roman Reigns
Probably what Vince wants more than anything and that's for Roman to win the title in the main event of Wrestlemania. May or may not have been obvious they got cold feet with Reigns this year, but if it's one thing we have learned from WWE it's that they are relentless in is doing something no matter what anyone else thinks.

Triple H vs Seth Rollins
This match is way overdue but because it's a Triple H feud, it has to be dragged on for eternity to get a payoff you see. They will probably recycle what they did with Orton last year and have the Authority take out Rollins and put him on the shelf for a few months until he returns and takes them on at Wrestlemania. This Authority nonsense should have ended at Wrestlemania XXX but alas it's Triple H, Stephanie and WWE so you know it wasn't going to be that easy.

Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker III
So the biggest rub of all time with Brock ending the Undertaker's streak and being dominant for the last year and a half was pretty much tossed out the window because Undertaker's legacy was dead in the water after the streak ended so he had to get a win back from Brock right? Well that's WWE's logic. Summerslam was a no win situation booking wise and some of Brock's aura has gone away because of it. There was no need for the match to happen other than network numbers. I am supposed to believe Undertaker can stand toe to toe against Lesnar when guys like Cena, Reigns and Rollins were manhandled? Right. WWE is seriously wasting Lesnar with these trilogies and long feuds. It was a waste of time with the Triple H feud and a waste of time with this Undertaker feud when he could be going against guys like Owens, Cesaro, etc. But if any match seems to be a lock for Mania in Dallas it's this stupid blow off match that won't do anything for anyone.

Randy Orton vs Bray Wyatt
Some seeds were planted with Orton being laid out by the Wyatts (to be fair, the Uso was laid out as well) and it sounds great on paper, but that could have been said for all of Bray's feuds. Bray's booking in feuds has been absolutely atrocious because it's the same thing with all of his feuds in that he targets some random person, spews nonsense, then gets swatted away like a fly by his opponent and it's never mentioned again. You know what I expect from this? Orton to take out every Wyatt family member on the road to Mania and beat Bray clean there. A lot could be done with Orton vs Wyatt, but it's not going to be. We will kind of just be sitting there wondering why they are even fighting much like all of Bray's feuds.

The undercard will just be a bunch of clusterfuck matches to get everyone on the card and guys that deserve a great spot on the card like Ambrose will be in a ladder match or battle royal to fill in time. Wrestlemania is never like what we think it's going to be and we almost never get the matches we expect, so this is basically expecting the worst from me. If this isn't how it turns out, then awesome, but if it is than I am not disappointed.
Speaking of the brand split, did it create better feuds because there was two months to build to each ppv match as oppossed to one month?
Not always. The stories may have been better, but often times the matches were lame and you would get the same pairings over and over because of the weakened talent pool.
Thoughts on a title getting hot-potatoed every month or so between a group of wrestlers?

Like say if the Intercontinental title right now was being traded between Cesaro, Ryback, Owens and Sheamus, and the story they were trying to tell regarding the hot-potatoing was that these guys had each other scouted out and knew each other so well that any match was a match where the title could switch hands. Does that work for you, or would you not buy it, or would you buy it but feel like it's a waste?

Not asking as a booking question, but as a viewer. I ask, because the titles have been surprisingly lengthy in reigns since Wrestlemania.
Just read something about Heath Slater being increasingly frustrated with his current role in the WWE(might be an angle or it could be actual. Not sure atm)

It made me think about quite a few 'enchancement talents' who get little to no chance of being on either RAW or SmackDown whilst the likes of Rollins, the Authority and Cena, etc. get multiple segments on most shows.

With the amount of programming on a weekly basis, surely, the WWE and its Creative can do much more to build each guy's character to the point that we can relatively fresh matches and feuds on a more regular basis. Your thoughts?
Thoughts on a title getting hot-potatoed every month or so between a group of wrestlers?

Like say if the Intercontinental title right now was being traded between Cesaro, Ryback, Owens and Sheamus, and the story they were trying to tell regarding the hot-potatoing was that these guys had each other scouted out and knew each other so well that any match was a match where the title could switch hands. Does that work for you, or would you not buy it, or would you buy it but feel like it's a waste?

Not asking as a booking question, but as a viewer. I ask, because the titles have been surprisingly lengthy in reigns since Wrestlemania.

It can work but you don't want it to happen too often.

Rock and Mankind traded the World Title three times or so in about a month and a half. Those matches were memorable and it worked.

Ziggler and Miz traded the Intercontinental Title a bunch last year and no one cared because there was no real story other than "you took my title" and the matches were just little five to ten minutes nothings.

It can work, but there has to be an effort put in.

Just read something about Heath Slater being increasingly frustrated with his current role in the WWE(might be an angle or it could be actual. Not sure atm)

It made me think about quite a few 'enchancement talents' who get little to no chance of being on either RAW or SmackDown whilst the likes of Rollins, the Authority and Cena, etc. get multiple segments on most shows.

With the amount of programming on a weekly basis, surely, the WWE and its Creative can do much more to build each guy's character to the point that we can relatively fresh matches and feuds on a more regular basis. Your thoughts?

That the WWE writers have the attention span of drunken seals. They can't handle more than a handful of people at once, which is a big reason why the show is in the shape it's in.
Thing is, there are times that they do seem to be giving one of the 'jobbers' a chance but they pull the plug on it before the guy can build any decent amount of momentum such that when he appears it would actually matter and be of interest. Thus, there is like 5+ hrs of programming per week centred around like say, at most, 50% of the roster with the other half not really mattering at all, and half of the first 50% are also practically 'jobbers' themselves...

E.g. Do you remember Bo Dallas' "streak"? That was broken by R-truth!! :banghead:
Yep, because they got bored of Dallas like a bunch of drunken seals.

For a more recent example, look at the Ascension. You put them with Stardust in a midcard ground and they look dominant on Smackdown. Then they get squashed in about five minutes by Reigns and Ambrose because the writers couldn't throw any two goofs out there for such a loss.
How many drugs was Marc Mero on, when he first started? I've seen people on cocaine, and if that was it for him, then he must have slept in a dump truck full of it.

Also, how in the world was Van Hammer so over? And how did that not translate to any real success?

Then they get squashed in about five minutes by Reigns and Ambrose because the writers couldn't throw any two goofs out there for such a loss.

This is why I miss when they'd throw out some water bucket guy from the back and just have him in the ring at the start, and nameless.
Is NXT a problem in the sense that a lot of the character development happens on NXT and when they get called up, we only see the finished product?
Also, how in the world was Van Hammer so over? And how did that not translate to any real success?

It was a fun idea and he had a great look. The lack of success came from the fact that he sucked.

Is NXT a problem in the sense that a lot of the character development happens on NXT and when they get called up, we only see the finished product?

Not really as you can see the development on the Network. The problem is they throw that out and "fix" the characters on the main roster.
Luger was good in the right format, Glacier was so expensive that they had to get something out of him, Jarrett.....well who else was there?

The Twins did indeed suck for the most part, at least in a spot that high on the card.
Luger was good in the right format, Glacier was so expensive that they had to get something out of him, Jarrett.....well who else was there?

As a kid, I cheered for All American Luger. But, that was about it. That line about Jarrett basically defines his career. The Smoky Mountain thing in WWF, him having the IC title, his time in WCW, his entire run as a wrestler in TNA, and now...His current run in TNA/GFW. He's basically been smart enough to be the top guy, by being the only option.
Do you mean NWA in WWF?

Yeah whatever it was. I admit it's been a long time since I've watched any WWF from that time, so it's all jumbled. I don't remember much other than Jarrett being the main player in that angle with Cornette, and the tag titles appearing a few times.

Or am I mixing up two different things?
How high can this new Wyatt family go? I've always envisaged Bray and his family somehow butting heads with the Authority and becoming the new guys in control of the WWE.

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