KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Yeah you're still in the early days. You'll know it when you see it.

After watching the Cuerno/Mundo cage match, and the Fenix/Muertes casket match shows back-to-back, I needed to take a break for the rest of tonight. I'd hate to have watched a third show, and have it fall off drastically and have it affect the other two.
Thoughts on WCW Spring Stampede 2000?

I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. The Funk v Smiley hardcore match was surprisingly good.

Messy but more interesting than what they had been doing.

After watching the Cuerno/Mundo cage match, and the Fenix/Muertes casket match shows back-to-back, I needed to take a break for the rest of tonight. I'd hate to have watched a third show, and have it fall off drastically and have it affect the other two.

Yep. That casket match is amazing.
With the tag division sort of almost mattering again...What's the likelihood we'll see The Conquistadors re-appear for a one off?

I've been trying to remember the last time that gimmick was used, and all I can think of is Edge and Christian...
Is the divas' revolution clicking? Their debut did make an impact. Since then, there had been some random tag matches. Though, that could be only me. What's your opinion?
The Diva Search returning has me questioning where this "revolution" will lead. Sure, it'll spark up once Nikki loses the belt, and it'll stay interesting, but once that show comes around, it will just revert to the same old crap.

Oh man that would be glorious. They appeared at Vengeance 2003 as well.

Considering Los Matadores are already a masked comedy team, it would be funny to see them use it, to get a legit title shot. New Day would also work, especially if they stay in character.
Which is the most violent hardcore match you've ever seen?

Off the very top of my head, and without it getting silly, probably Mankind vs. Undertaker in the Cell.

The Diva Search returning has me questioning where this "revolution" will lead. Sure, it'll spark up once Nikki loses the belt, and it'll stay interesting, but once that show comes around, it will just revert to the same old crap.

It depends on what Kevin Dunn does. If he had his way, it would be the same old ideas.

Considering Los Matadores are already a masked comedy team, it would be funny to see them use it, to get a legit title shot. New Day would also work, especially if they stay in character.

New Day doing it would be hilarious.
It depends on what Kevin Dunn does. If he had his way, it would be the same old ideas.

His name is just lingering like a fart in the shower.

And it makes everything stink.

New Day doing it would be hilarious.

If I could play fantasy booker, and I will...I'd have their eventual split start with a "losing team disbands" match. Then they come back as the Conquistadors, win the belts in their first match, and then you can run with the joke for a few weeks before the big reveal. After that, people will forget the disbanding stipulation, and they're back as New Day.
His name is just lingering like a fart in the shower.

And it makes everything stink.

If I could play fantasy booker, and I will...I'd have their eventual split start with a "losing team disbands" match. Then they come back as the Conquistadors, win the belts in their first match, and then you can run with the joke for a few weeks before the big reveal. After that, people will forget the disbanding stipulation, and they're back as New Day.

Yeah there's a ton of fun stuff you could do with them, but it seems WWE is content with just letting them lose a lot because they're considered bulletproof.

Just saw the Trios titles being announced, and he opened the show against Mundo which was really impressive. His huge dive against Son Of Havoc in the previous match was a jaw dropper too. I'm not 100% sold yet, but I can see it coming.

Indeed. I don't know why I like him but I think it has something to do with him getting so comfortable later on. You'll see what I mean.

Are you going to either of the NXT shows in Louisville in Oct.?

Not likely. It's at the big music festival and unless I've missed it, you have to buy a regular ticket to go to NXT. I'm not dropping nearly $70 for a single show ticket, at least not for something like that.

Was it too early in your mind, to have Orton win the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam 2004?

No. I think I'm one of the few people that really, really liked that move.
In your opinion, what were the best and worst WCW Starrcade's?

What was ECW's biggest Pay-Per-View of the year? Meaning, what was ECW's version of WWE's WrestleMania?
Was there a stable that was more cursed than the Hart Foundation? Owen, Davey, & Pillman all died young, & Bret suffered a stroke, Neidhart seems to be the only one to get away unscathed (unless you count his arrest in 2010).

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