KB Answers Wrestling Questions

TNA gained popularity, when they did, because they were the "alternative" to WWE. Matt Hardy is currently in the title picture...but isn't it possible he'd have been far more successful there, and much more of a big deal overall, if he had jumped ship before Jeff?

I think his character is much more of a fit then Jeff's, because whether he was "Jeff" or "Willow", it still seem/seemed like a WWE reject character (I'm thinking along Kizarny lines), whereas Matt felt much more real.
Had John Vena never had happened, who would be the top draw? Cause I don't see Batista, as people clearly started turning on him. I also don't see Orton as much as the top baby face as he is mainly super over due to the RKO going viral.

While I'm here I was going to ask you this in you're review thread, but I guess I'll due it here: So, is it time for the annual TripleMania review as KJ (or someone else) will probably sooner or later ask for it.
TNA gained popularity, when they did, because they were the "alternative" to WWE. Matt Hardy is currently in the title picture...but isn't it possible he'd have been far more successful there, and much more of a big deal overall, if he had jumped ship before Jeff?

I think his character is much more of a fit then Jeff's, because whether he was "Jeff" or "Willow", it still seem/seemed like a WWE reject character (I'm thinking along Kizarny lines), whereas Matt felt much more real.

I could go for that, but people care about Jeff far more than Matt no matter how much of a reject he's seen as.

Had John Vena never had happened, who would be the top draw? Cause I don't see Batista, as people clearly started turning on him. I also don't see Orton as much as the top baby face as he is mainly super over due to the RKO going viral.

While I'm here I was going to ask you this in you're review thread, but I guess I'll due it here: So, is it time for the annual TripleMania review as KJ (or someone else) will probably sooner or later ask for it.

Probably Orton or Lesnar.

Not if I can avoid it.
It would have depended. If there was no Cena, they would have thrown money at him to get him to stay. You also have Kennedy and Batista to fill in the gaps, but none of them were going to be Cena.
I've been watching Lucha Underground, starting from the beginning of the series, and reading your reviews, show by show, and it's interesting to see you losing faith in them around 8 or 9 (the battle royals and Aztec Warfare), and then remembering how excited you were for Ultima Lucha.

I agree that 5-7 were a "slow" period, but, in hindsight, it seems that they knew the title was coming, and they were relying on getting there to carry them. I think 8 was a great show though, but I'm much more a fan of the "spotfests". I've read a little about the later shows, but I'm really trying to block it all out, and remain surprised at some of the developments.
They did a really good job of finding themselves after the early slip ups. Once they found their groove, they never looked back.
They did a really good job of finding themselves after the early slip ups. Once they found their groove, they never looked back.

Does Striker ever get better? It seems like sometimes he's passable for long stretches, and then there's 4 or 5 asinine moments in a row to kill it.

Vampiro has not grown on me yet. I liked him more as a wrestler.

Drago and Fenix have really been my favorites, so far. Pentagon Jr. is a badass too.
UFC is probably going to get to AT&T Stadium on December 5th with both McGregor and Rousey defending titles on the card and rumours of throwing the Heavyweight Championship on the card to further stack it.

Does WWE have a chance to actually break the attendance record that UFC will set?

Is it bad for WWE that if Rousey competes at WrestleMania she will be the biggest draw and most relevant individual to mainstream media?

Will WWE lie and claim to break the attendance record or will they just not mention it at all?
Does Striker ever get better? It seems like sometimes he's passable for long stretches, and then there's 4 or 5 asinine moments in a row to kill it.

Vampiro has not grown on me yet. I liked him more as a wrestler.

Drago and Fenix have really been my favorites, so far. Pentagon Jr. is a badass too.

He does to a degree but it never goes away entirely.

Yep. Those guys are all awesome.

UFC is probably going to get to AT&T Stadium on December 5th with both McGregor and Rousey defending titles on the card and rumours of throwing the Heavyweight Championship on the card to further stack it.

Does WWE have a chance to actually break the attendance record that UFC will set?

Is it bad for WWE that if Rousey competes at WrestleMania she will be the biggest draw and most relevant individual to mainstream media?

Will WWE lie and claim to break the attendance record or will they just not mention it at all?

Not likely no. I don't think they care about breaking the UFC record. I think they care about breaking 93,173.
He does to a degree but it never goes away entirely.

I'll settle for him stopping the mentions of WWE and ECW, and the random shots at TNA. It reminds me all too much of "No need to watch Raw!"

Also, Vampiro talking about bumps and spots...No. Just no. :wtf:
I'll settle for him stopping the mentions of WWE and ECW, and the random shots at TNA. It reminds me all too much of "No need to watch Raw!"

Also, Vampiro talking about bumps and spots...No. Just no. :wtf:

Yeah that stuff gets old quick.

If Cena isn't ready for SummerSlam, who does Rollins face instead?

Assuming he returns, what does Daniel Bryan do?

Sting is an option.

Way too early to tell but likely nothing big. If I'm WWE, I don't want to risk a major story on him.
What was the deal with Glacier?

The WCW promos seemed to go on for 2 months before the guy showed up in the ring. Have you ever seen such a build-up for a presence as mediocre?

Any idea what WCW was expecting from this guy? Did they book him ineffectively?
Had John Vena never had happened, who would be the top draw? Cause I don't see Batista, as people clearly started turning on him. I also don't see Orton as much as the top baby face as he is mainly super over due to the RKO going viral.

While I'm here I was going to ask you this in you're review thread, but I guess I'll due it here: So, is it time for the annual TripleMania review as KJ (or someone else) will probably sooner or later ask for it.

just because people were "turning" on Batista doesn't mean he wouldn't have replaced Cena.. stop being such a mark for Cena that nobody can possibly replace him..

People were turning on Cena too, and hes still the biggest draw. Same would have happened for Batista; hell I remember that Batista was pretty much on par or even better than Cena in terms of drawing power in 2005.
What was the deal with Glacier?

The WCW promos seemed to go on for 2 months before the guy showed up in the ring. Have you ever seen such a build-up for a presence as mediocre?

Any idea what WCW was expecting from this guy? Did they book him ineffectively?

It was 6 months. They postponed the debut because of the NWO.

They did, but a lot of that was due to Ray Lloyd just not being very good.

just because people were "turning" on Batista doesn't mean he wouldn't have replaced Cena.. stop being such a mark for Cena that nobody can possibly replace him..

People were turning on Cena too, and hes still the biggest draw. Same would have happened for Batista; hell I remember that Batista was pretty much on par or even better than Cena in terms of drawing power in 2005.

As I said before, I'll handle the answers. Leave your Cena babbling elsewhere.
Even though I love watching WWE every week if possible... programmjng is in a clear boring holding pattern.

Do you think there needs to be a huge Swerve to kick off a huge Angle starting at SummerSlam, especially considering the want of the WWE to break the Mania attendance record at next WrestleMania?

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