KB Answers Wrestling Questions

He was married to Mildred Burke and basically ran women's wrestling in the early days. The bad part is he controlled all the money and treated the women like garbage and ruined Burke's life by taking all of her money when they divorced and kept her from being able to work anywhere.
Working my way (painstakingly) through Eric Bischoff's book. In it, he claims he and Brian Pillman conducted a 'work' leading to Pillman being released from his contract with WCW in order to wrestle for ECW.....the idea being that Pillman would return to WCW.

Of course, it never happened. Pillman left ECW to sign with WWE, and he died in October, 1997 before ever having the chance to 'come back' (as per Bischoff's words).

Bischoff mentioned he might have been worked by Pillman, yet aside from that, I don't believe Bischoff. Who releases a valuable talent for the purposes of conducting a work? Why not keep the performer under contract while inserting a provision allowing him to work for another wrestling company for a stated period? Sports entertainment companies 'lend out' talent to other organizations; why not handle it this way instead of releasing Pillman?

Do you believe Bischoff? Has any light since been shed on what really happened back then?
This is a story that has been around for a long time, way before Bischoff wrote the book.

And yes, he's mostly telling the truth.

Pillman was indeed nuts, but above all else he wanted out of WCW. Pillman led Bischoff to believe that he would come back, but in reality he was going to the WWF the whole time. WCW, ever the geniuses, decided to give him a real release instead of a worked one.

So, to answer why did they release him, as is the case so often, it's because WCW.
What will be Lesnar and Taker's involvement on Raw tonight?

With WWE announcing Cena's returning tonight, is Rollins vs. Cena basically guaranteed now?

Is Jon Stewart going to do anything at SummerSlam rather than fill the 4 hours?
Probably some brawling.

Yeah. It was confirmed last week on Tough Enough and then again on Smackdown.

Probably a quick segment but I like it.
The Reigns vs Wyatt feud really lost steam after Battleground, didn't it?
Any reason why WWE didn't bother to try harder creatively with the feud?

Reminds me of Wyatt vs Ambrose which was just them fighting over and over and over with no real purpose other than having something to do...
I don't know if I'd say that. It's more that there's no real reason for them to be fighting.

Because they gave some vague reason and that means it's time for WWE writers to take their much needed coffee break. We'll see them again in three months for their one new idea per story.
I don't know if I'd say that. It's more that there's no real reason for them to be fighting.

Because they gave some vague reason and that means it's time for WWE writers to take their much needed coffee break. We'll see them again in three months for their one new idea per story.

I sort of digged the "Anyone but You" stuff at Reigns, as I actually saw scope for some character development, but that was dropped suddenly after Battleground, because I guess, Ambrose was in limbo and needed something to do. :shrug:

Saying all that as a Reigns fan who is quite disappointed that character-wise, he really hasn't evolved much, if at all, since Mania... and that is purely due to Creative and nothing else.
Ntm, the Ambrose Heel turn rumours are disconcerting, given that that could derail Reigns again rather than help him as I feel the WWE Top Brass may believe.
Guess I have to hope on Sunday.
So do you think WWE does the biggest waste of time ever and has Taker beat Lesnar sunday?

I'd still love to see Reigns(& Ambrose) lose to the Wyatts earlier... Reigns snaps finally and attacks and costs Lesnar vs Taker. Lesnar takes time out owing to a "severely broken rib". Reigns starts a feud with Ambrose and maybe move to someone else, before Brock returns to setup Brock vs Reigns 2. /End Fantasy :p

Am a Reigns fan, so you'll get the idea. But yeah, a clean Taker win would be the biggest waste of time ever, without doubt.
Dean addressed this tonight, when he said that him and Reigns simply love to fight, and with the Wyatts, it's similar to cats and dogs. When they don't have anyone else to fight, they'll fight each other.

It's a cheap excuse, but...at least it is an excuse.

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