KB Answers Wrestling Questions

What is your overall opinion on Layla's WWE career?

What are the chances of Sting appearing at SummerSlam?

How much wrestling is too much wrestling? I think 4 hours is just too much for one PPV, with the exception of 'Mania.
Are Zayn, Balor and Owens the draw, or is it the NXT brand that's the draw?

It's a mix. NXT is a draw because it has people like Zayn, Balor and Owens.

What is your overall opinion on Layla's WWE career?

What are the chances of Sting appearing at SummerSlam?

How much wrestling is too much wrestling? I think 4 hours is just too much for one PPV, with the exception of 'Mania.

She exceeded expectations but was firmly beneath the top level Divas. She was great as half of Laycool but then became just another hot woman who looked really good in shorts. I'll give her this though: next to Maria Kanellis, she's the most gorgeous woman in wrestling I've ever seen in person.

Pretty high I'd think.

I'd go with that. Wrestlemania should be different than anything else, including something as big as Summerslam. You reach a point of burnout, especially with three hours of Raw every week.
I consider the two best WWE matches from 1987-1992 to be Savage vs. Steamboat at WM3 and Bulldog vs. Bret at SS 92. Both were for the IC Championship instead of the WWF Championship. Does this prove the mid-card scene produced better matches than the main event scene during that time period? Not to say there wasn't also good matches for the WWF Championship during that time period - Hogan vs. Savage at WM5 and Hogan vs. Warrior at WM6. Perhaps I'm over-analyzing this, and it was just two matches so I'm not sure. Your thoughts?

How would you rank these 3 promotions based on how much you like to watch their weekly show - ROH, TNA, and Lucha Underground?
Reposting what I said on your site:

Why the fuck would they not send out Swagger with Cesaro in Oklahoma for the main event, have Dean work a one-off match with Xavier Woods, and have Rusev beat whichever Uso isn't injured? Doesn't that make so much more sense than anything else?

Second thought: I'm thinking of doing a counter-booking thread on Wrestlezone, like the ones Russo was doing for a while. Not messing with storylines or shit, but just doing a week-to-week shift on what the show ought to look like. I know, IWCer thinks he can book. Do you think that would be interesting?
Reposting what I said on your site:

Why the fuck would they not send out Swagger with Cesaro in Oklahoma for the main event, have Dean work a one-off match with Xavier Woods, and have Rusev beat whichever Uso isn't injured? Doesn't that make so much more sense than anything else?

Second thought: I'm thinking of doing a counter-booking thread on Wrestlezone, like the ones Russo was doing for a while. Not messing with storylines or shit, but just doing a week-to-week shift on what the show ought to look like. I know, IWCer thinks he can book. Do you think that would be interesting?

Because Swagger isn't a main event talent and there's no changing spots in WWE.

I never read Russo's column so I'm not sure what you mean.
I never read Russo's column so I'm not sure what you mean.

Basically he'd summarize how a script of Raw would look like after each episode from the WWE perspective, criticizing or praising certain elements. Then he would redo the show from his perspective, keeping in much of the storyline elements while changing the direction and path. So a match that goes DQ might go countout, or a singles match might be a tag match, a promo might go longer or feature more people, etc...
My guess is because they've heard it a million times and it comes off as disrespectful. It's also telling them something they know. Like, if you had a steaming frying pan on the oven and as you were picking up an oven mitt, someone tells you "THAT'S HOT!" It makes you feel stupid and it's rather condescending.
Thoughts on whether or not Stardust can go on to become a main eventer, if even for a brief amount of time?

In 2011 when Rey when the title for a period of an hour or so, do you think he should've held the title until at least SummerSlam?

What's your prediction for Lesnar up until Mania 32 after the Taker rematch?

Who is the next mid carder to make the step up to the main event in your opinion, excluding Kevin Owens.
Thoughts on whether or not Stardust can go on to become a main eventer, if even for a brief amount of time?

In 2011 when Rey when the title for a period of an hour or so, do you think he should've held the title until at least SummerSlam?

What's your prediction for Lesnar up until Mania 32 after the Taker rematch?

Who is the next mid carder to make the step up to the main event in your opinion, excluding Kevin Owens.

I really doubt it.

Maybe not that long but at least a week.

Title reign, another Cena match, Reigns rematch.


does meeting a wrestler change your perception of them when they perform in the ring, especially if they are nice

It can, but rarely. I don't get to meet that many so it's not something I have a long history with.
Cena, Orton, Rollins, Lesnar, Reigns, HHH, Undertaker (if you count him as a member of the roster)

Cena is 38. Orton is 35. Lesnar, HHH, and Taker are part-time. That's the problem WWE has; they're not making new stars. Even Rollins has been booked incredibly weak, and Reigns hasn't been booked correctly either (RR 2015). Would you agree this is the main problem in WWE?
Cena is 38. Orton is 35. Lesnar, HHH, and Taker are part-time. That's the problem WWE has; they're not making new stars. Even Rollins has been booked incredibly weak, and Reigns hasn't been booked correctly either (RR 2015). Would you agree this is the main problem in WWE?

Not really. I'd say Daniel Bryan's neck injury and CM Punk walking out are, as they tried with the two of them.

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