KB Answers Wrestling Questions

I'll go with Snitsky as he retweeted one of my reviews.

I've actually met him a few times. Pretty cool guy. The strippers loved him, even though it was right in the midst of him killing Lita's baby.

As for the thread topic: Besides the tag match, Lesnar/Taker, and Rollins/Cena, what else do you see happening at Summerslam? How do the Divas fit in, and what of Cesaro? Does Rusev/Ziggler get their blowoff there, or do they save that to fill out the HIAC show?
I'd assume Nikki defends her title, Cesaro vs. Owens is all but confirmed, and they'll probably do a mixed tag with Rusev/Summer vs. Ziggler/Lana.
I'd assume Nikki defends her title, Cesaro vs. Owens is all but confirmed, and they'll probably do a mixed tag with Rusev/Summer vs. Ziggler/Lana.

Cesaro v Owens would probably earn them my money.

The mixed tag is bound to happen, but I don't want to see it.

Who does Nikki defend against? One of the new "Divas", or a Triple Threat with one from each trio?
On the subject of Nikki Bella: What's the likelihood they "protect" her, by having Brie turn and win the belt (once AJ is erased), and then quickly dropping it to a new face?
On the subject of Nikki Bella: What's the likelihood they "protect" her, by having Brie turn and win the belt (once AJ is erased), and then quickly dropping it to a new face?

It's possible, but I really hope not as that would be the new dominant story.

Oh, I was talking about the Attitude Era as a whole. Guess I should've been more specific.

I could go with that, depending on which part you're talking about.
Which was more important during the Brand Split, the WWE Title or the Raw World Title?

Let me explain. I've heard people refer to Booker T, Mark Henry or The Great Khali "not real world champions" during their WHC title reign because they were on the B Show. So, when Batista won the WHC at Mania 21, was Cena more important for winning the WWE Title?

I hope I'm asking this clearly.
They were real World Champions but they were secondary to the Raw World Champion.

Batista was more important because he was the bigger star at the time. CEna became a bigger star soon though, partially due to moving to Raw.
Was there ever a time that the Smackdown champion was more prevalant than the Raw champion?

The only times I can think of are the Jeff Hardy/CM Punk feud and possibly Brock Lesnar's reign (didn't watch Raw at the time so I don't know)
You could argue at the beginning of the split titles as HHH was the bigger star but the title didn't have much of a lineage yet.
Would it be better(in terms of development of mainevent scene) if the titles havent been unified?

I realise that Smackdown was and is just recap of RAW now and that title unification was inevatable at that point but kinda have feeling that lots of midcard/mainevent guys could benefit from one other world championship. Like this you have 2-3 guys at the time with title aspirations and with 2 titles you had at least 5 or 6 at any time. Plus on RR you could almost pinpoint winner every year and before that it was harder because you could never know who would win for sure and challenge what champion...
It's possible, but I really hope not as that would be the new dominant story.

Then maybe they'll protect her by having the title change hands in one of those "But the champ was never beaten!" storylines that we all love...A triple threat at Summerslam would be ideal, but I'm not sure how much time is left before AJ's "erased".

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